~ Desiderata
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Email: suningem@gmail.com For further Information on obtaining a reading please go to the heading ‘READINGS’ above (under the blue picture).
All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.
START NOTHING: 2:31 am to 8:48 am Tues., 5:31 am to 2:49 pm Thurs., and 11:03 am to 5:57 pm Sat.
ALL SIGNS: Don’t start any new projects, ventures, contacts or other relationships nor make any important purchases before March 28.
*** ***
I will be giving a public talk on Tuesday, March 12, on what to expect financially, politically and personally in 2019.
Time: 7 pm.
Place: Vancouver MARITIME Museum, 1905 Ogden Ave (Kitsilano) Vancouver,
Canada. V6J 3L7
Cost: $10.
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Oops! I forgot to mention this: stock markets should decline a bit (or be, at best, indecisive) during March, due to Mercury’s retrograde in PISCES, the sign of rumour, data, interest rates — and the birth sign of the NYSE.
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I made several typos in last week’s LOVE FORECAST for Gemini and Cancer. I sometimes wrote “2019” when the correct year was 2018. I’ve corrected these, but if you did read the Love Forecast for these two signs before noon (PST) Tuesday February 26, please read them again. Sorry!
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I should have told you this a few months ago: stocks with a symbol prominently containing S, H or Y might have unhappy surprises; stocks containing M or O will tend to quietly ascend in price. This morning, I looked at my bank stocks: BMO was up $1.98 (2%); NS was down $2.17 (2.87%). Both banks usually move by a few cents per day. HS (Husky Energy) fell this day $2.05 (6.6%) due to an unexpected fall in profit (from over 1.3 billion to half a billion) in the last quarter. This isn’t scientific nor statistically examined, at least not by me. Just kinda catches my eye.
*** ***
Finally, there’s an AFTERAMBLE, a long, ambling one.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
Start nothing important (projects or relationships) before March 28. Lie low, be quiet, watch and listen. Your energy reserves are low, your charisma damp. Despite this, affectionate friends will gather ‘round this week and next. (Especially women friends.)
Deal with civil servants, agents, advisors. Check security or warehousing facilities. Visit shut-ins or institutions, charities and spiritual people/places. Some of this “repeats” the past — e.g., you might reconnect with a former agent or advisor or institution. Work on your karma rather than your worldly ambitions.
Money flows swiftly to you all March, but you’ll also have a deep urge to spend — careful with the latter, as you’ll tend to pick the lemons, or items you won’t need later.
Sunday to dawn Tues. repeats this “money caution” advice. Friends’ money advice/warnings are correct Sun. Don’t seek co-operation this day. Monday helps you collect, increase or seek more $. No problems. Errands and easy chores fill Tues. to afternoon Thurs. — but they turn out to be not so easy. Tuesday’s good — act this day.
Wednesday runs into glitches — perhaps a deception, or an argument in which facts are fuzzy. Ultimately, two things occur: 1) it all ends with minor miscommunications; and 2) your security is enhanced, esp. on career fronts.
Head for home, family, property, security, and “territory” in business/work Thursday afternoon to suppertime Sat. Here, a jumble of good and poor luck exists — be nimble! Seek secrets from the past, but step out of the way of those who are power-struggling on career, domestic fronts. Your family is sceptical about your ambitions. Saturday night — romantic notions.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Wishes will come true over the 10 days ahead, Taurus. Have faith, hope (and optimism, a bit different) but don’t grit your teeth and wish with all your might, as kids do — it doesn’t work. Just give a little, hardly conscious thought of what you want, then let it go, forget it. That wish is far more likely to come true.
You remain popular, happy (good time to have your photo taken, esp. Monday). You love life, and it loves you. Join groups, clubs, informal gatherings. Flirt, welcome someone’s “closeness”. An old flame/friend might return anytime in March. Your sexual side is high, strong all month — and radiates to the opposite sex. (Same sex if you’re gay.) VIPs, judges, bosses, parents favour you for two more weeks — take advantage, show your skills. (But don’t launch a new proposal or project.)
Start no new relationships or projects before March 28.
Your energy and charm soar, literally soar, Sunday to dawn Tuesday. Relationships flow with harmony. Deal with money and expenses Tues. to Thursday afternoon. Your luck here is very mixed so, again, buy nothing important — lemons exist, so does deception. Best Tues. to mid-morn Wed., when others co-operate and higher-ups aid your $ quest. All’s smooth with a person whose mind and ideas you admire.
