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Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING:  3:14 am to 3:24 am Sun., 4:59 am to 7:50 am Tues., 3:12 pm to 3:47 pm Thursday., and after 8:36 pm Sat.




Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s VP pick, said that Kamala as a young woman was a prostitute. His words: “She got her start as a prostitue.” A Freudian slip. Kamala got her big start by sleeping with San Francisco’s mayor, who showered political appointments and favours on her.


The trouble with Trump is that he has allowed himself to be typecast.


U.S. Politics? No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should — Desiderata, twisted slightly.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The four weeks ahead strongly emphasize relationships, public appearances, relocation and general opportunities, Aries. Eagerness, which you have in spades, and diplomacy, which you usually have trouble finding, are both required for success. Remember, for 4 weeks ahead, others hold the winning cards — so join, don’t fight. Home life remains a bit friction-prone. A valuable relationship is starting to enter a “commitment zone” — could be money, sex, or “formal partnership” stuff. All these are favoured — e.g., investments will tend to swell in value. Near week’s end, and continuing to mid-October, someone begins to communicate — good. Communications, trips, errands and casual acquaintances fill Sun./Mon., in a lucky, expansive way, but — a relationship might take a subtle but definite move toward ending despite all the surface luck. By pre-dawn Tuesday (PDT) you don’t know what to make of the situation. Head for home, family, mother nature and security Tuesday dawn to late afternoon Thursday. Rest, nap, dream, plan. Thursday eve through Saturday offers romance, creativity, adventure, games/sports, beauty and pleasure. Success is a little muted. Watch driving, electricity or simple human unpredictability Saturday night.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The month ahead brings chores, employment issues, machinery and tools, vitamins and their ilk, nutritious meals and daily health needs, Taurus — including those of dependents. Follow all safety rules. Much talk about work will start Thursday (to mid-October) with an accompanying possibility to grab a more creative or “fun” job. Your income/$ situation remains good until mid-2025. You’re a bit restless, and might speak out of turn (i.e., inappropriately) or suddenly travel (in a management capacity?) now to early November. (This trend returns during the first 4 months of 2025.) If you’re in management, a pile of paperwork is dumped on your desk. This week (until mid-October) sweetens relationships in general. Chase $ Sun./Mon. — buy/sell, hug a “friend with benefit(s)” or sit down to learn something. Destiny is saying No to a “completed” relationship that might have more to do with work than love. Tuesday dawn (PDT) to Thursday afternoon highlights communications, travel and paperwork — some irksome obstacles both Tuesday and Wednesday pre-dawns (PDT) but overall this is a very fortunate interval, offering romantic, creative and “taking a risk” success. Head for home, family, security and Mother Nature Thursday afternoon through Sat. Thursday lures and repels. Fri./Sat. Are “okay.”


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You face a month of romance, beauty, pleasure, games/sports, creative and speculative success, and joys from children, Gemini. Your unusual cheerfulness and optimism will win hearts — and you are in a year (to next June) where you call the shots in partnership plans, dealings/agreements, public appearances, relocation and grabbing opportunities. (Soon you can face delays or indecision regarding your biggest plans, October thru January. Possible solution: look for answers to a big, past notion or goal.) A romance can lead to marriage. (In astrology, co-habitation is marriage.) Money flows swiftly to you until Nov. 4, and again January to April, 2025. Bank it, pay down debt — don’t spend recklessly! Co-workers are pleasant, gracious. Your energy and charisma soar Sun./Mon. Good and bad luck mingle. The bad luck involves money, investment, sex, secrets, work and/or health. The good luck shines in management, gov’t, family, home, and relationships (Sunday morn and Monday daytime, PDT). Collect money, buy/sell, hug a friendly love, study, Tuesday to Thursday afternoon. Again,  your luck is jumbled, but is strongly on the good side, so plunge in. Errands, paperwork and travel fill Thursday suppertime through Saturday — okay, a bit blah. Don’t gossip Saturday night.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

