Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “July 31 – August 6, 2016.”
ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PDT, it is 8 pm in England – and 4 am the next day in China.) The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)
START NOTHING: 10:41 am to 9:51 pm Mon., 10:22 pm Wed. to 10:24 am Thurs., and 10:37 am to 9:11 pm Sat.
All Signs: (yes, Aries, too): don’t newly fall in love, nor start a new love affair this week, as a love formed now will almost certainly end in grief.
LEO is often called the sign of Hollywood. John Huston, Mike Douglas, Robert Redford, M. Night Shyamalan, Alfred Hitchcock, Debra Messing, Sean Penn, Ed Norton, Roman Polanski — all Leos. My respect for this sign climbed two notches when I learned Emily Bronte (“Wuthering Heights” author) was a Leo. Malcolm Lowry, who with James Joyce wrote probably the last century’s two greatest novels, was a Leo. (Joyce was an Aquarian. His writings were cool, cerebral, and flowed like a bright waterfall. Bronte’s great work was typically Leo — bristling with energy and clench-jawed determination, with heart, the heart roaring and crying. Lowry’s “Under The Volcano” was a long, dolorous study — filled with almost surreal beauty — of a man’s inability to love. Aquarians express the mind; Leos express the heart. Leos love passion, and their works often contain crescendos. J. K. Rowling, once (still?) the favourite author of all pre-teens, is a Leo.
You’re riding a winning streak, Aries, so pump up your charm and charge ahead. Your days will be filled with romance, creative and speculative urges, beauty and pleasure. Sunday/Monday are for relationships, though they won’t be easy Sunday until after 5 pm (PDT) – not a day for co-operation, nor for seeking a partner. You veer into deeper waters (good depths) Tues./Wed. You can succeed in finances, investments, debt reduction. You can increase intimacy with someone you desire. You can change your lifestyle, get deep medical advice, find a therapist or counsellor. All succeeds (unless you try for intimacy Wed. morning (PDT). A sweet, understanding mood flows over you Thurs. morning to Sat. night. Legal, ethical, international, media, cultural, intellectual, travel and love matters are highlighted – unfortunately not well; you could run into multiple barriers. Thursday, daytime, favours you, but from this point onward obstacles and poor luck dominate: step carefully!
The emphasis remains on home, family, security, retirement, garden, Mom Nature, nutrition – and rest. This is your natural month of hibernation, so take as many naps as you want. Hug the kids. This week and next are the best time of 2016 to “prune your garden” – let stale or unproductive projects and relationships go; begin or nurture new, and/or healthy links. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Sunday/Monday. Proceed carefully. Monday’s a bit stressful. Don’t buy machinery. Relationships fill Tues./Wed. – if married, you’ll know you’re still in love. If single, prospects appear – but DON’T even approach anyone new before Saturday night, as it will end in frustration. (This person might even marry you, but will refuse to love you.)That said, ordinary co-operation thrives these two days, in work, friendship and practical affairs. Thurs. midday to Sat. night steer you toward finances, depths, research and intimacy, medical and lifestyle actions – but not easily nor successfully – be careful! (In general, avoid “forward” action.)
This week and next continue the accent on short trips, siblings and casual friends, errands, messaging, writing, media, paperwork and details. During the present week, what you want in work and assets might come true; what you want in love will not (or, if you dive in, you’ll later wish you hadn’t). Although you’ll experience pleasure and spy beauty Sun./Mon., romantic approaches won’t go far. A sudden, unexpected attraction might spring up Mon. morn. (PDT) but it contains a long-term disappointment. Tackle chores and improve your vitamins Tues./Wed. – a lucky interval during which you’ll accomplish a lot. Relationships fill Thurs. morning to Saturday night. You’ll feel you’ve found a good friend (and maybe a flirty one) Thurs. eve, but after this obstacles prevail. Be diplomatic, don’t push others, and be skeptical of “opportunities.” Best focus this week: on your work, money, career.
The focus remains on money, earnings, expenses, possessions, memory and casual or friendly sex. (Regarding the last, DON’T fall into a brand new love/new affair this week – eventual heartbreak almost certain.) Sunday/Monday are domestic, focusing on home, children, garden, security, retirement plans, etc. However, hindrances and unexpected reactions counsel stepping carefully. Romance, beauty, art, pleasure, charming kids, self-expression, love, creativity and risk-taking consume you Tues./Wed. – very fortunately! Oddly, the one thing that might not work during this lucky little romantic interval, are man-woman relations Wed. morning. Otherwise, enjoy! Tackle chores Thurs. late morning (PDT) to Sat. night. Work on mechanical or “male” chores Thurs. After this, Fri./Sat. offer few avenues to success – be careful, slow, pre-think every move (measure 3 times before cutting, etc.). The two months ahead make your work intense and career-oriented. You might be offered a working partnership. All August, communications and travel are good, affection surrounds them.
