Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

By Tim Stephens

My new email: suningem@gmail.com (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).

All times/Dates are PST – Pacific Standard Time zone. PST is eight hours before Greenwich England. For example when it is noon PST it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”

If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app. Hopefully I will, one day, have this translation feature back on this blog.

START NOTHING: 3:08 pm to 8:52 pm Mon., 6:18 pm to 11:43 pm Wed., and 7:20 am Fri. to 2:05 am Sat.


None this week. Instead, I’ve written overly-long Sun sign messages about your love life, now to December.

Thank you to all who have sent me “get better soon” emails. I’m 95 % but still a bit tired, so please forgive my late replies to your emails. I’m working thru them!



Aries.svg  ARIES:  March 21 – April 19

2017 pours a cornucopia of opportunities in front of you, Aries. For singles, this includes love opportunities. You will meet someone who is as attracted to you as you are to him/her. This person very likely has marriage on their mind. If you are unhappily married, this influence can lead to separation, with a formal divorce in two years. If you are happily married, in 2017 the romantic fire will be rekindled, and your children will display new talents. This is an excellent year to take the whole family on an adventure — a sea cruise, visit to a foreign land, etc.

You and/or your loved one might fall into indecision about the relationship in March and April — if so, the month of May will bring certainty again. The spring might also bring a former flame. This interval seems designed to make you re-align or alter the way you treat others – you could find yourself  being uncharacteristically gentle and affectionate. Strife and argument attack your home June/July. But late July begins a powerful two months of romantic courage, determination, and magnetism.  Late September and October, you could approach someone who will be with you for many decades. You might marry (or meet your future mate) in November/December. From mid-May onward (through late 2018) aim for pure romance; reject playing the field or “friendly romance.”

This is one the best love/ marriage years of this early century (for you). Don’t waste it!  (Best way to waste it?  Be erratic, unpredictable.)

taurus weekly forecast TAURUS:  April 20 – May 20

You are always ready for love, Taurus, especially of the sensual kind. March/April might tempt you into a tawdry or extramarital attraction. Your magnetism will be very high, and you could be approached by someone — perhaps an old flame. If someone wanders into your life between April 1 and 20, or May 17 – 20, a beautiful love might be possible. Even in this one a few minor difficulties, delays or stumbling blocks might occur – don’t let them stop you.

Before mid-May, don’t bother looking for love in clubs, social groups or similar situations. Instead, aim straight for deep romance and infatuation with one sweet person.

Your physical charms are heightened in June; a sexual affair might result, but it can be suffocating if carried on too long. Be kind, don’t “use” someone just to keep loneliness at bay. August finds you ready to fight on the home front, yet the same month triggers both new and old romantic flames. If you are married, this is a very sweet and sour time – have a pillow fight rather than a real one! September/October your romantic courage, determination and magnetism sore — something’s going on!

October 10 starts an the entire year of great luck in relationships, both intimate and not. Singles might well marry. December brings a former sexual partner/temptation. If everything is too complicated, don’t dive in.

   Gemini.svg  GEMINI:  May 21 – June 20

2017 is your best romantic year in a decade, Gemini. Not only will the cosmos help you find compatible romantic prospects, at least one or two of those prospects possess the qualities to be a loving life mate. More than the usual number of single Geminis will marry this year. If you are married already, your children will surprise you with their skills; this is a lovely year for a standout family vacation – something unusual, adventurous, and perhaps in a foreign land.

If you are single, March to May might bring a former lover, a rather fiery one. You might have to make a significant decision. If this old flame seems somehow a little hollow to you, and you already have started dating someone else, then you will have to determinedly reject the former flame – or vice versa. By May, you will sort this confusion out. The same month elevates your sexual magnetism and adds an element of fun to any romantic interlude. However, before May 20, realize you might be choosing a burden rather than the freeing wings of love.

From May 10, 2017 to early November 2018, weddings and other formal cultural or legal expressions of love will be difficult to attain. At the same time, light, friendly love will succeed with almost unexpected ease. Marriage — i.e., living together — will fill your heart with joy. But if you want that actual wedding ring, wed before May 10 (not that likely) or remain in love but wait until December 2018 onward to try on the ring.

Your charisma shines in June and July, but it doesn’t do a lot for love. You might start an affair with someone pleasant, polite and “hot,” but if your intellect is not engaged, neither will you be months down the road. August to early October continues your romantic good fortune, but also raises friction in the home. Sweet feelings arise October/November, and for some Geminism will bring a deeply emotional love.

