START NOTHING: (For Jan. 3 – 9, 2021): 1:34 pm to 9:42 pm Mon., 9:55 pm Wed. to 0:53 am Thurs., and 5:59 pm Fri. to 3:15 am Sat.
ALL SIGNS: Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18. Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
In 2021 and ’22, Aries, your career wishes will come true, especially if you socialize with prominent people. 2021 will definitely expand your social circle, and new acquaintances will tend to have a strong role to play in your future ambitions. This is the perfect time to golf with the boss, join/lead a union, organize outings and seminars at work, etc.
Another wish can come true: to win a lawsuit, visit a foreign land, publish, or find your life mate. (However, don’t waste your year chasing these exclusively.) Some of the new friends who enter your life now will stay in it for many years, even decades. Until 2026, friends and acquaintances will be important sources of income.
January is splendid for career/business projects/efforts — and for pursuing money goals (through February). Former friends and an old flame arrive in February. Important domestic or real estate developments late April to mid June.
June to August brings powerful romance or an undeniable inventive/creative streak. Your work demands attention August to mid September. Mid-September (through October) picks up the love note again, and could bring you a mate.
Sexual intimacy and/or significant financial actions grab your attention November/December. Results could be good!
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
2021 and 22 will be significant years for your ambitions, your career and prestige — your worldly position. 2021 is the “kick off” year, while ’22 will “follow the direction” that 2021 carves out.
New careers or businesses, or new projects or situations in your career, have two essential qualities: 1) splendid good luck, and 2) realism, practicality and restrictions (which can help you succeed by not letting your energies “wander”). Two elements will be involved also: deep pockets, big money; and ethical, legal, international or intellectual factors. You might become a parent.
No matter what, where or how, Taurus, chase ambition and prestige in 2021 — you will end up with more than you expected, and more stability, too. You might be creating a “niche” for yourself that will stabilize and grow for 3 decades. January/February is perfect for action on these fronts (“head office” or gov’t maybe involved) but they will reward your efforts January to May, and August to December.
May to August brings new friends, admittance to productive, compatible groups/clubs, and fresh flirtations! March/April bring a gusher of money — and debts, unless you control spending. Be patient on the home front June/July. Romance fires you up August/September. Opportunities come in November — one at least is triggered by a casual word or remark. All year (to 2026) guard against stress — learn de-stressing methods. (Nature is the biggest de-stresser in existence.)
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
A new intellectual, publishing, travel or learning phase begins in 2021, will carry through 2022, and can happily seed a future 3 decades of enhanced creativity, learning and communicating. If you’re a writer, now is the time to shop that manuscript around. If you’re a lawyer, expect some pretty significant cases – with you being on the winning side.
2021 is the kind of year when you might move to another continent or country, when you might wed the love of your life, or begin an educational program that will lift you right out of your present circumstances and plug you into a more vibrant and aware crowd — for life.
January and February are significant times to grasp any of the trends outlined above. You can still act on these trends March to May, and August to December, although perhaps with a little less force. Love might be calling you to a secluded, even secret place. In business, even private secret deals might occur. They are almost certainly fortunate, so dig in.
From January to May, and August onward, your planet of relationships, relocation and opportunities is bound together with your planet of investments, research/ secrets, and sex. Mix these all together, and you’ll get a good idea of 2021. Chase your career mid May to the end of July: higher ups will be in an expansive, generous mood, and will be willing to add you to their plans.
Love wins all year, but esp. in April, and September/October (when an old flame might appear). One warning: if you suffer unexpected or seemingly unreasonable delays in love, be careful — this might not be the right one for you.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
All year, Cancer, it’s better to manage and delegate tasks than to be “hands on.” You are over halfway through a period (to 2025) that favours your intellectual, love and travel interests, and heightens your intuition. Until 2026, bright, unpredictable new friends will enter your sphere — some of these, in ’21, will open doors to lucky financial, research, medical, lifestyle and sexual depths.
This year, sexual and marital attractions combine; they do so in 2022, also, but not as strongly. There is something “time lasting” about what occurs in ’21. Whether it’s an investment, an intimate joining, a medical procedure or new lifestyle, what you establish now can last — and grow — for 3 decades. (Yes, mortgages qualify.)
One exception: between mid-May and July’s end, luck briefly abandons you in these zones, but appears instead in your love, travel, intellectual and legal areas. If single, you might mate physically before May, then wed before August. BTW, pregnancy is quite likely.
Many friends gather around January/February — some of them can open doors for your ambitions. Excellent sexual, financial luck in February. Be patient on the home front March/April. Chasing money could lead to a real trip in August. Romance, November.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
Two major planets — one representing romance and creativity, the other work and health — spend most of 2021 in your partnership zone. This can create strong opportunities (even partnerships) in business, some of which might require you to relocate. In love, you might form an enduring bond with a co-worker or someone in your field.
