~ Desiderata

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START NOTHING: 1:27 pm to 3:39 pm Mon., 2:20 am to 4:40 am Thurs., and 3:39 am to 4:44 pm Sat. (PLEASE NOTE: THIS START NOTHING LIST WAS IN ERROR, AND HAS NOW BEEN CORRECTED.)


Trump should be careful with Japan. It has a hint of an Achilles heel for him.
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ALL SIGNS: Mercury’s retrograde is over now, so we can all march forth confidently into new areas, ventures and relationships.
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I think there will be a rally in materials in 2020. (Materials = minerals such as copper and gold, oil & gas, some chemicals, forestry, etc.) But I think it will be an initial rally followed by a sucker’s crash, all before June 2020, and this followed by a huge rally, standing taller than the prior, initial peak. Remember, I have no financial credentials.
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    ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This week:  Your affectionate and mellow mood continues. You understand more, view the world more forgivingly. You might have to contain your assertiveness all month, or might find yourself tangled up with gov’t, institutional or administrative workers (including your own advisors or agents). That’s okay. This month is more for thought than action — but do charge ahead with far travel, publishing, school or similar projects. You’re lucky, this week but really all month, with investments, investigations, and physical intimacy. (BTW, don’t quit a job unless you have another one lined up, now to December 2020.)

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Be ambitious — you’ll make headway, impress higher-ups. All’s good — short term. In the long run (18 months) a present career promise might not be cheerfully fulfilled. Start to think cautiously, defensively about this area rather than have a “blue sky” attitude. Avoid abrupt speech or eccentric actions midday Mon.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Happiness visits you! Flirtations, popularity and social delights, wishes coming true, optimism and entertainment bless you. Make friends, join a new group. One you meet Mon. night won’t make a good partner.

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Lie low, retreat from the crowd, rest and avoid competition. Meditate, pray, be charitable. Deal with gov’t types, agencies. Ponder your situation and make plans. You’re going places this year ahead. Avoid trying to mix secrets with ideals. Despite your low energy, romance raises its head (or was that just sex?).

Rest of Sat.:  Your energy and charisma surge upward, to start the REAL weekend!

taurus weekly forecast    TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

This week: Life is filled with delicious and fortunate secrets. (This applies for the entire 12 months ahead.) Dig deep, don’t skate on the surface. When you peel a layer off, you can find lucky investments, sweet intimacy, revelations (e.g., about a good lifestyle change) and/or medical fixes. Relationships are romantic, voluble and affectionate this week; then, merely affectionate and receptive the rest of December. If single, you might have already met your best/true mate. Now, Dec. might “seal the deal” with intimate embrace. One warning: you’re feeling hopeful about a secret attraction, gov’t connection, or something hidden (all Dec.). This can be good, especially if you’re honest; but it can also lead you into temptation… a wee bit of moral caution needed.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  A mellow, understanding mood soothes you. Let your thoughts settle on profound subjects, themes. Far travel, intellectual, legal, publishing and philosophical, cultural involvements (wedding? bar mitzvah? etc.) call you. These might not turn out to be as simple nor as fortunate as they promise, so step lightly here. (Avoid legal actions.) Love exists. Midday Monday might disturb you with an uncomfortable fact or relationship.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Be ambitious — everything works for you, not fantastically but mildly. This is actually better, as it lets you accomplish at a steady, “aware” pace. Your upward climb is not blocked anymore, as it was the last two years — that’s over. You’ll quietly impress bosses.

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Wishes can come true! You receive a shot of happiness, as popularity, optimism, social delights, flirtations and entertainment get you laughing, loving. All’s well! Don’t chase sex (or an investment) Thurs. eve — better opportunity, timing, Friday eve. Think about your future.

Rest of Sat.:   Retreat, lie low, rest, ponder and plan. All’s fine.

    GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

This week: Relationships fill your horizons. Be co-operative, diplomatic. Realize your luck for the whole year ahead will come from others. Don’t push or make enemies with your quick wit. Bosses, VIPs remain short-tempered all month. Mid-week, relations start to become more conversational, more serious. Singles might meet future mates this week and next. Co-workers remain affectionate, work remains fortunate, all Dec.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  The accent falls on investments, sexual embrace, research or investigation, secrets/spying, lifestyle changes and medical procedures. Although everything runs smoothly, make no commitments. In this whole zone, promise can turn to entrapment. A friendship might break a little Mon.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  A mellow, wise, broad view comes to you. Intellectual, educational, legal, cultural, publishing and love themes attract you — beneficially. One caution: don’t take a flirt or attraction seriously Mon. night. Otherwise, no obstacles — charge ahead!