Cancer.svg     CANCER:  June 21 – July 22

Your deepest love in 2017 might be for your children, as your home glows with new warmth, cheerfulness and affection. I didn’t include your mate, because many of you are caught between loving and rejecting your spouse — this trend, a long one (2008-24) will eventually cause your love and partnership to grow deeper and deeper, into new levels of feeling and knowing; OR you will eventually pull apart, like taffy. But in 2017, you can easily make your home a place of happiness and optimism. You can strengthen your marriage by buying or renting a better home. From October onward (deep into 2018) romance, charming kids and adventure draw the family together — plan a unique vacation, a family cruise or international voyage.

If you are single, this year is not so simple. In the most general way, you will do the most for love by resting to replenish your emotional, physical and psychic energies. A huge romantic year begins this October, and the more rested you are, the better love will go. Before mid-May, don’t push an amour toward a wedding or any formal love ritual. From May to late 2018 (next year) easy, friendly, casual and pleasurable sex will be readily available; but deep, intense, lustful sex, pregnancy, extra-marital and other verboten sexual experiences will tend to elude you, no matter how hard you chase them.

In March/April you might be attracted to a “power figure,” such as a boss or VIP. This probably won’t go far, after a lot of thrilling indecision. An old flame might appear in April. All spring, your workplace might turn more social, creating romantic openings; or, you might turn your social skills toward climbing the career ladder. May is very social, and very complicated. There are three “opportunities” — a verboten temptation, an affair with the boss, or a light, social love affair.

In June/July your sexual magnetism surges, especially if you’re male. August/September bring a huge amount of friendly talks, short trips — and a friendly romance might pop up, too. October begins a whole year of splendid good fortune in love.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast     LEO: July 23 – August 22

2017 is more friendly than purely romantic, but among the casual acquaintances you make this year, at least two could become love affairs. If you are married, this will be a year of family trips and adventures.

March and April bring a lot of hesitation to love and sexual attractions, perhaps because an old flame re-enters. (Avoid a purely sexual lust in early March.) The resulting confusion can last through May and June. If travelling or at school in March, you might meet someone who will lead you gently into marriage. Don’t flirt and play so much this spring that you earn a boss’ disrespect. In May/June, a club or social group might yield a very attractive, humorous and lively friend-lover prospect. From May 10/17 to November 6/18, you will be wiser to avoid (a new, of course) marriage or co-habitation. Be lovers, friends, sex partners, enemies, romancers, whatever — just don’t marry. (And please don’t complain to me about this for the next 18 months!)

July is for rest, but as this month matures a sweet new friend might appear, your conversational level rises strongly, and your own sexual magnetism starts  to soar — right into September. A memorable love affair might result, especially in late August and September. October begins a year of domestic bliss and benevolence, one that will reward Leo couples immensely (perhaps a new baby?) and will prepare singles for the best romance in a decade — by getting a year’s worth of beauty sleep. Casual friends and attractions enter October, and these can become flirty and romantic by November/December.

Virgo.svgVIRGO:  August 23 – September 22

Ah, Virgo, this straitjacket I threw around you with my advice never to marry anyone first met between mid-Nov. 2015  and May 10, 2017, and not to marry anyone during that interval — this advice is about to expire. From mid-May onward for almost 2 decades you will be free to marry anyone you want — more correctly, you will finally find the right people without cosmic interference. (The delays of the past year and the few months to come until May have actually protected you from a bad partnership. Delays and rejections have been your friend.)

February through May and September/October can bring powerful sexual attractions. Dive into these, But with two cautions: one, be careful with sexual diseases; two, remember the Feb.-May events will not lead to marriage. Don’t hurt your reputation or your boss’ estimation with any flagrant displays, physical or romantic. Follow society’s rules.

All year until October 10, you can indulge in very sensual relationships; but you yourself might sense that they are not for the long term. (You would become bored.) Don’t let someone assume you will be theirs forever if you know you won’t. October begins a year of many friendships, promoting light, friendly romance.