Errands, visits, trips, communications and paperwork Thurs. afternoon to Saturday eve. Disagreements are possible; also wish fulfillment in the form of a meeting or message; also love. Head toward home Sat. eve/night. Hug the kids.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
The accent remains on career, prestige relations, ambition and status. Show higher-ups what you’re made of, but stop short of introducing new projects or proposals. (Also avoid brand new relationships, and making/accepting promises — and major purchases, to March 28.)
A former job/career role might return. Could be better than no career role! Love, if you’ve found it, remains affectionate, with sweet horizons.
Continue (to month’s end) to avoid dark alleys and belligerent people. Same period favours outstanding results for pro and semi-pro athletes.
Rest and ponder Sunday to Tuesday dawn. With one exception – Sunday, love, legal and travel interests might snag – all’s well, so glide along, relax, flow with a benevolent cosmos. Monday could bring splendid co-operation from the gov’t, agents or “background” types.
Your energy bounces back Tues. to Thurs. afternoon, but don’t force your agenda on others, esp. Wed. pm. Before this, love hovers. A marriage proposal will be refused, tho, so stay “amenable”.
Something’s happening deep down, in your financial or medical or sexual centres; it helps you move forward in these zones over the weeks ahead. Pursue $, pay bills and collect debts, run money plans by others, but make no promises. Saturday’s good for ordinary shopping — avoid significant purchases.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
You’re open and aware, your vision goes far, to other countries, to the far ends of your life (and what kind of life philosophy will make you happiest). Love is a gentle, soft blanket surrounding your senses. Someone quiet, dreamy, doesn’t hide their attraction. A former lover or spouse might return. you remain optimistic about your career and/or neighbourhood standing, all March. (Socializing will help your career.)
Until March 26, sex and finances are blessed. Until March 28, don’t make major purchases, nor start any new projects or relationships. (If travelling internationally, it’s better to visit places/nations you have already travelled to.)
Sunday to Tues. dawn brings happiness, wish fulfillment, popularity, entertainment, and optimism. A flirtation could light a fire (better Mon./Tues.) — relations with spouse, lover, even business partner go well, harmony reigns.
Midweek nudges you to withdraw briefly, sleep, rest, think, watch and think some more. Examine your past/future, but don’t make firm plans. Deception or antagonistic opinions/approaches could mar this quiet interval. A quiet or secret ally is trying to aid, re-shape your relationship(s).
Your energy bounces back Thurs. afternoon to Sat. suppertime — go forth, lead, call in favours, accept admiration without false modesty — you’ll succeed! But DON’T lead others into new projects — patience! Saturday night: sedate, maybe a bit of spending.
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
The emphasis remains on life’s deeper regions: sexual intimacy, pregnancy, temptations, major finances (investments, debt, mortgages, etc.), and on research, secrets, medical and lifestyle decisions. Something from the past might come hurtling into your life in these areas — an ex lover, old accusations, a former investment, a recurrent medical need. Your subconscious bursts to the surface; your intuition stands correct and strong.
All month, parents, VIPs, authorities and bosses remain ill-tempered, impatient. Just grin and bear it. Lawyers, scholars and intellectual workers might be “boosted up”! Partners, spouse and people generally, treat you with affection and grace until late month. This might lead to “mad sex” — but consider that such might interfere, in the short-term future (5, 6 months) with the growth of a true romance, might even prevent it occurring.
Start NOTHING new before March 28 — relationships, ventures, even purchases.
Splendid favour for your career and worldly reputation Sunday to Tues. morning. Monday’s best, especially in work, home and digestive zones. Wishful thinking, a popularity boost, flirtations and social delights fill Tues. to Thurs. afternoon — though not entirely smoothly. It’s good to Wed. morning, then deception (or mere indecision) and a streak of argument enter Wed. afternoon, night.
Almost hidden in this, is something benefiting your employment/career or home/family. Withdraw, ponder, seek spirit, be charitable, Thurs. afternoon to Sat. suppertime. You might hear encouraging news Thurs., followed by doubts/denials Fri. Ah, well — sex, financial action reward Fri. Saturday’s lovely, but remain restful. Your energy, pizzazz return Sat. night.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Relationships are powerful, important, riddled with indecision or delay, and might interfere with (or have a hard time accommodating/melding with) your grand luck in real estate or “support zones”. (These zones = shelter, mining, forestry, gardening, farms, cafes, food stores, clothing, babies, furniture, etc.)
