Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “May 22 – 28, 2016.”

ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PDT, it is 8 pm in England – and 4 am the next day in China.) The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)

START NOTHING: 4:10 pm to 6:09 pm Mon., 8:42 am to 7:46 pm Wed., and 4:02 pm to 8:01 pm Fri.


The letters “A” and “R” stand for the sign Aries (just as B and I indicate Taurus, etc.). Aries stands for primitive or unexplored territory, outdoor plumbing, etc. Did you ever notice that 6 of the 7 continents begin with “A” – (North) America, (South) America, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, and Africa. Only the “civilization” that gave these continents their names, gave themselves an “E” (as in “earth”): Europe. Even the Arctic was given an “A.” Could it be that the Europeans recognized that “A” meant Aries, i.e., unexplored, primitive, new, first, violent, etc…? (“E” indicates Gemini, showing the intellectual awareness of Europe, but also a constant restlessness, and a constant divisiveness leading to many wars.) (In actuality, there should only be 6 continents, as Europe does not, as all the other continents do, “stand alone.” In essence, there is only one large continent, “Eurasia.”)

Cool, eh?

I keep referring to a “deflationary crisis” in September. But I missed something – the same aspect occurs this month, June 17. George Soros, the famed international financier/investor, has sold almost 40 % of his U.S. stocks, and warned that a deflationary crisis is coming this year that will “wipe out” stock markets. I don’t think the situation is that dire, by half. But a slow, creeping deflation is occurring worldwide. This won’t be a Great Depression, but it will be a species of Japanese recession – long, slow, quietly gnawing away at the economic structure. Happy news….but if you know, you can profit.


I wrote about this 10 or 20 years ago, but have never seen mention of it since. Which is a shame, as I think it opens the door to neuro-social advances/studies, and could open a window, literally, to the subconscious.

What is it? Split faces. They’re all around you. I could call them asymmetric, but that’s not really accurate. A “split face” probably occurs in about 1-in-4 people. You can see it most easily in photographs. – Here’s how: take a magazine, one filled with photos such as “People” or a fashion rag like “Vogue.” Find large photos of people looking straight ahead at the camera. Take a napkin or card and place it over the left side of the subject’s face, splitting the face down the middle of the nose. Then cover the right and look at the left side. In many photos you’ll see no difference (this occurs especially with models, yielding a face of – vacuous perfection?). But in some photos, the right side of the face might look alert, assertive, piercing and no-nonsense, while the left side could wear an expression of sadness, or impish happiness, etc. This is what you’re looking for: two different expressions on the same face.

I doubt those with split faces are aware of it. Split faces might be more charismatic. If so, more actors than models would possess split faces. Where do these double-expressions come from? From birth, or are they developed over time? Do abused children grow up to exhibit split faces? (In the same way that psychics often come from abusive childhoods – for self-protection they learned to develop both a heightened sight and intuition, but also the disassociation that in childhood was an escape; but in adulthood facilitates trancing and psychic imaging. In simplistic terms, psychics learn to control their disassociation: schizophrenics and Multiple Personality Disorder’s do not.)

But the mystery intrigues me. I think this split face phenomena deserves to be investigated by scientists (who have the virtue of patience, unlike psychics and dabblers like myself). Do “splits” often find themselves with two opinions, two insights into things? Do they actually have two personalities, as reflected in the faces? Is one side showing the conscious interface with the world, and is the other side the subconscious, looking directly out at us?

Hillary and Donald do not have split faces. Bernie does, mildly.




Aries.svg ARIES   March 21-April 19

The main accent lies on errands, trips, visits, communications and casual acquaintances, especially Saturday. In these, you might meet some confusion (Wed.) or opposition or slow-down (Thurs.) and confusion and rejection Sat. This is also a tough week for love, at least Wed. to Saturday. If you fell in love now, your “amour” might display scepticism or (worse) grow cold after a while. Or, you might be the one who gives love the cold shoulder. It’s not that important anyway, as your next good love period begins in late September (for a year). Lie low, rest and contemplate Sun. through 6 pm (PDT) Monday. You can accomplish a lot, or make just the right move, late afternoon Sunday onward. Surgery or a doctor visit can benefit you very nicely Mon. Your energy and charisma soar Monday night to Wed. eve. See and be seen, start significant projects, impress others, be a leader! (Best Mon. night to Tues. afternoon.) Chase money, catalogue possessions, or pursue a sensual person Wed. night to Fri. eve. However, red flags are everywhere, so don’t make any big buys, big moves. Guard your money (and your soul, in intimate situations). Shrug off a refusal or rejection. Saturday night’s for friendly love.


