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Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 10:11 am to 10:26 am Mon., 5:21 pm to 7:38 pm Wed., and 0:35 am to 0:53 am Sat.



ALL SIGNS: The planet Pluto moved back into Capricorn last week, until Nov. 19. These two months might bring a formerly hidden scandal to light — in the U.S., it will affect the election, and involves the deep state bureaucracy. 

In individual terms, it means we all step back, briefly, to unfinished chores or pathways. 




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The main accent remains on work, tools/machinery, and daily health, Aries. Your home might contain some friction now through Nov. 4, but you can reduce this by plunging into a domestic project — e.g., build a back yard swimming pool, repair the stairs or paint the walls. Redesign, prune or start a garden, but DON’T over-fertilize. Others treat you graciously, affectionately for two more weeks. Great time to mend fences. Some singles might meet a potential mate. Sunday through mid-morning Monday (PDT) holds secrets, hidden “valuables,” lust and financial actions. Think growth, and future. Monday best. This morning to suppertime Wednesday brings wisdom, tolerance, profound ideas, far travel, international, legal, educational and media involvements — and gentle love. However (since this is really a work month) these things don’t meet a lot of success, so go slowly, cautiously. Be ambitious Wednesday night through Friday. You could get a sudden, unexpected offer or promotion. Everything works well for you, except a partner or competitor — avoid these before the weekend. Saturday starts a weekend of fun, social delights, and love!


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The broad river of September floats you on a wave of romance, beauty, pleasure, creativity, risk/reward, and happy children, Taurus. These lovely things will grow more successful, more entrancing, Monday onward. Even work and co-workers are pleasant, affectionate. (My advice remains the same until next June: look for lucky opportunities in management, gov’t, institutions, research, health — and computers.) You’ll be assertive, impulsive, even forceful in speech, travel and paperwork (angry letter?) now to November 3. Avoid gossip, slander! Sunday to mid-morning Monday (PDT) brings exciting meetings, opportunities, relocation themes — be co-operative, flexible — gain allies, not challengers. Monday best. You enter life’s “engine room” Monday morning to suppertime Wed. These play significant roles: finances, lust, research, intuition, lifestyle decisions. Be cautious: problems outweigh solutions. Wednesday night through Friday brings profound ideas, higher learning, legal, scientific, statistical, international, media and love themes — here, fortune and success rule! (But don’t be led by a co-worker.) Be ambitious Saturday and the weekend — you’re going to impress someone!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The general emphasis lies on home, family, security and mother nature, Gemini. Be willing to rest, contemplate and plan. This is a good month to prune the garden, as well as help stale situations and relationships to exit your life. (Despite this “exit” trend, you might be very [romantically] attracted to a soft, gracious person.) Now to Nov. 3, money can rush to you. Bank it, pay debt, rather than spend. You remain the luckiest person in the zodiac for 9 more months. Your career and status crawl slowly along, but solidly. DO NOT quit a job before June ’25 unless you have a better one already confirmed. Don’t be fired for cause, either. Both would lead to employment difficulties in future years. Tackle chores, dress and eat sensibly, Sunday to mid-morn Monday (PDT) — Monday best. (All goes well, tho’ a computer might frustrate.) Exciting meetings, opportunities, public appearances or relocation themes enter Monday morning to suppertime Wed. However, the aspects say be cautious, careful. You’re ready for intimacy, financial action, commitment and consequence Wednesday night through Friday — now the aspects favour your goals, esp. Friday. Saturday starts a weekend of loving affection, understanding, and mellow tolerance. Big ideas are the right ones!


