My new email is: (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).
All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”
If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app. Hopefully I will soon have this translation feature back on this blog.
START NOTHING: 1:21 am to 5:34 am Sun., 11:19 am to 3:42 pm Tues., and 9:17 pm Thurs. to 3:27 am Fri.
ALL SIGNS: Mercury is retrograde, so start no new projects or relationships, nor make any significant purchases, now to May 3. Instead, reprise past opportunities, or stick with on-going projects.
ALL SIGNS: No matter what I say in the Weekly Forecast below, I advise against starting a new love/romance before April 22. This “love trap” existed last week, and I warned everyone about it. But the aspect will recur April 21, so it also affects this week and next. (This is separate from the Mercury retrograde effect mentioned above.)
I’ll be giving a talk this Thursday (April 13) at the Fraser Valley Astrology Guild, 7:30 to 9:30 pm. It will be rather technical, and will look at the next 500 years (briefly, if I have time). It costs $15 at the door. There aren’t a lot of seats. ADDRESS: Anvil Centre, 4th Floor, 777 Columbia St., New Westminster, B.C. For more information, you can email the Guild, at
I often receive calls from Aries people who are flummoxed by their career situation. Here’s one of my answers in the comments section:
“Aries are facing major changes in career from 2009 to 2024. March-born Aries have already faced and dealt with this, in the 2009-2013 phase. Now early April births (April 1-11) face it, 2013 to 2019. Soon, April 11-20 births will face it (2018-2024). If you lie in that middle zone (b. April 1 – 11) 2013 to 2019 will present you with various challenges. Pluto wants you to change (your career) — if you don’t change (destroy/abandon the old, birth the new) then you will face an increasing wave of opposition and disappointment.” But how, what do you change?
Well, If you want to know how Pluto will affect you from 2009 to 2024, click on PLATFORMS (under the big blue picture, home page) then click on PLUTO FORECAST — for Aries, for example, it lists the 20 or so “careers” Aries can succeed in during this period.
Noticed that 3 days in a row, video news clips of Trump show him at that big table with his arms crossed over his chest. This is a defensive posture, hinting that Trump feels major rejection and threat in his position.
And boy was I wrong that Obama and the Donald would become personal friends! They started fine, until Obama’s duplicity (spying on Trump) was revealed.
Some people are surprised that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is much more pragmatic, practical and “hard headed” than his innocent, elfin face — and his socialist campaign — promised. Don’t be surprised: he’s a Capricorn — probably the most practical of all signs, and most suited to being in charge.
Do you remember my trashing of the Ontario Family Court system with its bigoted lawyers and corrupt judges, about six years ago? Well, now the National Post has finally backed me up with expose articles by Christie Blatchford. Two exposures were of the Ontario courts; in her last, she’s showing how corrupt the Manitoba Family Courts are. Maybe they could do something about these dishonest, misandrist judges by making sure they don’t outnumber male judges 20-to-1. When bad people get together (men or women) it emboldens them to act even more egregiously, to become a kind of mafia which self-justifies. ISIS does this. Their motto could be: “Violence is its own justification, and its own reward.”
I just finished criticizing the Quebec/Montreal police last week (for being corrupt, illegally tapping journalists’ phones, selling drugs, etc) and now this: the Montreal police are refusing to wear uniforms. (Which would enable them to commit crimes more easily.)
I wrote here long, long ago, when Quebec held a separation-from-Canada referendum — was it the 1980’s? — that Quebec would not leave Canada in a long time, if at all. Just wanted to re-affirm this for the future.
