Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “Oct.11 – 17, 2015.”



ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PST, it is 8 pm in England. The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)



START NOTHING: 1:48 am to 11:52 am Sun., 1:31 pm to 6:38 pm Tues., 9:22 pm to 10:18 pm Thurs., and 4:18 am to 11:22 pm Sat.



Last week I re-affirmed my months-ago prediction that Justin Trudeau would win the Canadian Federal election. At that time, it was a close 3-way race. Now, though, Trudeau is racing ahead, so I’ll also include that he just might win a majority.

Well, I told you Hillary’s popularity would rise (and it will, for almost a year) and that the Donald would quack less. Both have happened… (I don’t know if Trump’s quieter, but he’s not in the news as frequently as he was.) The Democratic debate Tuesday, Oct. 13 (probably past by the time you read this) will immediately favour (though broadly, over time, somehow, disfavour) Hillary – although I don’t know the birth dates of Bernie Sanders and the others.


It might be that astrology is nothing but a psychic aid. Serving the same purpose, for instance, as the tarot cards, I Ching, sand-drawing, etc. Perhaps the heavens are merely the largest and most embraced psychic tool. But astrology has its rules, and in many cases they are widely accepted and rather inviolable, such as “Mars square Uranus causes unexpected actions/events, or accidents,” or “Moon square Uranus signals stress or tension.” These or similar descriptions are accepted by astrologers world-wide. If these “rules” do hold true statistically (e.g., if significantly more than the usual number of car accidents occur during a Mars square Uranus aspect) it proves or indicates synchronicity. If so, astrology is a predictive system in and of itself, and deserves a place not within the psychic world, but beside it. I don’t have the money nor other resources to do the research, but it might be worthy of investigation. If no significant relationship exists, then re-read the first sentence above.




Saturn was in Sagittarius January to June 2015, so you might garner a clue for the next two years from conditions back then. (Remember I told you we would have a “vacation” from the deflation/inflation axis during the summer? That was Saturn retrograding into Scorpio. Now it’s returned [late September] and lo and behold, deflation is scaring Europe again, and making the U.S. Federal Reserve hesitant to raise rates. I doubt rates will be raised before 2018, or there will be a tiny raise, and little else.)


LIBRA, Saturn in Sage until December 2017 will make short travel, communications, writing, errands, paperwork and details sluggish, more burdensome than usual. As Saturn rules home, gardening, children and security for you, these two years ahead might bring much travel, messaging or paperwork involving these areas. (E.g., travelling around the continent to find a place to live, or corresponding with the government about your property – building permits, taxes, etc.) On the other hand, because Saturn rules pruning, and beginnings and endings, you can use this interval to cut out a lot of wasteful paperwork, communications, etc. (E.g., closing down that “dead” company which still causes you to produce an extra tax return every year.) In general, Saturn’s effects will be quite weak for you – a good thing!


SCORPIO, this Saturn period (to December 2017) affects your money picture. If you’re under 29, these two years can make it harder to earn and/or keep money, but they also offer you valuable lessons in earning and buying. If between 29 and 58, this interval brings solid reward for solid effort, but no reward for little effort. Tighten your purse strings. If you’re 59 or older, this period can do two things, perhaps simultaneously: reward you for a lifetime of effort (e.g., pay raise, or pensions arrive) and punish you for things you’ve neglected over the years past (e.g., a former debt returns, with legal fees). You might display a new possessiveness toward your friends.  Whatever your age, be fiscally conservative from this point forward.


SAGITTARIUS, Saturn travels through your own sign until December 2017. This will make you more sober, reflective, and “grown up.” It might bring parenthood, or a new responsibility, especially one involving money. You possessive streak, usually small, intensifies now. (Intensifies is almost the wrong word, as Saturn works slowly and quietly, but deeply.) You will think about money and earnings more than usual, and might launch a new job, even a new business. Be careful in these (read your Luck Forecast for 2015-16). Pay attention, health-wise, to these: skin, knees, bones, teeth and gums. Depending on how Saturn was set up in your birth chart, this can be a difficult but manageable, or a deeply satisfying time.




