PLEASE NOTE: This is NEXT WEEK’S column. To read the present week’s forecast, please scroll down to RECENT POSTS and click on “March 2-8”

Disclaimer: Tim is not a lawyer, medical doctor nor financial advisor. Though astrology addresses all these fields, you are advised to discuss Tim’s advice with the appropriate expert before acting.

All times/dates are PDT (PACIFIC DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME). To reference your own time, see “WORLD CLOCK” on the right of this page, or go to www.worldtimezones.com.

 START NOTHING: Before 6:33 am Sun., 12:50 pm to 7:09 pm Tues., and 0:24 am to 7:17 am Fri.


Some months/weeks ago I warned that Bitcoin – then about $ 800 – might disappoint with an implosion. In late February, the world’s largest bitcoin exchange went bankrupt.  Also in February, the coins fell into the $ 500 zone… But to go further, I have to find the true “birth date” of bitcoin – so far, I have 2 dates, a year apart…And now, March 3, comes news that a second bitcoin exchange has gone bankrupt after its coins were stolen by computer hackers.


A couple of years ago, Virgo, your planet of marriage, Neptune, entered your marriage sign. This was both a blessing and a curse. Better you find it a blessing, as it continues affecting your partnership prospects for another 11 to 12 years. If you insist that your partner/loved one be logical, reasonable, and practical, you’ll be cursing. But if you accept that you’re the logical and practical one, and that you might need a bit of the magic of intuition in a mate, of fantasy, dream, and awareness of things that exist far beyond logic’s grasp – the decade ahead can be a huge blessing. (This is general: many Virgos have practical, logical and loving mates: but these couples tended to form before 2011.)

The mystery between you and another won’t have to do with secrecy, but will arise instead because you are two very different beings, standing on different ground. Well, you stand on the ground – your “true mate” seems to float on constantly shifting water.

Until mid-July, you are more popular and optimistic than usual. Groups, clubs, even political parties welcome you, and you can gain immensely from joining a new group. One of the best things a group can bring is a new, attractive person – someone with whom you can share a light, flirty love, without huge strings attached. Yet, paradoxically, you are more likely to settle into a home with this one than with another – somehow, romantic wishes and “find a home” urges seem to blend this year.  (“This year” – the influence I’m describing has existed since last summer, 2013, so you might have already found this person – if not, get out and join something!)

Also until late July, your planet of sex (Mars) sits in Libra, your sign of sensual contacts and “casual sex.” This can be a great spur to love, but there’s a mild danger here, also: if sex is your prime motive, you might capture, rather than a happy soul companion, someone who will eventually bore you. From March to mid-May, if you’re a male you could find your sex drive slows; if you’re female, you could find your man’s drives ebb mildly. This won’t defeat love.

You’ll meet a prospect or two in March, perhaps at work. This is definitely the “intuitive dreamy” type I described earlier. You might encounter just enough challenge/friction to make the link exciting. If the challenge is too great, turn away. April emphasizes secrecy, intimate exploration  and deep sexual urges. Make sure you are both free to tango. May can bring a sweet, gentle person who somehow keeps surprising you mentally.  June could develop any relationship further, as sweetness and gentleness between you speak volumes. An old flamed might appear. In July, your popularity helps to attract suitors.

After July (into 2015) you might feel more like snuggling with someone familiar than to brave the cold slopes of a new heart-hunt. August can bring a new friend, but it’s pretty casual. In September, your rising charisma can attract a special person. The question: are you as attracted as he/she is? October is best spent chasing money. November brings someone with deep, sentimental emotions (although he/she might try to hide this) – your romantic courage will be high, and a powerful “recognition” or “deep meeting” can occur. In December, if you’re  attached, enjoy cosy evenings together, or get out in nature. If single, rest up – for January starts the romantic merry-go-round again!



ARIES   March 21-April 19

Stay near home, or visit the hardware store, Sunday to noon Tuesday. Only Sunday offers good fortune – if you can this day, aid your children’s future, review your retirement funds, or fix/install new plumbing.  Don’t seek sensual intimacy with a good friend: you’d be rejected. Remember, your energy and charisma remain low until late March. Romantic, creative and speculative notions beguile you Tuesday eve to Thursday – not a lot will come of this, but everyone needs some play, some dreaming. Tackle chores and health issues Friday/Saturday – Friday begins splendidly, actions and words blend successfully; but doubts infiltrate this evening. Saturday’s good (not spectacular) all through.


