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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING:  7:11 am to 9:32 pm Mon., 11:37 pm Wed. to 2:30 am Thurs., and 6:51 am to 9:50 am Sat. 


ALL SIGNS: This is a steady, easy, mild, productive week, one in which (esp. Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs.) many little things can grow into big things down the road (an approximately 12 month road). This is a “starting time,” a planting time, for projects and relationships. Establish a base, a home, a comfortable place with others.
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Inflation should peak next week. (Mid April generally.)
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Why is Israel refusing to give or sell Ukraine the iron dome that can stop the missiles from Russia? This nation, that was formed from the ashes of genocide, refuses to help stop another genocide? Is it cowardice? Cold-heartedness? A backdoor agreement with Russia or America? (Ukraine’s leader, Zelensky, is Jewish.)
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Ukraine used to have about 1,000 (?) nuclear warheads.  When the U.S.S.R. fell apart, the U.S.A. and Russia approached Ukraine and guaranteed, if Ukraine gave up its nukes, both Russia and America would guarantee Ukraine’s safety, without time limit. Both lied. Russia broke its word by invading Ukraine; America broke its promise by refusing to defend Ukraine.
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Remember, both Joe Biden and his son committed massive fraud and treason toward the U.S. in Ukraine some years ago. Would it not benefit Joe if Russia flattens Ukraine and destroys all of its records, including the ones which would implicate Joe Biden? No wonder he doesn’t want the Ukrainians to win this war. Underneath that fatherly smile I suspect he’s deliberately dragging his heels on weapons supplies to Ukraine, and of course refusing to give air support. If this is true, think about it: one man, Biden, colludes in the murder of thousands of innocent people, civilians, so that he, Biden, does not risk jail. Boy, I’d hate to be a politician. Too much responsibility, and guilt.
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Reports that starving Ukrainians are cooking and eating their pets. Now, why is this so hard: get a few million RMEs (do I have that right? —military meals, canned and ready to eat) put them in missiles or freight drones, and send them to points in Ukraine. This way, coward Biden still gets to avoid a no-fly zone.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You start this week with happiness and high hopes, Aries — but wait, the future will be better planned Monday to Wednesday than Sunday. (Because Sunday envisions a future that would meet powerful obstacles, whereas Mon./Tues. you can “see” a future of self-determination, love, and expansion — and smooth sailing, with few obstacles.)

Mingle with friends Sun./Mon. but withdraw to rest and contemplate, ponder and plan, Tues./Wed. — a great interval for dealing with gov’t, head office, spiritual and charitable orgs, and for seeking advice. Your energy and clout, charisma and timing hit a beautiful peak Thurs./Fri. Get out, see and be seen, but most importantly, start something important, a project, relationship, whatever. Chase $, buy/sell, ask for a pay raise, haunt garage sales, etc. Saturday.

taurus icon  TAURUS: April 20-May 20

Don’t over-exert this week, Taurus. Get plenty of sleep, eat well, and don’t volunteer for heavy tasks. It’s a great time to plan the future, or deal with head office, institutions or gov’t., esp. Tuesday to Friday (and to a substantial degree, until early May). Bosses remain affectionate and snarly; just grin and bear it.

Sunday/Monday “demand your best” in work, career, prestige zones. (You might find your life has a lot to do with land, kids, and/or security, the last few years and until 2025.) Happiness, hopes, flirtations, friends, social popularity — these visit you Tues./Wed., not super-powerfully, as you are in a low-energy month — but very nicely.

Lie low, rest, ponder and plan Thurs./Fri. All goes well. Fine time to apply for government or institutional aid (e.g., scholarship, or renovation grant). Saturday, your energy returns somewhat — charge ahead after 10 am PDT (1 pm Eastern, 6 pm UK, etc.).

gemini icon  GEMINI: May 21-June 20

A major life wish might come true in the next few weeks, Gemini. Or, you might step into a path that will lead to a huge wish fulfilment from mid May into the summer of 2023. The two might be the same. Anyway, this week expect rising popularity, social delights, flirtation, optimism and a “bright future.” Someone long absent might call or email. You might become enamoured with an Aquarian — esp. Sun./Mon., when a member of this sign “stands out.” (Wait until suppertime PDT onward Sunday to meet anyone, esp. an Aquarian or Taurus, as disruption looms earlier.)

