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My email:  suningem@gmail.com

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START NOTHING:  6:48 pm Sunday to 4:27 pm Monday, 12:57 pm to 10:23 pm Wed., and 6:00 am Friday to 0:31 am Saturday.


Happy Holidays, everyone!

BTW, whenever I use the word “philosophy” in the Weekly Forecasts, you can include “religion.”

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“Hulk” Horgan, British Columbia’s Premier, is making good decisions, and will until at least November, 2018.

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Astrologer Diane Warwick is giving astrology and Tarot lessons. To sign up, call her at 1-604-440-2317. She charges $200 for 24 hours instruction.

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I think it happens like this: Bob Mueller, the special counsel tasked with snaring Trump and his aides, will — until May, 2018 — either a)  have trouble bringing a successful suit/prosecution, or b)  will begin indictments/charges which will somehow work against his goals in the end. (I wrote this Dec. 12/13. Since then, Mueller seized White House emails by doing a “run-around” that will reduce his chances of success, because it taints the evidence, if any, contained therein. If they were seized w/o a warrant, they’ll be excluded from court as “fruit of the poisoned tree.” This isn’t what I predicted, but it’s along the same lines — Mueller will work against himself until May 2018.)

B), above, could reach nasty proportions. Mueller is an Aries Moon; Paul Manafort, the person he has charged with money laundering and treasonous crimes, is an Aries Sun. This court fight could reach massive proportions, or endure a long time, because it’s an identity fight, Aries versus Aries. Both will employ similar approaches and tactics. Manafort’s pled not guilty, which could be a bargaining ploy. But if Manafort digs in and fights, and Mueller dives into the Manafort trial, he is likely to be carried away in its tides, and neglect his other interests. Manafort might, ultimately, be responsible for a crucial weakening of Mueller’s — nerves, energy, commitment, success quotient? — in the other cases he is pursuing.

Mueller announced four “perps” last month:
1.  Manafort — possibly (probably?) guilty of something
Gates — Manafort’s sidekick — know nothing about him
Papadopulous — evident by the video that he was a minor visitor/functionary who was soon shown some door or other.
4.  Flynn — rumours that his charge and guilty plea — lying to the FBI — were coerced by his interrogators threatening to harm his son unless he pled guilty. Also an entrapment issue: though not legally entrapment, the rumoured FBI taping of his phone calls, then requiring Flynn to answer questions designed to find differences between his interrogated words and his telephone words. Not wrong, it just skates close to the edge.

In both cases, Flynn and Papadopulous might be great sources of information, but both are useless witnesses, because both have admitted to lying.

The attacks on Mueller’s character and actions will continue until about mid-May, 2018. In the interim, karma both tempts him, and repays him for past lapses in morality — but more emotionally than otherwise. Ultimately, Mueller should “defeat” his detractors — but so should Trump. They are both Leos (Mueller’s Sun, Trump’s Ascendant). Manafort, Gates, Papa and Flynn were announced to the public with flags flying and trumpets a-blare. This “offering” thrown to the public likely had two intentions: to convict by public opinion — not to win a court case, but just enough to influence Congress, to facilitate a gain of more power, and farther-ranging scope for Mueller.  And to intimidate those remaining to be interrogated under oath.  If Meuller can get past next May with his pencils still in his hand and his head high, he’ll be enabled to go on to prosecute, etc., with a better chance of winning. But by then, there might be another special counsel, a bloodhound tasked to go in the opposite direction (e.g., toward the FBI and Justice Dept., and Hillary, Comey, Lynch., etc). Interesting times. There is even a possibility that Mueller is making his mistakes purposely, in secret or subconscious sympathy with Trump. And, just as Mueller-Manafort are Aries head-to-head, so Mueller and Trump could become a battle royal also, as M and T are Leos head-to-head.

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Not yet, but as – and if, a big if – Meuller approaches Trump, Trump should say, “Sure, I’ll agree to be interviewed. I just want the same courtesy as you gave Hillary — that everything I say be unrecorded in any form.”  Or perhaps he could say, “As Chief Law Enforcer of the Land, I want to see the complete findings of your investigation — uh, before I talk with you.”  I mean, justice must be evenly applied.