You’ll like the 4 weeks ahead, Cancer. They feature home, family, cooking, yard activities, repairs, decorating, even building. You’ll look for ways to enhance your family’s security. Lots of family discussions. Mars is in your sign until Nov. 4, and again Jan. to April 2025. This makes you determined, impulsive, assertive, ambitious and sexually magnetic. These months ahead could signal a big development in career areas. A sweet romantic streak arrives now to mid-October. As always this year, your biggest luck lies in management, gov’t, and similar zones. Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan Sun./Mon. A relationship just won’t work — let go and move on. Your energy and charisma soar upward Tuesday dawn (PDT) to Thursday afternoon — much good here, especially in relationships and love, but don’t try to revive a broken bond. Chase/collect $, hug a friendly, light romantic prospect, and sit down to study something, Thursday suppertime through Saturday. Set reasonable goals.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The weeks ahead feature errands and short trips, paperwork and communications, Leo. Not the most exciting time, but these communications and trips can lead you to the fulfillment of a romantic or creative wish. Now to Nov. 4, and January to April 2025, beware belligerent individuals and sketchy places. (Trump, a Leo rising, might face another assassination attempt.) Your home and family will be a sweet refuge now to mid-October. Until May 2025, be cautious with investments. Sex is slow and “partial,” but “survives.” Dream your biggest wishes Sun./Mon. — something will be lost (a work or sexual bond?) but only to clear space for what/who you really want. Retreat from the fray Tuesday to mid-afternoon Thursday (PDT). Rest, contemplate and plan. Liaise with gov’t, medical workers, management types. Good luck far outweighs bad here. A work-money success possible. Your energy and charisma soar Thursday suppertime through Saturday — not great aspects, but you can still make a mark, start career or “ambitious partnership” projects.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Pursue money sources during the 4 weeks ahead, Virgo. It will be a good time to learn/memorize something, and to embrace intimacy with someone you trust, like, but don’t love. Remember, your prime luck until next June lies in career, prestige relations, and ambition. This will dovetail nicely with this month’s emphasis on earnings. Pay raise a definite possibility. You might change employers in the next 8 months — a fortunate move. You’re determined and assertive about groups and friends, and from this social sphere might come a powerful sexual attraction, or a beneficial investment contact or financial move. Communications are affectionate, gracious for 3 weeks. Be ambitious Sun./Mon. Something might end, but something good begins, also. Wishes can come true Tuesday dawn to mid-afternoon Thursday (PDT). Optimism, popularity, flirting, social joys lift your heart. You could fall in love. But retreat Thursday suppertime through Saturday — rest, contemplate and plan. Let an “ethical breech” go.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The 4 weeks ahead are your kingdom, Libra! Your energy and charisma will be vibrant and strong. Get out, see and be seen, start significant projects gather allies, state your case, ask favours, etc. But be very cautious with two areas: relationships/partnerships/marriage and career. Others might try to dominate you. Bosses and higher-ups will (unless you work in a primary industry — agri, mining, forestry, fishing) be impatient, assertive and short-tempered. On the relationship side, this is a dicey time to seek harmony, and one of the worst times to seek/find a mate. This influence lasts until Nov. 4, and returns January to April next year. Hmmm. If you’re married or in a love situation (that began before September) this translates into some friction with your spouse. Your money/income picture looks good until Oct. 17. Thursday onward, you will become more restless, communicative — and profound ideas come, are valuable. Sunday/Monday bring such ideas a little early, or as prototypes, and favours far travel, legal or higher learning possibilities. Be ambitious Tuesday dawn to mid-afternoon Thurs. — luck is mingled, but 80 % good, esp. with management. Social joys, optimism, flirting, entertainment arrive Thursday suppertime through Sat. (But don’t push for sex Sat.)