taurus weekly forecast

TAURUS   April 20-May 20

Communications and travel take you to good friends, to affection, Sunday, but they hit glitches and barriers Monday and Tuesday. DON’T buy tools these last two days (nor try to reach agreement with a competitor in a career/business situation). Be quiet, self-contained Tuesday eve through Thursday – take a nap or two, embrace your family – a good ally appears Wed. – wee disappointment Thurs. suppertime (PST). Romance, creative surges and speculative urges come Friday/Saturday – a splendid two days! You’ll be on a winning streak, pleasure and beauty surround you. Your heart might pick the wrong target Friday eve; the “right one” appears (in reality or in thought) Saturday morning. All week, joy and optimism lighten your steps, your popularity rises, and fun pops up everywhere. An unfinished chore will tug on your sleeve now to mid-May.



GEMINI   May 21-June 20

The general accent lies on career, ambition, prestige relations, dealings with authorities. You can envision the best career “moves” Sunday – but you might be befuddled by your options Friday. (If so, stick with Sunday’s plan or vision.) Chase money and new clients, buy/sell, Sunday to Tuesday eve. Step carefully Monday , and Tuesday morning. Both days bring some sort of refusal or hurt feelings, probably in romantic or friendship areas. Friends, siblings and casual acquaintances mingle with errands, paperwork, calls and trips Tuesday night to Thursday. All March, an Aquarian might be “sweet on you” – and this might show Wednesday eve. Or, it’s just a good friendly time. Thursday demands careful attention, a bit of work: buy NO machinery nor tools. Head for home Friday/Saturday: a relaxing weekend looms. Both mornings help you get things done, but avoid tackling plumbing projects Friday.



CANCER   June 21-July 22

It’s a wise, mellow month, Cancer, and a pretty easy week. Your energy and charisma soar Sunday to Tuesday eve – you attract attention, you can persuade others. Usually this would be a good time to begin new projects, but use your increased clout instead to solve problems, especially involving chores, workplace relations, and your domestic situation. Chase money, seek a pay raise or new clients, buy/sell, Tuesday night to pre-dawn Friday. A sensual attraction might arise, but it won’t have a lot of traction – partly because your mind and mood are on higher things, like real love. Thursday pm will disappoint somehow, so don’t risk things this day. Casual friends, errands, trips, visits, calls and emails, paperwork and details, fill Friday/Saturday. Other than a bit of confused thinking Friday suppertime, this is a great little phase – be curious, seek variety and information. Yes, a journey is advised – before the 19th.


Leo icon, Luck Forecast

LEO   July 23-Aug. 22

The general accent remains on mysteries, high finance (investments, mortgage, etc.) sexual urges and health diagnoses. Your subconscious bursts to the surface, heightening both your intuition and your desires. All these meet a welcoming cosmos Sunday. If you study a situation, you’ll dream up new solutions. You’re tired, but satisfied. Your weariness lasts through Tuesday eve, but your luck doesn’t, so step carefully Monday/Tuesday – avoid competitive situations, retreat, contemplate and plan. Your energy and effectiveness return Tuesday night to Friday pre-dawn – you’ll be noticed, but almost “secretly.” A nice breakthrough possible Wed. pm – you can express love, buy travel tickets or high-tech items, or make a (slightly mysterious) friend. Be conservative Thursday. Chase money Friday/Saturday – luck rides with you. But avoid being a con artist’s favorite target Friday eve.



VIRGO   Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The emphasis remains on partnerships, counsellors, opportunities, co-operators and challengers. You face a whole new world in these areas: everything and everybody will tend, for the whole decade ahead, to rely more on “a feeling” than on logic. This can make it hard to pin down a clear agreement; on the other hand, it can bring odd, only half-realized benefits, and very different, fascinating people, and, ultimately, if you’re single, the love of your life. Remember this Sunday, when you could meet such people, or at the very least envision a different way. Your imagination will be potent, your optimism high – love might appear! At worst, you’ll feel popular, Monday/Tuesday also. But these two days demand caution, especially in work, driving, finances and communications. Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan midweek. (A Wednesday investment should succeed.) Your energy and charisma soar Friday/Saturday: Friday night, is that love again, or another aspect of someone you know?



