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Email: suningem@gmail.com

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If you have had trouble purchasing Tim’s 2020 Astrology Forecast book from Amazon, you can order it directly from us. Click the ‘LINK TO PDF’ directly above.

START NOTHING:   7:51 am to 5:58 pm Mon., 0:16 am to 6:37 am Thurs., and 4:05 pm to 6:38 pm Sat.


You can often see God in the design of a chart.
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2019 belied my prediction that inflation would arrive. Our next best inflation chance: Spring 2022.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Your energy and charisma soar skyward this week and the next few, Aries. You might, overall, gain more benefit from working from home or on your home rather than chasing career mirages now to May 5. (Though you feel compelled in the career direction.) Your money continues lucky.   During the six years ahead, you can find that your earnings are strongly tied to your social abilities and successes. This area of socializing begins to present a sober, serious face to you. This “sober socializing” begins this week, lasts through June, then returns in late December and lasts until March 2023. You might make friends of much different ages, and/or friends who are closely connected to career ambitions.

Withdraw from the crowd Sunday/Monday. Rest deeply, ponder your life and where you want to go, and make plans. These two days are preparing you to burst out of the gates with meaningful action from Monday night through Wednesday, and in fact for the whole four weeks ahead. You might feel love or affection towards someone downtrodden. Your energy and charisma soar upward suppertime Monday (PDT) to the end of Wednesday.

It’s odd: during your restful interval (Sun./Mon.) everything went smoothly. But during this energetic interval you face many challenges, especially Wednesday. These challenges are actually opportunities in career and power zones — but remember my “May 5” comment above. Chase money, buy/sell, schmooze with clients, pay bills and collect what’s owed you Thursday morning to Saturday night. The very beginning of this phase might immediately meet you with an obstacle. But from that point on word, everything succeeds. Dive right in!

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Look forward to a month of peace and quiet, rest and contemplation, Taurus. Withdraw from the crowd, deal with civil servants, spiritual and charitable organizations, agents and advisers. Might be asked to attend confidential or planning discussions at work. Someone might try to put you on a committee. Continue to beware of lawsuits. Your physical charms continue to attract someone; a Virgo or Gemini might be involved.

The planet Saturn moves into your career sector this week until June, then will move in more permanently from late December into March 2023. This has many repercussions, many of them fortunate. I can’t list them all here, but you will notice that people on your career scene grow more human and talkative. You can go to higher learning for your career. Themes of internationalism, law, education, travel and culture and publishing will become more prominent in your job. Over all, this should be a fortunate period for your ambitions and standing.

Sunday/Monday fill your heart with hope and the joy of life. These two days, ignore my advice about withdrawing: get out, see and be seen, join with friends. Happiness exists! But that withdrawal advice definitely applies from suppertime Monday to the end of Wednesday (PDT). This is not a terribly beneficial interval, so avoid putting your fingers in any other peoples’ projects; being alone and resting deeply is your best stance. Watch the projects that other people are launching: not that you want to copy them, but it kind of tells you what the world is doing, where going. Your energy and pizzazz returned nicely Thursday morning to Saturday night. Because you’re in a low energy month, this energy might not hit the ceiling, but it’s good enough to bring fortune your way, esp. Friday and Saturday. You might receive a hint that love is destined.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Continue to be wary on investment and intimate fronts, Gemini. You are hopeful and impetuous in these areas. Don’t make irrevocable commitments until you have studied a situation front, back, sideways, etc. The whole month ahead brings optimism, an expanding circle of friends, fresh horizons, entertainment, flirtations. “Apply” to enter a new group. Your interactions with government, head office, agents and advisers are affectionate and beneficial until early April. Take advantage of this to iron out tax problems, commissions, etc. Business and career discussions take place. 