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Lie low for the 4 weeks ahead, Scorpio. This is your annual “hibernation” time, when you need to sink down and sleep/rest so you’ll have more energy for the months that follow. It’s a good few weeks to examine your progress thus far, and where you want to go, in the broadest way. Then begin to plan your next steps. It’s a good time for dealing with head office, institutions or the gov’t. Apply for benefits. Remember, you’re in an excellent year (until June/25) for investments, sex, surgery, life style change, and research. These will dovetail naturally with the few weeks ahead. E.g., what you research can open a door to management, or add depth and viability to your plans. Strictly avoid lawsuits, and lawyers. Despite your weariness, you remain physically attractive to someone. Sunday/Monday light up that investment, sex, life changes influence — Monday daytime most fortunate. International, legal, educational, media and philosophical zones open for you Tuesday dawn to suppertime Thurs. (PDT). Good luck outweighs bad, so march ahead. Be ambitious Thursday eve through Saturday — not a lot of result. Don’t try to push someone into an agreement Sat.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Wishes can come true, Sage! The 4 weeks ahead bring popularity, social delights, flirtations, optimism and entertainment. As you’re in a powerful time for mating/marriage until next June, singles among you might meet “the mate” through a social function or in a group. Your sexual desires are strong until Nov. 4, and again next January to April. You might link up with someone who attracts you both romantically and sexually (or financially). Remember, though, that your home life is sluggish or restrictive now (until next May). This hints that your best time to seek mate will be May 25, 2025 to June 8, 2025. But who can wait that long? At least one of your major wishes is a private one, might involve “sneaking around.” Relationships hit a peak Sun./Mon. — best pre-dawn Sunday, or Monday daytime (all PDT). Sex, drugs, surgery, life changes, large financial actions, research, commitment and consequence fill Tuesday dawn to mid-afternoon Thurs. There is poor luck here (mostly a tug-o-war between career and home or a money dilemma) but there is also great good luck — lots of it. A mellow, gently loving mood steals over you Thursday eve through Sat. International, far travel, legal, media and profound ideas attract you. Drive carefully Saturday pm.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The accent for the month ahead lies on career, prestige relations, worldly standing, and ambition generally, Cap. Your work will almost certainly expand — this is your greatest source of good luck (until next June) — but perhaps also your greatest source of burdens and new duties. Co-workers will be talkative and messages will proliferate about the job at hand (to mid-October). Socially, you’ll feel blessed until October. 17. Others are impulsive, assertive (or worse) and sexually magnetic, now to Nov. 3, and again Jan. to April, 2025. Be diplomatic, avoid arguments/fights. During the times mentioned, you might end a major bond, and start another one. Tackle chores Sun./Mon. Monday best. Those feisty relationships mentioned above arise Tuesday dawn to mid-afternoon Thurs. (PDT). You’ll find the optimistic, cheerful side of relations — obstacles exist, but are outweighed by good fortune. Dive — but cautiously — into the depths of life from Thursday eve through Saturday. Investments, lifestyle changes, medical/surgery themes, strong sexual temptations, research and intuition are all mildly favourable, but rewards look elusive. Forget romance Saturday night.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

During the next 4 weeks, Aquarius, the general emphasis will be on international affairs, far travel, higher learning, law, social rituals, philosophy/religion, publishing, profound ideas — and gentle love. You are very favoured to find romantic love this year (to next June) which dovetails nicely with the gentle, intellectual love these present few weeks bring. But realize that from October 9 to February. 3, 2025, romance might face delays or indecision. So if you want to act, act early — this Monday daytime is pretty good. (Sunday says “No” to any clandestine or extramarital action, or any co-worker attraction.) A Gemini might stand out. Your workload is big and intense, to Nov. 3, and from Jan. to April, 2025 — mostly in communications and paperwork zones. Be alert around sharp tools, machinery. Bosses favour you until mid-October. — ask for a pay raise? Sun./Mon. are romantic, creative. Monday best. Tackle chores Tuesday dawn to mid-afternoon Thursday (PDT). You’ll get loads done, but avoid “wrong directions” Tuesday pm. Exciting meetings and new horizons face you Thursday eve through Saturday. Don’t let a silly argument disrupt Saturday night.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Life’s depths float to the surface during the 4 weeks ahead, Pisces. You’ll find it easy (if you look) to access valuable financial data, to locate items when you research, to make medical and lifestyle decisions, and to feel powerfully sexually attracted. (Don’t let this lead to extramarital stuff.) (The sexual attraction, really “romantic heat,” will last until Nov. 3, then return, January to April next year.) It’s an excellent month to invest, or to re-arrange debt. As your greatest source of good fortune now to next June is real estate, and October is so favoured for investment — well, do the math. Affectionate, sweet ideas come to you until mid-October, and could lead to sweet conversations. Sun./Mon. are for home, family, real estate, security. Monday daytime (to 3:30 pm PDT) best. Romance is hot and even wild Tuesday dawn to mid-afternoon Thursday. Great creative period, also. Some obstacles, but good luck predominates. Tackle chores Thursday eve through Sat. Go slow. Thursday eve/night best. Careful with tools, machines, electricity Saturday night.