LIBRA   Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Let chores take precedence over all else, Libra, especially now to March 19. Use this period to clear your “job list” – late March will begin a month of new opportunities, fresh relationships and fresh horizons. You’ll want to be free to pursue these. The present week has a few bumps, but is easy overall. Authorities and higher-ups notice you Sunday to Tuesday, so be on your best behavior – and be ambitious. On Sunday, you can see your work pattern spread out before you, so make a list this day, and jot down creative solutions. Monday/Tuesday aren’t so easy: avoid fights, and DO NOT sign anything or enter any legal ground. Your hopes and popularity rise nicely Tuesday night to pre-dawn Friday – a flirtation or good conversation Wed. pm could spell love. A money barrier might rise up Thursday. Still, nothing dents your happiness! Retreat, rest, contemplate and make new plans Friday (confusion this eve) and Saturday.



SCORPIO   Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The general accent lies on romance, self-expression, beauty and pleasure, creativity, risk-taking, charming kids (and teaching them). You’re still in a great year for turning passionate love to social (e.g., wedded) love – think of this, especially Sunday pm, when both sides of love appear – and so, perhaps, might a brand new attraction. You feel wise, mellow Sunday to Tuesday – but take  care Monday/Tuesday, when various glitches and barriers could raise your temper. If you’re a parent, consider that you might be leaning too heavily on a youngster. Ambition, career, relations with higher-ups fill midweek: be eager and well-behaved. Wednesday pm, you could spy a home that’s more prestigious than your own, and feel an urge to own it. This isn’t a desire, it’s a “foretelling” – someday, you will own such a home. Optimism, popularity, happiness and entertainment – and love? – enter Friday/Saturday!



SAGITTARIUS   Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Only a week and a bit of feeling tied down, Sage – during this time, attend to your home and kids,  increase your security, adjust retirement plans, eat plenty of nutritious foods, and rest. Life’s mysteries emerge Sunday morning to Tuesday eve. Sunday, these mysteries inspire you, can nudge you to do something about your home, even buy a new one. But tread carefully in sex, health and finances Monday/Tuesday. Though you feel sexy, if you’re single and prowling, only frustration awaits. Contain temper Tuesday. Don’t invest, nor make any major commitments. A wise, far-seeing mood overtakes you Tuesday night to pre-dawn Friday. Love could be here, especially if you meet someone (or a group) Wed. eve. Be conservative, or be disappointed, Thurs. pm. A mild tug-o-war develops between ambition and security, career and home, Friday into the weekend. Everything’s good, ambitious action’s great – step around some Friday eve indecision.



CAPRICORN   Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Not everything goes to plan. During this busy but not important week, be flexible, keep options open, seek variety – and information. That applies especially Sunday to Tuesday, when others have some say in how you should act, what you should chase. Be diplomatic and eager to join, particularly Sunday, when a bit of affection can solve a whole bunch of relationship frictions. It’s not so easy Monday/Tuesday, when money and your hopes don’t agree (Mon.) and someone might try to lord it over you (Tues.). Life’s mysteries swell Tuesday eve to Friday pre-dawn. This can bring a great financial idea or investment Wednesday afternoon into Thursday lunch. But slow down this eve – practical matters, and your popularity, frustrate. Far travel, higher education, intellectual and love matters sweetly fill Friday/Saturday – go!



AQUARIUS   Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The main accent lies on money, earnings, spending, possessions, rote learning, memory and sensual attractions. Usually, your work performance would determine (in the roughest way) your income. Sunday, that’s true, in, most likely, a future-oriented way – your inspirations around supper time could lead to a great new way to make money. (It’s also an excellent time to buy videos or related equipment.) But Monday/Tuesday, work-wise, bring far more problems than luck: step cautiously, contain temper and adventurousness, and don’t talk too much to the boss. Midweek brings relationships – be diplomatic, flexible, and eager to join, especially Wednesday, when good friends fill the afternoon/supper hour. (One of these “acquaintances” considers you viable mate material.) Don’t be too eager to join Thursday: value yourself.  Friday/Saturday bring mysteries, and might “set up” a sexy, grungy weekend – or an investment opportunity.



PISCES   Feb. 19-March 20

Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness remain handsomely high, Pisces! Get out, impress people, start important projects, or tackle chores that formerly intimidated you. Passion, beauty, creativity, sports/games, charming kids, speculation fill Sunday to Tuesday eve. These are superb Sunday, might even bring a new romance (or sweet love with your mate or steady squeeze). But your love boat (and creative, speculative efforts) might hit turbulence or (more likely) a quiet refusal Monday, and an “angry barrier” Tuesday.  (So give Sunday all you’ve got!) Tackle chores and health matters Tuesday eve to Friday pre-dawn. You could learn a valuable secret, or discover a labour-saving method, Wednesday. Relationships slated Friday/Saturday – be diplomatic, affectionate. The person who is most puzzled by you might be most compatible. Grab opportunities!


The End