Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

My new email is:  suningem@gmail.com (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).


All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”

If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app. Hopefully I will soon have this translation feature back on this blog.

START NOTHING: 2:34 pm to 5:32 pm Sun., 2:53 pm to 6:56 pm Tues., 6:18 pm to 6:39 pm Thurs., and 2:28 pm to 6:48 pm Sat.


Well, I told you to sell banks about a month ago. Canadian banks have declined about 5 – 8 per cent since then. Told you the stock markets generally would “stall” until May. And that the U.S. would take new but short military action, late April, early May. Correcto-mundo on all counts! (So far… )


Aries.svg     ARIES:  March 21 – April 19

Remember, start nothing new before May 3. Something you said or wrote in the past might return now to tug your sleeve. You’re growing much more talkative and restless (now to late June)  — a short trip might hold a significant destination or meeting. But the major, general accent, this week and the next few, lies on possessions, memory and rote learning, buying/selling, and sensual attractions.  (Make sure you aren’t using someone just for sex. Do you sense that he/she might bore you a bit in a month or year? Then don’t proceed.) Friday begins six weeks (to early June) in which your charms reach their height. In addition, your relationship prospects shine very brightly until October. It could be an interesting Spring — you could fall in love, begin a life-long bond. Relax and rest Sunday daytime.  At suppertime (5:30 PM PDT) your energy and charisma soar — until Tues. evening. Everything flows successfully except pre-dawn Tues., when a career or authority conflict might occur — it’s an old one, and will continue for a few years. (This conflict says you can succeed mightily, or crash if “stubborn.”) Chase money Tues. eve to Thurs. eve — collect and pay.  All’s well. Errands, communications and travel fill Thurs. eve to Sat. eve. A tiny bit of deception Friday afternoon, or of refusal Saturday afternoon, shouldn’t impede your success.

taurus weekly forecast     TAURUS:  April 20 – May 20

Your energy and charisma soar now to late May, Taurus. Usually this would be the time to launch new projects, make valuable contacts, and impress important people. But we’re in the midst of a delay cycle, so don’t start anything before May 3. Meanwhile, use that extra clout and energy to “ rescue” abandoned projects, or to help ongoing situations function well. This is an easy, lovely week. Some secrets exist — one you had almost forgotten about.  A wish might come true (but probably not) Sunday day. This eve to Tues. suppertime (PDT) nudges you to relax, retreat, rest and contemplate. Don’t question someone’s loyalty or worth pre-dawn Tues. Your energy and magnetism rise strongly Tues. eve to Thurs. suppertime — again, start nothing: but do accept, compliments included!  Not a cloud in the sky, so charge ahead with anything old or ongoing. Chase money Thurs. eve to Sat. suppertime — cultivate clients, collect and pay old debts, but purchase only routine items. All’s well, but realize there’s a bit of deception or misguided hopes Friday and, perhaps, a “push back” if you seek intimacy Saturday — both afternoons.

Gemini.svg     GEMINI:  May 21 – June 20

The weeks ahead bring rest, solitude, contemplation — and plans, but don’t bother planning before May 3 (circumstances would change). These weeks are an excellent opportunity to rejuvenate your emotional, physical and spiritual health, and to find your balance, before late May and June begin 4 + months of superb romantic luck. (The only problem with romance will be that sex could be denied, or demanded too much. Still, until October, favour romance over sex.)  If you’re not in the romance market, these months will pour good fortune on risks, creative projects, and child-raising. An old friend or former “light love” could reappear. Though you’ll be tired and quiet for weeks ahead, friends and flirts will be abundant. Watch your reputation Sunday daytime. This suppertime to 7 PM Tues. (PDT) lifts your spirits as friends, old wishes and optimism flow in. Someone attractive might appear Mon. eve/night. Retreat, rest Tues. eve to Thurs. suppertime — be charitable, spiritual, and deal with civil servants or institutional workers. Everything goes well. Your energy and charisma return, mildly, Thurs. night to Sat. eve. Remember, though, don’t start or launch anything before May 3. There’s some misgiving or confusion Friday PM, but also something lucky (love, creativity, pleasure).

Cancer.svg     CANCER:  June 21 – July 22

Remember, Cancer, start nothing new before May 3. A former career role or project might return (or did recently) — and Fri. starts a whole month of favour from bosses, parents and authorities (e.g., the judge is on your side). Now through May, avoid belligerent people and potential danger-places (dark alleys, etc.). Same time, you might find your career veers into management or admin tasks for a month — or permanently, if you wish it, and perform well. Sunday daytime’s mellow, thoughtful. This eve (5:30 PM PDT) to Tues. eve accents these career developments — and your standing, reputation generally. Your luck’s good, progress is good, but don’t seek co-operation or a partnership. Tues. eve to suppertime Thurs. brings the main theme of the whole month ahead: social joys, popularity, optimism, wish fulfillment, flirtation and entertainment — and good fortune! In all this, enjoy, gravitate toward, old friends and faithful links. A “past and future” life mate might hover around your scene. Retreat, rest and contemplate Thurs. eve to Sat. eve. Planning is a bit pre-mature, but you can almost sense the future, and the “big push” you’ll make soon. Sign nothing, form no new bonds: just relax, meditate, be charitable.