This divergence of interests could affect you all year (2019) and will need a resolution if you’re to turn 2019 into the hugely lucky year it can be. On the other hand, you and another could agree to “find a place” — esp. if this represents a “move up” status-wise to the other person. Still, everyone, especially key people, partners and lovers/spouse, will be racked by indecision all March — you, too, might wonder if you’re in the right liaison, etc.
Neither make nor accept promises, nor start brand new projects, ventures, relationships or major purchases before March 28. Roughly same period, avoid law suits. Co-workers (and work generally) will be entertaining, enjoyable, almost all month. Your “ex” might re-appear, or an old flame, or an old relocation-business opportunity. Pursue these if they were beneficial in the past.
A wise, mellow mood floats over you Sunday to dawn Tuesday. It might distract you from your work Sunday, but will pour a bucket of good fortune on you Mon./Tues. — esp. in love. Good days to work on a school or other intellectual project. Be ambitious (but start nothing big, propose nothing) Tues. morn to Thurs. afternoon. Show higher-ups your skills, give ongoing projects your energy and protection. (Bosses, tho’ they don’t reveal it, give 100% approval when they see an employee protecting their interests. They value this more than talent.)
Home and partnership interests might be ignored, tossed aside — not a good idea. A “hidden development” aids your search for love. Joy, social delights, optimism, flirtations and entertainment rush in Thurs. afternoon to Sat. suppertime. Even problems won’t phase you — and there will be few problems. (Someone might refuse an agreement, contract, marriage proposal — because you acted too fast, asked too soon.) Retreat into a contemplative cocoon Sat. night.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
To work, to work. Might as well plunge in and get it done, Libra. A neglected (or opportunity-laden) chore or employment role could return from the past. So might a minor but nagging health condition. Take care of it.
DON’T START NEW projects, ventures, relationships nor major purchases. DON’T buy machinery/tools, computers, cars, etc. All this, now to March 28. This is an odd, potent month. Though work/health are emphasized, a fortunate romantic streak, and a powerful “pull of lust” both last until late month. If a love affair began before March, it grows deeper.
Sex is the focus Sunday to dawn Tues. So are finances, debt, lifestyle changes, medical needs (surgery indicated), secrets and research, and heightened intuition. (Listen to that voiceless, tiny nudge inside, swift and colourless, and elusive if you try to grab it.) Though sex might conflict with your other, romantic feelings Sunday, Monday is “all clear” for success in $, detective work, diagnosis, or lust.
Midweek brings wisdom, you’ll see the big picture and can make reliable decisions – not about immediate practical things, but about your life’s broad course, and about love. Possible argument, deception or self-deception, and even male-female disharmony, so don’t push love. On a quiet level, someone might aid in solving a big domestic dilemma or problem. Could be an investor, or a sex partner.
Be ambitious enough to impress higher-ups Thurs. afternoon to Sat. suppertime, but not enough to propose or start a new project. Almost everything flows smoothly, but family or property interests can “pull you” away from the career arena. All ends well. Saturday night lifts your spirits, and throws you into the social spin — if you feel no stress, get out and mingle.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Ah, sweet romance! The ten days ahead tickle your pleasure and beauty sensors. An old flame might appear anytime in March. A former gamble, creative project or a “long-lost” child might also re-appear. Judge these by their past effect on you.
DON’T start any brand-new projects or relationships before March 28. (Avoid significant purchases, same period.) Your home/family remains affectionate. You might be contemplating ending a relationship, or “making it domestic”. Relations in general are feisty, intense all month, so wear your diplomatic hat. You could partner with a co-worker, or receive a job opportunity.
Relationships solidly confront you Sunday to dawn Tuesday. Sunday isn’t great for reaching agreement, esp. with a spouse or partner, but Monday into Tues. draws you to great links and opportunities (make sure these are not “new”). If a former love reappears now, he/he might make a passionate mate, but perhaps also an angry or snappish one. You judge.
Midweek gets sexy, mysterious and deep. A commitment might be asked/required from you, financially or intimately. Think hard about this! (Refuse if new; might be okay if ongoing or from the past.) Love/lust works early, but not by Wed. pm onward. Be astute, don’t trip on eagerness. An ally remains loyal.