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The main accent lies on errands, communications, paperwork and travel, Cancer. This is your loose and restless time. Get those applications mailed, those reports read or written, etc. You’re favoured (until June/25) by the gov’t, head office, institutions — and can enter management if you try. You are “on fire” with ambition until Nov. 3 — but you’re also on fire generally — assertive, dominant, impulsive, determined and sexually magnetic. Don’t be too aggressive. Your home and family will be affectionate, sweet for 2 + weeks. If single, you have been thinking slowly but deeply about marriage prospects for a year, and will for another year (to May/25) — this might end with a wedding. Romance, beauty, pleasure, charming kids can melt your heart with affection Sunday to mid-morning Monday (PDT). But tackle chores Monday morn to suppertime Wed. Eat, dress sensibly. Advance slowly, cautiously, as obstacles pot-hole your path. Wednesday night through Friday brings exciting meetings, agreements and challenges, relocation themes, public appearances, and partnership dealings. March ahead confidently here, esp. Friday. Saturday starts a weekend of secrets, lust, power plays, research, financial actions, and “hidden treasures.”


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The major influence this month, Leo, sings about money, earnings, spending, possessions, rote learning and “friendly sex” — all favoured. Until Nov. 3, avoid belligerent people and sketchy venues. Daylight is your best defence. Errands, communications, trips and paperwork will bring you into contact with sweet, gracious people (until Sept. 22). Your financial growth, sexual throes and ability to research, to find the facts, are slowed (like molasses) last year and the one ahead — to May/25. So it’s an area to avoid, or to work very hard in. Remember, your great good luck for the next 9 months lies in social activities, friendly romance, committee doings, optimism and entertainment — in essence, having fun will bring you good luck (and might lead to major romance). Be home, with family, rest and contemplate, work with nature or on the home, Sunday to mid-morn Monday — all’s well; Monday’s better. Monday morning to Wednesday suppertime (PDT) brings romance, a creative streak, charming children, risk-and-reward — but go slow, obstacles are everywhere. Tackle chores and eat sensibly Wednesday night through Friday. Good time to buy tools/machinery, esp. Friday. Relationships, exciting meetings, opportunities, relocation, public appearances — these fill Saturday (and next Sunday) — in promising ways!


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This is your time, Virgo! You’re efficient, energetic, strong, charismatic — so pursue favourite goals, gather allies, start big projects. Your dreams and wishes now (until early November) revolve around power, sex, pregnancy, major finances, cosmetic or other surgery, perhaps a new, sunnier lifestyle. But your truly strong luck remains (until June/25) in career, prestige relations, ambition, and worldly status zones. For two more weeks, your income and money affairs are blessed. Good time to buy a luxury item, or a pleasure-travel ticket. Your spouse (or potential mate) is slow, careful about a commitment. This will still work out well, so sigh and be patient. Sunday to mid-morn Monday (PDT) brings errands, trips, calls/texts, and paperwork, all smoothly. Something about love Monday morning. Your home, family, and mom nature rise in importance Monday morn to suppertime Wed. — but not in a happy way. Be careful, obstacles abound. Rest, contemplate. The picture changes dramatically Wednesday night through Friday, when romance, creative surges, gambles, charming kids, art, games/sports are blessed with good fortune, especially Friday. Saturday — and the whole weekend — are for chores, employment, machines. Fortune will favour you.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Lie low, Libra. Rest, contemplate, plan, liaise with the gov’t, head office and other management entities. Rest is essential — late September into October will demand a lot of “stored energy,” as you will be leaping into new scenes, relations and projects. But for now, plan future steps, don’t initiate them (except to obtain required permits, etc. from gov’t’s). Work has been long, arduous and boring for the last year, and will continue so until next May. Now to Nov. 3, bosses will tend to be impatient and critical — take this in stride, with a dollop of humour. (Realize that June/25 to July/26, your career will soar upward. The present is more a “testing” time.) One big plus — you’re more sensual, more attractive than usual for the next two weeks. Sunday to mid-morn Monday (PDT) favours chasing money, purchases, friendly sex — all fine. Monday morning to suppertime Wednesday brings problems in communications, travel, and paperwork. Be cautious — e.g., re-read emails before sending. You’re nudged toward home, security and family Wednesday night through Friday. Good things can happen here, especially Friday. Saturday starts a weekend filled with romantic notions, love of kids, pleasure and beauty. You’ll be satisfied.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’re in a fun month, Scorpio. Optimism, popularity, social joys, flirts and friendly romance, entertainment, even wishes coming true — these describe the next two weeks. However, deep romance will come/develop slowly until next May. (Not necessarily a bad thing — June/25 will start a year of great luck in love — perhaps even with this “slow responder.”) Until June/25, your greatest luck resides in sex, finances, investments, life changes, surgery, research and occultism. Head office and gov’t treat you well now to Sept. 22, so apply for permits, tax concessions, job openings, etc. Until Nov. 3, strictly avoid lawsuits, and be wary of international travel. Your energy and charisma remain gratifyingly high Sunday to mid-morning Monday (PDT) — Monday best. Start projects, see and be seen, ask favours. You’ll succeed. Income, buying/selling, possessions and friendly sex are slated for Monday morning to suppertime Wednesday, but go slow — difficulties abound. Dive into trips, errands, paperwork and communications Wednesday night through Friday. You’ll succeed, but avoid gov’t or head office, and don’t mix friends and money — otherwise, great luck! Head for home, family Saturday (and stay with them Sunday). A good week!