     Leo icon, Luck Forecast LEO:  July 23 – Aug. 22

The accent, now to late May, lies on ambition, career, dealings with bosses, parents and authorities, worldly standing and reputation, and prestige relations. Remember, start nothing new before May 3, so focus on impressing higher-ups and “diligent performance.” Your social life will start popping with lively, assertive people — some, more travelled, thoughtful or intellectual than the rest, might form a sweet bond with you. Sunday daytime’s mysterious, sexy — but little of note occurs. This eve to Tues. eve brings a thoughtful, understanding mood and vision; focus on international, legal, travel and love themes. These go well, but make sure they don’t make you miss important work duties. That ambition streak intensifies Tues. suppertime (PDT) to Thurs. supper — higher-ups favour you, and your rep’s great! Give ongoing projects a long, steady push. Happiness arrives Thurs. eve to Sat. suppertime in the form of optimism, popularity and social joys, entertainment and flirtations. Don’t bother chasing intimacy Friday, and take time to understand someone’s frustration or reluctance Saturday.

Virgo.svg     VIRGO:  Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

Remember, Virgo, start nothing new before May 3. A sexual, investment or research opportunity might return from the past; it’s likely a successful one. Your ambitions might be fired up now through June. Through May, these ambitions could open a door to equity in your employer’s company, or to starting your own business. (But don’t even look for that doorway until May 3 onward.) The same trend can make bosses impatient, temperamental — if so, grin and bear it, for any little tantrums will be short — these bosses harbour no grudges. Sunday brings intriguing meetings, but not worthwhile ones in the long range. This eve (5:30 PM PDT) to suppertime Tues. brings investment, financial and sexual opportunities, mysteries and lifestyle choices. If from the past, these can succeed — you could even spark a month of rare intimate satisfaction, or land a great investment. But if there’s nothing from the past, default to your best action: research. Gentle love, understanding, international, legal, educational affairs, publishing, far travel and intellectual or cultural pursuits are very fortunate Tues. eve to Thurs. suppertime. These themes will also fill the weeks ahead. Be ambitious Thurs. eve to Sat. suppertime. Start nothing, but do show your skills to bosses or parents, and, above all, lean in the direction of money.

Libra.svg     LIBRA:  Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

Remember, Libra, start no new projects or relationships before May 3. The general accent, now to late June (but especially this Wed./Thurs.) lies on mysteries, intuition and subconscious promptings, sexual and financial urges, lifestyle choices (make none now) and research, whether it’s done by you or to you (e.g., medical). This is usually a time of commitment and consequence — make no promises, sign nothing, before May 3. A former spouse might appear this week or next (or has, recently). Friday, your planet Venus enters your marriage sector for five weeks. This will be more beneficial after May 20 than before. It could lead to marriage. Perform some easy chores Sunday daytime. This eve to suppertime (7 PM PDT) Tues. features relationships, new horizons, negotiations, litigation, agreements, etc. Again, sign nothing. All’s well, but you can find that a domestic issue interferes with the smooth run of relating. Tuesday eve to Thurs. suppertime brings secrets, medical issues, sexual yearning, financial actions — all these are accompanied by good luck, so charge ahead — but remember, nothing brand new. A philosophical, mellow mood steals over you Thurs. eve to Sat. eve. Themes of far travel, legal affairs, love, moral and ethical choices, and intellectual pursuits arise — hold your position here, but be aware of deception Friday, and of some “slack responses” Saturday. Still, a good, easy week!

Scorpio.svg     SCORPIO:  Oct. 23  -Nov. 21

Start nothing new, including relationships, before May 3. That said, the weeks ahead feature relationships, fresh horizons, allies and enemies, co-operation and challenge. Sunday’s mildly romantic, but gives little. This eve (5:30 PM PDT) to Tues. eve brings work, minor health issues, and machinery needs. You’ll accomplish chores in a steady, careful way. A lucky run of relationships and opportunities fills Tues. night to Thurs. suppertime — but remember, no one new. (Why not? Because sex/intimacy/loyalty would be a constant question mark later.) An excellent time to solve a disagreement or re-affirm loyalties. Sex, finances, secrets and investigations, lifestyle choices, medical exigencies, and commitment fill Thurs. eve to Sat. suppertime. You can make a commitment as long as it involves an ongoing or past project. Avoid illusion, romantic visions Fri. Brush off a rejection (AND a come-on or “offer”) Saturday afternoon. A good, easy week, Scorpio — don’t overthink!