Be ambitious Tues,/Wed., as higher-ups are watching your performance. You’ll pass any tests with flying colours — and when you do, be cheeky and ask for a pay increase or opportunity to grow upward. That optimism, popularity and flirty focus returns, double, Thurs./Fri. (Charge ahead — all lights green!) Withdraw, sleep, nap, ponder and plan Saturday. Be charitable. Meditate. All’s good!

Cancer icon  CANCER: June 21-July 22

Be ambitious for the few weeks ahead, Cancer. Strive for advancement, mingle with VIPs and bosses, etc. Communications will start with higher-ups — esp. Thursday/Friday, when your ambition might see a clear but perhaps gradual stairway  — work hard these 2 days. The secret side of life continues to draw you, mostly toward money/investments/debt or toward physical intimacy. Research, dig deep for valuable information. An affair could take a path to marriage/wedding,  or to pure lust, and an end in several weeks.

This “secret side” emerges Sun./Monday. Your legal, publishing, cultural, international and academic interests are highlighted Tues./Wed. — and are touched with a magic wand of fortune until early May. My advice: charge ahead! Keep striving Thurs./Fri. — as discussed above. Saturday’s for friends, socializing, flirting, optimism and — celebration?

Leo icon  LEO: July 23-Aug. 22

Your thoughts expand, Leo — so does your heart, enough to embrace all humanity. International, publishing, academic, legal and cultural themes waft their way into your consciousness. You might travel far. If a student, school will go well — good time to hand in your best effort. Relationships are sweet and sour, but mostly sweet — is something brewing? You”ll know by June.

In any case, be diplomatic but eager to join Sun./Mon. — don’t let a disruption “throw you off” Sunday. Life’s secret side emerges midweek (Tues./Wed.) and offers solid opportunities — investments, private sexual liaisons, research will reward. (You are superbly favoured in these “secret” areas until early May. Re-read the first 3 sentences for Thurs./Fri. — your mind expands, and you might be able to persuade someone that your feelings, outlook, are “true.”  Your ambitions, career come into focus Saturday — lots of action, talk. All’s fine!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Work hard Sun./Mon., Virgo — something is being “established.” (Maybe your reputation.) Two things: sudden realization, and take care w/computers, electricity. You might be goo-goo eyed about a co-worker. That will last until about mid-April. Tuesday/Wednesday emphasize relationships, relocation, opportunities, public dealings — charge ahead, this area is beautifully fortunate until early May. Many single Virgos will meet their “housemate.” (Learn to accept someone who’s a bit pompous, a know-it-all — he/she might be the right choice, esp. in business relations.)

Thursday/Friday “announce” what this whole month is about: sexual desires, financial opportunities, debt, research, medical and lifestyle areas. Act like you’re lucky — ‘cuz you are, right now. Dig deep for valuables! Saturday’s mellow, thoughtful, turns you toward international, philosophical, legal, cultural involvements — and love.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Relationship excitement fills this month, Libra. Be diplomatic, willing to adapt, join — two of your natural abilities. Simultaneously, romantic threads, feelings, and attractions swarm around you. Be willing to state your case, to reveal your feelings, embrace love — or walk away. Until May 10, you still face loads of work, chores — dig in, consequent rewards loom.

Sunday/Monday are romantic, creative, pleasure-oriented. Best suppertime Sunday (PDT) onward. Singles might meet a future mate. To work Tues./Wed. — eat, dress sensibly. You’ll accomplish more than you started out to! Relationships, relocation themes, opportunities and public dealings fill the horizon Thurs./Fri. Accept whomever you’re with. Sex, secrets, intimacy, clinches, finances, commitment and consequence, Saturday.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21

April will fill with work, Scorpio.  Soon (late May onward into mid-2023) worth will become your main focus — and a lucky one. You can use the weeks ahead to prepare, to decide what (employment or career) path to take as ’22 matures. Until May 10, you remain fortunate in love, romance, with children, beauty, pleasure, sports/games. Your domestic sphere is lit by two romantic planets (Venus, Mars) so love could occur in your home, or over the back fence…