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The main accent lies on ambition, career, prestige and worldly status, Sage. Work hard (better yet, work smart) and be “visible” to bosses, other powerful people. Until June, you face massive opportunities, some of the best of this decade. Some of these will be at a distance. Luckiest ones: marriage prospects, relocation, public appearances, legal agreements/contracts. Now to Nov. 3, your romance planet (Mars) will be in your sex sign (Cancer) — hot results could happen! You have mellow, sweet wishes now — one will come true before Sept. 22. Home is a slow, confining place — has been for almost 19 months, and will be until next May — this could be a good time to spend on your home or property, e.g., building a suite to collect rent. Lie low, rest and plan — and liaise with gov’t, head office — Sunday to mid-morn Monday (PDT). All’s well. Your energy and charisma, clout and effectiveness rise Monday morning to suppertime Wed. But you’ll need these to handle the string of obstacles that arise — on the other hand, many of these present an “ambition opportunity.” Wednesday night through Friday steers you toward earnings, money, buying/selling, memorization, or “friendly sex.” Most things go very well here, so march forward. (Avoid wishful thinking.) Saturday and the weekend are for errands, trips, paperwork and communications and “acquaintances.” All’s well!


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Two more weeks of intellectual involvements, Cap. These might come through law, learning, far travel, social contacts, and can spark gentle love, the kind that can lead to weddings. Now to Nov. 3, relationships in love and business and elsewhere will be volatile, temperamental, impulsive and “hot.” Be diplomatic! You could fall in love or into a fight. Now to next June, your biggest good luck lies in work, employment, tools/machines, and daily health. (E.g., sell vitamins.) Higher-ups favour you until Sept. 22, and then to late October you will be in “ambition mode.” Start angling now for more responsibility or a pay raise. Sunday to mid-morn Monday buoys your heart with social delights, optimism and popularity — enjoy! Monday morning to suppertime Wednesday finds you weary, “out of gas.” Retreat, rest, avoid competitive situations. Not a good interval, so lay low, think and “flexible plans,” not solid ones. Your energy and charisma soar Wednesday night through Friday. Good fortune is yours to grab. All good, but Friday’s best. Chase $, buy/sell, hug a friend (all the way to the boudoir, if applicable) Saturday (and the whole weekend).