taurus weekly forecast TAURUS   April 20-May 20

The emphasis lies on money, buy/sell, earnings, possessions, prices, memory, rote learning, and sensual attractions. (These last are usually not the best for a long-term bond, as such relationships form easily, but flag easily, too, and can become boring.) This is not the easiest nor luckiest week. Go forth with your helmet on. Sunday/Monday bring happiness, an upbeat, optimistic mood, entertainment, friendly romance, and social delights. Act 3 pm Sun. to 4 pm Mon. (PDT) for best results. Retreat, rest, contemplate Mon. suppertime to Wed. eve. Be charitable and spiritual, finish neglected chores, and interface with civil servants. Caution Tues. eve and Wed. – alienation and/or deception hover around you. Your energy and charisma rise Wed. eve to Fri. night – get out, impress people, but DON’T start important projects. Rejection, delays and refusals pop up everywhere – yet, oddly, romance goes well Thurs. Chase money, shop Saturday – but stick to routine items, and look over purchases carefully. (Those apples might be bruised.) This night grows sweeter.


Gemini.svg GEMINI   May 21-June 20

Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness ride a wave now to late June, Gemini. You’ll be the leader, you’ll start significant ventures, you’ll get your way. That said, this week is like walking through a gauntlet where everyone has thorns wrapped around their “beating sticks.” Deception, rejection, and just plain impractical notions/actions try to draw you aside from your proper/best path, from Tues. right to Sat. If in doubt, default to “non-action” and non-commitment. Make no promises. You come under the eye of authority Sun./Mon. – they disapprove to 2 pm (PDT) Sun., but then to Mon. afternoon, you can impress the bosses, even socialize with them, even make a good agreement or proposal. You see precisely and clearly Monday, so tackle intellectual, research/detective or writing/travel opportunities. Your popularity soars Mon. night to Wed. night. You can make progress Tues. until late afternoon, but the rest of this interval events go against you – however, you’ll be so mellow/smiling you won’t care. Retreat, lie low, contemplate, make plans, deal with government, be charitable and spiritual Wed. night to Fri. night. Your domestic, family luck is good; all other luck tends toward bad. DO NOT fall in love this week – not before Sat. eve. Friday night, Saturday, your charisma and energy soar – use them to tackle a plethora of problems. Saturday night, you can charm, attract love.


Cancer.svg CANCER   June 21-July 22

Remain in the background, Cancer. Contemplate situations, make (flexible) plans, rest and recuperate. This week will not be an easy one, especially at work, and in dealings with government, institutions. Take it easy, roll with the punches, remain mellow. Excitement, chasing rainbows, are a clue that you’re being deceived, or are treading on thin ice. Legal, international and educational matters meet obstacles. Sunday emphasizes these, and offers success after 2 pm (PDT) through Monday late afternoon. Show ambition and impress the boss (and be humble before da judge) but don’t start new ventures/projects Mon. night to Wed. night. Tuesday succeeds into the afternoon, followed by refusal and deception – so quit early. Don’t drink and drive Wed. through Sat. Hopes, happiness and social joys arrive Wed. night, and stay until Fri. night. Your luck is very mixed, but your mood remains upbeat. Have a dinner with good, faithful friends Thurs. Retreat even more Fri. night, Saturday – the outside world is packed with pitfalls. A sweet Sat. night – pamper yourself!


Leo icon, Luck Forecast LEO   July 23-Aug. 22

This isn’t an easy week, Leo. Bad luck, deception, rejection, refusals and obstacles greet everyone. In your case, romance and sex are most affected (negatively). DO NOT fall in love this week (at least not before 7:05 pm PDT Saturday). Despite all this, you will be happy, optimistic, popular and social – little failures won’t bother you at all. Sunday/Mon. emphasize sexual urges, large finances, research/investigation, medical diagnosis, and power motives. (Don’t bite on any of these – they’re like the bad witch in loving disguise.) Even so, you can succeed in other areas (love, romance with a co-worker, creative chores. Legal and travel matters) Sun. eve to Monday afternoon. Love, intellectual pursuits, legal matters, far travel and cultural involvements arise Tues./Wed. – small progress Tues. to late afternoon, but otherwise be cautious. Commit to nothing. AVOID sex and investing. Be ambitious Thurs./Fri. – without starting any new ventures. Instead, chase anything that promises to aid your income, Thurs. daytime. Your innate happiness and joie de vivre blossom Fri. night, Saturday. Be happy, but expect nothing – Sat. eve, a sweet friend.