Love’s gentle side slides in Thursday afternoon to suppertime Sat. Your vision expands, your heart calms. A new romance is great, if it’s with a former love. You might face a choice: sex or romance. Saturday’s lovely — embrace the world, international news, etc. You might grow tense this night — and also admired.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
The accent remains on home, family, Mother Nature, garden, nutrition, security (territory or premises at work). This is a time to rest, to sink into the quiet of life. Prune your garden and social calendar, but carefully and lightly. The past might enter in various ways — last year’s weeds or neglected repairs, return of a seldom-seen family member, etc.
DON’T buy new furniture nor house/apt.; nor start anything big, renovations, landscaping, etc. (Landscaping might be okay if the plans were drawn and contractors involved before March.) In general, avoid commitments, new relationships or projects, or major purchases, before March 28. Instead deal with past or ongoing situations/people. You’re working hard, will all month. Good; you enjoy this work. Travel, communications are fortunate, spark affection.
Sunday to dawn Tues. pours a pile of work into your lap, but also makes it easy to do. You’ll wipe your brow by Tues., and congratulate yourself on having done a good job. (Sunday has a wee glitch – perhaps you drive to the wrong store, or forget a phone number.)
Midweek sparks relationships, opportunities and opposition. Remember, embrace nothing new. You can hit a few snags — work/career duties deny (or your reputation nixes) a growing or affectionate bond, or a partnership development, esp. Wednesday. Argument possible — agreement on domestic matters, little else. Be light, diplomatic.
Life’s depths (including your own subconscious, your intuition) rise to the surface Thurs. afternoon to suppertime Sat. An investment you coveted in the past but couldn’t handle, might return for a second time — sure, grab it if you like. Intimacy might reward the eager. (But putting things on an intellectual level will cause conflict.) Be careful what you say Sat. eve — otherwise, a mellow night.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
The accent remains on errands, communications, trips, paperwork, local media — and curiosity. Be aware, double-check addresses, $ figures, etc. Make a “to do” list before leaving the house. Ask questions — you’ll learn “new facts” about work and intellectual/philosophical zones.
DON’T start a new venture, esp. a mail, travel, telephone or office systems (e.g., filing) project, before March 28. Also, avoid major purchases, commitments and new relationships, same period. An intense streak of romance lasts almost all month — so does a nice little dollop of money luck! A former contact (or several) might return.
Sunday to Tuesday dawn features high romance — Sunday might hold a wee snag, probably involving your money, or someone’s possessiveness. But otherwise this interval slaps a winning streak on you in love, art, beauty, creativity, sports, games, gambling, and raising/teaching children.
Back to work midweek, Tues. to Thurs. Protect your health. Just slog along, as good and bad luck mingle — good to Wed. morning, then deceptive and argumentative. A gov’t contact might pull back. A deep romantic “gut feeling” survives.
Thursday afternoon to Sat. suppertime features relationships, relocation themes, opportunities and negotiations. Remember, nothing new. That said, this is an interval of good fortune — but avoid dealings with gov’t, agents, “head office” and institutions. If you are dealing with true love, your proper mate, you might as well accept it and embrace it. Careful Sat. eve/night — dicey for a date.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Focus your thoughts on money, possessions, memories, rote learning, and sensual links. Those last (links) are the most complex now: they’re sexual, but not necessarily deep or lasting; they might include a former intimate, an old flame.
Until March 28, DON’T enter brand new relationships, projects, or purchases. Don’t make nor accept promises on this level, esp. money promises. All March, your home is intense, friction-prone; you are charming, attractive to the opposite sex; and things “go backwards.” Collect money, pay old bills.
That domestic friction might appear Sunday to dawn Tuesday, but this time might also bring good communication and energetic projects on the home front. Much gets done, so dive in!
Romance, beauty, creativity, risk and charming children fill midweek, but not in the easiest way. Romance can fight — or be undercut by — your monetary or economic position. Deception or arguments possible. But Tues. and early Wed. offer sweet love. You might discover gov’t aid for your home plans.
Plunge into work Thursday afternoon to suppertime Sat. You’ll get a lot accomplished. Wishful thinking (or too much socializing) can get in your way all week, esp. Wed. and Fri. You might have to break free from “background restrictions” to get the best job done. Eat, drink, dress sensibly. Saturday night brings relationships, disruptive early, friendly later.
