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My email is: suningem@gmail.com.
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Before 4:19 am Sunday, 4:27 am to 10:35 am Tuesday, and 12:12 pm to 6:41 pm Thursday.
Special prosecutor Robert Mueller will start talking soon, likely by mid-November onward. Trump will “escape.” Mueller will have a hard time translating his discoveries into legal use until late December onward. By late 2018, most of 2019, he will succeed greatly.
Consciousness is closely allied with will.
(If you want to see your subconscious work, draw a large “plus sign” [+] on a piece of paper. Label the vertical line ‘YES’ and the horizontal line ‘NO.’ Tie a string to a key, nail, or any small, weighty object, then put your elbow on the table and hold the string so the point of the key is suspended in the air about an inch above the point at which the two lines meet. Ask a question, then hold the string perfectly still. The key will begin to swing horizontally (a ‘no’ answer) or vertically (a ‘yes’ answer) or it will swing in a circle (no answer available). Though your conscious mind is holding the string perfectly still, your subconscious is swinging the key in answer. If you filmed this and looked closely at the film later, you might see your hand making the tiniest movements, to swing the string — but your conscious mind was not aware of any movement. (I’ve never filmed this, so am not sure this is so.)
The value of the subconscious is that it possesses a vast trove of information that our conscious minds do not. Many times in my life I have subconsciously known things about a situation that my conscious side didn’t. More than once, my subconscious knew that someone was swindling me, while my conscious side went ahead with a shaky deal. Each loss taught me something, and I was incredibly lucky, so life thrived. But I suffered big losses — for that time — $300,000 here and $250,000 there — plunging in while my subconscious was sending strong, repeated signals (blank feelings, feelings of confusion, hunches, delays) which my conscious side would shake off like a bothersome mist.
Other times, my subconscious would know that a deal was — usually in real estate — a very good one. But it lacked the will to act, and sometimes when this “feeling” came my conscious mind also lacked the will, was timid, worried about the risk. So I did nothing and watched the opportunity fuel someone else’s bank account. Even when the Tarot cards said the result of my action would be wealth, I didn’t believe them. (I’ve found the tarot is one of the best ways to access the subconscious.) To a large degree, much of this hanging on to caution was a function of age: after 50, I lost the “nerve” to take risks. I think people should take big risks in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, because timidity (we used to call it wisdom) sets in after those years.
The subconscious, in the scenario above, did not have the will to act. In general, the subconscious doesn’t seem to exercise will — or at least, it almost always yields to the conscious mind, in action. Sometimes control is ceded by the conscious mind (e.g., in meditation, channelling, zen practice, etc. — or in the “key and string” pendulum described above). In such cases, the subconscious really can take control of the body. (Of course, it controls sleep, too.) Because agreeing to or declining an offer takes physical movement, a voice or a hand with pen, the conscious mind gets its way. This hierarchy of wills is probably necessary: If the sub and upper consciousnesses both could wield an equal mount of control over the body, we might become battlegrounds of physicality. Though sometimes, even often, we do act subconsciously, it almost never involves a major life decision. (Unless we have decided to access our subconscious — say through a tarot reading — about some life-affecting decision, and then to act upon our “answer”.) For example, when relaxed we will cross the street without thinking, then find just the store we wanted. The subconscious, being given free rein [because we were relaxed] knew where the store was, and led us there. When we let the subconscious emerge or operate, we approach a state that has sometimes been called zen. On the negative side, some mental illnesses might (I’m no expert) be a state in which the subconscious is in full, though pathological, control.
But imagine how successful we might be if our conscious minds could increasingly learn to receive and believe, and act upon, actual warnings or encouragements from our subconscious selves. This is difficult, because the conscious mind likes to feel it is in control, and seldom wishes to share its consciousness with anything alien.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
Relationships are top of the agenda, Aries. Your luck in these has been huge over the past year. (Although if you were unhappily married, you probably separated — still, a good thing.) But from last week, into November 2018, your luck shifts to the deeper or more committed side of relationships. In business, from agreements to funding or project launches. In love, from attraction to sexual clinches, or from a love affair to a mortgage and “real life.” The year ahead will bring many open doorways, to successful investments (watch ballooning debt!), lifestyle changes, surgical cures, valuable research or investigation results, and abundant “intimacy.” Be honest and ethical, as you’ll be dealing with some hidden or deep stuff — e.g., reject an extra-marital affair. Tackle chores Sunday pre-dawn to mid-morning Tuesday. Government-related and legal or intellectual tasks won’t go well, but career-related chores will flow effortlessly. Relationships fill Tues. mid-morn to suppertime Thurs. (PDT). Although the “great luck” is fading in this area, you are still greeted affectionately, and could still get a “yes” to a proposal (esp. Tues.) but not if “shacking up” or another domestic situation is involved — you might be surprised by someone’s reaction (good or bad!) or you might fall “instantly” in love. Thursday night could show you the first “open door” of the 12 months ahead, a door to sexual gratification or financial success (or to a big research project) — themes that are repeated Friday and Saturday. A great end to the week, studded with opportunities. Grab them!