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Be ambitious, chase career and business goals. Your partner or spouse (or a new love) might quibble Thursday about your ambitions — be agreeable, he/she has a point. But follow your own drives Fri./Sat. Generally, success is slated!

Rest of Sat.:  Find friends, get out, make a date — an upbeat mood and your gift of gab can provide a gratifying evening, maybe the spark of love.

    CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This week:  Ah, work and drudgery, Cancer. Might as well bend your shoulders and get it done. Still 12 days before more exciting times arrive. Still, you won’t lack for sweet promises this week, as someone wants to talk about a creative, speculative or beauty project — and romance. These, creative, romance, etc., are favoured all Dec. Someone might reveal their attraction, but not blatantly. This person’s subtle, deep as a mountain fissure. Strictly avoid legal hassles, unless you’re a lawyer.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Relationships face you. Welcome others, esp. Sunday, as harmony and goodwill prevail. Midday Monday might bring a disruption, perhaps a no-show, or an extra demand by the boss. Just smile. Remember that those you meet between last month and May 2020 will likely not become a partner, or you’ll wish he/she hadn’t.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Secrets, mysteries. Dig deep, find the treasure. Your intuition soars — follow it. Sexual desires peak — be honest, moral, and if so, charge ahead. The poor luck that haunted this zone (investments and sex) is now gone, won’t return for 17 years. You might hit a speed bump if you drive too quickly toward romance Mon. night.

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Wisdom, understanding soothe you. Handle the “big questions,” ponder, embrace new horizons, esp. foreign ones. Apply for school Fri. Love isn’t the main focus, but it sparks, lives, Thurs. Co-workers (or work demands) might try to prevent an affectionate evening/night Thurs. — affection wins.

Rest of Sat.:  Be ambitious, display talents, butter up parents. All’s well.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast    LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

This week:  Romance — what else? Well, self-expression, creativity, sports, games, indulgent pleasures, beauty, taking a risk, baring your heart, joying in your children — these come for you, also. Your amour might find it hard to distinguish between your romantic side and your lustful one (all month). Your home and family grow affectionate, peaceful all December.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Tackle chores — you’ll get them done. Use a steady pace. Don’t create big new chores or sign up for long working hauls. Hands-on work, in general, won’t bring large rewards before May 2020. Eat, drink sensibly. Careful with electricity Mon.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  An exciting meeting very possible. Your relationships, marked with delays and difficulty the last 2 years, now flow with goodwill, ease and, more importantly, potential. If single, you might meet a future mate now. (No rush, though, as you’ll have multiple meetings, attractions and opportunities through 2019, and again in 2021.)  Flirting might start the wrong liaison Mon. night.

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Sex, secrets, pregnancy, money, mysteries, change and commitment and consequence. This is a good time to invest, IF you don’t impulsively jump on a gamble. Medical procedures, surgery, might occur — and will go well. Generally, a good interval in a good week.

Rest of Sat.:  Wisdom, understanding, gentle love, far horizons — contact someone, because you have the gift of conversation now (lasting to January).

    VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This week:  The focus remains on domicile, family, garden, nature, stomach and soul. It’s a great time to “switch homes” — to sell and buy, but also just to buy. (No large hurry here, as fortune favours you in real estate right into next Dec., 2019.) Upgrade your security, nutrition. Hug the kids. Let go of wasteful or stagnant situations, relationships. Others are intense, impulsive. Spouse, lover, even a business associate wants love or war — no in-between.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  The general trend is toward romance, beauty, pleasure and risk. All flows smoothly, until midday Mon., when intimacy (and investments) careen in a wonky direction — perhaps work or health is the cause.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Tackle chores and protect your everyday health. All runs smoothly; you can accomplish a good amount. If buying machinery or computer items, do it Wed.

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Opportunities, fresh horizons, negotiations highlighted. Relationships show intensity. Make love, not war. Someone’s sexual magnetism almost makes you helpless or tempted to surrender. It wouldn’t be a bad thing, as long as you don’t let fantasy outpace realism. Co-operate, be diplomatic. You might, ultimately, have to choose between partnership/opportunity and security.

Rest of Sat.:  Sex, finances, exploration, investigation, commitment and consequence — all these are good in themselves, but might eventually nix a romance. That’s actually good, as romance will be a bit “sullied” now to May 2020.