Money continues to flow your way, Aries – make sure you bank it. You continue to be embroiled (or merely involved) in Government related chores — e.g., taxes done yet? The confusions and delays in this area will end next week. Your energy and charisma remain at an annual high, and you might make a strong push to succeed this week. However, do not start anything — a period of delays, indecision and mistakes starts now, lasts until May 3. If you are involved in a legal case, expect delays until late August. Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday emphasizes relationships — these contain both attractions and break up vibes, especially Monday. You could attract an admirer or begin wooing someone – If before 7 pm (PDT) Mon., it will never work; if after 7 pm, and he/she’s from the past, good; if new, it’s premature. Avoid commitments these few days. Plunge into chores Tues. afternoon through Thursday – in general, your luck is good, and your intuition will help you find just the right approach. However be careful Thursday afternoon, and do not buy machinery or tools this week nor the next two. A wise, mellow mood flows into you Friday/Saturday – dream of international trips, dive into schoolwork, media, intellectual and religious matters, but start nothing new. Friday holds a subtle, unseen confusion. Saturday offers smooth progress.
Your Energy and charisma are low, yet your sexual magnetism and determination are high. In addition, you are very hopeful about your emotional present and future. Don’t let any of this tempt you towards someone who is already married or attached. Start nothing new in any area before May 3 – we have all entered a mild zone of delays, decisions, mistakes and shortages, and new projects will simply wither before long. Tackle chores Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday – be cautious, as barriers and accident potential exists throughout this period. Relationships fill Tuesday evening through Thursday. Despite your low energy, exciting meetings can take place; even love can be declared. (But not toward someone you first meet this week — or did, last.) Life’s secrets, mysteries and depths rise to the surface Friday/Saturday. Your intuition blossoms, and your sexual yearnings increase. Usually, this would be a good two days to invest, make a lifestyle choice, or commit to someone or their project. However, if you do this now you will probably regret it in a month or two. Do not buy machinery. Saturday daytime much better than Friday in long term results.
Start nothing before May 3, Gemini. Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde, bringing delays, mis-information, clouded thinking, indecision and supply shortages. So remain loyal to ongoing projects (and relationships) and/or reprise past involvements. There is something you should solve in the next ten days, in relation to the government (taxes?) admin (filing falling behind?) or your own spiritual self. Others continue to treat you with friendship; and bosses, parents and judges are affectionate, understanding — still, your outcome with them is uncertain, because their minds are uncertain now. There is a “cave” in your life. Is it protecting you, or imprisoning you? Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. offers romance, creative and risk-taking triumphs, beauty and pleasure. Use this period to seek entertainment, and to dream of love rather than pursuing it. The only old flame in your life right now is a judgmental type — forget him/her. Sidestep alienation. Tackle chores Tues. eve through Thurs. — luck rides with you, so you can get a lot done, despite the general slow-down. Make a list before you start. Do not buy equipment, tools, etc., unless you have wanted a particular piece before April. Friday/Saturday bring exciting meetings — ultimately deceptive ones Fri. (though you wouldn’t discover this until later) and “honest” ones Sat. Applies to both business and love. But remember, nothing new! Saturday ends delays in “higher-ups” — you’ll soon get an answer from that quarter.
This is a very complicated Spring, Cancer. You’ll be pulled one way, then the other, with new versus old friends, new vs. old happiness and wishes, and old (but light) loves. (Avoid that deep, deep old one, if he/she shows). Until May 3, don’t start any new projects nor relationships. Instead, support ongoing things, or reprise something from the past. As hinted, an old flame stalks this month. Although you are in the midst of an ambitious month, turn toward home Sun. to mid-afternoon Tues. Problems exist, so take a “let’s solve this” approach. Best time to speak to your spouse: Tues. morn. Charming kids, romance, beauty, pleasure, creative and gambling urges — all arrive, with benevolent fortune, Tues. eve through Thurs. Remember, start nothing new; stick with the old or ongoing. You’ll experience joy. Dive into work Fri./Sat. — Saturday better, as you could set up a situation (or discover one by working hard) that leads to “more value” down the road. (Refers more to assets, investments, than to earnings.)