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
A whole year of overwork is over now, Taurus. Now to November 2018, your major good luck will lie in relationships. If you’re presently unhappily joined, you might split apart in this year ahead. But that aside, the months will be filled with lucky meetings, new contacts, love, expanding business/practical relationships, lucky relocation options, public dealings, financial partnership opportunities, opportunities in general, even potential fame. Romantic feelings fill Sun. to mid-morn Tues., but the main accent of this week still lies on work, so success can be mixed. Most likely: romance without sex. (Not good if meeting someone new.) You might be determined to embrace — be gentle. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Tues. mid-morn to Thurs. suppertime (PDT). Tuesday’s great – but don’t expect co-operation Wed., esp. in intellectual, travel or legal zones. Thursday morning’s disruptive, could bring an accident, or a lucky break-through. Relationships blossom Thurs. pm through Sat. — a first taste of the month (and year) ahead. You might meet someone very lucky (for you, too) Thurs. night. A social or romantic wish could come true Friday, and Saturday says “welcome!”
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Your year of great romantic luck has ended, Gemini, but you have one last, great week of amour left, and October 22 will start seven weeks of hot pursuit, of romantic courage and hopefulness, (which could “land” someone you’ve chased earlier.) Now your “major luck” switches to zones of work, employment, machinery, dependents and practical matters — until November next year. If you found love or a mate in the last 12 months, good — continue to love, but carve out some room for added work duties. This additional work can be quite lucky, leading to more earnings, even a (permanent) pay raise. Be gentle on the home front this week (the last week of friction there). Continue to NOT buy real estate NOR move into a new home. Home, family, security and nutrition, garden and nature, will be your main concerns Sun. to mid-morn Tuesday. Fair results, but don’t try to drag another into your projects, esp. Monday. Romance sweetens your life Tues. morn to Thurs. suppertime (PDT). A new romance might even start now, but it’s a “last minute” thing, so might or might not survive the months ahead. You’ll experience lots of sweet affection (Tues.), a sexual or domestic roadblock (Wed.), and either a stunning attraction or a stunning split, Wed. or Thurs. (Oddly, after this, a new romance could pop up!) To work, Thursday eve through Saturday — you can fortunately start a new job project, buy machinery, or elevate your career. Eat and dress sensibly.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
This is your last week of heightened domestic focus, Cancer. (Although the next seven weeks will make you ambitious about home, real estate, parenthood, etc., and will be a good time to renovate, repair or construct, they will NOT be good weeks to purchase a home nor to move into a new one. Also, be gentle on the home front until early December, as you might be too aggressive there.) The big luck planet, Jupiter, has left your home zone, and moved into your romantic arena, where it will stay until November 2018. In addition, next week starts a month of “double romantic” influence. Singles could fall in love! A co-worker could play a vital role. But for now, continue to attend to your home, children, garden, food regimen — and get some deep rest, as much action will start soon. Errands, communications, paperwork and travel fill Sunday to mid-morn Tuesday (PDT). All goes well except work, machinery and health, Mon. That home focus amplifies briefly Tues. mid-morn to Thurs. suppertime — sweetly Tues., but with spousal disagreement Wed.; and with a career/status vs. domestic surprise Wed./Thurs. Romance, creative and speculative urges, beauty, pleasure, games, sports and charming kids fill Thurs. night through Saturday. A new love might begin, but it’s a little “early,” so might or might not fully blossom in time to come.
