WEEKLY FORECAST – MAY 11 – 17, 2014

 PLEASE NOTE: This is NEXT WEEK’S column. To read the present week’s forecast, please scroll down to RECENT POSTS and click on “ May 4 – 10.”

 All times/dates are PDT (Pacific Daylight). To reference your own time, see “WORLD CLOCK” on the right of this page, or go to www.worldtimezones.com.

START NOTHING: 5:51 pm Sun. to 6:07 pm Mon., 12:16 pm to 10:44 pm Wed., and 0:43 am Fri. to 1:12  am Sat.



So the God we are leaving was perhaps an early parent, or a grade school teacher, who now hands us on to the next phase – and the next manifestation of God. The time of the Old Testament was one Phase. (Let’s call it Phase One – though many religions and manifestations of God preceded it.) The two-millennium world of Christianity, then, was (and is) Phase Two. The next Phase will begin in 2232, and last approximately 4,500 to 5,000 years. (I might correct this later.)

The present era began in 1983 and lasts to 2232 – 250 years. This is the last era of the two-millennium Christ phase – a closing down or finishing era. But an “end era” (like ours) will always show the seeds or hints of the next Phase.

If God was saying there would be no more teaching nor reading in Phase Three (see my May 4 blog) this indicates the end of literate religion – even of literature. Look about you: in our ending era the destruction of word-based language is already evident. In many intellectual explorations, math has replaced words. In everyday use, computers and I-phones communicate with icons, not words. (Our 1983-2232 era’s chart, by the way, is overwhelmingly Scorpio – moon, sun and planets are in the sign of changes, of death and rebirth. It is a “change-over” or “bridge” era. I might have been fatuous, last week, to state that WW I and II, and the world-wide flu, were Revelation’s Armageddon: our present era, being Scorpionic, can also yield great cataclysms and great swaths of death. But overall, if the last era, from the 1730’s to 1983, was a hurricane, filled with the Industrial Revolution, inventions, great wars and migrations, revolutions, new political systems and massive epidemics, the present era, 1983-2232, is a calm lake.)

If we are abandoning the concepts of the present, dying Phase – Christianity and its concept of a male, forgiving God – then logically, a new manifestation is imminent. To me, the clue is again in Jeremiah. It is in this new, Third  Phase, that “The Lord will create a new thing on earth – a woman will surround a man.” (Jer. 31:22).  More next week.




Aries.svgARIES   March 21-April 19

Continue to chase money and new clients, to buy/sell, and to add to your possessions. You might stumble upon a sensual attraction (but probably not a life-long one). Your memory aids you – follow up any clues to something (i.e., a pay-off or a bargain) you might have missed or forgotten. But don’t waste time on detective work, research, etc. – you’ll fare much better if you accept surface appearances: digging too deep can alienate others, or cause deal-breaking delays. Relationships fill Sunday/Monday – but not smoothly until after supper Monday. Be diplomatic, accepting (of others’ foibles). Not a good “merging” or join-up period. Your sexual urges rise to the surface Monday night to late Wednesday – so do your financial, investment, research and detective instincts. All goes well, even very well, BUT: a relationship (or your notions of love or business partnership) might have to change. And remember what I said above about “research.” A wise, mellow mood fills Thursday/Friday. Other than a bit of confused thinking Thursday morn, you can accomplish a lot, might even meet a new love – or a new “teacher.” Be ambitious, but not aggressive, Saturday.


taurus weekly forecastTAURUS   April 20-May 20

Your energy, effectiveness, clout and charisma remain at an annual high. Start projects of medium length, not longer – a slowdown looms in June. Sunday/Monday bring you chores, or health concerns. Hard to make headway; a safe stance is best. A very intriguing relationship might develop Tuesday/Wednesday. (It could be as little as an intriguing glance from a beautiful stranger.) Eventually, this one must lose. Thursday/Friday bring the depths of life: lust,  net worth, secrets and investigation. Invest or seek intimacy Thursday pm (PDT). A brilliant new career plan  might appear. Saturday brings gentle love, wisdom and a wide vision, law, travel, higher learning. However, a fight or temper tantrum is also possible, late afternoon. To a certain degree, this week deals with secrets and the law, or with secrets that might prevent love. Be honest, for your own sake.


