PLEASE NOTE: This is NEXT WEEK’S column. To read the present week’s forecast, please scroll down to RECENT POSTS and click on “April 20 – 26.”
All times/dates are PDT (Pacific Daylight). To reference your own time, see “WORLD CLOCK” on the right of this page, or go to
START NOTHING: 4:02 am Sun. to 7:23 am Mon., 8:53 am to 1:56 pm Wed., and 4:32 pm Thurs. to 11:13 pm Fri.
UKRAINE: Last week I wrote that if anyone began fighting April 16-18, they would eventually lose. In the Ukraine situation, these days actually brought a “peace accord” (sort of) between Russia and Ukraine, NATO, the EU and America – the exact opposite to fighting. But the occupiers of the government buildings in Eastern Ukraine stated they were not at the negotiating table, and would ignore the peace accord. By default they, then, might be the losers.
WISHES: write your wish down on a piece of paper, fold it twice (into 4 layers) and put it under your mattress. Leave it there until you forget it’s there….
REPRINT: The following is a “reprint” from the November 17, 2013 preamble. I’m putting it here again because a number of readers keep asking general economy questions. So here you go:
“In 2012, I wrote here that 2013 would see an economic rise in the U.S., but I also hinted that the Euro might be in trouble in 2014. Here’s what lies ahead:
“Many companies that were born in the second half of 2013, or undertook big new directions, will thrive in the decades ahead. This influence lasts until mid-July 2014. Until then, also, the economy (world-wide, in general) should be on a recovery or healthy mode. As I forecast, the “fiscal cliff” (of January 2013) or the lowering of quantitative easing, could not stop the recovery. Right so far. However, from the present week (Nov. 10/13) onward to March 5, 2014 many “lucky” (or luck-dependent) projects will slow down, perhaps not even move forward. Then from March 5/14 to mid-July 2014, these “luck-dependent” ventures should rocket ahead. So plan your actions accordingly.
“From mid-July 2014 to December 2014, the economy will stumble. For individuals, this is one of the WORST times to launch a business. If the Euro (or the Euro zone) is going to collapse, this would be one of the likely times. However (providing the Euro zone doesn’t collapse) I think we’ll hardly notice the downturn in North America.
“China, as forecast in 2012, will tend to remain slow (in comparison to the past) through 2014. In 2015, China will flip-flop between growth and less growth (the “flop” period is June-September, 2015).
“So the last half of 2014 is a downer, economically. Then we enter a small but hopeful recovery the first half of 2015, and another downer from September 2015 into September 2016 – this one the most serious since the 2007-10 meltdown.
“Off and on during 2015, and then in full force October 2015 through December 2017, prices and interest rates cause rumours, fears and upheavals – usually this aspect (Saturn square Neptune) causes inflationary spikes, but this time it might cause a deflationary ditch. If you’re an investor or business person, watch for clues to determine which way the tide will flow. These clues occur as early as late December 2014 into March 2015. [Note: this is a correction. These dates were first stated, in the original preamble, as Dec.2013 to March 2014, a “typo” mistake.] At first, if inflation rules, it is welcomed as a side effect of an expanding economy. (However, soon it can turn to stagflation, so be wary.) If deflation is to rule, December/14 into March/15 should also show the clues, but they can be masked at first by a benevolent economy – look beneath the surface: look at the statistics, stripped of all but the inflation/deflation numbers.”
BTW, if you want to read an old column, scroll down to “Archive” on the right-hand side. If you want to see old columns prior to this blog (that is, from the former web site) click on “ARCHIVE” under the blue picture above.
This is a good, strong week for money and career. You’re the center of attention Sunday, but the day looks calm (despite, perhaps, last night’s shenanigans). Chase money Monday to Wednesday morning. All signals green except Tuesday pm, when others are reluctant to help or agree. Chase new clients, sell unwanted items, shop, protect your possessions. A higher-up seems willing to aid you – ask for a raise, it just might work (before 10:30 am PDT Tuesday). Casual friends, siblings, errands, visits, trips, communications, paperwork and details fill Wednesday pm through Friday – Thursday’s best. All week, your sensual urges grow – soon, Saturday onward to late May, you could meet/develop a special, significant relationship, one that will teach you a new facet of love. You’ll be the sweet, receptive one, and he/she will be the assertive half – a reversal of roles. Home, Saturday.