Virgo.svg VIRGO   Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The general accent lies on ambition, prestige relations, career, status concerns, and dealings with authorities, especially Saturday. You’re in a very lucky period, Virgo, especially for home, security, real estate, family, gardening, nutrition, etc. (In other words, the opposite of the things accented this June.) But this week is a tough one for everybody, even you. Mostly, it brings deception, difficulty with relationships, and refusal/scepticism toward you. Well, plod on through. Be very wary of starting new ventures, making commitments or promises. Sun./Mon. brings relationships – negatively before 2 pm PDT Sunday, positive afterward. Monday offers a lucky real estate or sexual streak before 4 pm. Finances, debt, investment, research, medical diagnoses, lifestyle choices, and sexual yearnings fill Mon. night to Wed. night. Only Tuesday’s first 16 hours aid you; the rest, and Wed., oppose you, deceive you. Be cautious Thurs./Fri. also, when love, far travel, intellectual, legal and cultural involvements – and career – are fraught with barriers. However, romance smiles Thurs. daytime. Caution again Sat. Next week’s better!


Libra.svg LIBRA   Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The general accent lies on law, far travel, higher learning, wisdom, intellectual pursuits, publishing/media, big ideas, abstractions, religion, cultural venues and gentle love. But this isn’t an easy week. Your best approach will be to keep an open mind, to watch and learn, rather than starting projects. Be very wary about commitments, signing anything. Deception and rejection dominate. (Next week’s much better!) Tackle chores Sunday/Monday – better after 2 pm Sun. (PDT) and Monday daytime. (You spouse or work partner might give you a helping hand Mon. There’s an odd hint about marrying/sexting a co-worker.) Relationships face you Tues/Wed. – Tues. morning’s fairly good, co-operation exists, but deception or fuzzy thinking can interfere with all bonds this night and all Wed. Life’s secrets and mysteries rise to the surface Wed. night to Fri. night. This increases your intuition, and draws you toward sexual intimacy, research, lifestyle changes, and/or an investment or debt manoeuvre. If in pain, get to the doctor: a diagnosis is needed. In all these, where they involve the government, an institution or an agent, Thurs. daytime blesses you. Friday does not. Saturday continues the obstacles – however, your mood turns mellow, and by this night, you relax with beauty or something/one sweet. Libra, DO NOT fall in love this week.


Scorpio.svg SCORPIO   Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This is not an easy week, Scorpio. The main accent lies on secrets and mysteries, research and investigation. A Pisces or Gemini might throw stardust in your eyes – and when you can see clearly again, you’ll see what you lost while blind. This influence also increases your intuition, and draws you toward sexual intimacy, lifestyle changes, and/or an investment or debt manoeuvre. If in pain, get to the doctor: a diagnosis is needed. But be cautious, Scorpio. Sense the shifting breeze. Don’t make any commitments or promises (especially in writing!) – conditions are deceptive, and this combines with scepticism and coldness from others. Wait until next week to take irrevocable action. Sunday/Mon. bring romance, beauty, immediate pleasures and creative or gambling urges. These go better after 2 pm (PDT) Sun., and Mon. You might befriend a Virgo or Gemini – you’ll later be glad you did. (And this is much better than falling for Romance right now.) Tackle chores and protect your health Tues./Wed. Tuesday daytime’s mildly productive. Otherwise, beware deception (Wed.). Relationships arrive Thurs./Fri. Thursday is great daytime – your social circle widens, or you make a flirty friend. But the night, and Fri., smack you with rejections, scepticism, and deception. Agh! This month’s theme – finances, sex, investigation, health – reach a peak Sat. Again, rejection rules – though this evening sweetens the pot with a sexy person.