Aries.svg ARIES   March 21-April 19

This is your last week of open, honest relationships, Aries. (Open love or open enmity.) This Friday, for a month, your relationships, opportunities, confrontations and commitments veer into deeper, less visible waters, waters of commitment and consequence. Agreements will require funding; personal attractions will steer toward intimacy, bonding. But before that, much talk might go on between you and another, as terms of your interface are negotiated. Sunday noon (PDT) to Tues. eve brings pressures and tests, career goals, prestige relations and reputational issues. Be ambitious – this interval could bring some juicy opportunities, especially Monday. Be conformist, not a rebel, Mon. night. Popularity, wish fulfillment, friendship, light romance, flirtation, entertainment and optimism fill Tues. night to Thurs. night. You’ll be happy, but event-wise this is a puzzling period: little things and domestic things go well, while some relationship glitch might interfere with your “standing” in prestige areas, or with a career project. Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Fri./Sat. – you might hear good career news, or be invited to closed-door management or strategy meetings, especially Fri. Good ahead, but also go with God – be spiritual, charitable, pray.


taurus weekly forecast TAURUS   April 20-May 20

This is your last week of drudgery and health complaints, Taurus. By Friday, fresh horizons and new opportunities will start coming (for a month). Sunday morning’s mysterious and groggy. But this noon (PDT) to Tues. eve, a mellow, philosophical mood comes over you. Far travel, intellectual pursuits, gentle love, cultural venues, legal affairs, publishing, media and fame – any and all are accented, and luck is mostly good, especially Monday pre-dawn to mid-afternoon (again, PDT). Avoid a bit of stress or erratic driving Mon. night. Be ambitious Tuesday evening to late Thurs. night. You’ll succeed, Wed. daytime and Thurs. eve. Show off your skills, seek an audience with bosses or VIPs, mingle on prestige levels. But be careful about starting work projects – do they pass the ethics/legal test? – and protect your reputation in romantic or lustful situations. Happiness arrive Fri./Sat. – and so might destined love (esp. if you live in Eastern Europe or Asia). Wish fulfillment, popularity, social joys, light flirtation, friendly romance, optimism and entertainment fill these two days. Friday starts a month of relationships, and, as noted, fresh air, fresh impulses and fresh goals.


Gemini.svg GEMINI   May 21-June 20

This is your last week of fun, games, romance, sports, and creative and pleasure urges, Gemini – for a while. Friday begins a month of work and minor health issues. A large accent remains on your home life, kids/parents, food and shelter, nutrition, security, retirement and Mother Nature. One of the best periods in 35 years looms for you in this zone, starting in late November, lasting to late summer 2016. Prepare for this, start to dream of a new home, plan a new yard or addition, etc. Coincidentally, a somewhat sluggish 2 years begins in marriage and business partnerships, and relationships in general. On the plus side, sluggish emotional relationships have a direct link to intimacy, and business relationships have a direct link to funding. So although things move slowly, they move deeply, and with consequence – good or bad consequence depends on you and your motives and “goodness.” This whole area, of intimacy, commitment and consequence, secrets and investigation, business or project funding and investment, health diagnosis and life style choices, is highlighted Sunday noon (PDT) to Tues. eve. Two cautions: don’t invest in real estate (yet) and don’t listen to friends about money – also, avoid seeking sex amongst friends. Otherwise, this is a splendid interval – dig in! (And look beneath the surface.) Gentle love, wisdom, intellectual pursuits, media, far travel and cultural affairs bless you Tues. night through Thurs. Avoid unethical, hidden, or “power play” actions. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. (Don’t launch projects Sat.)


Cancer.svg CANCER   June 21-July 22

This is your last week of more-than-usual domesticity, property, family and security concerns. You feel restless, a wanderlust, and errands, calls, visits and paperwork keep you busy. Relationships and opportunities, relocation themes and dealings with the public absorb you Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday eve. Be diplomatic, eager to join. One or two good successes await you, especially Monday morning to mid-afternoon. But don’t defy authorities or your bosses, parents. Deeper matters, mysteries, sub-surface indications fill Tues. night to late Thurs. night. Pursue intimacy and intimate agreements, investments and financial arrangements, seek a health diagnosis, contemplate a lifestyle change. Be careful, though – not a good time to gamble, nor to test your spouse’s patience. Best time: Thursday after 3 pm. Friday/Saturday bring mellow understanding, a philosophical outlook, serenity, intellectual pursuits, far travel, high education, publishing, and cultural venues – and start a month of love, creativity, speculation, beauty, pleasure – and winning! Dress well, a friendly romance might be in the cards. Friday’s better than Sat.