Gemini.svgGEMINI   May 21-June 20

Continue to rest, lie low, contemplate/meditate, and plan. This is your last full week of weariness. Romance, Nature’s beauty, pleasure, charming kids, creativity and speculation call you Sunday/Monday. But Sunday holds more glitches than a broken zipper, and Monday simply shrugs. Still, something tells you that you’re on love’s track, or that your interest and communication abilities are waking up. Romance fails, but romance’s potential grows. (Still, don’t seriously pursue anyone you meet Sunday to Wednesday – it has “broken hopes” written across it, especially in sexual zones.) Tackle chores and protect your health Tuesday/Wednesday – you’ll get lots done, but don’t risk money, and do take any health “pain” seriously. Relationships stud Thursday/Friday, confusing or deceptive ones Thursday morning, splendid, fruitful ones this pm. In fact, a wish about love, far travel or friendships could come true! Be wary  Saturday: a risk-taking attitude could land you in financial or emotional hot water.


Cancer.svgCANCER   June 21-July 22

This is your last week of fun and socializing, of wishing and flirting – enjoy it! Until Wednesday noon, don’t seek co-operation in a career or business matter – one you want as a partner could grab (or squash) the “plum” that’s available to you. (E.g., you think George is going to help you win a contract; then you find George has scooped the contract for himself.) Sunday/Monday emphasize your home, but Sunday’s filled with little barriers, and Monday’s “without consequence,” so be wary, restful. Romance, pleasure, beauty, creativity and speculation draw you Monday night to Wednesday night. Most of this goes well, you could even fall in love – but realize one newly met now will likely never live with you, and that could cause some heartache.  Although “ordinary work” is slated Thursday/Friday, events can lead you (fortunately) into life’s depths, large finances, debt, sexual urges, intimacy, health and lifestyle changes. Charge ahead Thursday pm – luck’s good! Relationships Saturday – be diplomatic, tempers are short.


Leo icon, Luck ForecastLEO   July 23-Aug. 22

Be ambitious, Leo. Contact bosses, parents and VIPs. Be open and bold about your desire to climb – this “attracts” aid. However, don’t be smarmy nor preachy – power people don’t want “sweetness” – they want “enthusiastic steel” right now. Sunday/Monday are for errands, communications, visits and travel, distribution, siblings and casual friends, paperwork and details – be careful, irksome barriers are everywhere. Maintain a sense of humor. Your home life, real estate and all foundational concerns (security, food/shelter, retirement, etc.) are blessed Tuesday (best) and Wednesday – only watch tool safety, and legal boundaries. Romance calls with luck and grace – and perhaps with stunning swiftness – Thursday/Friday. So do beauty, pleasure, creative and speculative urges. Act Thursday – Friday’s too late. Tackle chores Saturday – be careful with tools, machinery, volatile people.


Virgo.svgVIRGO   Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This month’s mellow, wise, compassionate mood continues. Love is part of your days – but if a brand new love first appears Sunday to Monday, it might have sexual difficulty (or a nasty financial surprise). If you want to travel or buy tickets, do so. Money is emphasized Sunday/Monday, but so many difficulties exist that you should be wary of pushing a client or boss too hard, and should buy NOTHING that isn’t routine. (Toilet paper, yes; a car, no.) Errands, communications, paperwork, media, travel, casual friends fill Tuesday/Wednesday, mostly in a beneficial, smooth way. Don’t gossip, nor invest, nor push a date too far. (All these – investment, sex, gossip/secrets – are temporarily favoured the remainder of May, but contain subtle traps right to November 2015.) Home, family, real estate, security, retirement, are blessed Thursday/Friday. (Though little happens Friday.) Careful if investing (e.g., in real estate) now to the end of 2015. Romance, pleasure and beauty arrive Saturday, but could be obscured by anger or conflict.


Libra.svgLIBRA   Sept.23-Oct. 22

The emphasis on secrets, detective work, diagnoses, on subconscious promptings/intuition, sexual yearnings, and investment or financial actions continues. You might change your lifestyle, perhaps due to health considerations, perhaps due to love (e.g., pregnancy, or renting a house together). However, Sunday to Wednesday, advance cautiously in these zones. A sweet relationship appeals, calls, but might prove forever elusive in areas that count: perhaps a home or domestic issue will override love’s call. Just remain alert, aware, and take clues, nuances, seriously. Your energy and charisma soar Sunday/Monday – use your temporarily higher clout to tackle problems, end issues. Chase money and/or shop Tuesday/Wednesday – luck rides with you, except in security money areas – e.g., don’t buy a house, furniture, sell land, etc. Errands, paperwork, communications, travel and casual acquaintances fill Thursday/Friday – be curious, ask questions, make contacts Thursday – exhilarating results! Be home Saturday: but squelch your temper and sidestep volatile situations.