Is luck blind? In astrology, luck and karma are ruled by different phenomena. Saturn is considered the planet of bad luck… a finding I do not totally agree with… And Jupiter is called the ruler of good luck. But karma is ruled by the Moon’s nodes — the north node indicates good Karma, and the south node bad. I believe that karma outweighs luck.

If ever Jupiter and the south lunar node appear in one place in your chart, will bad karma outweigh good luck? Yeah. In fact, bad karma (the south lunar node) can use Jupiter’s lucky influence to punish or even destroy a person’s life.

Say one year Jupiter transits (is in) your fourth house of real estate – the luckiest year in 12 to buy a home. But if the south node of bad karma is also in your house of real estate, watch out. Jupiter, being expansive, cheerful and optimistic, nudges a carpenter to buy a huge, rock-star type mansion while interest rates are below 2%. The bank is glad to lend. Then, one or two years later, mortgage rates climb to 8%. The carpenter could easily handle His $2000 a month mortgage at 2%, but that now jumps to $8000 a month — more than his total pay check. The carpenter has to either sell or lose it to the bank. In either case, he loses his home. Jupiter was lucky and at its finest, but karma was trickier, and used Jupiters luck against its “victim.” (In quotes because karma is payback, not victimization.)

There’s the reverse situation, a supposedly bad planet in the same sign or house as the lunar north node of good karma. In a sense the good karma takes over, and it enables you to use the supposedly negative energy of the malefic (Saturn, Mars, Uranus, etc.) in a wise way. Saturn, for example, has many virtues. It is often associated with political and corporate leaders. It has a steady, quietly energetic and quietly assertive push, or ambition. Saturn rules structure, so it helps us build things, from good habits to 100 story skyscrapers. Yes it gets in our way, when we are doing something that is not really profitable. If we listen to Saturn’s signal, we can avoid a lot of harsher  experiences. These are two simple illustrations; there are many possible combinations.

On a deeper level, I believe that luck and karma are intertwined, but I don’t know how to say it.


I just saw a great film, 1998… I think that’s the title. Basically, when the all white jury exonerated the four policeman who were caught on video beating an innocent, prone black man (Rodney King) – within hours a part of Los Angeles, the Black and Korean ghettos, flared into riots, with smashed stores, killings, torched cars, beatings and other mayhem.

This rampage was followed by a heightened awareness and new legislation addressing racism. So the riots were not in vain, but they could have had a much bigger effect. Basically, the blacks destroyed their own neighbourhoods and many Korean businesses which had served the black community. It’s idiocy: “I’m mad as hell at the oppressors, so I’m going to burn my own house down, and beat my family.” “As an act of defiance, I’m going to do to myself exactly what the oppressors want to do to me.” It’s the ultimate sign of impotence.

The Caucasians (whose police beat black men) did not suffer from the riot, except that their taxes might have risen to repair the damage.

The Blacks were impotent because they were not organized. With planning, they could have wrecked havoc on affluent neighbourhoods, could have taken over the subway and/or railway, and whatever else, and then made demands, such as the city and the state rebuild their entire ghetto, with architectural plans to be approved by the blacks. Or some such stuff.

It’s a very good film, the pacing is perfect, the acting doesn’t contain one false note, although it ranges from a nervous, cowardly wanna be crook to a murderous, grizzled old thief who casually dispatches several people with his gun. (One of them because he was crying too much after a forklift fell on his leg.) But that’s enuf plot. A good film.


The best glimpse I had recently into Kamala Harris’s character was when she kept lying in the debate with Trump. The lies were so numerous, and said so easily, that it disturbed me. But my deepest recognition of what she was came about a month earlier, when she said that Elon Musk and X were a danger to democracy. She stated that when she was president, she would shut down X because it “exceeded limits,” (i.e., told the truth). Or did she say, exceeded boundaries? Whose limits? Whose boundaries? Biden’s and the limits of all the ugly crew behind Camel Face, likely. The limits of the censors? A violation of “1984” perhaps?