    LIBRA:  Sept.23-Oct. 22

This week:  Errands, light romance, friendly contacts, travel everywhere, paperwork, applications, questions, curiosity — expect these to fill this good week. Your work duties remain intense and vital all month (for an opportunity, relocation or partnership hangs in the balance). (This will come about — show itself more clearly — by January/February). Your money luck looks good, until early January. A recent hold-up or delay in $ or a purchase just ended. Ditto re a sensual, but perhaps not earth-shattering, attraction.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Deal with home and family — this isn’t an easy nor very rewarding area for the next year or two, but you can advance home matters during these 2 days. Money helps. You might even glimpse your destiny in this zone Sunday.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Sweet romance will “show up” — perhaps from a message, or while you’re travelling. Beauty, pleasure, sports/games, creative and speculative actions — these lure you. All’s good, so charge ahead! (Well, better after Mon. night, when you’re the obstacle to your own desires.)

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  To work! Take care of your health; eat and dress sensibly. Thursday might present a few obstacles, but not depressing ones — it’s more like a difference of opinion/beliefs (or of law). On the other hand, Thurs. also holds a money or salary plum, or a great purchase.

Rest of Sat.:  Relationships, perhaps an exciting meeting. For you, Libra, love in the months ahead will feel a little casual, light. But someone might want you in a serious, marriage-oriented way. What will you do? Today’s a good time to ponder this — or to buy travel tickets.

    SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This week:  The focus remains on money, purchases, memory, rote learning, and sensual attractions. The last of these will be easier to achieve than usually. As stated before, you might be hot for a co-worker (or you dive into creative work). Your money activities intensify Wed. onward to early January. Your personal magnetism remains high: others see you now as gracious, affectionate, “good looking.”

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Chase calls, contacts; run errands, perform paperwork, visit, scan the media, be curious, ask questions. Sunday’s problem-free, but Mon. might bring a health or work disruption — not a major one.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Be home, in person or in your thoughts. Hug family members, realize how valuable they are to you; and how “home” is a huge support/platform for your life. If you come from an abusive home, this is a pretty good time to contemplate freeing yourself (further). Also a good time for all Scorpios to consider who belongs in your life, and what situations or people have grown stale, should be allowed to “pass on”. A problem-free interval, although very late Mon. night could bring a “no” to any partnership or love proposal.

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Romance surges. Don’t let money considerations hold you back. Money will be abundant until Dec. 2019. Romance not so much. (Although you’re halfway through a 15-year “true love” phase, and if you haven’t yet found it, you will — just not in 2019, probably.) If you’re attached, the kids surprise you and warm your heart. Dive into creative, speculative or pleasure projects.

Rest of Sat.:  Tackle chores, esp. those that require travel or communications or paperwork — easy results!

    SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This week:  Your charisma, energy, clout and effectiveness continue high — and now recent delays and indecision have ended. You’re in fine form to charge ahead after whatever (or whomever) you want. (This “empowerment” lasts until Dec. 2019, so see and chase something BIG.) Your inner life runs on a smooth, happy path all month, but at the same time your domestic arena can trigger temper outbursts or a bit of aggression (assertion gone wrong). Lightly does it! You’ll propose a “partnership” soon.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Money, memory, rote learning, possessions, shopping and sensual attractions lure you — why not, there’s no harm here, though no splendid luck, either. Romance and money don’t mix Mon.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Errands, friendly contacts, paperwork, communications and travel fill this interval. Be curious, ask questions and scan the media. All’s well! A bit of friendly flirtation possible. (But if it happens Mon. night it won’t have a successful future, won’t fulfill your wishes.)

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Be home, or in the ‘hood. Your family needs attention (and patience!). Relax, ponder, decide who is going to stay with you during this expansive, adventurous year ahead, and who/what is stagnant, needs to be set free or moved on from. Thursday holds a possible argument, but one you’ll easily win.

Rest of Sat.:  Romance! Beauty, creative and speculative ventures, successful risk-taking! You might “touch love” with a Gemini. (Or a Gemini aids you in finding love — or a creative present.)

    CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This week: Remain watchful, contemplative, quiet. Nap when needed. Liaison with gov’t, corporate administrations, institutions, agents and advisors. This is an easy week. Recent delays are over, so start to formulate future plans. In doing so, leave a large space for input from others, and for their goals.  Independence is not a wise choice before May 2020.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Your energy and attractiveness (and influence on others) remain high. Get things done, start things, reach out and contact others, build new bridges. Sunday’s good. Monday holds a wee domestic disruption around midday PST.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Money’s your game. Buy/sell, find bargains, cultivate clients, hint at a pay raise, etc. This is a sensual interval, also, but considering your low energy these few weeks, I doubt you’ll get far unless you aim low. (Not recommended.) Memorize, dive into rote learning. Not a cloud in the sky!

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Paperwork, short trips, calls, texts, etc., errands, curiosity — these fill this interval. Thursday’s a bit jumbled, mixing good social vibes, even flirtation, with an argumentative or “miscommunication” streak (involving your hidden side or a gov’t connection, probably). Friday’s fine, brings a rush of activity.