Scorpio.svgSCORPIO   Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Relationships continue to fill your horizon – so do fresh opportunities, dealings with the public (from being a store clerk to a rock star) possible litigation or competition, contracts and negotiations, relocation themes – and love. (Re that last: you might find the one you pursue is too busy working to dally and play, at least until Wednesday or Thursday.) Retreat, rest and contemplate Sunday/Monday. Be careful Sunday: you’re vulnerable, at a low ebb, and problems or conflicts arise easily. Your energy and charisma soar back Tuesday/Wednesday – you get what you want, others follow your lead – but don’t start a brand new project unless it has a short life span, as a period of delay starts in June. Chase money Thursday (high luck) and Friday (routine only). Shop for electronics, computers, etc. Thursday pm (PDT). Saturday’s for errands, visits, friends, travel, paperwork – drive carefully, avoid belligerent individuals.


Sagittarius.svgSAGITTARIUS   Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This is your last week of chores, drudgery, boredom and health concerns, Sage. (Well, it lasts to May 19, a nine-day week – after the 19th, by the way, your wishes, especially about love and romance, and/or a creative project, will start to come true.) Slog away, as present accomplishments can enhance your future opportunities or chances for promotion. Sunday/Monday do bring social joys, popularity, optimism and wish fulfilment, but not in a big way, as a series of problems undercut spontaneity. Retreat Tuesday/Wednesday – rest, dream, lie low, contemplate and plan. You’ll encounter success in dealing with civil servants, health, warehousing and assembly lines, UNLESS you become too creative, romantic, or pleasure-prone. Your energy and charisma rise Thursday/Friday. Act Thursday, when your luck is high. A new love could start, but it has flaws, perhaps a massive, almost undetectable flaw. Income and outgo – spending – are emphasized Saturday. I’d be wary of both: just plod along, buy nothing important.


Capricorn.svgCAPRICORN   Dec, 22-Jan. 19

It’s your last week of pleasure, games, romance, speculation and (unusual) creative surges, Cap, so enjoy! Your home life has started to improve; all May, family concord, sweet kids, and blooming gardens bless you and bring recuperation – but don’t overdo this. Major landscape projects, big renovations, property purchases, for instance, should be avoided before mid-November 2015. News or “chatter” fills your work place: don’t take news of future projects too seriously, as June will bring a change of direction. Sunday/Monday accent your ambitions, relations with authorities, reputation and status – in a problematic way. Be diplomatic, push no one. Someone you never trusted tells you the truth (or says nothing). Your hopes and popularity rise Tuesday/Wednesday – social joys, flirtation, entertainment visit you. State “what goes” at home. Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Thursday (best) and Friday. (Friday’s best for meditation, spiritual seeking.) You’ll succeed with civil servants, especially in areas of money and property/home/kids. Saturday, your energy and charisma soar – not everything’s easy, but you’ll impress someone, maybe attract romance (after 5 pm PDT).


Aquarius.svgAQUARIUS   Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The accent remains on home, property, security, retirement, and business foundations. Rest, get your beauty sleep, for a romantic period begins in 9 days. (It could feature an old flame.) Despite my advice to rest, short trips and errands will please you, bring friends and conversations, and probably an overload of sweet treats. This is a fairly smooth week (after Sunday) but one potential problem does color the first half of the week – someone who knows a secret about you might be spreading it, or, in government or at work, a person of power doesn’t approve of your talkativeness. Not a big deal. Sunday/Monday bring legal, far travel, intellectual, love and media events – almost better if they didn’t, for Sunday’s packed with problems, and Monday advises against action, new starts. Your career is blessed Tuesday/Wednesday (except for that higher-up who disapproves) – charge ahead, show your talents and eagerness. Hope, happiness, popularity and wish fulfilment come Thursday/Friday – good! Retreat, lie low Saturday. Careful with tools, driving.


Pisces.svgPISCES   Feb. 19-March 20

Focus on errands, communications, short trips, visits, paperwork and details. Soon (next week) you’ll get some rest, so keep up the pace this week. You might be talking about home, or an ending, with a partner. Your money picture looks fine, all month – but don’t let yourself be steered into a “permanent income situation.” (E.g., don’t buy bonds.) Someone whose money has been tied up, and who has as a result been stingy with you, will enjoy a new flush of funds in about ten days – be patient. The same applies to a potential lover, intimate. Sunday/Monday bring these money/sex themes/relationships to the fore: handle them with kid gloves, if at all. Gentle love, wisdom, far travel, education, publishing, media and insurance lure you Tuesday/Wednesday – all’s good. But ensure that it is, by letting go of small tasks, small ideas, and restlessness. Be profound. Your career gets a great potential boost Thursday/Friday: if you see your chance or spy an opening, enter! Saturday’s for fun, friends, entertainment – but be cautious. Celebrate but avoid belligerent people.


The End.



Disclaimer: Tim is not a lawyer, medical doctor nor financial advisor. Though astrology addresses all these fields, you are advised to discuss Tim’s advice with the appropriate expert before acting.