Sagittarius.svg SAGITTARIUS   Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This isn’t an easy week, Sage. Obstacles and potholes lie everywhere, especially in the areas of marriage, home, agreements and dealings with the public. Be wary of promising anything, litigating, or making large investments. The general accent is on relationships, opportunities, fresh horizons and relocation themes – but exercise caution. Remember that others hold the aces this month, so be co-operative, flexible, and diplomatic. Support another’s goals. If you are rejected this week, it is because you are cautious, even cool/sceptical, which doesn’t attract others. So be your friendly self! Sunday/Mon. are domestic. Be with family or scout the neighbourhood – progress is easy after 2 pm (PDT) Sun. Monday might spark a secret attraction. (This could even lead to marriage, if everyone’s honest, moral.) Romance, pleasure, beauty, creative and speculative urges fill Mon. night to Wed. night – but only Tues. daytime yields any success, mild success. Tackle chores Thurs./Fri. Thursday daytime could bless you with career success, praise for your efforts. Friday night, Saturday bring this month’s theme to a head: relationships – fractious and conflicting until early evening, then sweet, affectionate.


Capricorn.svg CAPRICORN   Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The general accent lies on work, machinery, service personnel, dependents, and daily health. Eat and dress sensibly, and plod on through those chores. This is not an easy week, as deception, refusal and rejection hover everywhere for every sign. Neither make nor accept promises – circumstances might render them false. Not the best time to buy machinery nor to start important projects. Sunday/Mon. bring errands, daily business, calls, mail, short trips, paperwork, etc. Tackle these Sunday after 2 pm (PDT) through Monday. (Mon. might open a door to a home or real estate success.) Your domestic scene grows important Tues./Wed. Act Tues. daytime for best results. Beware someone intent on deception Wed. (Actually, all mid week, right into Sat.) You might want to quit a job or situation, but think ahead first. Romance, beauty, pleasure and risk-taking attract you Thurs./Fri. You “make sense” to a (potential?) lover Thurs. daytime, could woo someone with your fine mind – but the result could leave you frowning in puzzlement. Do nothing irrevocable Fri. Tackle chores, revamp your nutrition intake, Sat.


Aquarius.svg AQUARIUS   Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The general emphasis lies on beauty, creativity, speculative ventures, sports/games, pleasure, charming kids, and romance. You ride a wave of good luck until late June. However, this week is a dicey one: deception, refusals and mistrust fill the atmosphere – especially, for you, in money/earnings, purchasing, and socializing. It’s a bad week to start a love affair (slow going with this one in future). So proceed carefully, especially Wed. onward. If you’re unsure how your approach will be received (particularly in romance) then wait until next week to act. Chase money, buy/sell, pamper clients Sunday/Mon. – best 2 pm (PDT) Sun. onward. Monday night to Wed. night brings errands, communications, paperwork, short trips. Monday might offer a good agreement or insight involving your home and your security (or your soul and your secrets). Tuesday daytime succeeds, but Wed. doesn’t – you face a choice between hanging onto your money/possessions, and risking everything for love. You choose, not me. Your domestic arena needs attention and love Thurs./Fri. – these go well Thurs. daytime, then can meet confusion, barriers, rejection, this night and Fri. Late Fri. night (PDT) and Sat. bring romance, pleasure pursuits, etc., to the fore – but “achievable affection” isn’t there until this eve.


Pisces.svg PISCES   Feb. 19-March 20

The emphasis, this month, lies on domesticity, family, home, security, roots, garden, nutrition, stomach and soul. Hibernate, rest, take “power naps.” If estranged, visit your kids. This week will not be easy: obstacles, refusals and mistaken timing are like potholes in your road: reduce speed. If you’re unsure what to do, seek another, seek advice, or woo someone – you’ll gain if you approach others, even if they cold-shoulder you. Your energy and charisma surge upward Sun./Mon. – act Sunday 2 pm (PDT) onward. Monday could contain a meaningful, pleasing message/email, etc. – get out, be active: your luck is splendid in money and love (of the loving friendship type – which doesn’t exclude physical intimacy). Chase money, shop, sell, pursue clients, etc. Tues/Wed. Act Tues. daytime; then spend/seek no more. You might have to make a major decision about home, kids, and YOU (Wed?). This decision, and its ripples, face you midweek through Sat., in various forms. A tangled tug-o-war emerges between your home and your career, inner and outer loyalties. Errands, communications and short trips fill Thurs./Fri. Daytime Thurs. could bring a lucky breakthrough between you and a peer, spouse, business associate. But refusals and deception fill this night and Fri. Saturday accents your home, kids, real estate – be wary. Hug everyone this eve!


The End.