WEEKLY FORECAST ~ JUNE 10 – 16, 2018


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My email:  suningem@gmail.com

All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.


START NOTHING:  8:29 pm to 11:53 pm Mon., 12:43 pm Wed. to 0:20 am Thurs., and 9:18 am Fri. to 0:21 am Sat.


We’ve seen the worst side of Michael Avenatti, the lawyer helping porn lady Stormy Daniels sue Trump.  Avenatti has many talents and is a very stubborn man.  But if he started the suit after April 2017, he’ll probably lose it. Since spring 2017, he’s been at an 18-year low in moral goodness, and an 18-year height in temptation and bad decisions.
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When Prince George of England was born about 4 years ago, I opined here that he would never be king. I wish I wasn’t so negative. But last week, the media reported that there was an assassination plot against him. (An ISIS member pleaded guilty to inciting others to murder the child.) Not proof, but an indication.
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(More in the AFTERAMBLE, after PISCES’ weekly forecast.)


     ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The general emphasis lies on easy chores, travel and communicating, errands, paperwork. Be quick, not overly thoughtful. You are still hopeful about life, friends and the future, and will remain so for 5 more months. It’s a great time (these 5 months) to make big changes, to invest, seek physical intimacy, give and receive commitments in love and business, and to make new friends. A major wish will come true, but might actually demand your sacrificing something in these zones (changes, investments, sex, etc.). Chase money Sunday/Mon. — buy/sell, cultivate clients, etc. Careful Sun. morning, when an argument might erupt. Those errands and easy chores arrive Tues./Wed. — all’s good, friendly, your energy works well. Possible mild deception in Wed.’s wee hours. Be curious, ask questions, survey media outlets. You might begin a phone, mail or travel project. Steer toward home Thurs./Fri. A brand new love, spousal or contract disagreement might arise. If so, treat it gently; it will soon vanish. The sexual and financial aspects of your relationships go well, are lucky. It’s hard to communicate well, especially with bosses, authorities and your family. Everything seems “too significant.” Romance blossoms Saturday! (But don’t expect much.) A lovely day for creative types.

taurus weekly forecast     TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Your energy and charm hit a peak Sun./Mon., Taurus. Sunday’s a bit bumpy, but Mon. offers smooth progress — start slow, end solidly. All week, continue to deal with the simple, concrete things of life — money, earnings, buying bargains, rote learning, pleasurable intimacy, nature’s beauty. Angle for a pay raise, cultivate clients, etc. — especially Tues./Wed., when a new project or money prospect might arise. These two days will be quite successful, as long as you reject wishful thinking, or mixing money and friends. (Remember, now to November, bosses and VIPs will be temperamental, impatient. At the same time, you can enter management circles, or find institutions, gov’t departments, large corporations are willing to hire, take a chance on you.) Errands, paperwork, trips and calls fill Thurs./Fri. You’ll run into some irritations — a sudden “new note” on the domestic scene, a possible dilemma of choice between two different ways or paths: long or short? Someone doesn’t want company Friday. Settle into home, family, the ‘hood Sat. It’s your choice — the day can be adventurous, exciting; irritating; or far from agreement. To be happy this day, don’t set a goal.

     GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Your high energy and attractiveness to others (you’ve seen them glancing) continue, Gemini. I’ll repeat: start significant projects, lead, show the way, persuade, make important contacts. You’re in charge! (Especially Tues./Wed., when your clout and effectiveness reach an annual high — be friendly, social, optimistic and ambitious.)  Earlier, on Sun./Mon., rest up for Tues./Wed.’s efforts. Research, plan your actions, contemplate. Be charitable and spiritual — these keep you “honest.” Monday’s best for love, comfort and reassurance — get some. Chase money, seek bargains, cultivate clients and protect/store your possessions, Thurs./Fri. There’s a nugget of great employment or work luck these two days, but other irritations bother you: a young love/friendship might hit a snag (Thurs.) and a money idea runs into reality (Fri.). Casual acquaintances, messaging, short travel, paperwork and errands fill Saturday. Friends might argue with each other: just smile.

     CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Eleven more days of rest, Cancer, before your energy surges back. Meanwhile, spend this week planning, relaxing, especially Tues./Wed., when weariness grows. Examine your life thus far: where have you come, and why, and where do you want to go, and how. Soon, it will be action time: prepare your path, your psyche, so you can hit the ground running in late June. (BTW, now to November, your hopes will centre on life changes, sexual intimacy, pregnancy [if age appropriate], assets and investments, and “learning secrets.” You’ll be “fired up” to chase at least one of these. Let prudence mix with ambition.) Early week, Sun./Mon., your hopes and popularity rise nicely (but not hugely, fully, as you’re in “rest mode”). A bit of conflict Sun., but a smooth, affectionate Monday. Mid-week, start a management project, or tackle neglected chores. Your energy and charisma return briefly Thurs./Fri. Use that extra energy to solve or pass by a money-vs-friend dilemma, a sudden unexpected reaction, or a sceptical, perhaps rejecting answer to your bid for co-operation or partnership. Love succeeds late late Thurs. (PDT). Deal with money, earnings, shopping Sat. The less you buy, the better.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast     LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The week ahead continues your happy round of social joys, group involvements, view of a bright future, and wish fulfillment, Leo. Tuesday/Wed. emphasize this trend, boosting your popularity, your social contacts, optimism — and could bring a flirtation. (The last would yield an exciting episode, but probably not a wedding.) Only glitch: sexual intimacy might elude you. That’s okay! Earlier, Sun./Mon. accent your ambitions, career, prestige relations and neighbourhood standing. Charge ahead (after some Sun. morning PDT friction) — you’ll make strong progress, esp. Mon.  Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Thurs./Fri. Be charitable, spiritual — good for your karma. But don’t attempt too much, and don’t volunteer for extra future duties. (They would become a millstone around your neck.) Your idea of love and a new situation or “atmosphere” at work, clash with each other. It can be hard to make progress or find co-operation, in work and management areas. Your charm, energy and magnetism soar Saturday! Someone either attracts you rather intensely or is aggressive, even angry toward you — either one can last until November. This person might appear early afternoon (PDT — about 10 pm in Britain, midnight/on in the Middle East, early morning in Asia, etc.).

     VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Continue to be ambitious and to deal with or contact authorities, bosses and VIPs, Virgo. You’re being tested, but you’ll pass! This trend hits a peak midweek (Tues./Wed.) when you can succeed with work, career, financial actions. A new ambitious project might start. Until November, your work will either be tied up with research, planning discussions, equity investment (e.g., shares in your employer’s business) and deep change, or you’ll have the hots for a co-worker. That last isn’t totally recommended. This Tues./Wed., all goes well except co-operation, and spousal relations. Earlier, Sun./Mon. bring a mellow, understanding mood. Sunday’s problematical, and Mon.’s quite workable, in far travel (and ticket buying), legal matters, publishing/media, love, cultural, intellectual and philosophical growth. Late week, Thurs./Fri. bring happiness, a bright outlook, popularity and social joys — and a celebratory feeling, after recent ambitious efforts. However, actual events would disappoint if you weren’t in such a buoyant mood: money and love don’t mix; neither do ambitions and principles. And others seem to question why you love/like them. Ah, well. Retreat from the crowd Sat. — rest, think, watch. Leave planning for next Sunday.

     LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You’re still in a mellow, wise, loving mood, Libra. Opportunities for far travel, a love affair, publishing/media, cultural and intellectual involvements — these fill the days, especially Tues./Wed., when you might start a project in these zones. You could meet true love — this is on the agenda until November. (If so, this person will somehow be “adjacent” to you, and a kind of friendliness might replace “passion,” even from Day One — but romance, heart-happiness, WILL exist.) The only thing that won’t “work,” or can trip you up (midweek) are work demands or health restrictions. Earlier, Sun./Mon., your feelings are frankly lustful. Sex, mysteries, large financial actions, research, medical exigencies, lifestyle changes, and partnership co-operation — these stumble Sun., but work well Mon. Later, Thurs./Fri. nudge you toward ambition. VIPs and bosses call, want to see your progress, cops ain’t friendly, and parents are judgmental. Not an easy two days. Your sexual or financial commitments fight your “dawning hopes.” Just slog away, tackle chores and ask for money in return — you’ll get it! Saturday spells poor luck, but good happiness. (Now that’s an awkward sentence!) You’ll feel popular, optimistic, wishful, flirtatious, and ready for fun. But don’t overspend, and be “light” with a romantic prospect — he/she senses your interest.

     SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Sex, secrets, and major money/investments/debt continue to grab your attention, especially Tues./Wed., when this trend climaxes — and could trigger a major venture: an investment, a good budget scheme, an intimate clinch, even a lifestyle change, medical visit, or “detective” project. Only one thing won’t work: romance, infatuation, art, gambling or wild risk-taking. (Until November, you have to protect your stomach and your home, from “burning.”  If surgery comes, it is likely in this digestive area.) Earlier, Sun./Mon. present you with relationships, and choices. Sunday’s a bit bumpy, but Mon. flows with smooth ease. An exciting meeting could occur! Late week, Thurs./Fri., brings a gentle, loving, understanding mood, and a leaning toward intellectual, legal, cultural, international, media, and religious zones. Unfortunately, various obstacles and disruptions litter your path. Your family might fight your career ambitions, and be vocal about it. A friend, and someone you love, could split or pull apart. Stay out. Two things go well: money making, and creativity or romance, both around Thurs. night and pre-dawn Fri. (PDT). Be ambitious — or better, protect your reputation — Sat. It’s easy, if you just avoid an argument.

     SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent remains on relationships, Sage. A bond might come to a climax, or a new one start, Tues./Wed. This week (and esp. Tues./Wed.) offers new and old themes of partnership, relocation, public dealings, co-operation, negotiation, and agreements — and litigation, enmities and challenge. If you ignore the last three, they’ll probably subside. Be diplomatic and willing — realize others hold all the cards this month. Romance and talk are closely linked now — which probably means light, friendly romance rather than earth-shaking stuff. Earlier, tackle chores Sun./Mon. Sunday’s a bit obstructive, but Mon. flows smoothly, and you end with satisfaction. Late week (Thurs./Fri.) brings mysteries, temptations, lust, greed and heightened intuition — let this last warn you way from bad deals and toxic lovers. Home, security and retreat will go well, but steer away from co-worker lust, legal puzzles, bad investments, and significant money decisions. If in doubt, don’t commit. Saturday brings mental peace, big ideas, profound thoughts. Enjoy cultural, intellectual, international, and publishing or art gallery “parties.” But avoid arguing, challenging someone, or dabbling in secret or hidden things, situations. All’s well!

     CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Drudgery remains, Cap — but only for 11 more days, after which fresh horizons and new opportunities will breeze you out of the salt mines. Meanwhile, work dutifully and protect your daily health — eat and dress sensibly. This work trend reaches a peak midweek (Tues./Wed.) — and with good success. You can reap money rewards Tues., and might start a new job Wed. (Don’t commit yourself to increased future drudgery/joe jobs, as they will tend to weigh you down just when, in future weeks, you should be jumping.) Not a good interval for talk or time-wasting travel. (Yes, buy machinery/tools, or contract with service people, renovators, etc., up to 1 pm PDT Tues., but don’t buy a car or travel ticket.) Earlier, Sun./Mon., you get a taste of romance, of beauty, a dip into pleasure, a creative or risk-taking urge — all are problematical Sun. (though exciting this night) and peaceful, easy Mon. Late week, Thurs./Fri., relationships face you — so do opportunities, relocation themes, challenges, negotiations and possible litigation (rare). This is a dicey interval, so step forward carefully. In some ways, this Thurs./Fri. are not meant to be “built on,” but instead are a hint, a “readying cry” of the late June/July period upcoming. A romantic notion might get blown away by a lustful urge. Or alternately, you might reject that lust for the promise of real, innocent romance. Not the best time to start a new relationship in any area, love or business. Saturday brings mystery, change, medical diagnosis, sexual temptations, and financial lures. Grab NONE of these in any significant way. Study, watch, learn… wait until June 17 to act, if you must.

   AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your focus remains on romance, beauty, children, pleasure, vacation, creative and (elating) risk-taking, this week and next. This Tues./Wed. bring a climax to this lovely trend, could start a new love affair, or a creative work, or a gamble. All goes well, as long as you don’t gamble with money or with your job, income source. (Now to November, you’re on fire with wanderlust, sexual magnetism, and the urge to communicate, to reach out to someone, everyone.) Earlier, Sun./Mon. try to tie you to home, kids, security, relaxation, repairs and decorating, landscaping, etc.  Sunday presents obstacles — don’t stick your fingers in the lawn mower, watch sharp tools, etc. But everything glides smoothly Mon., and you’ll sigh Mon. night as you realize how good, warm, finely decorated your home is. Tackle chores late week, Thurs./Fri. — but proceed with caution. Be careful around electricity, and make a wise choice between work, and larger duties, Fri. Career and money look like winners these two days. Saturday brings relationships, perhaps an exciting meeting — but overall, others will be impatient with you, especially if you don’t quickly co-operate (which you should, you know). Saturday night can bring a prestigious but not ultimately lucky or “freeing” opportunity, probably in career, and probably from a friend or mate — or simply a political/religious argument.

     PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The emphasis remains on home, children, security, diet, stomach and soul – and repairs, gardening, decorations, lawn parties, etc. — especially Tues./Wed., when these matters reach a yearly climax — and a new beginning (so start home-based projects). Nothing wrong, nothing to avoid here. (If starting big projects, e.g. renovations, start them before 1 pm PDT Tues. for best success.) Earlier, Sun./Mon., try to discuss and review any home/family plans. Two good days for travel, errands, communications — Mon. much better than Sun. Late week (Thurs./Fri.) romantic notions,  charming kids, pleasure and beauty fill you with good feelings. However, be cautious, too: you might stumble on emotional rebuffs, cantankerous neighbours, job interruptions and dilemmas of choice. Despite it all, you remain wise, mellow and sure of your basic core, basic worth. This wasn’t so 10 years ago. You’ve grown in solid ways, and your unruffled reaction to Thurs./Fri.’s irritations shows you how much! Tackle chores Saturday — be careful with sharp tools, machines — and think before you pontificate. Now to November, you might need to choose between background work (gov’t, management, admin., institutional — e.g., nurse, prosecutor) and “freedom from money.”

The End.


What about this nuke solution? Every nation has 1, only 1 nuclear bomb. This way, every nation might hesitate to start a nuke war, as it only has one in its arsenal, and anyone it attacks is certain to repay the favour. One nuke per nation could be a natural deterrent, and allow us to spend our energy and mind on other, more productive matters. Under present circumstances, trying to keep nuclear weapons from the second tier nations will be a useless effort.
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People in my “home” town, Vancouver, complain about the Asian invasion, which has sent house prices soaring — almost doubling in the last 2 years. (These are my un-researched approximations, but I doubt they’re far off the mark. At present, the worst slum shack is a million $. An average lower-class blue collar home is 1.5  to 2 million; middle class, 3 to 4 million; and affluent houses 5 to 60 million.) People who didn’t own have complained that they have to travel 100 miles outside Vancouver to buy even a modest home. Old-timers who have seen their house go up 100 times their original purchase price, complain that their property taxes have skyrocketed. (A valid beef.  In no way is the city spending proportionate funds on services, infrastructure, roads, etc. This phenomena — government theft by tax — takes place even in the hinterland. Property taxes where I live, in little Gibsons, pop. 8,000, increased over 20% last year, without one bit of extra service, road, water, sewer work being performed. Someone’s getting rich, and it ain’t private  citizens.)

But there are several up sides to the recent influx of wealthy Chinese, Korean, Indian, and Malaysian home-buyers:

1)  after much bigotry and head-banging, we slowly come to realize that, like us Caucasians, Asians are human… and these are Asians who want to live in a country like Canada, where it’s difficult for the government to take your assets. We should be flattered.

2)   the Asian influx eventually diversifies and expands the gene pool — a necessity for our species’ health and growth.

3)   If there’s ever an east-west war, the Asian countries will be reluctant to bomb Vancouver, with its 42% Asian pop., a population with deep, extensive (and affluent) ties to their home country. (Meanwhile, the U.S. will have no reason to attack us, since we’re Canadians, eh? Of course, we’d probably die eventually from Seattle’s destruction. Please note: I’m NOT saying there will be a nuclear war.)

4)  the Asian talent for efficiency, cost reduction and execution should improve our own advancement and productivity. In other words, Asians writ large can only increase our prosperity.