Until May 3, Leo, do not start new projects nor relationships, nor make significant purchases. Instead, work with ongoing situations, or reprise a project/relationship from your past. Bosses and other authorities remain impatient, temperamental until April 20 — grin and bear it rather than protest. A former career role might return. So might a former sexy attraction and/or financial opportunity. Friends, errands, calls, emails, trips, paperwork and easy chores fill Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. Many obstacles exist, so drive carefully, double-check your words, and figures, and make a list before you start. Be home or in the ‘hood Tues. eve through Thurs. Now conditions are benevolent, so hug the family, garden, plan nutritious meals, soak up sun on the porch. You can solve a plumbing problem, if one exists. Romance waves hello Fri./Sat, then rushes on like the rabbit in Alice’s wonderland. Well, chase it/her/him Saturday. (Friday has a “down the road” disappointment, esp. in sex, money outcomes.) Not romantic? Then chase beauty, art, joy, pleasure — they’re available! (Remember, though, no new people/projects. — Visiting an entertainment venue is not a “new project.”)
Start nothing new — relationships, projects nor significant purchases — until May 3. Instead, reprise past situations, projects or former flames, or stick with ongoing ventures and links. (Cast a detailed eye over ongoing projects: be early to order supplies, confirm appointments and schedules, etc.) It’s a very complicated April — you could even have 3 choices, love-wise: an old flame, an ex-spouse, and a new flame. My advice? Do nothing. From May 10 onward, your relationships will sort themselves out. (Single Virgos: you’ll meet a strong life-mate prospect anytime between May 10/17 to 2026 — with a “lucky peak” in 2020-21-22.) Chase money, but buy only routine items, Sun. to mid-afternoon Tuesday. Protect possessions, and bat away mild sensual temptations. Errands, visits, casual friends, paperwork and communications fill Tues. eve through Thurs. Now luck rides with you, so have fun while doing these easy chores. (But double-check addresses, times, amounts on cheques, etc. Make a list before you start.) Head for home, hug the family, garden, go hiking, relax in a sunny window, etc. A wee spat might occur with your spouse Fri. or pre-dawn Sat. (PDT). No big deal.
Relationships fill your horizon, but this is a very complicated time. If you’re single, you need to distinguish between sexual and love urges. The former can tie you up in old knots, and the latter, love, while exciting in an anticipation way, might not “come clearly” to you until May/June. Meanwhile, former flames hover around, and a former job (or neglected job!) return to demand doing. My best advice: don’t fall in love this week nor next. Your energy and charisma surge upward Sun. to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT). Use your increased clout to tackle problems. Many married Librans can be facing a home-based problem, while your mate faces a career problem. (All 2009 to 2024.) Perhaps joining forces (for it’s the same problem — stagnation) will help you solve it. (The stagnation is in home for Libra, career — possibly — for your mate. A huge cheerfulness and luck that sweeps over you from June to October might help wash away or dislodge this problem.) Chase money, cultivate clients, angle for a pay raise, but buy ONLY routine items, Tues. eve through Thurs. You’ll fare well, and could meet romantic excitement Thursday pm. Errands, trips, communications and paperwork fill Fri./Sat. Make a list before you start. DON’T start any new projects, relationships, nor make important purchases, before May 3.
Don’t initiate any new projects, relationships or big purchases before May 3, Scorpio. Instead, stick to ongoing projects/links, or reprise opportunities from your past. An old flame might appear; so might an “ex” — and, a relatively new attraction could be loving you, or fighting you. Complex times! I’d wait until at least April 19 onward to make a choice — better yet, wait until May 3 onward. Meanwhile, Sun. to mid-afternoon Tues. urges you to relax, retreat, research, mull over your direction. (DON’T make plans: circumstances will change.) These three days hold irritating obstacles, so step lightly. Best default: withdraw. Your energy and charisma rise nicely Tues. eve through Thurs. — and now good luck is with you. Still, don’t start projects — use this interval to fix what’s broken, and to show your love for someone (Wed. before supper; Thurs. 6-9 pm, PDT). Chase, collect and earn money Fri./Sat. (Saturday better.) Don’t buy anything significant. The indecision and delays by a partner, spouse or important client end Saturday.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Ah, sweet romance! Well, somewhat. You’re in a general period of romance, but a lot of other stuff seems to interfere, and you’re undecided anyway, deep down. (This indecision will disappear in June, when your partnership sector is lit up and a link becomes intense. If you’re single and seeking, a wish could come true, in June or the first weeks of autumn.) Three weeks of indecision, delay and mistakes begins now, lasting to May 3. During this time, don’t start new projects or relationships, and make no significant purchases. Instead, work to keep existing projects safe, or to reprise an opportunity from your past. Your job and your home both need alertness and caution. Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues., your popularity will rise, and social delights, entertainment, flirtations, optimism and happiness tiptoe into your days. The aspects are mostly bad; so events might falter, stumble, but your mood will stay bright. (Psst — don’t fall in love this week or next. However, both weeks bring happiness at home.) Retreat, rest, contemplate or meditate Tues. eve through Thurs. Your luck is softly beneficial, making this a great time to contact the government, civil servants, do taxes, visit institutions, and be charitable. Don’t make plans, though, as they will be “out of date” as soon as formed. Your energy and charisma soar Fri./Sat. — Sat.’s best. For Sages already married or in love, these two days give you the “moxie” to attract and impress your favourite person.