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
A rather unimportant year of communications, travel and errands ended last week. Next week, a year of major good luck begins, in real estate, domestic, stomach, Mother Nature, security, foundational and sales territory zones. The present week is a mishmash of both. Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients and seek a pay raise (NOT adamantly!) Sun. to mid-morn Tues. (PDT). Work will proceed smoothly, but forget romance (and don’t get too creative at work). Errands, communications, paperwork and short trips fill Tues. morn to Thurs. suppertime. These go well, even affectionately, Tuesday; hit work, machine or health obstacles Wed.; and bring a surprise Thursday. (Good — a sudden spark of real love; or bad — a split or fender-bender.) Turn your thoughts toward home, family, security and real estate Thurs. night through Saturday. Everything is positive, expansive here. (You’ll hear news, or begin a dialogue about these domestic areas soon.) A lucky doorway to these opens Thurs. night, and a profitable investment (or “magical” sexual lure) is available Fri. — follow your hunches. During the seven weeks ahead, you might grow restless — travel or an intellectual project is the cure. One or two casual contacts might deepen into friendship, even into “friends with benefits.”
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
A lucky money year has just ended, Virgo. Your luck in the next 12+ months will lie in travel, communications, paperwork, writing, errands, casual contacts and media. Let your curiosity soar — and follow it. (It could lead you, for example, to a city or ‘hood where you will — fortunately — live, move to, in 2019.) The present week is a mildly turbulent time, as it contains the “cross over” from one luck cycle to another. You’ve been very sexually “motivated” over the last six weeks; this continues this week, but your physical desires transform to money desires Oct. 22 to Dec. 8. (That said, you might engage in a sensual affair during those weeks, also — and your partner will be surprised by your “prowess.”) Much money will flow to you (next week to Dec. 8) but much will flow away from you, too. My advice: put extra $ in an investment: that way, you spend and gain! Your energy and charisma surge upward Sun. to mid-morn Tuesday. Be a leader, start significant projects (but not big, big ones), ask favours, and tackle formerly intimidating tasks. Only two things frustrate: romance and home, Monday pm. Chase money, buy/sell, chat up clients, etc. Tues. mid-morn to Thurs. suppertime. A money surprise could occur, affecting your earnings or your finances/investments. Good or bad, I can’t tell. (Probably good Tues., bad Wed. if you “gamble.”) Errands, paperwork, calls, trips fill Thurs. night through Sat. — successfully, so plunge in. Write to/call a spouse, business partner or lover Friday before 5 pm (PDT) — agreement is almost certain.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Your energy, clout and magnetism remain high. If anything, your grace and charm increase this week. But two things have “left you” — that upbeat, cheerful mood of the last 12 months, and that gift of gab you’ve displayed for the last month. Both of these – good luck and communications – now sit in your money sector, promising a very lucrative 12 months ahead. Partnerships and supposed allies continue to weigh on you. This difficult trend, bothering you since early September, ends next week. Meanwhile, continue to avoid belligerent people, and be a little wary of new bonds. Relax, enjoy sweet solitude Sun. to mid-morn (PDT) Tues. Your inability to speak quickly might stymie you Mon., but otherwise this is a fine time for dealing with civil servants, charities and spirit types, despite their mild impatience. If you dig, you might uncover something about a mate or associate. Your energy and pizzazz soar Tues. morn to suppertime Thursday. Start significant projects (but not huge ones, as their “energy” will decline quickly). See and be seen, impress others, lead the way. Ask for favours. You’ll charm someone Tues. eve! A first step (perhaps a knowledge step) into “money land” can occur now. Work toward solving a long-standing domestic problem. Others might act unpredictably, especially a spouse or spouse-to-be, Wednesday. Be patient. Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients Thurs. night through Sat. Your intuition’s high about work, and lucky doors open, so charge ahead.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
You begin this week with high hopes and social joys (despite your relative seclusion and weariness — speaking of which, this is the last week of the “blahs”). A minor wish could come true, a small flirtation could lift your heart. All of these – Sunday to 10:30 am Tues. (PDT). You’re right to be optimistic — you’ve just begun a year of cheerfulness, brightness, health cures, increased popularity, and, perhaps above all, increased money flow. The money swell will last for two solid years. (Now to Nov./18, planning, preparing and working further money; then, to the end of 2019, a money gusher.) Be realistic Mon. pm, when your hopes don’t agree with your money or earnings. Sink into rest and solitude Tues. mid-morn to suppertime Thursday. Contemplate your life thus far, especially the last year or three, how you got here and where you want to go. (Remember, your good luck is about to swell.) Your vitality and presence glow Thurs. night through Sat. — a harbinger of a successful month ahead. You have great ideas Thurs. night, and heightened intuition, creativity and “romantic appeal” Fri. afternoon. Cautiously start big things. (PS: A sexual attraction either began or ended recently: either way, it’s not/wasn’t an important one.)