Sagittarius.svg     SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Remember, Sage, don’t start any new projects or relationships before May 3. The  general accent lies, now to late June, on chores, employment, daily health, machinery and service personnel — especially this Wed./Thurs. Spend Sunday daytime quietly at home or in the ‘hood. This eve (5:30 PM PDT) to Tues. suppertime highlights romance, pleasure, beauty, creative and risk-taking urges. These generally meet success, but — no one new. One you love might have a career or parent problem… or your own financial state affects your ability to romance. (If so, this can be “worked through” Tues.) Tuesday night to Thurs. eve focuses on this month’s main theme: work, health and machinery. Every auspice is good here, so charge ahead, get things done. (Do NOT buy machinery, car, computer, etc.) Relationships fill Thurs. night to suppertime Sat. You’ll feel the breeze of new opportunities, perhaps an ocean breeze. An exciting meeting could occur. Be wary of deception Fri. afternoon, and of “places you shouldn’t go” (including personal approaches you shouldn’t make) Sat. afternoon. All week, a former flame might appear. The whole month ahead sweetens your romantic picture, and makes even ordinary relationships more intense. It’s possible you and an old flame hook up, even marry, now into June. (After May 3, a new flame works just as well.)

Capricorn.svg     CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Start nothing new before May 3, Cap. It’s a good time to study the past (your own, or history). This week, you might deal with a long-lost relative, or needed home repairs, especially Mon./Tues. The month ahead is great for decorating the home, and for domestic affection. Your work will be intense, so grab power naps and eat sensibly. The weeks ahead emphasize romance, creative and risk-taking urges, pleasure, beauty, charming kids and sports/games. Sunday daytime’s for errands, talk. This eve to Tues. eve bring deep domestic urges, so stay at home or in the ‘hood, relax and rest in preparation for exciting times to come. They come Tues. eve to Thurs. suppertime, when romance, a gamble, or pleasure are blessed with good luck. Plunge in! (But no one new; and you’d be wise to give a creative work a “bye,” as you could make it worse by trying to redo it.) Tackle chores Thurs. eve to Sat. suppertime. Eat sensibly and dress for the season. Beware a wee bit of deception or self-deception Fri. afternoon (before 5, PDT). An easy, pleasure-filled week, Cap.

Aquarius.svg     AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Remember, Aquarius, start nothing new before May 3. Do chase people/projects from the past, or work to save ongoing ventures from mistakes and misunderstandings. The weeks ahead emphasize your home, family, security, retirement, nature, gardening, nutrition — and soul. Simultaneously, your romantic urges are intense now into June. If you’re young, the Q becomes: do I obey my parents or go for love? This week, you shouldn’t answer that question, as any action will be distorted or bring unwanted results. Just flow with circumstances. (By late May onward, love wins.) Sunday daytime’s for shopping or chasing money — buy only routine items. This eve (5:30 PM PDT) to Tues. supper brings chatter, emails, short trips, errands — make a list before leaving home. Don’t communicate with governments or your employer’s head office — wait. Rest, catch a second breath Tues. eve to Thurs. suppertime — be home, hug the kids, smooch the spouse, garden, cook, and celebrate the fact that everything’s good! Romance, creativity, risk-taking/winning, beauty, pleasure and happy kids fill Thurs. eve to Sat. suppertime. Enjoy, but don’t commit. Friday might hold deception, or leaky pipes, or sniffles. Saturday PM holds a bit of refusal.

Pisces.svg     PISCES:  Feb. 19 – March 20

The general accent lies on errands, easy chores, communications, paperwork, details, and local (in the nation) travel. Remember, Pisces, avoid new starts before May 3. Until then, double-check addresses, phone numbers, information, schedules, etc. Make a list of errands before you go out — better, keep a “running list.”  A former money source might appear this week or next. Your money picture looks lucky and very ample for the next five weeks. Until early June, you might be tempted to buy real estate or (large) items for your home. Same period, you could be a little forceful or impatient with kids, spouse. Gently does it! Your energy shines Sunday, but this eve to Tues. suppertime (PDT) nudges you toward earnings, buying/selling, possessions, and sensual attractions. Two things: nothing new, and make sure everything is legal/ethical. Errands, mail, communications, travel and paperwork fill Tues. eve to Thurs. suppertime. All’s easy-peasy, everyone’s friendly, but still, double-check everything, as we’re all mistake-prone until May 3. Head for home, at least in your thoughts, Thurs. eve to Sat. eve. A good investment might appear, or you get some extra snuggles in the bedroom. If your instincts say to back away from something/someone Sat., listen to them.

The End.