Sunday/Monday highlight your career and worldly standing. You can make a good impression either day and can work out solutions to a problem. The theme of the whole month ahead, optimism and growing friendships, and maybe a little flirtation, arrives Monday suppertime to the end of Wednesday. However, the aspects are not good, so don’t launch any projects here — just enjoy the mood, and have fun. (In April, sweeter social/love times will come.) Withdraw from the hectic world Thursday to Saturday night. Ponder, plan, deal with administrative and government types, be charitable and spiritual. Something very successful and good seems to happen Friday/Saturday. A secret love might form. Sat. night: you’re ready to dance, metaphorically and actually.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Ambition, your career and your social standing come into focus now to late April. In a sense, what you’re doing will become important July to December, when your career will run down the tracks that you are laying now. This is your last week of intense relationships. Friends remain sweet, supportive. A love link might bring more talk than action. Saturn, your relationship planet, has entered your sexual, secretive, financial, medical and lifestyle sector (now through June, and again mid-December 2020 to March 2023). Relationships, going forward, will tend to operate in one or more of these zones. It’s all or nothing, commitment or nothing.

Sunday/Monday maintain a compassionate, understanding, wide vision. Love can seem (and maybe is) magical. You can make splendid progress, esp. in cultural, international, legal and travel areas. Monday suppertime (PDT) through Wed. brings career action, relations with higher-ups. Show skills, be prompt! Not a good time to push or insist, nor to launch ambitious projects — one of those “intense relationships” seems to fight your bid to climb. Well, he/she will soon exit (but watch where they go). Thursday dawn to Sat. eve brings happiness — popularity, social joys, entertainment, flirts, and optimism. Call someone, start something — success hovers all around you Fri./Sat!

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

One last week of hard work, Leo. Your career should be doing well now, as higher-ups favour you for two more weeks. Saturn has just entered your relationship sector for two+ years (this spring, then Dec./20 to March/23). If single, you might romance, even wed, a co-worker. People your own age will be reluctant to form a bond, but those younger and older will gather ‘round you. Mars will join Saturn there next week, so significant relationship developments can occur very soon. (They might be practical, might require a contract.)

Sunday/Monday bring secrets, sexual temptations, financial actions, lifestyle and medical decisions — do decide, commit, act — results will please you. Far travel, international affairs, legal, publishing, cultural and intellectual pursuits draw you Monday suppertime (PDT) through Wed. You like these themes, but this interval fights them with bad aspects. Best stance: be patient, wait for better times. Your career, relations with higher-ups, your ambitions and social standing are highlighted Thurs. dawn to Sat. eve. — in such a fortunate way that you’re urged to charge ahead — start projects, seek permission, etc. You could be placing yourself in line for a promotion!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Recent meetings, relationships, bend now into deeper waters: into commitment and consequence. Business agreements are now funded (or broken). Love attractions veer into consequential intimacy. Romance remains intense this week, then work demands will take over in April. Love exists, is stronger than the obstacles that have been thrown at it.

Now through June, and again mid-December/20 to March 2023, your love planet (Saturn) will crawl through your work and health sector. This hints at co-worker romances, at practical considerations in romance, and more creative work. When Mars joins Saturn next week, you might change jobs, or methods. A good time (April, still ahead) to invest in your work, buy tools or take equity in your employer’s business, etc. But all that stirs more next week than now. Through all this, you remain loving, understanding.

Sunday/Monday feature relationships, opportunities and fresh horizons. Be diplomatic and cooperative. Realize a person you’re dealing with has a better plan or more clout than you do, so be willing to jump on their bandwagon. A splendid interval — love could blossom. Monday suppertime (PDT) to Thurs. dawn accents sex, secrets, heightened intuition, subconscious promptings, financial action, research and spying — all rather unfortunately. Best action: either do nothing outside routine, or study the “movements” or desires of these days, as a hint of the July-December period, when these areas (sex, etc.) will be significant, life-affecting. A mellow, wise mood steals over you Thurs. to Sat. eve. Be open to love, to travel, education, legal actions, even to wedding plans. Chase what and who you want, Virgo, esp. Fri./Sat. — lovely luck!

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your whole life, property and security have been under pressure since 2009. This pressure increased about two years ago, and in February Mars moved into this sector, adding fire and heat and perhaps some argument. On the other hand, Mars can spur you into effective action in attacking these pressures/problems. If you like this choice, you’d better move fast, for Mars exits March 30. Mars in this zone can also (already has, if applicable) end a relationship, even a partnership. But April will bring “fresh” romance, might start an entire nine months of consequential attraction. (Consequences: pregnancy, marriage/wedding, buying a home, relocation, etc.)

