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My email is:  suningem@gmail.com

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6:45 am to 6:44 pm Sunday, 3:24 pm to 8:38 pm Tuesday, 8:59 pm to 11:41 pm Thursday, and after 10:27 pm Saturday.


Back in December or January I predicted Trump and Obama would become friends. I’ll concede a mistake there! (I was fooled by my own euphoria at Trump’s win.) In the “win” column, I also predicted Trump would have a lot of delay and trouble pushing his agenda/legislation for a lengthy time, and that certainly happened. I also said he would eventually overcome his “enemies,” and he recently did, making a debt deal directly with the Democrats, by-passing his Republican enemies.

I also said Trump would become “much loved” or “popular” or whatever. This remains to be seen. However, people are starting to see that, like most Geminis, Trump is good in a crisis — witness his ability to set North Korea’s Kim back on his heels (though only temporarily), his response to hurricane Harvey, and now to Irma. Many Geminis like, even love a crisis, for it gives them a chance to exercise their quick wits in something other than witty quips (which is where they usually store/let escape — that is, control — their energy).

(Gemini can be an erratic, violent sign. Gemini JFK was both these when he scared the U.S.S.R.‘s Khrushchev (an Aries) away from Cuba, where the U.S.S.R. was planting ICBMs. If you read Kennedy’s letters to Khrushchev and K’s letters back, Khrushchev’s tone is calm, reasonable, while JFK’s text seems to be written by an unhinged madman. I think this literally scared the Russians away.)

Seen through a negative lens, Gemini Donald is already most popular — that is, least unpopular — among politicians. According to Huffington News Polls, the Dems, Pelosi (28% approval rating) and Schumer (26% approval), and even Republican senators such as McConnell (21%) and Ryan (30%), are all less popular than Trump. Congress as a whole is only 15%!  And approval of the news media, CNN, NBC, etc., is reputedly below 20%. Trump, meanwhile, is sailing “high” at about 40% approval. Astounding, huh?

BTW, when I wrote some months ago about the splitting of America, the second “civil war,” I didn’t mean this split would break out into an actual martial war. This split won’t be The Civil War. But it does spark violence, prejudice and fanaticism on both sides, Blue Dems vs. Red Republicans. The violence and hatred lies mostly on the Blue side, and this will continue, until the Dems win.



       ARIES: March 21-April 19

The weeks ahead emphasize relationships — but without ease or success before Wed. dawn (PDT). Don’t start a new bond before then. Small things go well in money and purchases Sunday, but the big picture is negative. Buy nothing important, start nothing important. Errands, paperwork and communications fill this night to Tues. night, but your luck bounces up and down. Again, small things go well, large things don’t. Authorities and bosses present obstacles, or your own ambition runs cross-grain to a relationship. To succeed, act after 6 pm (PDT) Mon., or after 2 pm Tues. Tuesday begins 13 months of great luck in investments, other people’s money, research or detective work, occultism, medical matters, intimacy and development of your psychic side. (Luck in these zones occurs Tues. night, but this horse is too early, too small to ride.)  If you’re hoping for pregnancy, it is very likely to occur before late 2018. The focus shifts to home, family and security late Tues. night to Thurs. night. You’ll encounter legal, ethical, communications or travel frustrations around Wed. dawn, but all sweetens, relaxes Wed. afternoon. Your home and family grow snarly, unpredictable Thursday until suppertime. Sweet romance comes Fri./Sat. — a splendid time, at last, to chase beauty, pleasure and amour, invent, create, gamble, and/or play sports/games. Saturday starts three weeks of sweet affection in all relationships. If single, love can arise.


taurus weekly forecast       TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The general accent lies on work, employment, tools and machines, service personnel, dependents, and everyday health, Taurus. You’ll get through this tough week if you just lower your gaze and do your chores. Eat and dress sensibly. Hidden in all the rubble of the problems and obstacles that arise, is one piece of very good news: Tuesday starts 13 months of grand good fortune in relationships, opportunities, and, if desired, relocation. However, the rest of this week needs care. Your energy and charisma remain high Sun., but the day’s a dud — nothing of importance occurs. Still, enjoy your “up-ness” and get a lot of routine chores cleared away. Chase money — or more accurately, preserve money — Sun. eve to Tues. night. Many money-threatening glitches arise. Protect your wallet. You might discover that those you want to love, hold, oppose your principles and beliefs. Success is available after 6 pm Monday. Errands, calls, paperwork, visits and trips fill Wed./Thurs. After dawn (PDT) Wed. turns hopeful, your intuition rises and inspiration strikes. But Thursday is a slog, disruptions thrive. At least you can relax Fri./Sat., when home and family welcome you with affection and reassurance. Now forward, you’ll succeed!


       GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You’re riding a winning streak, Gemini. Romance, adventure, beauty, love (different than romance), creative surges and risk-reward urges colour your days. However, that said, this isn’t an easy week for anyone. Rest, contemplate and plan Sun. — give in to weariness. This night to Tues. night, your energy and charisma leap upward — however, you soon encounter obstacles (sexual or monetary Mon., and niggling little glitches Tues.). You can succeed, though, especially in male/female situations, Mon. after supper (PDT) and briefly Tues. mid-afternoon. Chase and protect money Wed./Thurs. Wednesday morning causes a home-based or partnership disagreement (rooted in “large money” and/or sex) but this afternoon brings career luck, inspiration and heightened hunches — follow them! Be diplomatic, and buy nothing important Thurs. You’ll like Fri./Sat. — both days favour the things you do best — communications, swift actions/responses, trips and visits, paperwork (including crossword puzzles) errands and light, casual contacts. Saturday begins three weeks of deep affection. Earlier, Tuesday began 13 months of increased work, and luck in buying tools, machinery. The first wave of expanded duties begins late this month get ready. (The best preparation is to plunge into love, pleasure and adventure this week and next — it rebuilds your “work energy.”)


       CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The accent remains on your domestic situation, Cancer. Hug the kids, relax on the back porch, garden, repair and renovate, landscape, revise your cookbook — you get the idea. Usually, this would be a good time to plan/ensure your children’s future by buying educational plans, etc. (But watch out, most of those “scholarship plans” are government-approved scams designed to make the administrators rich. And I’ve learned, as a parent, that the only way to”ensure” a child’s future is to love him/her, do what you can, and hope for the best. God and nature have their own plans.)  You’re hopeful, happy and social Sun., but nothing started this day will “have a future,” so just enjoy yourself. Retreat, rest and contemplate Mon./Tues. Many obstacles (and possible spousal or relationship challenges) will litter your path both days. Misunderstood directions can cause lost time. Contact gov’t, head office, charities or spiritual guides after 6 pm (PDT) Mon. Tuesday night brings energy, and you stay “high,” charismatic, until Thursday’s end. Use this energy to solve problems rather than start new projects. (They would face too many headwinds to survive.) Wednesday daytime brings a sweet romantic, creative or pleasure-filled breeze. Chase money, make significant purchases Fri./Sat. — condition are fortunate; you could find a good bargain. Saturday begins 3 weeks of increased affection at home. Earlier, Tuesday began 13 months of heightened romantic, creative, speculative luck! You’ll “feel it” Oct. 22 onward.


Leo icon, Luck Forecast       LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Life’s filled with errands, calls, visits and paperwork. You’re busy, but the tasks are easily done and leave lots of time for chatting, curiosity. This week isn’t a great one, though. I wouldn’t commit to anything nor take significant action before Fri. — unless it’s to solve a problem. Sunday’s ambitious, but denies results. Your mood turns toward social pleasures, fun and happiness Sun. night to Tues. night. You’ll be optimistic, popular; flirtations might occur. Despite obstructions and problems, your mood remains upbeat, hopeful. For success, act Mon. night. Retreat late Tues. through Thurs. — rest, think, plan, contact agents or counsellors, charities and spiritual people, and civil servants, especially Wed. daytime, when your intuition and “truth radar” are high. The 13 months ahead will bring a bounty in real estate or domestic matters. Late Tues. might bring a hint of this — but it’s too early to act. Your energy, charism, clout and effectiveness leap upward Fri./Sat. Charge ahead, lead others, suggest and command. Start significant projects, impress others, ask favours, initiate contacts. You’re on a wee winning streak!


       VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The main accent lies on money for two more weeks. This week is not easy. Many obstacles and glitches litter your path, at least until Fri. You feel wise, mellow Sunday, but don’t commit to anything. A new love attraction this day is actually a love trap. Your worldly status, ambitions, career goals and relations with higher-ups are accented Sun. night through Tues. These favour you Mon. night, but be cautious at all other times. Your optimism, popularity and luck rise Wed,/Thurs. You could meet real love Wed. afternoon (before 5 pm PDT) but the rest of this interval “fights” progress. Still, you’ll remain happy, social, wishful! Retreat, rest, think and plan Fri./Sat. Good luck will support your interactions with advisors, agents, head office, institutions, gov’t, charities  — and God. Good time to meditate or pray. Saturday starts three weeks of mild good money luck, buoyant earnings and luxury purchases.


       LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your high energy and magnetism continue, but before Friday, use this extra clout to solve problems and soothe ruffled feathers.  The 13 months ahead will greatly increase your earnings capacity. You might receive a hint of this Tues. night — but be patient. It’s a little early to act. Let situations, events and ideas grow a little more solid before you seize on one dollar path. Sunday’s mysterious, tempts you toward sexual intimacy or large money — but relax, as results will be nil. Good day for a spy novel. Your intellect “wakes up” Sun. night to Tues. night. Usually, this interval would support any intellectual pursuits, far travel, cultural venues, publishing and legal affairs — but these only have a fighting chance Monday night (6 pm to 11 pm PDT). That domestic snag re-appears Mon., and Tues. is merely grotty. Be wise, be uncommitted. Ambition enters Tues. night through Thursday. Prestige relations, worldly status, your standing with authorities and higher-ups face obstacles, perhaps a secret enemy. But you’ll succeed with work Wed. daytime — charge ahead, as you could accomplish more in this little window than in a week of dithering. Wishes come true Fri./Sat! Your popularity soars, optimism and social joys visit, and entertainment mixes with happy flirtations. Saturday starts three weeks of “good hair days.” You’ll attract attention, admiration, and a “come on.”


       SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Continue to lie low, Scorpio. You’re about to enter one of the most fortunate, upbeat years of your life, but the best thing you can do this week and next is rest. Rest to gather your energies, for that good luck will pull you into new areas, spark travel and lifestyle expansion, and up your pace considerably. Use this week (which is not an easy one) to examine your past and present — how you got here — and where you want to go. Make tentative plans, because a wave of fortune could reveal a bigger, better door to success than the one you anticipate. (Though that might appear soon, or later.) Sunday triggers relationships, but the day is basically a dud. Be friendly, but don’t seek love or intimacy. This night to Tues. sparks mysteries, secrets, research and investigation, heightened intuition, sexual and financial lures, and medical concerns. Other than Mon. night (after 6 pm PDT) these themes will be under pressure or simply misguided. Don’t invest, and give sexual lures a pass. Be careful that your own secrets don’t spill. Money realities nix a work-related wish, Sun. to Wed. An intellectual, philosophical mood steals over you Wed./Thurs. Again, problems far outweigh good fortune — but love has a splendid chance Wednesday daytime. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — good luck rides with you, so approach bosses and VIPs, appeal to an authority, or launch investments, business ventures. You’re weary, so don’t overdo this. Government agencies might aid your ambitions.


       SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your popularity and optimism continue to rise. A wish might come true. Friendly romance, light flirtation, social joys and entertainment fill your days. But this week is not easy (although its difficulties won’t dent your happy mood). On Tuesday, your planet, Jupiter, moves into a zone of quietude, solitude, rest and spiritual activities, for 13 months. (Read the Oct. 1 column for more on this.) So plunge in and enjoy your social life now, as you might be a little withdrawn over the year ahead. Sunday’s for chores, but stick to routine tasks. You could see that money is the glitch in your cherished goals, Sun./Mon. Relationships face you Mon./Tues. Be diplomatic, as many are itching to take offense. Harmony and success are available Monday night (after 6 pm PDT). Secrets, hidden data, research and investigation, heightened intuition, medical concerns, lifestyle “wishes” and sexual and financial “opportunities” (more correctly, temptations) fill Wed./Thurs. Afternoon Wednesday brings intuition, good home, family, real estate inspiration. Otherwise, these two days are not a good time to make any commitment. (Seeking intimacy/sex is a commitment.) A splendid mental current flows Fri./Sat. — you “wake up” to international affairs, and your intellect, life philosophy, moral and compassionate sense blossom. Plunge into far travel, higher education, cultural involvements, legal affairs, publishing and media. Saturday starts 3 weeks of joy with friends, lovers. Your future looks bright, despite the looming quietude (Oct. 22 onward).


       CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The emphasis remains on career, prestige relations, ambition and tests, community status and worldly standing. This week isn’t easy, Cap. It’s as if all the problems hovering around us have decided to coalesce into one short span (Sun. to Thurs.) in order to get the difficulties over with in one swoop. Still, you can make progress — and how you respond to glitches and obstacles can make a favourable impression on higher-ups. Sunday’s creative, romantic, but stick to routine. A “new love” birthed this day would not survive. Tackle chores this night to Tues. night — but carefully. Watch deceptive language Monday afternoon. This night (6 pm PDT to 1 am Tuesday) offers good, solid results. Relationships fill Tues. night through Thurs. — take care, be ultra-diplomatic, for disruptions and long-suppressed resentments wiggle through this interval. Sidestep a “wrestling match.”  Again you have one window for success, especially in communications:  9 am to 4:30 pm Wed. (PDT). Maybe it’s odd, maybe not, that your one problem-free zone this week occurs in areas of mystery, secrets, high finance, sexual lures, and power plays. You might realize that a “power play” is your route to career success. In any case, dive into these things, as luck rides with you. Yes, invest!  Tuesday, although you probably won’t “feel it,” begins a long, 13-month expansion of your social life and popularity, and a deepening optimism. Flirtation, friendly amour, could tap your shoulder! But wait until Oct. 22 onward for these trends to develop further.


       AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your mellow, compassionate mood continues. This week and next promote far travel, higher education, publishing, cultural involvements, love, legal affairs, and life philosophy. But the present week is filled with problems. (Saturday Oct. 14 will begin 3 weeks of good luck in this intellectual, cultural, travel, etc. zone. So be patient — wait until the 14th onward to launch projects here.) Tuesday starts a whole year (13 months) of grand good luck in career, status and prestige relations areas — but again, patience: better to start ambitious projects after Oct. 22. Sunday steers you toward home, family, security and rest — good. Start nothing big. After supper, to nighttime Tues., you can grow passionate about a person, or a creative project, a gamble, or beauty. Realize only Monday night (after 6 pm PDT) offers success. Otherwise, step carefully through these days — strictly avoid any extra-marital lures, or secrets/gossip. Tackle chores late Tues. night through Thurs. Again, you have one window for success: late morning to late afternoon Wed. Other times, tread carefully (esp. with co-workers) read instructions twice, adhere to safety rules. Relationships fill Fri./Sat. — and at last, fresh air, real opportunities and a nice run of smooth luck spring up for you. (In fact, now to Nov. 2018, all progress will come from inter-relating, all failures from independence.) You could fall in love, or convince someone else to. A new attraction that occurs Saturday, could have a long life.


       PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

You’re still swimming in the deep waters of (a maybe secret) sexual attraction, financial commitment and consequence, lifestyle and medical decisions, and overall change. Two things, Pisces: 1) a “love” begun in the last 12 months might  have extramarital problems in long future; and 2) the love that you might encounter during the 13 months ahead will tend to be honest and gratifying. (But for this, wait until Oct. 22 onward.) The present week is studded with problems. Sunday’s for travel, errands, casual friends — but launch nothing significant, as results will be nil. Steer toward home, family this night to Tues. night. A mate’s secret goals run counter to your wishes/goals. So do finances. Success window: 6 pm Mon. to 1 am Tues. (PDT). Otherwise, step carefully! Passion, romance, art, beauty, pleasure draw you late Tues. night through Thursday. Again, more problems than solutions. Your money needs or a mate’s sexual drives run counter to your career/success wishes/goals.  Again, one window of success: 10 am to 4:30 pm (PDT) Wed. Tackle chores Fri./Sat — now. at last, problems don’t exist. Dive in, for you can accomplish major productive feats. Saturday begins 3 weeks of fortune in sex, intimacy, investments, debt reduction, and partnerships in general. Dig deep — you’ll find some kind of treasure!