Libra.svg     LIBRA:  September 23 – October 22

2017 will be — already is — one of your luckiest years this decade. Your optimism, cheer, friendliness, and your lively mind will attract both friends and “friendly lovers.” You’ll do even better on the mating game if you exercise. If you’re hankering for a deep, full-surrender love, you’d better find it before May 10. That day starts an 18-month period in which light, social romance will thrive, but heavy, intense infatuation will meet delays, indecision and dead-ends.

Both of these kinds of romance can lead directly to marriage this year, but only the light kind will thrive after May. Earlier, February through May bring frequent and sometimes intense marriage/co-habitation urges, both by you and the one you’re pursuing. March/April inject a note of confusion and indecision, perhaps because an old flame — or a new suitor — enter. Everything clears by May: you know who you want, and you might even formalize everything with a wedding.  June continues this love/wedding theme.

Someone communicates affectionately in July; you might also meet someone in a foreign country. August is for friends and flirtations. Some of you will only now meet your true mate, probably when you attend a club, group affair, or are introduced by friends. This person has a very sensitive ego, so flatter him/her (especially about sex or “looks”) and you’ll earn loyalty and a generous love, right into early September. Your charisma and energy soar in October, attracting even more admirers. Slowly, now, your luck and thoughts begin to turn to money, not love. Still, your sex appeal oozes in November — and an old flame or former friend returns in December.

If you are already married, 2017 presents few problems, and many happy moments. The only real obstacle involves money/earnings and your residence (or childhood trauma). This obstacle arises every January, April, July and October. You might someday change homes (before 2025) to solve it.

Scorpio.svg     SCORPIO:  October 23 – November 21

You’re in the middle of a phase (2008-2024) that will bring you true love, Scorpio. But for the past year, and continuing to May 10, you’ll succeed best in romance if you aim for light, friendly amour, and give deep, intense infatuation a wide berth. After May, the pendulum swings to favour deep, world-well-lost romance once again — for seven more years.

From February through May a co-worker romance is likely for singles. You can be intensely attracted to someone in March/April, a fiery person who is your equal in many ways. This person might be too intense. A lot of indecision winds through these two months. Before you tie any knots, make sure your lover is gentle and good. A married person might try to pull you into an extra-marital affair. May and June light your sexual fires — and June could bring a sweet marriage prospect. If you’re married, pregnancy might occur May/June. July is sweetly, wisely loving.

Your social life blossoms from August to October. But the first ten months of 2017 generally dampen your energy, charisma and “outside luck” (because Nature wants you to take a deep, once-in-13 year rest or “hibernation”), so this social breakthrough might be mild: still, it offers you a choice between two friendly, bubbly lovers. If you’re married, these ten months are splendid for curling up with your mate in a nice nest.

October begins a whole year of great good luck. The first effect will be on you: cheer, optimism, open friendliness set up camp in your heart, and this automatically attracts others. By November, you’ll see the difference if you pursue someone — suddenly, you’re welcomed, wanted!  (This might also spell the end of that co-worker romance, if it manifested.) The next two years will be filled with money.

Sagittarius.svg     SAGITTARIUS:  November 22 – December 21

A major wish — perhaps two — will come true this year, Sage. If one of those wishes is to find love, 2017 is very likely to fulfill it. One of the biggest problems in your life is the struggle to be decisive, to accept things as they are, and to know when you have a winner. Often, these struggles are easily solved: you will almost always succeed if you do what you are most enthusiastic about, rather than following advice or doing the wise, boring thing. (Most Sages would rather be cowboys than accountants.) This especially applies to love this year. If you doubt someone, or suspect that your ardour is slightly less than you’d anticipated, don’t be afraid to cancel and move on.

All year, your best romantic prospects will emerge in clubs, politics, groups, and your best romance will be friendly, light, witty, flirtatious. Still, even a “friendly romance” flares repeatedly with the heat of attraction, February to June, especially if an Aries or Gemini is involved. March and April are most intense, yet most indecisive (perhaps an old flame enters, or a love rendezvous/climax keeps being delayed). You might declare, “I’m in love!” You might even marry. This spring’s relationship questions will be resolved by May/June — when, again, you might marry/begin cohabiting. June/July get very sexy. August offers gentle, mellow love (and again the possibility of marriage).

September/October fill you with an ambition that tends to nudge love aside temporarily. (Watch out, a boss is on a bit of a war path — or a parent or authority says to you, “not this one.”) October begins a year in which you’ll find rest and a comfortable, quiet place. Still, if you haven’t sealed a deal in romance to this point, November could make a romantic wish come true — again, it’s someone met in a group. Your charms shine in December — enough to bring back an old flame.