The planet Saturn also enters your romance sector (just did, last Saturday) now to June, and December to March 2023. This will add a sober seriousness to your love prospects, will slow the frequency of flirtations, but will tend to move true love into a domestic situation — love builds a house. Your sexual desires remain potent and fortunate this week and next. BUT Saturn and Mars fighting Uranus can make love/sex an explosive drama this week into early April, and again in December and next January. 

Tackle chores Sunday/Monday. Eat, dress sensibly. You will get a lot accomplished, as a good, mild luck accompanies you. Relationships arrive Monday supper time to dawn Thursday. (All PDT.) This interval has almost no good luck, and many obstacles. It is almost like the destruction phase of a relationship or two in order that the good stuff will have room to move in, as early as next month. Thursday to Saturday eve brings mysteries, secrets, and opportunities in intimacy, financial, medical and lifestyle zones. March confidently forward with these matters. Invest, ask someone to bed, schedule surgery, or study other areas that you might want to live in.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The weeks ahead bring a lot of work. Protect your daily health. There will be some opportunities to purchase tools or machinery; I will try to alert you when they occur. Relationships have been sweet and they continue that way until April 3. Now to April 10 is a good time to speak words of love, to send little mementos, cards or flowers. Drive carefully this week. The planet Saturn has just moved into your domestic sector. This hints that the months and (2 to 3) years ahead will make your home a more serious place. You might have to do upkeep or repairs. You’ll grow impatient with communications, and might stop responding to certain people, same few years (to March 2023).

Be romantic, creative, risk-taking, and chase beauty, pleasure and adventure Sunday/Monday. Your luck is great, so charge ahead, approach someone, etc. Tackle chores and health concerns — but cautiously — Monday eve to Thursday dawn (PDT). Various obstacles exist. DO NOT buy tools, machinery now. A new work project might start late Monday or Tuesday. Relationships, opportunities and new horizons, dealings with the public, negotiations and agreements, disagreements and litigation, and relocation themes fill Thursday dawn to Saturday evening. This interval is chock-full of good luck and harmony for you. Make your bid, join someone’s bandwagon, but even more, look out for, respond to, love.  A love conflict might burst to the surface within a week. Be prepared to weather a temporarily bumpy road.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Money continues to flow your way: keep banking, not spending. Your workplace remains friendly, pleasant. The planet Saturn, your income ruler, has just left your income sector. This planet will make your communications and travel slower, more cautious and deliberate, now to March 2023 (with a small remission July-Dec. 2020 — which is important, because this July-Dec. is a hugely romantic period for you… and it will need communication, self-expression). In April (and beyond!) you will be talking a blue streak about love, children, pleasure and “taking chances.” You might also, April to August, meet a gentle, talkative, gracious and kind potential mate — for love, for life, or perhaps for business, practical goals. But Saturn and Mars, in the days ahead, “fight” your work’s demands. Romance will be choppy until about April 10.

Be near home Sunday/Monday, be domestic, hug the kids, garden, upgrade security, start an education fund, buy furniture, etc. Fortunate results! Midweek, Mon. eve to dawn Thurs. (all PDT) prompts you to chase beauty, pleasure, romance, self-expression and creative, speculative situations. My advice: enjoy the mood, the beauty, but don’t chase nor commit — your luck’s terrible. Fortune revisits Thursday to Sat. eve, helping you take big bites out of your work pile. Excellent interval to buy machinery or tools, esp. Fri./Sat. A co-worker might befriend you, might tell you a secret. Good time to ask for a wee pay raise, or to boost your fees a per cent or two.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The weeks ahead emphasize your domestic scene, Cap. Romance and creative projects remain beneficial. Your courage (and also your desire to end a situation) remain all week. But many changes occur now to early April: money and earnings become a newly serious factor. Earnings might slow, now to June, and again in 2021-23. In some way this impacts your creative and romantic desires. Soon, you might face a wee crisis in earnings, yet this is followed by increased earnings. (? I think!) Lots of “money talk.”

Sunday/Monday is for communications, friends, visits and travel, paperwork and swift, easy chores. Birthdays are lucky, but Sunday is better — you might hear some news that puts your heart at rest. Your home and family are highlighted from Monday suppertime to dawn Thursday (all PDT). However, little luck and many obstacles make this a poor time to tackle such things as family discussions, (innovative) gardening/landscaping, painting or new furniture, etc. You might waver between being a home-body and a career go-getter. My advice: rest, contemplate, and do routine chores.