Your charisma, energy, clout and effectiveness reach a yearly high until late May. Start important projects, seek favours, tackle chores that used to intimidate you, see and be seen, approach that dauntingly handsome/beautiful person. Lie low, recoup your energy Sunday – action would yield nothing, anyway. Your energy and charisma surge Monday to Wednesday – chase what/who you want! A Capricorn or Scorpio could play a featured role, might trigger love, travel, legal, an educational idea or publishing success. (This influence lasts to Saturday.) Chase money, buy/sell, impress clients and the boss Wednesday pm to Friday. (Thursday morning’s best.) If you “intuit” that a present romance is viewed skeptically by your partners, advisors, your intuition’s right. Saturday’s for errands, paperwork, friends and siblings, trips, visits – follow your curiosity.
Retreat, rest, lie low now through May 19 (especially this Monday to Wednesday noon). Take frequent naps, protect your health; eat and dress sensibly. This is a nice, comfortable time of solitude – catch up on your favorite books, your dreams and schemes. Contemplate, plan. Be charitable. Deal with government, institutions and corporate headquarters. Find your spiritual center again. You’re happy, sociable Sunday, but not much occurs. Your energy and pizzazz returns a wee bit Wednesday pm to Friday – use this time to accomplish chores you know can’t wait, to contact people whom you must. Something occurs (Thursday) that gives you hope, perhaps about a romantic situation. But be prepared for a “No” about a work or health concern. Chase money Saturday – buy/sell, prepare your premises (or stationery) for clients, draw up a savings plan. All week, intimacy, investments, financial actions, research and secrecy bless you.
Life renews. The dawning hopes you’ll feel during the weeks ahead are “true.” For a few weeks at least, problems and crises fade; friendship, popularity, healing, hope and the simple joy of living fill your days. (Regarding the “truth” or accuracy of your hopes: for the entire decade ahead, your intuition will be unusually accurate – depend on it. Depend on its warnings, also. Your subconscious has never been as close and as co-operative as now, to 2025.) Behave Sunday: an important neighbour (or the boss if you’re at work) is watching. Those hopes rise Monday to Wednesday noon. Seek friends, entertainment, join a group, accept invitations, flirt. If a light, friendly romance sparks, it could contain “marriage potential.” Retreat, catch your breath Wednesday pm to Friday: contemplate and plan, examine what has happened in the last ten days. Your energy and charisma surge Saturday: get out, impress someone!
Be ambitious for the month ahead, Leo, especially this Monday to Wednesday. You will hear a lot of news “from above,” or hold discussions with bosses, parents, VIPs or authorities. Welcome these – they lead to work improvements, opportunities (esp. Tuesday morning). On the negative side, you – or your bosses – could face opposition from your family or the “grassroots” (Tuesday night, Friday). You start the week with a mellow, thoughtful Sunday. Monday to Wednesday morn might start a new career project – press forward, the advantages far outweigh the glitches. Happiness, popularity, light romance or flirtation, entertainment, social delights fill Wednesday pm to Friday. You might start sensing a chasm between socializing and intimate sex: one won’t support the other, to 2025. (Until then, avoid “investor clubs.”) Retreat, rest Saturday.
The weeks ahead immerse you in a compassionate, mellow, wise and gently loving mood – just the sort of mood that great love affairs come from. (I’m not saying one is coming – but every May will bring this possibility, and now to 2025, the possibility is heightened.) Sunday’s mysterious, but there’s no prize at the end of the unravelling. Reject lust. Monday to Wednesday bring that mellow, wise mood, and could bring a subtle attraction – a Capricorn or Scorpio might be involved. These days also favour far travel, international affairs or contacts, higher education, publishing, insurance, love, cultural venues, and intellectual pursuits. Wednesday pm through Friday brings career and reputation pressures: stand up, be counted, show your skills. You pass any tests with flying colours! (Thursday’s best.) Saturday brings social delights, flirtation, popularity. A love wish (not a sexual one) could come true!
Things change. The open relationships of the past few weeks have veered into more private, closed-door or mysterious zones – not the best development if you’ve been dealing with an enemy, but a potentially fruitful new atmosphere in love and friendly links, for intimacy, sex, investment and financial matters thrive in this “closeness.” Over the weeks ahead, you can attract funding for your project, or allocate your funds into more profitable equities, ventures, etc. These actions can be especially lucky this May, as VIPs, bosses, parents and powerful people like you, will do you favours, give you the nod. A health concern might arise, especially in digestive or eliminative areas; perhaps aggravated by stress. It’s a mysterious one, that might need lab work or other investigation. Generally, expect change, new lifestyle opportunities, commitment and consequence. (A lot of change came last week, or was initiated.) Be diplomatic Sunday. Monday to Wednesday emphasize everything I’ve talked about above – sex, change, etc. Wisdom, gentle love and travel fill Wednesday pm to Friday. Be ambitious Saturday – stop by supper time.