This is a lucky relationship influence, but it also demands loyalty, level-headedness and “work” from you. You could be building a 3-decade “relationship,” Leo, perhaps a life-long marriage.
Socially and romantically, you will harmonize more in ’21 and ’22 with other generations than your own (or where 7+ years of difference exist). Love of any kind is important and potent in January/February — but the same 2 months can create friction with higher-ups. Be diplomatic, esp. if facing a judge.
Romance fills your dreams June/July, when your sexual magnetism surges. December holds romantic thrills, but also friction at home — could the two be linked?
From mid-May to July’s end, a strong streak of almost “hidden luck” blesses your investment, financial, medical, research and sexual interests. Young couples could celebrate pregnancy. A research or financial project started May-July might or might not reward immediately, but it will return with lucky banners flying in 2022.
Your career and worldly reputation continue to be mildly erratic (until 2026) and largely dependent on your associations/partners and/or your ability to charm and persuade others.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
You might start a new business, employment, or practical project in 2021 that will last and grow for many years, even to the middle of the century. This particular “building” influence only happens every 20 years (19.8) so it’s not to be wasted! Only one thing can seriously impede it — wanderlust, academic or philosophical/religious involvements, legal, intellectual or cultural demands.
E.g., you might decide to travel around Europe rather than building any practical project. But even in those areas that might conflict with this building influence, you can still build something lasting. For example, earning your degree at a university is still a practical project that can pay off for the decades to come.
Whatever happens, your workload will expand, it will demand more care and time, but will also give you pleasure and creative satisfaction. January/February are significant, but this practical influence lasts until late December.
However, little of the above applies from mid-May to July’s end, when opportunities, attractions, relocation themes, love/marriage, even fame, might visit you. For instance, if single, you could meet a very viable life-mate prospect. Much of this May-July brings promise, which will be fulfilled in 2022.
Guard your digestive health all year. You radiate sexual magnetism August/ September. An “ex” might appear, attract, in July.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Wow. This is quite the year, Libra. In 2020, if single, you likely met someone who represents a vital, strong relationship, marriage, etc. If not in the romantic queue, you likely met a good business partner, or spied a great place to relocate to, or saw and began to seize a rare opportunity.
Now, in ’21, two heavyweight planets: lucky, cheerful, optimistic Jupiter; and dour, restrictive, skeptical and realistic Saturn, travel through your romance, creativity and risk-taking sector.
Together, these planets form a beautiful union of good luck and practicality. They offer a base to build something on, something that can last and grow for 3 decades or longer. If you formed a strong bond in 2020, continue it now, as ’21 brings deep love to your union. If you met no one last year, ’21 offers a love that’s deep, optimistic, friendly, domestic and very durable.
My advice (if you haven’t already): fall in love! January/February are most potent here (and filled with powerful sexual desire). June/July could make a love wish come true, esp. if you’re with friends, attending a club, etc. In October you sizzle with sexual magnetism; in November you “use” it.
Health-wise, protect your nervous system. Avoid stress, which can cause “unrelated” ills. From mid-May to July’s end, your work duties will expand — maybe more than you like! But work = $.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Every 20 years, Scorpio, you get a splendid chance to build a platform for your life. For most people this means building a home and/or a family, buying a house, etc. but if you are already established, you might stop leasing your business promises and purchase a property for them instead. Or, you could start building a new business from the ground floor up. This is an excellent year to renovate or repair your house, landscape or build a big new garden.
2021 is also a great time to put your children’s affairs in order and set them on a path toward success. For instance, start an education fund. Children are so rewarding now that some of you will adopt a little tyke. What you start or build now will last and grow for decades. January/February are most potent here, but all 2021 buoys and encourages your efforts to build that life platform.
From mid May to July’s end, this practical, routine urge will be replaced by a sudden sweet wind of romance. Hop on and enjoy the flight! (Much of this romance influence will be more a promise than a fulfillment — but that promise will be answered, in 2022.)
Late April/May, and September can bring viable love or life-mate attractions. Your sexual magnetism smokes in November/December. Remember, until 2025/6 partnerships will be unpredictable yet domestically oriented, and romantic love will be ideal, innocent and deep.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
One of the best things you can do in 2021, Sage, is to join with another, to seek outside your self. To seek opportunities, to deal with the public, to seek fame, to negotiate and cooperate, even, perhaps, to relocate. You will be helped in all or any of these in 2021 by a fortunate expansion of your contacts, travel and visits, and communications. (If you’re a writer, this could be the year you turn out a Pulitzer-level article/report.)
In everything, aim for the quick and short and close rather than the ponderous, far and slow. So a magazine article will give you more than a book. Buy a new Rolodex – you might need it. Your employment (and in some cases your health) can be directly affected by your notes, calls and paperwork. Some of the new people you meet this year can morph into very long-term friends and associations. Almost without exception, these new contacts will benefit you.
You might have begun a flaming romance in 2020. This love should continue through ’21 and even beyond, but ’21 is a good time to communicate with your love about absolutely everything in the world. That way, if you do move towards marriage, you will both know what to expect.