Romance strikes a beautiful chord Thurs. dawn to Sat. eve. Be creative, encourage the kid’s talents, visit your lover, take a chance, join in sports and games, and embrace beauty and pleasure wherever you find them. This interval is packed with good luck, love harmony and poetic feelings. Tell someone how you feel; banish shyness!

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Errands, casual contacts, travel, communications and paperwork, restlessness and curiosity fill the month ahead, Aquarius. It’s not an important time, little is at stake. (But many new trends will pop up in a week or two. Stay tuned.) Indulge your desire to know; ask questions. Home, family are mildly lucky, affectionate. It’s my last week of warning against violent places and belligerent people. 

Chase money Sunday/Monday. (Sun. to early Mon. morning best, PDT.) Buy/sell, schmooze with clients, stock up on beauty items, oils; buy a status item or car; luck is good. Errands, visits, paperwork, calls start well enough, Mon. eve to dawn Thurs. but they soon encounter obstacles — some of them familiar? Those “on high” are judgemental, have been (in discreet ways perhaps) for just over a decade. Perhaps you and the gov’t, or “head office,” don’t agree on some things. Or you feel imprisoned in someone else’s goals. Something like this is connected to the obstacles you face. Be careful: don’t hurt your own cause by mis-speaking or insulting someone.

Seek home, family Thurs. dawn to Sat. eve. All’s well here; in fact, better: you can launch a successful domestic, property, landscaping, security, or parental project. Now, if you want, you can obtain gov’t approval (e.g., for a building). Saturday night’s romantic, but might be only a “precursor” to this spring/summer’s affair.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The month ahead features money, possessions, sensual attractions and rote learning. Keep an eye on potholes in the road, esp. around March 30/31, and April 13. Your hopes, now to 2023, will tend to centre around gov’t, management, delegating, working for large institutions or companies, and a wee bit of withdrawal. Friends will tend to become confidants. Communications and casual contacts remain affectionate, friendly. 

Your energy and charisma hit a splendid level Sun./Mon. Start things, get out and greet, be a leader. Good luck rides with you! But put on your caution cap in money matters and sexual lures Mon. suppertime to dawn Thursday (PDT). Obstacles exist, and you could be “fighting your own luck.” Stick to routine items when shopping (e.g., groceries) — don’t even look at machinery, car, tv, etc. Thursday to Sat. eve brings errands, quick, easy chores, visits and trips, communications and paperwork — all successfully. If you’re unattached, a friendly love affair might start. A beautiful time to meet with friends, to plan for the future. Ask questions, be curious.



Is it possible to change destiny? I don’t think so. It’s possible to improve your destiny (that’s what karma is for) but not to evade or avoid it. Say “destiny” (and I don’t like this example) says, through its DNA department, that you will die at 71. Well, you could die with the heavy weight of sins, crimes and regret on you — and, if religious, the terror of Hell — or you might die with the safe, warm satisfaction of having lived a life of good deeds and thoughts, and might welcome death as the doorway to a more infinite satisfaction and (unselfish) bliss. 

I sometimes think that destiny channels us to be good or bad. I see the skeins and threads and imprints that weave their way from generation to generation. If it’s true (and I believe it is) that children born of good, moral and loving parents who stay married, tend in their turn to be good, moral and loving people and parents, who stay married. Whereas children raised by single or selfish parents, tend to turn out the same way.

How, then, can we deny the bad man heaven? We might say, “cleanse yourself first,” but we cannot in fairness say, “Despite the fact that 90% of your nature and actions was pre-ordained, despite the fact that we gave you every opportunity to be bad, and very few opportunities to be whole and good…” (for most goodness occurs when we are happy and secure) “…despite this, we are barring you from heaven because you have not acted as good as the people we favoured and coddled and loved from birth onward.”
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This recent collapse in the stock markets mirrors the economic downturn Covid-19 has caused.The negative economic pressures should last through June, then abate, to come again, more  seriously, December onward (for 2 years). (That’s why I wrote, I think last January, that these few months early in 2020, “the rafters would groan,” and that this was a warning that the whole roof might collapse December/20 into 2022.)

In-between (July to December 2020) the political squabbling in the U.S. will continue, even increase. 