The main accent lies on relationships – be open, honest, but diplomatic. Co-operate, so you’ll gain co-operation in future. Many doorways face you now, doors to opportunities, to relocation, to love, even marriage, to business partnership. Step through, everything supports a bold entry – especially Monday to Wednesday morning, but in general for the whole month ahead. Earlier, Sunday’s for chores – but tackle only the most routine. Wednesday afternoon through Friday brings mysteries, sexual desires, lifestyle changes, health diagnosis, large finances, investments – mostly good, but you have to conquer your skepticism toward a “new horizon,” or toward a person. Utilize research, detective work – the valuables lie beneath. Saturday brings wisdom, compassion, love, cultural or social rituals, intellectual pursuits, international concerns and far travel. All week, you communicate successfully, so send letters, emails. But cease Saturday, by 5:30 pm (PDT).
The main emphasis lies on work and dependants, Sage. Protect your health. Eat, dress sensibly. Improve your diet. This whole week aids your income (perhaps for a long time) so work hard, look for labour saving devices and innovative methods. Sunday’s romantic, pleasure-prone, but not much happens. Monday to noon Wednesday bring that work/health dynamic to the fore – refusals or “tough going” likely Tuesday eve/night – otherwise, you make quite easy progress. (That “tough going” is due to something you lack, or hold in secret.) Relationships fill Wednesday pm to Friday – again, there seems to be that bit of refusal Friday eve, but all is well, even romantic, earlier (Thursday morn). Investigate mysteries Saturday, look under the rug. Investments, high tech purchases, work earnings, health diagnoses – these go well before supper time (PDT).
The weeks ahead accent romance, pleasure, beauty, the talents of children (and teaching them) games, sports, creative surges and speculative risks – in general, you will be a winner! This week is easy, smooth, might even seem unimportant. But all week, the cosmos is slowly working to help one of your major wishes come true. E.g., say you’ve wanted romance for a long time – now a beautiful girl/boy has moved in next door – maybe not a complete fulfilment, but life’s helping. Do what you can, then, to help your own wishes, to move toward your goals. Someone who appears April 24 to May 7 (perhaps a talkative person) might represent not only romance, but an eventual journey, an educational/media success, or a wedding. Same period, you talk more easily in romance, express yourself well on paper. Sunday’s for rest, meditation, and is good for little else. Romance, beauty, et al, blossoms Monday to Wednesday. Tackle chores, protect health Wednesday pm to Friday. Saturday might hold an exciting (or deeply alluring) meeting – daytime best.
The weeks ahead feature security, home, family, food, garden, Mother Nature, and rest – especially this Monday to midday Wednesday – a splendid period to landscape, garden, or prepare the kids’ future (except Tuesday pm). Yield to that hibernation feeling, take power naps, etc. Better to go slow now and form solid plans, than to chase something elusive. A “light” romance might end or stall, in order to give you this rest time. Sunday’s for travel and communication, errands and visits, but don’t be too hopeful or adventurous: little occurs. Romantic and creative notions visit you Wednesday afternoon through Friday. (Your work duties or “position” might nix these Friday.) It’s a good time for hobbies, or decorating the spare bedroom. Tackle chores Saturday – shop in the neighbourhood. Quit by 7 pm (PDT). All week, life aids you in establishing a new privacy, or diagnosing and getting rid of inner glitches, ghosts.
Last week’s problems are ebbing. The general emphasis lies on errands, visits, trips, paperwork, casual meetings and details. It’s a busy time, not an important time. All week, the cosmos does you a favour, perhaps almost secretly: it helps one of your wishes come true. The wish is about travel, education, fame, publishing/media, an intellectual pursuit or a cultural venue, or love. (It grants this “help” two or three times a year now to 2024, so it’s not a huge thing. Still… I’d welcome it.) Sunday’s for money, buying/selling. However, buy only routine items, and don’t hope for a lot if selling. Those errands, visits and communications fill Monday to midday Wednesday. Tuesday eve/night brings either an opportunity (to make a friend?) or a refusal. Family, home, property, Mother Nature, soul and stomach, security and retirement prospects – these arise Wednesday afternoon through Friday. All is well, so proceed – and rest, take naps. Again, Friday eve – an opportunity or a refusal? The latter seems likely. Saturday blossoms with poetry, romance, creativity and quiet, swelling joy. Night time’s argumentative.
The End.
Disclaimer: Tim is not a lawyer, medical doctor nor financial advisor. Though astrology addresses all these fields, you are advised to discuss Tim’s advice with the appropriate expert before acting.