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But enough of this stuff. They’re all crooked, both sides. I need to rise up out of all this mire. Give me angels and blue skies!


   ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The general focus lies on your career, prestige relations, business, and worldly status, for the few weeks ahead. You have already noticed that these areas have been under “change” for some years — this change theme continues until 2024/25. 2018 will bring more change than usual — and generally it’s fortunate, peeling open the cellophane on opportunities. Be cautious with power plays — realize higher-ups play these games all the time. Relax and plan your next moves Sunday. Interface with gov’t and “head office.” The same zones Mon., but without much success. Your energy, charisma and clout rise nicely Mon. eve though Wed. Be ambitious — you’ll make headway — and a good impression. Something secret or hidden — this supports you, and involves administration, institutions or gov’t. Spiritual Aries get a very poetic boost. Chase money, buy/sell, angle for a pay raise or seek new clients Thurs./Friday. Errands, communications, paperwork, trips fill Saturday. Remain alert — illusions, fuzzy thinking exist. A good week! Launch something!

taurus weekly forecast   TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Wisdom, expanded mental horizons, gentle love, media/publishing, intellectual pursuits, far travel, import-export, legal and cultural affairs fill the weeks ahead. Go international: e.g., read a book by a foreign author, see a foreign film. Be cautious (until Jan. 26) in relationships — others can be aggressively challenging; or, worse, others could be assertive in “grabbing you” for a link — love, business association, etc.  Worse, because such a relationship would burden you. You’ll hear secrets for the next two weeks — true ones. One of these “secrets” or “hidden alliances” could help you invest in or join a very opportune situation. Sunday/Mon. are for joy, social delights, popularity, optimism, flirtation and wish fulfillment. Sunday’s far, far better. Retreat, lie low rest and think Mon. eve through Wed. Deal with taxes, gov’t, your employer’s head office, spiritual types and other advisors. One sweet person will reassure you of affections. Your energy and charisma soar Thurs./Fri. Charge ahead Thurs. — you’ll win! Chase money Saturday, buy/sell, consider a sensual attraction — but be careful, realize you might be fooling yourself, overly worried, or too unconcerned. Wait until next Sun. (Dec. 31) to take monetary or sexual action.

   GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Be ambitious Sun./Mon. — Sunday’s much better. (Monday holds disappointment.)  The few weeks ahead emphasize secrets and investigations, investments and debt, physical intimacy, medical diagnoses, lifestyle decisions, life changes, commitment and consequences. Dig deep, look beneath the surface. You will be pleasantly surprised by your good fortune in these zones, at least until mid-Jan. Make “course adjustments” on your life-journey. Work will be intense. Protect your daily health (OTC stuff). Your popularity rises Mon. eve to Wednesday. Issue and accept invitations, be social, bask in flirtations, sports/entertainment, and optimism. A wish about work or career could come true. But retreat Thurs./Fri. Rest, think, plan. Be spiritual, charitable. Seek advice, interface with gov’t. Thursday better. Your energy surges upward Sat. — most things will meet with a bit of deception or fuzzy thinking — except career. So, chase that! A good week.

   CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Your month ahead brings relationships. This could be momentous, as you’re in one of the luckiest romantic years of your life. (It lasts until early Nov., 2018.)  More Cancers will meet their mate/true love in the year ahead than at any other time. (But if you don’t, don’t worry — the “true love” trend lasts until 2024.) You might mistake a potential love for an enemy or challenger. Be willing to wrestle in heart zones. Sunday/Mon. are gentle, loving, filled with vision and understanding. Chase intellectual, legal, far travel, international, philosophical, cultural and love goals. Being “forward” in romance, assertive, can help you. Sunday’s far better than Mon. Be ambitious Mon. night to Wed. All goes well, but don’t push relationships late Tues. night. Sunday’s love might “return” later Wed. Hopes. happiness, popularity and flirtations fill Thurs./Fri. Enjoy, kick up our heels — dive into social settings, follow optimistic nudges in practical projects. Yes, love’s possible again. But retreat, lie low and rest Saturday. Don’t try to shout anyone down (your opinions are briefly wrong). Plan, think, access gov’t programs. A smooth, easy week, with good relationship opportunities.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast   LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The weeks ahead hold a lot of work for you, Leo. Might as well dive in and get it done, especially during the present smooth, productive week. Protect your health in daily ways. Eat, dress sensibly. Prevent stomach upsets. Co-workers will be pleasant, helpful, even affectionate. You might be a bit stressed on the home front, so count to ten before you trample anyone’s innocence or destroy their good opinion of you! A legal matter involving a property might arise before Jan. ends. Sunday/Mon. focus on investigation, investments, sexual lures, and lifestyle choices. Sunday’s great; Monday’s a dud. A wise, gentle mood steals over you Mon. night to Wed. You might spend these days wrapping up the legal signatures, etc., of a financial or investment deal… or you might be vowing “forever” to a new sexy partner. Careful in the latter case. Far travel, intellectual pursuits favoured. Be ambitious Thurs./Fri. Your luck is good, so ask a VIP or higher-up for a favour, new duties, or pay raise. Social delights, optimism, entertainment and wishes fill Sat. — careful, you could fool yourself, especially about  sex.

   VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Ah, sweet romance! The weeks ahead are filled with this entrancing theme. If you’re single, someone definitely catches your eye, invades your thoughts. This person might be inscrutable, largely silent, but also diplomatic and very practical. (Your practicality is about details, facts, tangible items; this person’s is about a larger field, about power and co-operative structures. A good combination.)  If you want to succeed in romance now, Virgo, start communicating. Your ability to talk sexy, to whisper seductive nothings, is at a peak until late Jan. For marrieds and others, the weeks ahead highlight creativity, children’s talents, gambling, sports, pleasure and beauty. Relationships slated Sun./Mon. Sunday’s superb, agreements (even love) available. Monday’s disappointing. Time actions accordingly. Monday night to Wed. promotes sex, intimacy, commitment and consequence, investigation, financial dealings and health fixes. Again, all runs smoothly, but take care late Tues. night — a conflict between romance and sex. Your wise self takes over Thurs./Fri. Chase far travel, intellectual, legal, cultural and media pursuits — and love. Back away mildly Thurs. suppertime (PST). Be ambitious Saturday, but don’t involve others — co-operation is lacking.

   LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Domestic and security interests are slated for the next few weeks, Libra. Be humble, not ambitious. You still have a problem in real estate, home, family, sales territory, or security zones. These few weeks exist in the midst of a very fortunate money/income year (to Nov. 2018) so extra spending, or moving, selling your abode, buying another, MIGHT solve the problem. If you buy any property (anytime before 2025) have an expert check for vermin and “basement issues” (foundation, water table, etc.). Use the weeks ahead to hug family members, revise diets, and perform repairs. Work and health concerns rise Sun. (superb, much accomplished) and Mon. (obstacles, wasted time). Relationships slated Monday night to Wed. — your luck’s mixed, so take what’s good, veer away from actions you feel uncertain about. You might obtain a pay raise, or land a lucrative client. Listen to your ideas!  Mysteries, secrets, sexual lures, investment opportunities arise Thurs./Friday. Investigate, dig deep — a treasure lies hidden. Saturday’s for wisdom, daydreaming, learning, envisioning far travel or social successes. Not a great day for work, or health — eat sensibly. A pretty good week!

   SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Errands and easy chores are slated for the few weeks ahead, Scorpio. Communicate, renew contacts, perform paperwork, travel. You face a very lucrative 2019. Until then, you will “build up” to this money fortune by planning, launching projects, obtaining training, etc. Use the month ahead to take care of the paperwork, talk and learning needed for this big push — be curious, ask questions. Sunday/Mon. are romantic, creative, risk-prone, and winning-prone — Sunday succeeds, but Mon.’s a dud, so time your actions. To work Mon. night to Wednesday. Work and health matters intensify until late Jan. — this could merely mean you’re very busy with easy chores and errands. You might engage in a hot and heavy flirtation with a co-worker. Relationships fill the horizon Thurs./Friday. Be diplomatic (you’re unconsciously a bit more forceful than usual) and eager to form any kind of association — all’s well, even blossoming. Sex, secrets, investigation, pregnancy, investments, debts, medical fixes and lifestyle choices Sat. — be cautious, avoid chasing romance “too soon.” (Or chasing it away by being too focused on physical embrace.) A good week, Scorpio — go, get lots done.

   SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Money fills the few weeks ahead, Sage. Chase a pay raise or lucrative clients. Buy/sell. Recent delays are over, so charge ahead. Your money luck rides a buoyant wave until mid-January. A significant person might chase you, in business or love. This week is quite easy. Turn toward home, family Sun./Mon. Sunday’s better — repairs, renos, local events favour you. Monday, though, use for rest — action meets brick walls. Romance, creative surges and gambling urges, beauty, pleasure and charming kids take over Mon. night to Wednesday. (But purely romantic notions are better shelved until after Jan. 26, as new lovers would find it easy to take advantage of you.) These days are also great for decorating, renovating, etc. A government agency might help. Tackle chores and protect your health Thurs./Fri. You’ll get much done Thurs., but stick to ongoing routine chores Friday. Relationships Sat. — someone’s deceiving, so proceed cautiously. Late this night, someone might approach you, or you them.

   CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Your energy, charisma, effectiveness and clout rise high over the weeks ahead, Cap. Lead others; put forth your best plans/projects. You have entered a very serious 3-year phase, in which you will, one way or another, grow closer to your true self, become your more mature self. Sunday/Mon. are for errands, paperwork, calls, contacts, trips. Sunday’s successful; Monday’s a bit of a dud. Your attention turns to basics, your foundations, your launching pad, and your home, Mon. night to Wed. March forward — you’ll succeed. You possess a lot of optimism about your home/family through January. Express this to someone — he/she will aid you. Romance slated Thurs./Fri. — ditto creative, speculative and pleasure urges. Indulge yourself — except Thurs. suppertime (PST) when a bit of quibbling might occur. Tackle chores Sat. — but take care with chemicals, gases, water, and instructions. Your physical charms radiate for the next three weeks.

   AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Retreat for a few weeks, Aquarius. Rest, catch your second breath, meditate, contemplate your life thus far, your own actions, and the best path forward. Deal with civil servants, advisors and agents. Bosses and authorities remain temperamental until late Jan., so step lightly. Your optimism and social life have declined softly over the last 3 years — that’s over. Now you begin to rebuild, though slowly before 2019. Sunday/Mon. emphasize money, earnings, garage sales, shopping, new clients, etc. Charge ahead Sun.; but pull back Mon., when not much works. You might chase a new sensual link — and could land him/her by Wed. Errands, casual friends, paperwork, communications and travel slated Monday night to Wed. Take care late Tues. night — avoid secret or dark actions, places. Home and family call you Thurs./Fri. — plunge into repairs, renos, garden, buy furniture, hug the kids, etc. All’s well! Romantic dreams cloud your vision Sat. Wait until late this night to chase anything/anyone. Avoid creative efforts.

   PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The weeks ahead bring you happiness. You’ll be popular, optimistic and flirtatious. Entertainment, social delights — and general good luck — surround you. Your charisma and energy sail high Sun./Mon. Sunday’s far better — Monday’s a dud. Take the lead, issue invitations, call friends, attend gatherings. But retreat to catch your wind Mon. night to Wed. Think, plan, rest, contact bureaucratic types. Paperwork, travel, communications and errands slated Thurs./Friday. All’s well, so charge ahead. Be curious, ask questions. Valuable information, road maps to your goals, can be uncovered. Do nothing illegal, nor express any far-out opinions, Thurs. suppertime. Head for home, or putter around the ‘hood Saturday. Repairs are okay, but don’t choose paint or any colours, Sat. Until late Jan., avoid legal hassles. You might make money from far travel, import-export, media or legal zones.

The End.