Sunday/Monday edge you toward home, family, and could spark an enduring attraction. Also good for home decoration/improvement – start  well before suppertime Sunday (PDT). Romance flows in Tues./Wed. — chase it, plunge in, there are no serious obstacles. Tackle chores Thurs./Fri. — eat, dress sensibly, don’t let a cold start, or it could linger for months. Saturday’s for relationships — maintain balance, cool.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Romance is top on the agenda, Sage. If already attached, children, creativity, speculation and sports/games fill this month ahead. Sunday/Monday bring affectionate, even flirty messages — one could lead to the flame of love — to a conversation that thrills. (If discussing a couples date, pick this Thursday or Friday.)

Turn your attention to home, family, domestic and security issues Tuesday/Wednesday — all’s good. Hug the kids. (Don’t plant outdoors until the overnight temp. stays above 10 deg. centigrade.) Romantic vibes increase Thurs./Fri. — welcome it, chase it — but don’t spend on someone you know disdains you. Tackle chores Sat. Protect your daily health, eat sensibly.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The emphasis remains on home until late April, Cap — on security, garden, nutrition, family, rest and rejuvenation. It’s also a good time to prune — cut out stale, unproductive relationships, situations, and plant new, greener ones. Communications, paper, travel continue to demand your attention until May 10 — handle promptly, esp. if gov’t or “head office” involved.

Your money picture grabs the spotlight Sun./Mon. — earnings looks good until mid-April. Act after late afternoon (PDT) Sunday. Back away from too much spending. Those messages, papers, trips arise in a flurry Tues./Wed. — all’s good, so dive in. For Thurs./Fri., read the first 2 sentences above about home, security, etc. A fine interval, so again, charge ahead, start domestic projects, etc. But don’t try to bring your social circle into your home. Saturday brings romantic notions. Enjoy, but be realistic, too.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Dive into a stack of paperwork, calls, trips and errands, Aquarius. This is a good time to plan a summer (or later, to mid-23) trip or special visit. Your romantic magnetism remains high — accept attention, encourage it, embrace it/him/her. Your money luck remains good until May 10.

You’re on top Sunday/Monday — your energy, charisma make you effective. Gather allies, launch important projects. Better after 4 pm Sunday onward (PDT). Chase money, valuables, “afternoon sex,” Tues./Wed. All’s good, so march ahead. That stack of paperwork, messages, etc. arrives unmistakably Thurs./Fri. Again, dive in — all’s well. Saturday’s for home, kids, security, a long nap.

Pisces icon  PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20

Hi, Pisces. The main emphasis lies on income, buying/selling, casual sex, possessions, and memory until late April. It’s a fairly easy, mellow time, with mellow relationships. Your contacts with gov’t, head office or managerial levels are active, even fun. You might have a crush on a civil servant, a boss, a psychic, a hospital worker or whatever. Possibility of a promotion or good investment. You’re lucky, cheerful, optimistic, esp. about career, until May 10. Strive in this direction until then. Results could surprise, please! Seek recognition. (But until July ’23, don’t chase publication, nor depend on nor seek legal processes.)

Sunday/Monday shunt you into management, gov’t, similar areas. Your energy and charisma are low, so take a nap, conserve yourself. Your energy and pizzazz return sharply Tues./Wed. — start things, the “eggs” of future events, actions, situations fill Sunday eve, Monday morning and Wednesday. All’s good — hatch those eggs! Chase money, buy/sell, hug someone, memorize something, Thurs./Fri. Saturday’s for errands, trips, calls, paperwork.



Raja Yoga:

There is a fascinating Raja Yoga that occurs when when the planets ruling the third, fourth and fifth houses of the person are all in his/her fourth house. When this happens at birth, it promises a lifetime of success with very few setbacks. As a temporary influence, coming from the planets passing in the sky, I think this raja yoga could still be a sign of good, even great success.
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LIBRA enjoyed a temporary “almost Raja yoga” from December 2019 to late March 2020, and July 2020 to mid-December 2020. During that phase, Libra Putin might have begun his plans to invade Ukraine. It also contained Trump’s defeat at the hands of criminal actors (e.g., Zuckerberg, Dorsey). This “fake” raja yoga (I think) generally sends things downhill.