Capricorn.svg     CAPRICORN:  December 22 – January 19

2017 holds such superb career/ambition prospects for you, that I’d be wrong to urge you to chase love all year. (Do chase it late October onward!) This ambition streak is also a lucky status signal, and it can mean, this year, that if single, you might gain a new status: married. If you’re married, this spring is great for home renovations, and the whole year is excellent for working together to boost your ambitions. You could host/visit a VIP. Until May 10, don’t let relationships slide into the limbo of “just friends.” Be profound, or go home. From May to late 2018, aim for deep, meaningful sex. The casual kind can dump you into disappointment.

Still, you have a heart, and romance won’t be denied. Your home is filled with sweet and sour emotions in February, tipping deeply to the affectionate side in March. You might be struggling with domestic matters all spring. This could signal some family opposition to your amour, especially if you’re young or a single parent. But March to May contains many compelling romantic openings — step in. Much indecision hovers, but it will clear by May — and June or July could bring an avowal of love, even marriage. Careful in August, when your sexual desires run hot. Be ethical and (health-wise) self-protective. An old flame might re-appear. August through October raises many hints about wedding, or involvement with a foreign-born person. You might find love in school or transportation venues.

October begins a whole year of light-hearted celebration, fun, popularity, friends, optimism and entertainment. This will bring several romantic prospects, too.

Aquarius.svg     AQUARIUS:  January 20 – February 18

If you want to achieve a formal, legal wedding, Aquarius, this is your year to do so. 2017 has two major trends: one, lasting all year, promotes the kind of love that can propel you down the wedding aisle. The second trend begins in mid-May, and lasts to the end of next year (2018) — this one advises you, from May onward, to go out from yourself, to another. In dating terms, this warns you not to be proud, overly-independent, or a hermit, and promises good results when you seek to connect with anyone — even when you simply smile at the grocery clerk. If you ask someone out, and they refuse, you will STILL feel better — much better — than if you had not asked at all. Of course, they might not refuse!

A Leo, Aries, Libra or Gemini is likely to play a key role. In February, while your charisma is high, an Aries might make an indelible impression on you. This or another attraction calls you from March through June — a very active love situation careens from calm to excitement, surrender to “holding back.” Indecision and second thoughts are rife. Not one but two old flames might reappear in March/April. In May/June, your romantic courage surges, enough to grab the prize. From March through June your home and family life also demand attention — there might be a few wild words spoken in anger, but you can solve this friction with a few sweet words in June.

Late July and August create an intensity between you and another – this can lead to love, or war. Love seems much more likely, especially if you talk. August through October heighten your sexual desires; for married couples this might lead to pregnancy; for singles it can bring intimacy to what might have been a fairly intellectual attraction. These three months also raise the spectre of extramarital temptations or other tawdry allures. More than the usual number of Aquarians will wed in October. November through 2018 also boosts the chances of marrying — upward, for status.

Pisces.svg     PISCES:  February 19 – March 20

2017 might not be terribly romantic before October, Pisces. But it sure will be sexy. Two kinds of sex will predominate: casual, just for the pleasure of it in February through May; and deep, life-altering sex October into early December. (This second kind needs care: be honest, moral, and strictly reject any extramarital temptations. If you are married, this second kind can bring pregnancy.)  May creates domestic friction, so step lightly if you’re married, and DO NOT begin to live with anyone between April 22 and June 4. Although you are still concerned with your home all of June, a powerful romantic urge also builds this month and July — make sure you are in love; or, if you’re being casual, make sure the other person has the same sense of enjoyment without commitment. (This advice goes double if you romance an Aries.)

August through October confronts you with very serious relationship prospects. This is all or nothing, marry or nothing. You might be very indecisive about a crucial, Promising Bond in August — or about more than one of them, for you seem to have two suitors. If you do marry or begin cohabiting before October 10, sexuality will play a major role. To be happy in love for the long-term, make sure neither you nor your potential partner has a wandering eye — even a hint of this in the courtship stage kind become a full blown problem years down the road.

Until May 10, the best route to happiness for you is to go out, approach others. Even if you’re rejected, you’ll feel elated afterward (mainly, because you had the courage to try). And not everyone will reject. From October into 2018, a much more simple and true love is available; and a wedding is very possible.

The End.