Rest of Sat.:  Be home, with spouse, kids or other family. Have a family discussion, or invite faithful friends over. All’s well!

    AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This week:  You remain optimistic, social, flirty and happy! A wish can come true. Your popularity remains high. A difficult year is over, a fortunate year is beginning. This week’s easy. A love affair might get “back on track” from Wed. into early January. Money remains swift – swiftly in and swiftly out – careful! Bosses favour you, so present a proposal or two.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Pause to rebuild your energy. Plan mid-week actions. Deal with gov’t, admin. workers, examine your benefits package, ponder your life and relations, goals. Avoid competitive situations. Sunday’s fine; Mon. might spark abrupt/impulsive and unhelpful speech. Drive with care.

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Your energy and charisma, clout and effectiveness soar! No obstacles face you, so charge ahead, start things, enlist allies, be a leader. Your popularity’s tops, so you can persuade others to join your caravan, at least for a while. If you’re single, a romance can emerge from your social circle now to early January. A quick, talkative person.

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Find bargains. Sell, collect money owed, butter up clients or the boss. You might begin a sensual affair — make sure the other person knows you consider it to be temporary or “light”. They’ll probably be fine with that, but honesty is imperative. Thursday holds a couple of minor glitches, mostly social ones. Friday’s intense for a few hours, especially around $ or sex.

Rest of Sat.:  Dive into errands, calls, trips, paperwork, easy swift chores. You’ll succeed — and might talk to someone who sparks your desires and hopes.

    PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

This week: The general accent continues on career, prestige relations, worldly standing, reputation. This is a calm, smooth week, affording you ample opportunity to advance your ambitious cause(s). Just plow ahead with steady confidence — you’ve lost your usual hesitation — good! From Wed. onward (to early January) there will be much discussion around career themes, with higher ups and others. Marriage or a business partnership might arise, same period. Friends are affectionate until early January — one might be a future mate.

Sun. to 3 pm Mon.:  Wishes can come true… but these ones are, perhaps, a bit less likely than most. (I mean the wishes you make now.) Until May 2020, opt for action and passion rather than wishful hoping and gazing on a far-flung future. For deep romance rather than playing the field. You’ll get a wee boost in popularity, a party or flirt, entertainment. Sunday’s best. Monday’s good, but holds a money obstacle/surprise (taxes?).

4 pm Mon. to 4 am Thurs.:  Lie low, rest, ponder and plan — not wishful plans, but practical ones that entail action by late this week, or next week. No obstacles, all is good. Deal with gov’t, head office, institutions, charities, agents and advisors. Meditate, seek spirit.

5 am Thurs. to 4 pm Sat.:  Your energy and charisma surge! Be a leader, start significant projects, enlist allies, ask favours, make contacts, proposals. Thursday is like a rocket, Friday is like a fire. Both days, you can shoot forward. Enlist a big-hearted Scorpio Thurs.

Rest of Sat.:  Chase money late day. Buy/sell. An opening appears in career zones — step through. All’s well.



Why did Chief Justice John Roberts claim there is no political bias in U.S. judges? He spoke specifically to attack Trump. Roberts’ Venus, his planet ruling law, is in Sagittarius, on Trump’s Achilles heel. (This heel is Trump’s lunar south node, as described in earlier columns.) It’s almost as if Roberts was compelled (by what or who?) to criticize Trump. There was neither logic nor reality nor history behind his remarks. U.S. judges have always been political. 87 per cent of judges at the state level (including Superior Court judges) are ELECTED by the citizenry. How is that not political? Even the 9 justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are “elected” (yea or nay votes) by a house of politicians. That, too, is not political?

Roberts implies that judges are impartial. A study of family court judgments In Toronto, Ontario, found that women won their cases (was it 96 or 98?) over 95% of the time. Men won their cases less than 3% of the time (if memory serves — I read this report 8 years ago). In that city, almost every family court judge is a woman. (I counted 35 to 1 in 2010). This study cited one case in which a carpenter, with a business-owning wife who possessed many times his net worth, and enjoyed an income far larger than his, was ordered to pay her support. I don’t know. Sounds a bit partial to me.

Many people aren’t aware that Canadian lawyers and judges often attend the same house parties, where they joke about current cases, and make fun of the plaintiffs and defendants alike.

As I wrote some months back (and have intermittently since 1983) the courts, the law, and the universities, all will lean toward unsavoury motives and immoral decisions, and be generally negative influences on humanity and civilization, from 1983 to 2229 — 246 years.  Universities in the U.S. have already proven this prediction right.