Romance is strong in April — someone who argues with or challenges you could be frustratingly seductive. June/July bring a more mellow but still essentially romantic liaison. Steer clear of angry and impatient higher ups in August/September. A wish could come true in October: might be the return of a former friend or flame.
From mid-May to July’s end, family, and real estate in general are blessed. This is a splendid time to change homes or buy any real estate. You might not quite get it together in time to take advantage, but that’s OK because 2022 will bring even bigger benefits in this area.
This is a great year to travel locally or within your nation, and to take a driving vacation.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Whether it is through employment, clients, or your own business, you can put yourself on a new and higher income plateau in 2021, a plateau that can last for 30 years, and grow steadily all those years. An opportunity as deep and strong as this one only comes every 20 years – so make sure you take advantage!
January/February are important times to chase more income, but the opportunity to do so lasts the whole year. You might become a wheeler-dealer, haunting garage sales to search for forgotten art, etc.
2021 also expands and rewards any schooling or “rote” learning, and can “hook you up” with a sensual, comfortably intimate relationship, but take care: if this bond goes even a bit deep, it might turn into a decades-long situation. Make sure you love someone before you embrace, or you could sign on for years of boredom.
The money chase might not yield much mid-May to late July, as a flurry of paperwork, travel, communications and easy but time consuming chores distracts you from the dollar pursuit. That’s okay — resume the hunt August to December.
Until 2026, your romantic life will be rather unusual — sparkling, alive, unpredictable — and tied to your money, your income. If single, you might be tempted tp brag in discreet ways about just how good you are with money — a good way to land someone who cares more about it than you.
Lots of hard work March/April. Love attractions might morph into contests, even conflict, May/June. June/July are very sexy. Be ambitious and hard-working September/October, but also measure your steps — higher-ups are impatient, even angry. (A competitor has their backs up — so don’t look like a competitor!) You are sweet and affectionate in November, and could attract a flirtatious and loving person.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
2021 will be a seminal and significant year for you, Aquarius. You are likely to do something this year which turns your life in a good, solid and beneficial direction, and/or launch a project or relationship which will stay in your life and grow deeper for many years. But what, who?
Well, lucky Jupiter stays in your sign all year (with a wee exception) so we know a wish will come true, probably one involving friends, social group, or love. But Saturn stays in Aquarius, also — in ’21 and ’22. Saturn, for you, governs management, delegating, committees, policy, and gov’t, background or institutional work. And that wish coming true, if love, probably involves someone “found in heaven,” but who also restricts you and keeps you on an even keel. So, a sober wish, or a friendship or social group that will stay with you for decades.
This influence can also shoot you forward in career and prestige areas, esp. if you’re in management. (If not, apply for management, union, or similar positions.)
January/February are potent, powerful months for establishing deep, reliable relationships, but both months also feature conflict on the home front. ’21 is a good year for expanding, “busting out,” seeking new adventures and new horizons to conquer — and the conquest will be a practical, solid, sober one.
From mid-May to late July, you might be kissed by money luck, esp. on the income (not investment) side. The “promise” of these several months will be fulfilled in 2022. You speak romantically March/April, but what’s behind it? June to August is romantic, and partnerships are blessed. Your sexual magnetism flares August/September. Bosses are feisty, impatient, even grudge-prone, November/December, so step lightly.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
There might be something deep in you, Pisces, that you’ve always wanted to harness or reveal or use. It could be a psychic talent, or a management skill, or a deep urge to help others. In ’21, that hidden nugget might come to life, and become one of your guiding principles.
2021 combines career luck with hopes and wishes, ambitious goals with social situations. You can climb the career ladder now in a measured, solid way that can put you on a success footing for many years to come. This might be the best year for ambitions in the last 20. BUT keep to the straight and narrow — don’t yield to the temptation to do something sly to get ahead — it would “lock you out” from ambition’s progress.
You might feel a little penned in, quiet or enervated in ’21. Don’t try for big, challenging and/or physical goals this year; instead, work quietly with your instincts and intelligence: plan, allocate, study goals, command a world from your desk. Work smart, not hard. Institutions, administrative offices and government will be fortunate places for you all year. Communications, contacts and paperwork can figure prominently in your success.
There’s an exception to all the above: from mid May to the end of July you will unexpectedly be filled with energy, optimism and cheerfulness. You will attract friends, good fortune, and career opportunities. Much of what happens May to July might be more promising than fulfilment – but in 2022 that fulfilment will arrive.
Skirt domestic friction March/April. (May/June could take you back to a former — childhood? — home.) Passion can blossom May to July. Relationships are feisty August/September — anger might be love in disguise. October’s deep and sexy, November’s mellow and compassionate — and loving.
Start no new projects nor relationships from January 30 to February 20, May 29 to June 22, and September 27 to October 18.
Delays can hinder major projects in late summer, Aug. to mid-October.