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
One last week of celebration, good times, social delights, and wish fulfillment, Sage. Soon (Fri. onward) a period of contemplation and “summing up” will begin. Bosses, parents and authorities continue to be impatient, temperamental, so keep your humour. (It’s the last week of this.) Sunday to mid-morn Tues. (10:30 am PDT) highlights your ambition, career, prestige relations and worldly standing. You might be put through a test for two, but you’ll pass! (A bonus: enough ambition Mon. pm will help “take you out of yourself” — i.e., out of your problems, or out of your gloom. (Those problems, that gloom, BTW, will only last to December.) Happy times return Tues. morn to Thurs. suppertime. Your popularity, optimism and luck lift nicely. A flirtation might occur, a sudden and powerful one maybe, but those newly met now will likely not make good partners. So go for fun, not for life. Don’t take monetary chances Wed. Retreat to rest, contemplate and plan your next moves Thurs. eve through Saturday. Great ideas or inspirations — or simply understanding — Thurs. night. You get an inkling of what the month and year ahead will entail, might spy the “door” to increased spirituality, or to the duties you’ll soon assume. Your intuition — especially about home and family — soars Friday. Accept a bit of solitude; look forward to contemplation.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Go all out to further your ambitions, Cap, especially mid-week. Higher-ups, parents and authorities will look favourably on you now to Saturday. (After this, your “reception” will be mixed, as bosses display both affection and impatience. You might, soon — but not this week — end one career role to assume another.) Continue to avoid law suits. You might be able to end one this week — Sunday to mid-morn Tues. stands out. This period also promotes far travel, wisdom, love, intellectual, cultural and publishing pursuits. One glitch, Monday: one of your secrets or “quiet shortcomings” (e.g., a lack of education) or a disagreement with a government agency could impede you. Mid-morn Tues. (10:30 am PDT) to suppertime Thurs. buoys your ambitions, career, reputation and prestige relations. Higher-ups listen, favour your views and requests Tuesday. A brilliant project could begin. A “stark choice” between domesticity/security and career/striving might be made for you Thursday. Your popularity and optimism soar Thurs. night through Sat. Expect entertainment, flirtations, and social delights. These few days begin a month of the same — popularity, wish fulfillment and happiness!
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Since September, your sexual urges have intensified, and/but you’ve been more impulsive with finances. This trend continues, and is emphasized Sun. to mid-morn Tues. — but will end in eight days. Be cautious in both areas. These few days are great for research, investigation, lifestyle changes and medical diagnoses — but be careful, don’t commit yourself just to be friendly (Monday). This is your last week of focus on wisdom, understanding, far travel, legal and international affairs, cultural venues, publishing, intellectual pursuits — and gentle love. These are emphasized Tues. morn (10:30 am PDT) to Thurs. suppertime — success Tuesday (with affection!), careful Wed. (secrets are out), and opportunities Thurs. (perhaps via a sudden crisis). Your career, ambitions, prestige relations and worldly status get a boost Thurs. night through Sat. — be ambitious, plunge in, especially Thurs. night. Your intuition and money-making inspiration(s) are superb Friday. This is actually the start of a whole month of the same — roll up your sleeves!
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
Sunday to mid-morn Tuesday brings relationships, relocation themes, public dealings, opportunities and challenges. Others remain intense, perhaps belligerent (but only this week). Be diplomatic, but stand up for yourself. Your ambitions might be a sore spot between you and another. (But you and another could form a money-making team.) This is your last week of secrets, investigation, heightened intuition, sexual desires and financial actions, Pisces. All these are emphasized Tues. morn to Thurs. suppertime. It’s a time of commitment and consequences — those latter could be very rewarding Tues., but could go against your cherished goals Wednesday. You might have to decide between “sex for enjoyment” and deep, consequential intimacy, or between earnings and assets, especially Thurs. A gentle, loving, compassionate wisdom flows through you Thurs. night through Sat. Far travel, intellectual pursuits, legalities, cultural, philosophical and publishing interests, all receive a great boost, particularly Thurs. night. Your intuition and charm soar Friday. All these themes will be emphasized for the four weeks ahead, and to some degree (a lucky degree!) for the entire 12 months to come!
The End.