Leo icon, Luck Forecast LEO   July 23-Aug. 22

Continue to perform paperwork, to take care of details, filing and office systems, to upgrade your phone, to travel and communicate, to perform errands. Your money fortunes look good, lucky – but beware of over-spending until November 12. After a pleasant morning, Sunday noon (PDT) to Tues. eve brings chores, duties toward kids/pets, service personnel, and daily health, nutrition concerns. Dress and eat sensibly. If you plunge into work with a happy smile Monday, you could earn yourself a future pay raise. Relationships fill Tues. evening to late Thurs. night. Be diplomatic, avoid confrontation, but do approach others, keep your eyes open for opportunities. Relocation, negotiation, litigation, contracts, emotional bonding – love – can occur. However, protect yourself around moving parts, machinery and tools – NOT a good time to buy cars, computers, machines, back-hoes, etc. Friday/Saturday commence a month of domesticity, family issues, property, security and retirement matters, nutrition, Mother Nature, gardening, etc. Be willing to slow down, to embrace kids and get your fingers in the dirt – this will be a successful month, with some solid accomplishment on those domestic fronts. Friday’s successful and “alluring;” Stick to routine Saturday.


Virgo.svg VIRGO   Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The accent remains on money, earnings, spending, possessions, memory, rote learning, and sensual attractions. That last item might get you into a difficult situation, where boredom and hurt feelings lie. After a sluggish morning, Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday brings romance, creativity and speculation, beauty and pleasure, charming kids and a wee winning streak! However, pursue romance, not lust Mon. pm. Tackle chores Tuesday evening to Thursday night – and protect your health with sensible diet and clothing. Not a good time to gamble. Try to separate money and romance: the latter should be free. Best time for success or to launch a work project: late afternoon to early night, Thurs. Relationships confront you Fri./Sat. – Friday’s best, could bring romance, attraction, even true love. Stick to routine, and to vistas already known, Saturday. Friday also starts a month of communications, errands, travel and paperwork.


Libra.svg LIBRA   Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your charisma, effectiveness, timing and energy stay high, Libra. It’s getting a little late to start significant projects, but early week allows you to commence domestic, property projects, and midweek encourages romantic or creative beginnings. All October, and until November 12, you will feel a bit restricted in marriage – and if you meet and wed someone in this interval, you will surely wish you hadn’t before a year or two passes. So keep your independence, gently – but do have fun. Sunday morning’s restless, but by noon (PDT) and into Tues. evening, home, family, property, security, retirement, nutrition and rest, stomach and soul pull you into a quiet but content mood. You could land a property, furniture, gardening or similar bargain/success Monday. Romance might be strained, but it will recover (or be replaced) Tues. evening to Thursday night (especially Wed. daytime). Again, if you’re single, this will NOT be someone you should ever marry; in fact, events might arise to prevent you doing so – good. Friday/Saturday bring chores and daily health concerns. Eat, dress sensibly. Dive into tasks Friday, but stick to routine Saturday. Friday begins a month of good money news, of income, spending, and “normalization” of your life.


 Scorpio.svg SCORPIO   Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It’s a pretty easy week, Scorpio. Remain restful, cautious, quiet and non-competitive. Recharge your batteries. Contemplate and plan future actions, projects. Be spiritual and charitable. Deal with civil servants and institutions. You might be invited to a closed-door meeting anytime from Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday evening. This interval is filled with errands, paperwork, communications and travel. You might be “sending” a pretty significant communication Monday – excellent if before mid-afternoon; dicey if after 3 pm (PDT). Head toward home Tues. eve to Thurs. night – embrace family, putter around the house, take charge of property, security, retirement, parent/kid, garden/landscaping, nutrition and other matters. Do nothing that might impact on your reputation, and avoid gossip. Romance, creative and speculative urges, charming kids, beauty and pleasure fill Fri./Sat. – Friday’s best; true love could appear (just “could” – you have plenty of time). Friday also begins a month of empowerment, energy, charisma, effectiveness and clout – get ready to start something significant!