The general accent lies on home, relaxation, family, garden, nutrition, children, security, retirement and real estate (sales territory in business). Don’t expend major effort before the 20th; much of it would be wasted. Rest is more valuable. Now to May 3, slowdowns, delays, mistakes, memory lapses, shortages and other snafus will affect ongoing projects, so remain alert for pitfalls. New projects started now will fail. But a former venture reprised from the past might work well. An old flame might appear, but you seem to have mistrust or misgivings about this person or about how he/she makes you feel. Be ambitious Sun. to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT) — obstacles exist, but you can make some progress Tues. morning. (You might have to choose between an ambitious action and a domestic need — favour the domestic this time.) You popularity rises and dreams can come true Tues. eve through Thurs. — your luck’s great, and your optimism soars. Accept happiness! Love’s strong Thurs. night, especially for married folk. Retreat from the crowd Fri./Sat. — rest, contemplate, be spiritual and charitable. Don’t bother making plans; they’ll change. An easy, inoffensive week’s end.
Don’t embrace any new projects, relationships nor purchases until May 3, Aquarius. Instead, reprise anything promising from your past, or work alertly to protect ongoing affairs from delays, misunderstandings, supply shortages, etc. Your home is still a bit “hot” (like ants on a griddle) but now you and they start talking about it, or completely shut up. (Talking’s better, although it will go nowhere.) A former money source might return. In general, April leans you toward errands, casual friends and light or “practical” communications. But Sun. to mid-afternoon Tues. brings profound thoughts, deep insights, and meaningful communications. However, these three days are studded with obstacles and frustrations, so step lightly. Remember, no new starts, especially in love and domestic zones. Be ambitious Tues. eve through Thurs. — show your skills, butter up the boss, etc. Luck’s high — you’ll make a good impression! But don’t launch a new project. You’ll love Fri./Sat. — wishes come true, your popularity rises, optimism colours everything, and entertainment and flirtations arrive. (Ignore those flirtations: new affairs will wither, hurt, if started before April 22.) Be happy!
The general accent lies on money, earnings, costs, possessions, values, memory and sensual attractions. Listen, Pisces, no one — including you — should start a love affair between April 1 and 22 — it would be a long-term, quiet disaster. April’s complicated. You’ve been run off your feet with errands and busy communications and diddly chores, but now these go awry until May 3 — so double-check addresses, times, figures, etc. Don’t start any new projects nor make significant purchases until early May. Instead, remain alert to protect ongoing projects from veering down the wrong path — and/or reprise former good opportunities, if they reappear. Complications or not, your “good looks” continue to shine, and to draw affection. Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. steers you into life’s depths: secrets, mysteries, subconscious promptings, sex and finances, research, medical affairs and lifestyle choices. Best approach in these: hands-off, as the auspices are bad; action taken now could disappoint later. Wisdom, mellow mood, compassion and gentle love fill you mid-week. Fulfill intellectual, travel, legal or similar promises. A splendid interval, except Thurs. morning to 5 pm (PDT) when tempers can flare, or money flee. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — not to launch projects, but to show your skills, advertise your eagerness, etc. Waiters will treat you with respect, both days.
The End.