I call it an “almost Raja” because it follows the same pattern as the real Raja, but instead of planets from the 3rd, 4th and 5th houses sitting in the 4th house, it has planets from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th houses in the fourth. 

I don’t know what it’s called and I’m not sure of it’s effects. I suspect it is often an unfortunate yoga, an image might be something running downhill at a breakneck pace and coming to a crashing stop at the bottom of the hill. (The 4th house is at the “bottom” of the chart.) Never to move again, maybe.

This ‘Fake” or “lame” yoga, comprised of the rulers of second, third and fourth houses occupying the fourth house – existed for Libra for quite a while from late 2019 thru 2020. The planets were Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn. This yoga could be a sign of great success in such trades as agriculture, housing, food and shelter generally, as well as mining and to a lesser extent forestry. But it also carries the possibility of failure.

There is a small chance that this yoga, being so close to the Raja yoga in form and style and placement, might be mistaken for the Raja yoga subconsciously; in other words, a person living under this 2-3-4 yoga might in some subconscious way equate it with the Raja yoga (3-4-5), and in some ways it does share the Raja Yoga’s speed and impulse, but it all goes in one direction. The Raja yoga engages houses 3, 4 and 5. Because the 4th house is the bottom of the horoscope, it’s deemed the place where things end. So the Raja yoga falls from the 3rd into the 4th house and in a rocking manner, ascends into the 5th house. The fourth is perfectly balanced, with a third behind it and fifth ahead  of it. The “fake yoga,” has no balance, it plunges from the 2nd to the 4th, and sits there, “trapped” in a sense. 

So this “fake” yoga existed for all of us in 2020 (Dec./19 to Dec./20). (“Fake” is the wrong word — it might even be a powerful yoga in its own name, but I don’t know Vedic astrology.) I mentioned Putin and Trump. Oh, yes, the Pandemic! The Dow fell 10,000 points (29k to 19k). Millions died. We’re still dealing with it. So I guess we can call Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Libra’s 4th, a negative influence.

What did it do to other signs? Well, here’s my best guess  — for 2020 (not now!):

ARIES — PLANETARY RULERS of 8, 9, 10 houses: Climbing the ladder of success, or having status diminished, threatened, wiped out.

TAURUS — Planet rules of 7, 8, 9 houses: moving from relationship or opportunity, to legal or formalization of it (e.g., wedding). 

GEMINI — rulers of 6, 7, 8 houses: hard work leads to investment or different lifestyle. (I’m a Gemini, and moved from country to city in 2020, from living alone to living with family.) Poor health can get much worse. 

CANCER — rulers of 5, 6, 7: Romance leads to relationship, co-habitation, etc. Creativity leads to an opportunity, perhaps far away.

LE0 — rulers of 4, 5, 6: home, security, “what you stand on” are, while you waste time in romance/pleasure, sending you to a place of much work.

VIRGO — rulers of 3, 4, 5: communication leads to attraction, a trip to romance.

LIBRA — already discussed.

SCORPIO — 1 ,2, 3: emphasis on self leads to superficial communications.

SAGITTARIUS — rulers of 12, 1, 2:  secret moves, gov’t applications, management, institutions, spiritual awareness lead to change and projection of the personality, then leads to money — either gained or wasted.

CAPRICORN — 11, 12, 1: hopes (and socializing) lead to quiet, secret plans and “getting organized,” which leads to personal “conclusions” — more charisma, perhaps.

AQUARIUS — 10, 11, 12: career/prestige ambitions lead to management positions, or civil service, or admin., but if these are rejected, poverty and welfare, support by others.

