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My email:  suningem@gmail.com

All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.


START NOTHING:  7:40 pm to 11:50 pm Sunday, 7:55 am to 11:40 am Wednesday, and 4:27 am to 8:26 pm Friday.


(This is a long Preamble. You can just skip down to the Weekly Forecasts. Or skip down to the table of birth dates and letters, to see your enemies’ “names” — and those of your guardian angels!)

BTW, people are asking me if they should get a reading during Mercury Rx. Readings conducted during the retrograde are useful for examining the past or analyzing the present. But if you want to look at the future, your reading should occur when Mercury’s direct. [In the present cycle, after midday (PDT) April 15.]
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Ever notice how many singers are Virgo? Amy Winehouse, Shania Twain, Leonard Cohen … Geminis prominent, too.
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U.S.A. at war, 2027/28.
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(Look at this Friday’s huge “Start Nothing” gap. In the Americas, N. and S., we might as well start an early weekend that day.)
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NOTE: I have promised that I won’t write about American politics anymore (mainly due to the volumes of hate mail I received from my 2014-16 statements that Hillary C. should not run, and my criticism of her because she did). (In our PC society, it is not enough to be right; you must only be right when it agrees with everyone’s prejudices.) But I just want to “use” Trump, below, as an example, to discuss how the alphabet covertly refers to zodiac signs and planets — and how it offers us a glimpse into fate’s operations.

Trump should avoid people whose first name begins with “J” or “U” — these represent Sagittarius, the sign holding both his moon and, smack on top of it, his south lunar node of karmic difficulty and almost inexplicable trouble. Because Trump’s moon holds hands with the south node, he mostly gets in trouble with women, especially women who have born a child. But Sagittarius also rules lawyers, law and lawsuits. Lawyers generally hate Trump. (It’s karmic, not personal!) Trump reportedly has faced over 1,300 (or was it 3,000?) lawsuits in his career. (An aside: many of these legal antagonists would hang themselves if Trump simply ignored them — an almost impossible task.)

But this karmic difficulty also invades his associations on the political level. Steve Bannon, the close advisor who betrayed Trump, was a Sagittarian.

We also know that “J” (and “U”) stand for Sagittarius, his “downfall” or enemies sign. Look at all the J’s he’s hired: Attorney General Jeff Sessions (whom he’s complained loudly about for the very thing the south node often indicates: delay, delay and delay). And John Bolton, just appointed as National Security Advisor. (Bolton’s a hawk who Trump, I suspect, hopes will scare N. Korea into denucleurizing — a mistake, I think. I long ago wrote here that Trump should befriend Kim Jong Un. Several months later Kim met the first bit of friendliness [though it came from S. Korea] with openness and an agreement to a Kim-Trump talk. Bolton might just make Kim self-protective and belligerent again.) (Also, J’s tend to be defeated by K’s, Johns by Kims.)

Trump reportedly is arguing now with Chief of Staff John Kelly. Is Defence Secretary James Mattis next?

Or Joseph DiGenova, the new “attack” lawyer the Donald hired to lead the charge against Mueller, the Special Prosecutor chasing him. (Joseph and his wife are now not joining the Trump defence team.) Joseph DiGenova is known for his aggressive hatred of Mueller. Again, in my humble opinion, Trump would have been wiser to handle Mueller courteously and not fight him.  Unfortunately, his former head lawyer, just gone, was John Dowd, who showed one of the main characteristics of the lunar south node: delay, delay and delay.  (Which Trump hates.)  The way to handle attack dog Mueller is to welcome him in, then answer almost nothing — courteously. That Trump’s lawyers show a continuity of “J’s,” is somewhat expected, as “J” stands for Sagittarius, the sign of lawyers, and Trump’s sign of counsellors/lawyers — and of partnerships or enemies. In Trump’s case, the enemies side predominates, because his lunar south node (bad karma) lies there. Karma will often get you with the unseen hand, the event you don’t suspect. Trump’s best allies would be E’s , X’s, or sibilant C’s.  But he does not know that.  He might learn that Sagittarians are his worst enemies, and even heed it, but would never suspect (unless shown this article) that much the same negative effect/result (enmity) is indicated by a J or U first initial.