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Deep, dark and sexy — that describes your present “situation,” Aquarius. You face two more weeks of changes and life pivots. Investigate, research, even spy, if justified. There is a cache of valuable information available if you dig. (E.g., you might find a good, ignored stock, and buy it cheap.) The deep side, your subconscious, rises now; it makes your intuition sharp and correct. Proceed with investments, surgery, lifestyle changes. Legally, you are blessed until Sept. 22. Ditto higher learning, far travel, philosophy, publishing, love — all favoured. (In these, Sept. is the exploration, Oct. is the action.) You face a lot of hard work now to Nov. 3. — mainly involving communications, documents, paper stuff. Be conservative with money until next May. Don’t disturb nest eggs. Remember, until next June, your major source of luck is romance, children, creativity, beauty, pleasure — and/or a Gemini! Be ambitious Sunday to mid-morn (10 am) Monday (PDT). Wishes, optimism, popularity, social delights, flirts and/or friendly romance, these occur, but will be “tarnished” by a series of obstacles. So enjoy the mood, without pursuing practical goals. Retreat, find quietude Wednesday night through Friday. Liaise with gov’t or head office, rest, contemplate, plan — and do a good deed for karma’s sake (which is your sake). Saturday starts a weekend of energy, charisma, mischievousness, and potential love. Open your arms and see who comes.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The main emphasis remains on relationships, opportunities, possible relocation, Pisces — for two more weeks. Your intimate, sexual and financial areas “open up,” and are imbued with good luck and affection until late month. Until early November, you will be filled with romantic courage, passion, creative surges — and you’ll be very willing to spend on love or pleasure — perhaps too much so. Your biggest source of good luck until next June is real estate, home, family, security, the earth, agri, mining, forestry, products for children, etc. Sunday to Monday morning (PDT) features romance, pleasure, beauty, games and creativity. All’s good. Be ambitious Monday morning to suppertime Wednesday. This is a rough interval for most signs, but it offers a ladder to climb for you. Wednesday night through Friday lifts your heart with social delights, flirts, entertainment and optimism. Good luck rides with you! But retreat Saturday, for a weekend of rest and privacy. Contemplate, plan, sleep and hold confidential conversations — a good investment quite possible!




The “suggestion” below is so horrible and repugnant, I still wonder if I should give it words. But if I were an Israeli dictator and there was no afterlife, no karma, I would do this:

I would give Hamas one simple ultimatum: “Starting (date) your have five days to return all hostages. After five days we will kill 10,000 Gazans per day for each hostage still missing. To protect your citizens from disaster, return the hostages a.s.a.p. Any hostages returned dead, we will answer by killing 20,000 Palestinians per dead hostage.

That’s it. Simple, and as murderous as Hamas is. Leaflets with this message should also be dropped over Gaza, so the Palestinians/Hamas (can they be separated?) know what their choice is.

These numbers seem cruelly high. But if there are 2.1 million Gazan’s, and 101 hostages remaining, then there are approx. 20,000 Palestinians per hostage. So if the Palestinians killed all 101 hostages, then all of Gaza would die. It’s entirely up to Hamas.


July 28, 1914 — World War One began. Pluto, planet of death and destiny, entered the sign Cancer May 27, 1914 — two months earlier. Cancer rules the home, the nation, and patriotism. More nations — including Canada and the U.S. — were born under Cancer than any other sign. Many movies about WW1 focus on the devastation to the families of soldiers. (Pluto first entered Cancer Sept. 11, 1912, then fell back into Gemini a month later, then re-entered Cancer July 10, 1913, then retrograded back into Gemini in December 1913, then re-entered Cancer for the last time in late May, 1914, to stay in that sign until October 1937 — 23 years. I’m not a historian, but I would guess that these years upheaved many homes/families, and nation groups. It also “formed” a government structure: the communist revolution occurred in Russia. (Pluto rules change.)

In October 1937, Pluto entered Leo. That year, Germany annexed Sudetenland, its first war act. Pluto stayed in Leo until 1957. Its major accomplishments were WW II, the atomic bomb, massive genocide (mostly by Germans and Russians) — and, with Pluto in Leo, the sign of kings, most monarchies were wiped out.