PISCES — 9, 10, 11: Thought, learning, far travel lead through ambition to socializing. (Negative: career abandoned, “lost in the shuffle of events.”
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What I think this “false” Raja yoga did … Now talking only about Libra …was to ultimately end something big and basic in your life, and open the field to new horizons (esp $ horizons) just as big and basic. This was Pluto‘s action. Secondly, Jupiter kept you warm and cheerful at home. It also told Librans that superficial things would be lucky. Third, Saturn didn’t let you relax for long without consequence, especially in a domestic sphere. This is a western or tropical view of planetary effects. I suspect Indian astrologers would succinctly label this yoga, say “yoga of the following intent,” or “falling down yoga” or something.
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In recent times the right has stuck with its domestic values, and the left has grown volubly anti-domestic. For example, the left wants parents not to be part of, nor have any say in, a child’s education. The left is built by ideals, some good, some not so good.

To move towards communism as the left today is attempting, is a mistake. But to accept the status quo, even in a democracy, is also a mistake. Capitalism builds stunning advances, which I don’t think, in the broader river of life, communism is capable of. China’s huge advances came after they converted to capitalistic communism. I suspect creativity is tied to freedom, and in general democracies have been much freer than communist or autocratic states.

The best state of democracy, which combines diverse viewpoints into one sharply honed effort or project, only occurs when both parties (in America) believe there is a larger entity or being or set of rules, that they both serve. The “common goal” leads to compromise and forward motion. But if one’s faith or belief in this larger identity is broken or strained, we get a situation like the present: 2 parties fighting each other no matter what the subject, what the goal. It’s like England during the War of the Roses, except this American split goes deeper.

Something has gone wrong. The department of homeland security this week suggested that it should monitor all its employees social media — all their time on Facebook, Instagram, etc. At first blush this looks like a clever idea, a way to make sure there’s not a violent maverick in the midst of the bureaucracy, like the murderer at Fort Hood. But when you think it through a second time, you wonder why a society needs to worry about a maverick in its midst.

It seems like a paranoid way to live, and one without rest, because those that you evade or capture or defeat will adapt by growing more sophisticated, and  their society more technologically savvy and weapons-acquisitive. So our society in turn must become inventive and strive to outdo the bad guy’s savvy and technological and other weaponry. It’s a race, a stressful way to live. It breeds suspicion, mistrust, gathering into power positions and fighting almost exclusively to maintain the defences of the position. It breeds police states and corrupt orgs, such as the wandering FBI. 

Maybe we have to fear a maverick in our midst because our rules, laws or ways of living are too exclusive to contain this maverick. Yet we would be enriched by his/her co-operation.
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Another thing the Ukrainians could do: send 5 or 10 commando outfits to destroy Russian rail lines, say about 50 – 100 kilometres from Ukraine. If they blew up the rails when a train hit them, so much the better. Choke off Russia’s supply lines. 

Another scheme: heads of state invite Putin to a conference, say in Paris. Twenty snipers on surrounding roofs, in apartments, etc. Shoot him as he arrives. Or send a missile into his limousine train. (Into the whole train, as they will keep secret which car he’s in.)
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Why doesn’t anybody bomb Moscow? There must be enough Ukrainians in Russia to carry out an Irish style resistance: bomb art galleries, ballet/opera houses, gov’t buildings, media offices, subways, railroads, department stores. How about a missile into the Kremlin? That might tell the Russian people what their little puffin is doing. (Like the Germans who didn’t know about Jewish concentration camps, so the Russians don’t know that Putin is bombing civilians wholesale. Sure.) 

Or another: find the families of Russia’s generals and begin assassinating them in their homes. If Putin has any relatives, kill them. (Boy, I sound cruel — but these are only tiny mirrors of Russia’s inhumanities in Ukraine.)
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Ketanji Jackson, the U.S. Supreme Court nominee: You only have to watch an hour of her confirmation hearing to realize she doesn’t tell the truth. She never gives a yes or no answer, but keeps saying, “Well, I didn’t really say/write those things, I was writing a paper, or defending a client.” She’s on the board of a private school where CRT (Critical Race Theory) is being taught from kindergarten to grade 4. Yet she denies knowing what the school teaches. She is untrue, evasive behind a cool, forceful exterior. Deceptive. I wouldn’t want her on my court. She will make promises now to be confirmed, then break them later, I think.
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Congrats, Puffin! You just created 44 million new enemies for Mother Russia.