Sagittarius.svg SAGITTARIUS   Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Social joys continue, Sage – so does a feeling that the future will be rosy, even delicious. Light romance, popularity, optimism, entertainment, contribute to your happiness. (This is a welcome relief from the lucky but hectic activity taking place on your career or parenting fronts. By mid-November you’ll get a partial rest; the big hump will be over – but there’s lots more in the 10 months ahead.) Chase money, buy/sell, seek new clients, ask for a pay raise, take care of your possessions, memorize something, Sunday noon (PDT) to Tues. evening. Best time: pre-dawn to mid-afternoon Monday. A sensual attraction is not a good idea, especially if you succeed in “landing” (or should I say boarding?) him/her. Errands, communications, short trips and visits, details, paperwork, casual acquaintances fill Tues. eve to Thurs. night – all goes well except for one item or task (probably Thursday) – it could be something to do with friends, hopes for the future, and money – and the discrepancy between them. (E.g., I want to attend the party, but I’m short cash for a new shirt.) Head for home Fri./Sat. – embrace family, garden, attend to repairs, children’s needs, nutrition, etc. Take naps. Friday best. This day also starts a month of rest, quietude and contemplation for you.


Capricorn.svg CAPRICORN   Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Stick with your ambitions this rather easy, pleasant week, Cap. Keep your focus on career, your place on the ladder, community reputation, and prestige relations. A luring siren song is trying to distract you, a song of far travel, fame, publishing/media, school, cultural rituals or gentle love. Pursue these, for they will be very lucky, AFTER November 12, not before. (But before then, especially this Monday, examine, investigate the administrative or government side of these areas – far travel, higher education, publishing, etc.) Rest, sleep in Sunday morning. By noon (PDT) your energy suddenly increases, and will stay high until Tues. evening – so will your charisma, effectiveness and clout. It’s getting a little late to start a new career project/venture, but if it’s a short one, why not? Be gentle, not domineering at home Monday night. Chase money and new clients or a pay raise Tues. evening to Thurs. night. Buy/sell. Be careful with higher-ups Thurs. – express yourself succinctly and gently, then bow out. Errands, communications, details and paperwork, travel and casual friends, siblings, fill Fri./Sat. Tackle these Friday, as you’ll get little done Sat. Friday also begins a month of socializing, popularity, optimistic future plans, and friendly flirtations.


Aquarius.svg AQUARIUS   Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Intellectual pursuits, love, far travel and international affairs, legal and cultural events, fame and wisdom continue to fill your days. This is an easy, fine week. After a flurry of morning social restlessness, Sunday noon to Tues. eve bring quietude and withdrawal, ebbing energy, and a contemplative mood. Avoid competitive situations, rest and plan, deal with civil servants and institutions, be spiritual and charitable. You might succeed in a sexual or financial commitment Monday, but something’s subtly wrong with this – it’s wiser to wait until November 12 onward, for you still have over 10 months of success in sexual and financial zones – why act too early, when a hidden glitch might be a log to your speedboat? Your energy and charisma surge upward Tues. night through Thurs. night. Start important (but short) projects, see and be seen, schedule important meetings, impress people! Romance might arrive, but it might have difficulty remaining “ethical.” Avoid extra-marital entanglements. Chase money, new clients, angle for a pay raise, buy and sell, exercise your memory Fri./Sat. Friday’s best – stick to routine Sat. Friday also starts a month of ambition, tests, career and parenting roles – a successful time.


Pisces.svg PISCES   Feb. 19-March 20

The accent continues on secrets, investigation, health diagnoses, lifestyle choices, sexual yearnings and financial actions (investments, debt, etc.). Overall, it’s a smooth, easy week. Do avoid monetary partnerships, competition, fights and lawsuits, and “opportunities” until November 13. (Your luck in these areas is good, but a glitch or trap exists until then – afterward, you’ll have ten months of great luck here – major career opportunities, partnerships, even marriage loom on the winter and 2016 horizon.) Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday evening brings social joys, popularity, optimism, light flirtations, entertainment and possible “true” romance. (Remember the possible glitch.) Retreat from the crowd Tues. night through Thurs. night – rest, contemplate and plan. Be spiritual, charitable. Deal with government, head office, and institutions (anywhere bureaucracy thrives). Your energy and charisma return, and soar upward, after 10 pm (PDT) Thursday, through Saturday. This isn’t the best time to start practical projects (though it can be good for psychic, occult or spiritual “starts”). So use this energy to impress others, to get out and mingle, to tackle chores that previously intimidated you. Friday begins a month of mellow understanding and gentle love, of intellectual, travel, international, publishing/media, cultural and legal affairs – mostly a good month looms!


The End.