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
You’re in command, Pisces. Lead, direct, call the shots. See and be seen, ask favours, impress the boss or loved ones, friends. But DON’T undertake any new relationships, projects or significant purchases, nor propose any, before March 28. Instead, stick with the old, ongoing or “returnees from the past”. One special returnee might be a former mate, lover or business partner. Might lead to a re-bonding.
Almost all March, 1) travel and communications will be swift, hurried, and can open a door to more income; and 2) you will have fortunate relations with head office, institutions and civil servants (except Sunday, March 10).
Good time to visit an advisor, psychic, etc., despite Mercury retrograde. (Don’t seek the future; seek inward.) You remain indecisive about an important relationship. So does another, no matter how much they say otherwise.
Errands, short trips and visits, curiosity, media, facts and figures, communications and paperwork — these fill Sunday to dawn Tuesday. And in very fortunate ways, so plunge in. Ask questions, call, send.
Midweek mires you in domestic issues: family, property repairs or decorations, gardening, security enhancements, etc. Hug the kids, but realize your luck is mixed — good Tues. morning to Wed. mid-morn (beauty, affection, happiness), then difficult Wed. pm (deception, pressures from above, possible religious or political argument, or “the law says you can’t” stuff). Don’t force matters; this would end with ultimate (yet indecisive!) disagreement.
Your romantic side swells with bliss Thursday afternoon to suppertime Sat. A great interval for lovemaking, wooing, pouring on the charm, even merely having fun with friends, esp. Sat. morning. Ditto creative, gambling, sporty or teaching activities. Careful Sat. eve/night — eat, dress sensibly, speak cautiously.
Above, the stars, sparkling and shining, seemingly eternal, patterned in the hieroglyphics of their existence. When you think of the billion years some star’s or galaxy’s light has taken to reach us, it seems like a wise light. Think of what it’s seen…
We think of light’s speed as “instant,” as so fast we can’t “see” its speed. But we can envision the speed of light: if you turned on a flashlight at night on earth, it would take about 1.25 seconds for the moon to see it, or if there was a mirror on the moon, a full 2.5 seconds to make the round trip. A second is pretty long. Speaking naturally, without rushing, you can say an entire sentence of four one-syllable words in one second. E.g.: “I went to bed.”
Light will travel to the moon and back in the time it takes you to say: “I went to bed then I read the map text.”
In the time it takes a bit of light to travel from the sun to earth, you could take a shower, dry off, and dress; or cook a bacon, egg and toast breakfast, or watch almost a third of The Big Bang Theory on TV.
You could put in a full day’s work by the time that sluggish sunlight reaches Pluto.
When you think about it, that’s pretty slow! There must be something out there faster than light.
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Well, the “civil war” I said (this blog, 2016/17) would visit America, started to show with the Antifa thugs (reminiscent of the Nazi Brown Shirts) during the federal election. The “war” has progressed now to the large political arena. The Democratic Party has gone, in 3 years, from Liberal to Socialist. This is unprecedented, a historic turn.
A majority of the party’s 10 or 20 primary candidates favours free university, free health care, wages whether you work or not, abolition of guns, extremely higher taxes — and a significant portion also call for the elimination of gas engines, airplanes and air ports, etc. Against them are poised the Republicans, still Conservative.
The division between the two has been exacerbated by President Trump. His presence and his election win caused the left to coalesce into fervent, hardened opposition — ultimately, now, into socialist stances. Their rallying cry has changed since Trump took office.
First, he was insane and should be put in a mental hospital. (I think I remember a CNN panel seriously debating this — not its morality but how to accomplish it.) Then, he was colluding with the Russians. Oops, no proof? Well, then, Melania hated him and wore politically incorrect clothing. Next, he had business dealings in Russia. After that, he was violating the emoluments clause by profiting from foreign visitors.
Oh, a hundred things… racism, nationalism, bad hair — and as each proved untrue or unsubstantiated, CNN and their brothers in media arms simply stopped mentioning it, except to include the accusations, not the disproofs, in lists of Trump’s numerous character and moral “failures”.
The Dems are still digging, and they’ll likely find something — for who among us is without sin? Still, it seems like an odd political system: first you elect a president, then you spend 4 years trying to destroy and gut him.