Your energy and charisma, clout and effectiveness remain high – a yearly high. Your money luck’s good through August, and your romantic, creative courage and determination sit at a two-year high, now to late September. You’re primed to go, Leo! (Now to late September you will tend to win lawsuits, to be drawn toward international affairs/travel, toward higher education, philosophy, formal love (e.g., weddings) media, cultural venues, and statistics. In all these, a surge of creativity – or “dumb luck” – comes along to lift your boat.) Sunday/Monday are for errands, trips, visits, calls, messaging, paperwork, siblings and casual acquaintances: but the terrain is rough, so proceed with caution. Best time: Sunday eve. You could meet a stunning member of the opposite sex Mon. morning, or you could watch a friend do so. Leo, be careful – any new love started this week is sure to fail, in a bad way. Get domestic Tues./Wed. – home, kids, garden, Mother Nature, etc. This short interval is splendid for progress and projects, so start repairs, renos, landscaping, a child’s college fund, your own retirement fund, etc. Romance enters like a blowing breeze Thurs. mid-day to Sat. night. At first (Thurs.) love looks like the solution to everything; but Fri./Sat. the thorns appear. Dreaming might be better than action.
Remain restful, Virgo, for two more weeks. Try to clean up all the neglected chores that have accumulated over the years/months. This will free you for action from late August to late September, perhaps the luckiest time of this year for you. (A time when you might buy a property – but more of this later.) Use the week ahead to examine all factors, then create a plan of action…let it come naturally, think about it, jot any ideas down, then go away and ponder again, etc. One major warning: DON’T start a love affair or fall for anyone new this week: it would end tragically. Chase money – or I should say, protect money – Sunday/Monday. Errands, casual friends, paperwork, details, trips and communications fill Tues/Wed. – fortunately, so plunge in. You might talk to someone you will love someday (careful!) and/or reach sweet agreement with a lover or spouse. You speak/write very well these two days. Head for home (or quietly withdraw at work) late morning Thurs. to Sat. night. Be patient, restful: the less you attempt, the better you’ll fare.
Your future looks bright, Libra. That sense of optimistic anticipation you feel will be born out in a month or two, when a year of high personal luck begins – one of your luckiest years since 2004/05. Now is the time to look ahead, plan ahead and gather allies (the more groups/clubs you join now, the luckier you’ll be for a few years to come). Your popularity remains high this week and next. But the present week is not the easiest. Flirtations occur, bringing attractive “possibilities” if you’re single – but DON’T start a love affair nor let yourself be attracted to anyone new whom you meet before August 14. It would come to grief. Your energy, charisma and effectiveness sail high Sunday/Monday. But once again some of you face a major domestic hurdle or decision (2008 to 2024, so it’s a long trend). This can make you a bit testy with spouse/kids – you also might “see” that you have more work to do than you thought. (Work smart: delegate tasks.) Chase money on a fortunate Tues./Wed. – you’re likely to catch it! Schmooze with clients, butter up the boss, sell unwanted items, etc. Errands, messaging, details, media, casual friends and short trips fill Thurs. morning to Sat. night. You could make a good male friend Thurs. afternoon/eve, perhaps start a friendly romance (remember my warning above!). After this, you’ll meet numerous obstacles Fri. and Sat., so proceed with caution and take an easy, slow pace.
The focus remains on your career, prestige relations, authorities, worldly standing/reputation, and your ambitions this week and next, Scorpio. Two “side trends” exist, also: 1) your social scene sweetens with affection and opportunity to late August, which can help you schmooze and put in a good word for yourself; 2) your income expands rapidly until late September. This can hint at a pay raise, more clients, etc. However, money now is a two-edged sword, as you’ll be as prone to spend as to collect – curtail spending, or you could end up with less than you have now. Spend Sun./Mon. quietly, restfully. Contemplate, examine your life, where you have been and where you’re going…then make plans. Avoid action, commitments, as your luck’s low. Be charitable, spiritual. Your energy and charisma surge upward Tues./Wed. – luck rides with you, so get out, mingle, make contacts, start significant projects, especially in the business or career realms. Chase money Thurs. midday to Sat. night – but carefully, as many obstacles and irritants exist. Work makes money Thurs. Once note: don’t fall in/start a new love this week: bad results.