In March, 2023, Pluto entered Aquarius — the opposite sign to Leo. Suddenly, the world seems on fire: Ukraine-Russia, the Hamas atrocities, and now Israel’s devastation of Gaza. But the real crisis from Pluto in Aquarius is likely to revolve around terrorists, political activists, environmentalists and revolution in general — done quietly, secretively, murderously. Instead of WW III, we’ll likely see world-wide “discomfort” or violence on a low but wide spread scale.


Jeff Bezos has interfered with the U.S. federal election by programming Alexa to give anti-Trump, pro-Harris answers to neutral questions. It claims to have no reasons to elect Trump, but has 100 reasons to elect Harris. That’s a crime. Bezos should be indicted. 


Here’s an idea, don’t know if it will work: 

Say Iran or North Korea get the atomic bomb. What does the US do then? I think the US should either visit Iran in full dress, that is, from the president on down, or the US should invite a similar cadre from Iran. In both cases, schedule a decent amount of time so the two parties can begin to feel comfortable with each other and even, perhaps involuntarily, begin to trust each other. Both parties should tour both countries, with US emphasizing their modern real estate, retail stores, resorts, etc. etc. Then The president of the US should say to Iran, listen, we both know that if either of us attacked the other with nuclear arms, it would guarantee the annihilation of both countries. Not one person would survive. Even those who are not injured or killed in the blasts, will die within a year or two from radiation poisoning. Now if the two of us were at war, it’s a good bet that other parts of the world will also. China in the Philippines, your own proxies in the Middle East, Russia in Ukraine. All of these will not use nuclear arms as a first strike; but all will return nuclear fire. And if you and I, Iran and Uncle Sam, pollute the entire world with our nuclear explosions, the boundaries that have held these other nations back, will begin to dissolve. So we may be responsible for starting the nuclear destruction of the entire Earth. 

Of course, you might want to use nuclear arms to control, intimidate, even war against smaller nations in the Middle East. However, we have passed a law in America, which forces us to strike Iran in retaliation at the first atomic use. Iran will disappear.

That’s two ways we can go. We know that we can’t prevent you from using nukes, and you know that you can’t prevent us from wiping you out. So we have a choice: we become nuclear enemies, or we become cooperative friends. You have seen our country; we can give you much investment and technology and knowledge and economic cooperation, even economic aid. We can help you build street upon street  of modern apartments and offices. But this is not a one-way road. You have to make a concession to us also: that you will permit capitalism, especially for small businesses. We are not asking you to accept our major corporations, and we can negotiate between us about size limits.  …..

And so on, in an attempt to forge a long lasting cooperation.


The last refuge of a racist: “Context is crucial.” It’s like a thief saying “I’m really innocent because I was mistreated as a child.”


The following is from commentary by the Editor-in-Chief of the Jewish News Syndicate, Jonathan S. Tobin: 

It explains a lot.

“Obama clashed with Netanyahu because he was an obstacle to his most important foreign-policy goal: appeasement of Iran and a realignment of the Middle East away from America’s traditional allies in Israel and Saudi Arabia. That was the chief reason for the decision to bow to Tehran’s demands and conclude the 2015 nuclear deal that guaranteed that Iran would eventually get a nuclear bomb.

“The same policies were behind Biden’s efforts to revive that deal, which Trump abandoned in 2018 in favor of exerting a “maximum pressure” campaign against the Iranians to force them to abandon their nuclear ambitions. That was cut short by the election of Biden in 2020. Even when Biden’s effort to revive it failed—since the Islamist regime felt it could get closer to its objective by not signing an even weaker deal than the one Obama had embraced—the Obama alumni who ran American policy since January 2021 still stuck to the same theme. That’s why they pressured Israel (then under the administration of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid) to appease Hezbollah by surrendering natural gas fields along the border with Lebanon. They also removed the Houthis in Yemen from the list of foreign terrorist organizations and forced the Saudis to abandon their war against them. That’s a decision that has come back to haunt the West in the form of the Houthis successful interdiction of international shipping in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa.”


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