There is your war: Trump versus socialism. Just the word makes many Americans shudder — but it doesn’t frighten the Millennials and younger. It is a momentous prospect, louder on the Richter scale than the break-up of the U.S.S.R.
The U.S. development, should it occur (and it will, if not this election, then more gradually) will be equivalent to the Bolshevik revolution and the overthrow of the Tsar in Russia, establishing communism on earth. The U.S.S.R. break-up sounded loud on the world stage, yet had little real result. Everyone came to see that the states who broke from the Union remained much the same; little changed.
But America, this greatest of nations, has been betrayed by itself, and unless its true self conquers, or perhaps even if it does, it will be forever altered — and no longer a democracy.
Long-term readers might remember my predictions (several times in the ’80’s) that both communism and democracy would disappear, to be replaced by a third system. By the 1990’s I thought China took the first step toward this new system — it embraced capitalism to produce a communist-capitalist state.
I think the U.S. will take the second step. It won’t merely be to socialism; it will be to something new. The present period, 2009 to 2025, focuses this change on the hierarchy — in politics and business. On the leaders, the big boys. In some ways, this 16-year “change of power structures” phase itself has a “core period” of change: 2018-2020. And we’re in it!
Change always creates destruction: Trump has destroyed the patina of the Presidency, the PC gloss and grey-haired statements behind which a long line of Presidents have hidden their lies and agendas. Obama (amongst other things) blatantly lied about Obamacare. George W. Bush lied about Iraq. Clinton lied about almost everything, but mostly women. Reagan lied about Central America. (Jimmy Carter and Bush Senior, I don’t know.)
All these lies caused little disruption because they flowed in the syrup of a certain grey stance of political correctness; the assurance of stately calm by reassuring (even tho’ lying) soothing political speech patterns and “drawing room” behaviour practised by presidents for decades, maybe centuries. (I’m no historian.)
Trump lied too — about women, and probably other things. But Trump was no politician, and his lies — as well as his virtues — were painfully obvious. They weren’t swathed in comforting politic-speak, and weren’t protected from the glare of truth by a cadre of conspirators, power brokers and supporters.
So Trump broke this long-standing Washington conspiracy to manipulate the citizenry, by being awkward, unpredictably outspoken, and — shudders — telling the truth. Ironically, or not so ironically but by deep intent, one of the main media criticisms of Trump is that he doesn’t tell the truth. Yet the very cause of their terror and hatred, is the truth-telling which comes through his “unsuitable” or politically untutored speech habits.
This threatens the present hierarchy, including the media. Their main disgust toward Trump is that he doesn’t behave in their careful living (drawing) room. He’s the country bumpkin, standing with his cow-shitted boots on their beautiful carpet. To these elites, these Washington types, the carpet is far more important than the citizenry.
By ignoring the lovely carpet, Trump has managed to effect big changes: huge reductions in growth-strangling regulations; an upgrading of NATO finances; a reduction in Bashar’s and Kim Jong-Un’s aggressions; the virtual elimination of ISIS; economic revival for Blacks and Hispanics; huge increases in oil/gas production; freeing the U.S. from reliance on other regimes; and exposing the deep, unjust bias of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the general media; making China and others pay for their exploitation and unfair trade, etc.
Why didn’t other presidents make such big changes/progress? Because they were restricted by the very grey PC statesman-like, protective clothing they swathed themselves in, decade after decade. This “presidential protection” has been upheld by cadres of behind-scenes supporters. But those supporters are only there because the president owes them, through a skein of “scratch my back” agreements and collusions, a skein so varied and far-reaching (like Obama’s and Hillary’s secret alliances with the Russians) that it prevents a president from undertaking bold action, action to promote his/her citizens’ interests.
Trump wasn’t “presidential” — yet has accomplished more than most presidents to date. And the two things are very probably directly related.
Because he brought such dramatic changes, especially to/against the “dignity” of the presidency (and Congresspeople are still adjusting their pants about it), Trump is the hero of the right, the goat of the left. But one of the greatest changes Trump has (probably unwittingly) sparked is the creation (or rather the exposing, or setting free) of the Dem’s (or the left’s) violence, hatred, lack of civility, criminal actions (shooting Steve Scalise, for instance) and, ultimately, civil “war.”