Bosses like you, all August. Your romantic and creative courage soars all August and September. (But DO NOT start an affair or fall for a new person this week – heart-empty results.) You’re primed for big things this week and next – far travel, higher learning, social/cultural rituals, philosophical prominence, etc. It will happen in a mild, good-natured way. You’re optimistic, flirtatious, popular and social Sun./Mon. However, circumstances are awry (especially in home, career and money areas) so you’ll accomplish little. Instead, steep yourself in enjoyment! Retreat Tues. to midday Thurs. – be charitable, spiritual, approach government agencies, rest, plan your future. Your energy, pizzazz, effectiveness and clout soar Thurs. midday to Sat. night. You’ll be the star, the leader. As many factors go against you as favour you, so be nimble. Thursday can bring hot love, romance. (But re-read the second sentence above.) A lucky stroke around late morning Sat. might bring an “electric” attraction – if so, go ahead, this one’s safe. (But maybe not for marriage.)
Two weeks remain of a period of mysteries and secrets (including valuable “secret” information, such as financial investors might possess). You feel more sexual, and more serious, and more financially ambitious, than usual. However, this week, DON’T fall in love or start an affair with someone new. It will fail – the later it does so, the worse. You’re favoured in legal, international and intellectual zones all August. Both August and September are good months to buy real estate – and both months urge you to avoid dark alleys, biker clubs and places of violence. (Contrarily, Capricorn athletes tend to excel, same two months.) Be ambitious Sun./Mon., but keep a “safety margin,” as some things might fail. You might be forced to decide between career and home. Good luck returns Tues./Wed. Your popularity will rise (mildly) – you’ll feel social, flirty and light-hearted. A legal, far travel or scholastic matter might contain good news. Jumbled luck returns Thurs. midday to Sat. night – retreat, rest, avoid competitive situations and people. Contemplate, plan, be calm and forgiving. You might stumble upon some good earnings news Sat. morning.
Two more weeks of relationships, Aquarius. Be co-operative, diplomatic. You’ll gain more (or become more enmeshed in the mire) from jumping on another’s bandwagon than trying to drive your own. Your hopes about your future are growing more sober, realistic. Although August is usually a month for you to meet exciting new people, even to find a mate, the present week warns you not to start a new affair, nor even approach a new person. A love started now would end badly. Sunday/Monday bring a wise, mellow mood, an interest in justice, international affairs, higher learning, far travel, and the meaning of life. Love grows gentle. However, difficult aspects hint you’ll accomplish little. Quietly take the high road, and skirt around temptations and sexy but deceptive people. Be ambitious Tues./Wed. – now your luck rises, so take advantage – submit a proposal to the boss, tug a VIP’s sleeve, etc. A management position or good investment awaits you. (Usually this would also bring great sex/lust, but as stated, a love begun now will sting you eventually. Steer toward happiness Thurs. mid-morn to Sat. night. This interval isn’t so easy, either – but you’ll hardly notice little frustrations, barriers and let-downs, as your mood’s so happy. Be joyful, but cautious. Thursday’s busy socially, with a romantic twist. Friday’s yuck. Sat.’s lively, successful around mid-morning.
Chores keep coming this week and next, Pisces. Might as well heave a big sigh and plunge in. (Late August and early September will present you with the second-biggest “chance” in the last 12 months, to join another, marry, relocate, become a media hit, attract the public, etc. – clearing away all chores now will leave you free to act on opportunities in a few weeks.) Eat and dress sensibly. Sunday/Monday are deep, mysterious, lure you toward a sexy (and somewhat dangerously thrilling) situation or toward making an investment. Do neither, as your luck’s poor. What you want is not what you need. Avoid commitment. Wisdom, gentle love, a broader outlook – these visit fortunately Tues./Wed., and could nudge you to apply for school, buy travel tickets, bury from yourself in a cultural endeavor, or fall in love with a precise, practical person (a Virgo type) – do all but the last, as a new love started this week will qualify for the tragedy Oscars. Be ambitious Thurs. noon to Sat. night. Again, luck is mixed, so jump ahead where you can, and back away quickly from unhelpful situations. You could earn/find extra money Thurs. You might strike it lucky in money, pay scale, Sat. morning, especially if a confidant gives you a clue, or you’re reading the government gazette (in which the gov’t seek tenders, bids, etc.).
The End.