(The initials are a bit weaker, indicate more subtle sides of the sun sign. For instance, Bannon, a Sage sun, levelled the most serious charge against Trump: treason. Jeff Sessions, not a Sagittarian sun sign but a J, also worked against Trump (I don’t know how consciously). But his negativity toward the Donald is more subtle, less direct. He caused delay, recused himself, and still appears rather unhelpful.

So this preponderance of J’s in Trump’s top administrative ranks might be seen as an attack by destiny, which means karma is intelligent and uses symbols and objects familiar to us — in this instance the J, but also the alphabet, which in turn means destiny might be trying to communicate with us — or more likely, destiny and human understanding and growth are intertwined. In any case, humans can use these symbols to understand, to delve further into some of life’s secrets.

I disagree with the apple thing, Eve and Adam. That was the paradise of ignorance. We can’t return to that, so our only option is to seek happiness/paradise in the direction we have “inherited”  — constant learning. I believe that as we grow in knowledge, we grow in saintly virtues, compassion, empathy, the loving of not sinning.  I think, too, that as our knowledge grows, we grow in happiness — this cannot fail to be, if we grow more empathic, compassionate, kind and loving. It’s a virtuous circle, which makes progress, spiritually, technologically, in science and art, politics and management, almost certain. The irony is, this progress comes hand-in-hand with the perpetual knowledge that our world can be wiped out, without opposition, any time, by nukes.

(Some will see the next step in this “virtuous progress” occur in their region sooner, some later: a new, overarching political structure is already starting: a world state, freckled with city states. This will be partly due to the shrinking of some common interest radii, while other, more ‘elevated’ and desirable situations, such as the need for international trade and growth, the need for uniform laws and the need for peace, only accomplishable by all — these universal themes will gradually grow to intertwine with border regulations and agreements and the partnering of nations, and slowly this international co-operation will grow. (Trump is just an aberration, but a valuable, necessary one.) One day, all will see, and have the power to make it so, and the earth will be embraced by one mankind — (person-kind?). The question is, will poor Gaia be held in arms of comfort and reciprocity, or in ill embrace?

But back to all these J’s. I suspect they are karma’s hand. E.g., no matter what Trump does, these J’s still keep popping up in critical intersections. We’re dealing with something much larger than Trump.
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You can find your own “must avoid” people by their first names. (The practice of names referring to signs and planets is call acrophonology.) Just look for your birth date in the table below. If you were born:

First letter of first name to AVOID


  • Aug. 3/47 to Jan. 25/49 ~ K, Q
  • Jan. 26/49 to July 26/50 ~ L, P
  • July 27/50 to March 28/52 ~ G, N
  • March 29/52 to Oct. 9/53 ~ F, W
  • Oct. 10/53 to Apr. 6/55 ~ M, O
  • Apr. 7/55 to Oct. 4/56 ~ E, X (and sibilant C)
  • Oct. 5/56 to June 16/58 ~ B, I
  • June 17/58 to Dec, 15/59 ~ A, R
  • Dec. 16/59 to June 10/61 ~ T, Z
  • June 11/61 to Dec. 23/62 ~ D, V
  • Dec. 24/62 to Aug. 25/64 ~ S, H, Y
  • Aug. 26/64 to Feb. 19/66 ~ J, U
  • Feb. 20/66 to Aug. 19/67 ~ K, Q (and hard C)
  • Aug. 20/67 to Apr. 19/69 ~ L, P
  • Apr. 20/69 to Nov. 2/70 ~ G, N
  • Nov. 3/70 to Apr. 27/72 ~ F, W
  • Apr. 28/72 to Oct. 27/73 ~ M, O
  • Oct. 28/73 to July 10/75 ~ E, X (and sibilant C)
  • July 11/75 to Jan. 7/77 ~ B, I
  • Jan. 8/77 to July 5/78 ~ A, R

These first letters treat you WELL:


  • Aug. 3/47 to Jan. 25/49 ~ B, I
  • Jan. 26/49 to July 26/50 ~ A, R
  • July 27/50 to March 28/52 ~ T, Z
  • March 29/52 to Oct. 9/53 ~ D, V
  • Oct. 10/53 to Apr. 6/55 ~ S, H, Y
  • Apr. 7/55 to Oct. 4/56 ~ J, U
  • Oct. 5/56 to June 16/58 ~ K, Q (and hard C)
  • June 17/58 to Dec, 15/59 ~ L, P
  • Dec. 16/59 to June 10/61 ~ G, N
  • June 11/61 to Dec. 23/62 ~ F, W
  • Dec. 24/62 to Aug. 25/64 ~ M, O
  • Aug. 26/64 to Feb. 19/66 ~ U E, X (and sibilant C)
  • Feb. 20/66 to Aug. 19/67 ~ B, I
  • Aug. 20/67 to Apr. 19/69 ~ A, R
  • Apr. 20/69 to Nov. 2/70 ~ T, Z
  • Nov. 3/70 to Apr. 27/72 ~ D, V
  • Apr. 28/72 to Oct. 27/73 ~ S, H, Y
  • Oct. 28/73 to July 10/75 ~ J, U
  • July 11/75 to Jan. 7/77 ~ K, Q (and hard C)
  • Jan. 8/77 to July 5/78 ~ L, P

I’LL DO THE REST (1978 to 2000 births, and pre-1948) NEXT WEEK….

To use this table, find your birth date, then note your “letters.” For example, if you were born in the last date period shown above, on, say, February 1977, you should not deal with (and NEVER accept advice from) people whose first name starts with A or R (e.g., Allan or Rachel). But you will probably find that someone whose name begins with L or P, benefits you or gives you good advice.
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    ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Your energy, attractiveness, clout and luck remain high, Aries — but continue to avoid new starts (and new relationships, and big purchases) all week. (Don’t worry — you’ll get a chance to launch something April 15 to 18, especially in money areas.) Bosses and higher-ups continue to be testy, temperamental — but your ambitions also remain high. So you can succeed or fail depending on your approach and, basically, your choice of direction (e.g., fight ‘em, or do your best to please ‘em?).  (Remember, 2008 to 2024 is designed to change your career, perhaps markedly. Flowing with this, ambitiously, leads to success.) Your “small money” luck (e.g., earnings) remains high; your “big money” luck (e.g., investments) is at a 13-year high all year, but you might have to wait until July onward to take big, fruitful action.

Be ambitious, or at least maintain a good reputation, Sunday. It’s a bit stressful this eve (PDT). Popularity, optimism, social delight, flirtations and happiness meet you Mon. through Wed. morning. Oddly, this “phase of hope” coincides with a rather important break-off or change in direction, especially in career zones. (Don’t act now, but contemplate this for May’s actions.) You might watch two friends become love-birds. Sigh, retreat and catch a second breath Wed. noon to dawn Fri. (PDT). Not one problem impedes you, so take a great rest, visit a spa or counsellor, psychic or agent. Liaison with civil servants, institutions, corporate management. Meditate. DON’T form concrete plans for the future, let them remain amorphous for now. You might hear of, or spy, a good investment. Your energy and charisma surge upward Fri./Sat. Again, all’s smooth. You might perceive a career doorway, obstacle, chance or demand — whatever, it’s true, realistic.

taurus weekly forecast     TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Remain restful, Taurus. Meditate, contemplate, examine your life thus far, and imagine how to better it. But don’t form inflexible plans, and don’t start any new relationship, project, nor make a major purchase, all week. Fulfill neglected tasks and obligations, visit an old friend or shut-in, deal with gov’t, head offices, counsellors or agents. Sunday brings a whiff of love, mellow understanding. Be ambitious Mon. to late morning Wed. Don’t start or propose anything new — simply be dutiful, display your skills. A subtle division might occur with an ally or advisor. Simultaneously, your romantic/sensual sensors come alive (Tues. night?). Happiness, optimistic expectation, social delights, flirtation and entertainment flow in Wed. noon to Fri. night. This interval has no problems nor obstacles — friends are true, a minor wish might be fulfilled. Friday night (8:30 pm PDT) through Sat., brings this month’s weariness back. Re-read the first 3 sentences — they describe this end of week well. Go easy, don’t expect a lot of success in love or the rat race. Soon, this weariness will end!

    GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Remember, Gemini, start nothing new all week. Former friends are growing more prominent. An old wish might come true. Generally, you’re happy and optimistic, and others flirt with you. Life ain’t bad! An old flame could re-appear. (If before Wed., it won’t work long-run, due to sexual conflicts. If Wed. to Fri., he/she might be a bit dominating or cause you a bit of stress, but the relationship could last, beneficially, for a long time.) Sunday’s for sex and for making large money decisions (e.g., investments, debts) — my advice is, don’t make the decision before next week. Sex isn’t so successful, either. Monday to noon Wed. lights your mind, fills it with profound thoughts, compassion, understanding of other cultures, nations, people… and gentle love. A sexually romantic atmosphere mingles with a problem between your wishes/social life — and this sexual attraction (lovely as it is). Be careful, see the future, and the sub-surface problem. Show your skills, be dutiful, mingle with higher-ups Wed. noon (PDT) to Fri. evening. But don’t start nor propose any new projects/situations. All’s well — a boss, parent or judge could praise you… or, at the very least, favour your “case”. Put on your social hat Fri. night and Sat. — the joie de vivre, popularity, optimism and friendly flirtations of this month rise to a peak. But don’t expect a lot in sexual, advice, and financial zones — “let someone out” of a commitment.

    CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your last week of delays, mistakes and indecision, Cancer. Next week, you can indulge into all those ambitious urges you’re having. (I recommend the 17th and 21st.) But for now, start nothing, especially in career/business, gov’t/admin or communications/media zones. Your marriage, partnership and “agreement” zone is packed with stuff:  love, romance; co-operation or non-co-op, fame, relocation themes; and intensity, haste, sexuality and ambition. Yes, you could form a powerful ambition-oriented partnership, but wait until the last half of April, or the first half of May, to do so. (Partnerships/relations will be your primary focus, want it or not, now through 2020. If single, marriage is slated. Read last week’s column for more clues.)  All these are emphasized Sunday, but without a lot of “cosmic back-up” — so don’t push matters. Life’s secrets unfurl to your enquiring subconscious (intuition) Mon. to noon Wed. (PDT). You’ll be lured by the sirens of lust, greed, investment, debt, medical or lifestyle decisions. Until Tues. night, exercise caution — your ambitions or status desires clash with your spouse or other relationships. But late night might spark a splendid romantic interval. Mellow wisdom, understanding, accompany a few days (Wed. noon to Fri. night) of law, far-travel, international, cultural, legal, media and intellectual affairs. All’s well, smooth and easy here, so plunge in. Love exists! Friday night, Sat., bring ambitious urges, or examination of you by higher-ups. Tread cautiously, don’t get a traffic ticket (etc.).

Leo icon, Luck Forecast    LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Start no new projects or relationships, nor make major purchases this week, Leo. Your work load is really piling up — good, but accept no new chores this week, and for the entire seven months ahead, realize rest, quietude and recuperation will benefit you greatly. Mix good quantities of this with your chores, for the best forward pace. This week continues the mellow, wise mood that’s accompanied you since late March. Work and minor health concerns are slated Sun. — proceed cautiously, as disruption’s in the air. Relationships fill your horizon Mon. to noon Wed. (PDT) — so do opportunities, freshness and newness, co-operation or antagonism, public dealings, fame, negotiation, possible litigation. Work demands conflict with your intellectual or love needs, and a split might occur between them. But your work efforts are supported, even commended, by higher-ups, so you come out a winner. Your subconscious desires and discernments rise to the surface Wed. noon to late evening Fri. Life’s mysteries float before you; so do investment, debt reduction, medical and lifestyle choices, and someone sexy. Be honest, ethical, and start nothing brand new — that said, this is a splendid little interval, so find something “old” that you can seize (e.g., work with an old investment, or call that former lover). This month’s mellow mood and profound thoughts return Fri. night, Saturday — but travel, intellectual, legal, cultural and publishing themes meet an obstacle that will exist until 2020. (This obstacle comes from your employment or from health structures.)

    VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Remember, Virgo, start nothing new this week, in relationships, (major) purchases or projects — especially where these deal with private or hidden desires or life-changing actions. (E.g., sexual intimacy, investments, etc.)  One exception: research succeeds. The week, generally, emphasizes these same things:  lust, large finances, medical/lifestyle choices, etc.  Romantic notions fill Sun., but they probably don’t get you far. Enjoy, rather than chase. Tackle chores and daily health needs Mon. to midday Wed. (PDT). Proceed cautiously, look for clues hidden in others’ comments. The main problem is a conflict between your romantic, loving side, and your sexual urges — or between gambling and conservative investing. In both cases, if you must choose, choose the first of each pair. You might discover love is strong, esp. Tues. night. Relationships slated Wed. noon to late evening Friday. Now, everything goes well, your luck is splendid! (Remember, no one/nothing brand new.)  Welcome all comers, embrace opportunities, relocation themes, public dealings, fame — and show diplomacy to 1) enemies and 2) those who hold the aces, the power. Relationships, love or practical, veer into deeper waters of sex, intimacy, commitment, funding, Fri. night, Saturday. Go slow, realize barriers, hidden or not, exist. Make no promises, accept none.

     LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The main accent remains on relationships, new/far horizons, opportunities, dealings with the public, fame/profile, co-operation and/or enmity. Remember, start nothing new this week in any area, but especially in the zones just listed. A former sexual partner might re-appear. So might a prodigal son/daughter. Recent attention you paid to your home now pays off. Children, family are a total handful (intense now to mid-May, but still strong all the way to late 2020). But this week, you look on them kindly. DON’T move into a new domicile before May 16. Sunday’s for home, family, security, cooking, nutrition, etc. — but don’t expect a lot of results. Careful with electricity late day. Romance, creative and risk-taking urges waft you on a pleasant breeze of reverie or possibility Mon. to noon Wed. Beauty, pleasure are everywhere. But a relationship (even marriage) can be strained by domestic or “where to live” disagreements, and by status/ ambition concerns. (This has been going on for years, will continue, to some degree, until 2024, so don’t take it too seriously this week.) Your investments might gain.  Work and health concerns greet you noon Wed. to deep evening Friday. Plunge in, get chores done, as good luck rides with you and accomplishment is easy. Work equals money. That relationship theme (re-read first sentence above) re-emerges Fri. night, Sat. Good, but be watchful — Sat. midday (PDT) as well as Sun. morning (April 15) will give you three glimpses, or examples, of that obstacles in your domestic situation — obstacles, that is, to forming life-mate unions.

    SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The general accent remains on work, service, machinery, daily health and dependents. These are still subject to delays, mistakes and indecision, so protect ongoing projects/situations — and start nothing brand new. Your talk/texts are impressing someone in a romantic/mating way — so keep communicating! How you express yourself, to minor and major links, will determine or colour much of your life path until 2024. Want to advance? Take speaking/writing courses, or simply speak up!  (This will be very important to May/18.) Communications and travel, errands and paperwork, grab your attention Sun. However, go slow, as disruption or discord colours this day. Head for home Mon. to midday Wed. Things aren’t “settled” here, so proceed alertly and cautiously. Tuesday might hold a romantic tryst or recognition of love. Romantic feelings swell Wed. noon to Fri. night (love of children if you’re a parent). Pleasure, beauty, nature’s poetry, risk, sports, games — all great during this sweet, lucky interval. Back to work Fri. night, Saturday. Be cautious (especially when talking/writing) but get stuff done. Eat, dress sensibly.

     SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The romantic, pleasurable tone continues. If an old flame hasn’t yet appeared, but is still on your mind, he/she might still show. (You might have to make first contact.) This is your last week of delay, Sage — avoid starting any big brand new projects, but know definite action, definite direction, is only days away. Your efforts in the meantime aren’t futile — you can earn (or ensure future earnings) with present roll-up-your-sleeves work. More money than usual flows toward you until mid-May – but save, save, save, as now to 2020 can slow your income mildly, or put you in a lucky but conservative situation (e.g., your first house, but also your first mortgage payments). Money and spending are important Sun. — buy only necessities, reject impulses. Easy tasks, errands, communications, short travel and casual friends fill Mon. to midday Wed. (PDT). Step lightly, avoid pushing situations/people. Two bits of money luck — one good, one bad. (Also, maybe, a chance for sensual seduction.) Home, kids, security and nature loom large Wed. noon to late evening Fri. — all’s well, more than well! Romance, beauty, pleasure, creative and risk-taking urges slated Fri. night, Sat. — but don’t expect a lot, as practical and monetary factors present obstacles, Ah, well. (Your birthday will start a year of very different, beneficial and bountiful luck, so be patient!)

    CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Remember, Cap, start NO brand new relationships, projects or major purchases before April 15. The general accent remains on home, family, security — your roots, relaxation, and quiet examination of your life. Some pruning might be required (of old, unfruitful relationships/ projects). You will be ready to take determined action on all these fronts until mid-May. A sweet, unexpected blessing might come (Tues.?). Your clout is growing, but don’t be too forceful with others, esp. in domestic zones Tues. (Force might win, but create future rebellion.) Sunday confers charisma and extra energy on you, but don’t take sudden impulsive action, esp. on the home front. Chase money, spend frugally (on minor things, groceries, etc.) Mon. to midday Wed.

Again, keep a light touch. Love, romance exist! Casual friends, travel, errands, visits, communications and paperwork spill into your life Wed. noon to Fri. night. Good fortune accompanies you, so charge ahead (after double-checking addresses, meeting times, etc.).         A casual friend could become something more permanent, cheerful! Home, family, security important Fri. night, Sat. — all the domestic themes of the last four weeks emerge — handle it all with dispatch. All’s well.

    AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

One last week of easy but slightly frenetic chores, Aquarius — driving, talking, paperwork, etc. Remember, start nothing new, projects, relationships nor big purchases. You’re tired Sun., so lie low, relax. Your energy (and charisma) bounce back Mon. to midday Wed. (PDT). Be a gracious winner! (Small things go well, mostly, these 3 days, but avoid gossip, “confessions”, and communicating with gov’t or head-office types. You might lean toward — or be pushed into — communications with these types, or nudged toward therapy, until mid-May. This can work out well around Tues., bringing a benevolent result, maybe secret love, maybe successful therapy, a tax break, gov’t approval, etc. Still, delay actions/commitments here until at least next week. Welcome what comes, but avoid initiating things yourself.) Chase money, buy/sell, butter up clients, etc., Wed. noon (PDT) to Fri. night. Your luck is great here, especially where money and career meet. But avoid huge buys (lemons linger) and casual sensual sex. (Not fair to the other person, as you won’t want them “deeply” in future.) Those errands, casual friends and easy chores return for one last hurrah Fri. night, Sat. — but results will underwhelm. Proceed with mild caution. Avoid dark alleys and violent people until mid-May.

    PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Remember, Pisces, start nothing new this week. The general focus lies on money, earnings, possessions, casual sex, and memory/rote learning. And these are the very areas where delays, mistakes and false starts are most likely. This whole week is pretty easy, mellow. Sunday’s friendly, you’ll feel popular. But enjoy rather than try to accomplish practical things — money’s quirky, then gone. Retreat from the maddening crowd Mon. to noon Wednesday (PDT). Rest, contemplate, tackle neglected chores. Your money initiatives hit barriers – deep, unpersuadable ones. But friendly romance and heart-lifting flirtations occur also, perhaps Tues. — this might be more a “recognizable moment” than a successful love campaign, though. Your energy and charisma roar back Wed. noon to Fri. night. Be a leader, get out and be seen, make contact, give a big push to projects that need it. Your luck is splendid — you’ll be admired! (Best luck: legal, cultural or travel matters connected to ambitions, career.) Friday night, Sat., bring money matters, shopping and selling, etc.  Be cautious:  your hopes are awry in this area, right now.     A former money matter/opportunity might arise — again, be cautious. Over the next 3 years, many deep, significant wishes will come true.

The End.