But the mere fact that he has upset the patina, exposed the rot that Obama and others hid behind their comforting stances, qualifies Trump as either the hero or the villain of ancient literature that I was talking about back in 2016/17.
Somehow that change, that destruction of the mask of the Presidency, triggered a sudden, powerful and sustained reaction by the left/Dems — as though a dam had burst, revealing (in addition to their rancour) the shining ideals they had kept to themselves for fear of appearing — what? (I agree generally, BTW, with most of the Dem’s ideals — but not with their vicious end-justifies-the means actions. Trump is a kind of honest [?] clumsy dinosaur in the china shop.)
So in reaction to Trump – and with a new angry energy released from the bowels of their self-imposed restrictions, frothed into hatred of this man who violated their sensibilities and “stole” their election, and buoyed by the growing knowledge that 95% of the press supported them and their most outrageous claims – the left took up extreme positions, and maintain them to date. Republicans have not changed as drastically. This is a cautious party, so they probably needed/deserved an impulsive leader. Anyway, life goes on.
I believe the right wing and the socialist left will carve out some livable compromise — a new system of government and taxation. I’m not imaginative, so I don’t have a clue what the system will look like.
BTW, we are still a year or two — even several — from the peak of this “civil war” influence.
Also BTW, I’m not predicting a winner in the 2020 election, except that there will be an assassination attempt on whomever is elected. Less successful, perhaps even remote, if Trump is the target. (Because he wouldn’t be a new president.)
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The trouble with Trump’s merit-based immigration “plan” is that it excludes people from impoverished countries, because they don’t have an opportunity to attend school and become engineers, lawyers, doctors, IT and AI techs, etc. — the very people merit-based immigration demands. To a degree, it will bias the immigration profile to enlarge the volume of First World (Asian and Caucasian) entrants.
*** ***
Of course this (my “civil war”) could also be seen as one stage in a broad but linear historical development. Democratic capitalism doesn’t work anymore; it’s outgrown its’ usefulness. (And it was powerfully useful, creating the greatest advances in technology, medicine, wealth, and civilization, in history — and in historically little time.) But communism was, repeatedly, an economic failure. Socialism’s better, but socialism automatically cancels capitalism, to the degree it’s applied.
If the U.S. truly became socialist, the creative and adventurous money would leave for better tax regimes. (I know individuals cannot escape U.S. taxes, but companies can.) When adventurous capital leaves, the young growing trees of cutting-edge techno-bio-pharma-engineering and architectural advancement wilt. Their leaves, once shiny green, will wilt, turn brown and curl inward from lack of financial nutrition.
When innovation is blunted by employment practices or an unsupportive financial environment, it simply doesn’t happen. There is no reward for researching, nor for taking a gamble on a new kind of project, product, process or other innovative business idea. Socialists will say: “All this can be replaced by government money and incentives — and more wisely, because it’s more in line with the public’s will and interest”.
I have watched gov’t money at work in Canada, a mildly socialist country, for fifty years. I can’t remember any successes, tho there must have been some, but I do remember programs that helped somewhat — the insulation and renovation loans of the 70’s-90’s. But the two times I invested in a government-created-sponsored-and-guaranteed fund I lost everything except the tax deduction. Governments are generally financial dolts.
When the first row of workers – the innovators and entrepreneurs and adventurous money recedes (the browning of the leaf) – “second rung” people take over. But second rung was never mean to house creative nor innovative people. Instead it is filled with managers and executives, sales people and organizers — who in this slack environment will busy themselves selling and packaging old tech, since there is no new.
Socialists also don’t seem to recognize that the majority of human beings want to gain the most reward from the least effort. A guaranteed wage can be a good way to supplement other undeclared earnings. People who would, pre-socialism, believe that one deserved fair wages for work, would, lured by the free money of a guaranteed wage, begin to accept a much looser self-examination, morality-wise.
When public information ads tell you, day in day out, that everyone (even you) deserves free money — a free wage — you begin to think that work is worthless, and taking money is obviously allowed. So why not take it from several sources — collect a guaranteed wage, evade taxable employment while working under the table (without records or taxes), collect pop bottles or salvage logs or wash dogs, or collect rent from that unsanctioned second house.
These activities create a black market, or a second financial economy — one which can’t be taxed, so it weakens the gov’t.
That’s the trouble with socialism.
But as I said, the new system won’t be socialist or capitalist.