On the one hand she giveth, Housing subsidies and a fattened family allowance, etc., and on the other hand she taketh away, freedom of speech, banning Twitter/X, right to bare arms, and individual health care. That last one puzzled me: Who could object to free healthcare?

Today, as I was writing this, I received a call from a sports doctor’s office to make an appointment for mid-October. The referral was made in January. I live in Canada, where medical care is free-for-all and delayed-for-all. Of course it’s not free; you pay for it through your taxes. But it IS delayed, so much so that you regularly see reports in the news about people dying while waiting for treatment.

There’s another problem with socialized medicine: it removes the incentive for doctors to elevate, research or discover, because there’s no reward for them. There are research labs in large companies, but their study is very company specific. To some degree the government funds research. But 90% of the innovations come from the USA, where private medicine dominates. This is the second disadvantage of socialist medicine. Harris does not tell you, but she will have to embrace  these: long wait times, probably accompanied by overcrowding, which is happening in Canada, and a dying research culture. When you combine this with her own statement that she would destroy Elon’s X because it allows speech she doesn’t like, you start to understand what she is. Scary.


Trump’s a Leo rising, so there can be more assassination attempts, either now (before Nov. 4) or next year, January to April.

I know I’ll sound like a conspiracy nut, but I would not put it beyond the realm of possibility that prior to the first assassination attempt in Butler, PA., Biden and/or his associates let the S.S. know that there would be no adverse consequences for them should Trump be shot.

That’s the healthy view of America, for it involves simple corruption of the few, by the few. The unhealthy view is that the S.S. committed innocent mistakes through incompetence, simple bad luck, and inattention. Unhealthy, because this indicates a corruption of the whole citizenry, of the shared moral fibre of the populace and the nation. This is much harder to cure or eradicate. It saps a nation of energy, and thence of innovation, genius and, ultimately, standing (power). Because it’s engrained in the culture by now, it’s much harder to isolate and repair.


Everyone has something good to offer. Murderers, for example, could teach us about sadness and despair. Most of us, of course, are a huge helpless mixture of good and bad. By helpless I don’t mean that we’re helpless to change nor to become all good. Instead, helpless in the sense that we are born into this Earth with a whole scroll of things that are going to occur, and we are helpless to change the list, because that’s our destiny.  We can’t change destiny, but how we react to this cavalcade of personal destinies is up to us — therein lies our free will.

So there really is no argument between determination or destiny and free will. Determination, destiny, these are merely the carriers of karma, you might say of the environment and the physical conditions (including DNA) and the mental capacity you were born with. But free will escapes destiny’s definitions; it is our choice and our free will, which increases as we age, to react to destiny’s occurrences, good or bad. Our free will increases with age because with age we gain insight and begin to recognize that we do not have to react to events or other people in particular ways, especially in ways that are engrained from childhood experiences. As we grow older, we begin to see that a number of our own reactions have been automatic, and therefore not really under our control. This opens our eyes, and opened I see more —more choices and more avenues for exercising free will, free choice. Seeing more equates to more freedom… Can this mean, eventually, we will be entirely free of destiny? I don’t know. Maybe that’s the condition of the Angels, that they are free from destiny.


Years ago, I read a report on a team of biologists who studied how much time various animals spent working to survive — to obtain and eat food and ensure shelter.  I forget the rankings, but remember that humans spent more time than any other creature to obtain and eat food.

This seems silly until you think about it. A tiger eats, then walks away, and the forest “uses” its leavings. But a human must prepare the food, then wash and stack  the dishes. To get the food, he/she must travel to the store(s) and back. To buy the food, and even more to pay the rent or buy the house, he/she must work on average 40 hours a week. And once a human has a shelter, he/she must clean it, protect it from invaders and bugs, paint it, etc.

The researchers concluded that no animal spends as much time surviving as Humans do. But in a sense that misses the point. Yes, we work long hours to feed, clothe and shelter ourselves, but much of that work spills over with benefits to the whole race. We cover the earth with magnificent cities, we change the Earth with our progress; we light the night, we can leave the Earth for long periods, we have visited the moon several times and now are building toward Mars. We are exploring new realms, new quantum universes. We have achieved AI, so progress from this point on will accelerate. We think things are progressing swiftly; technology seems to be running quickly to new achievements; but only a decade from now we will look back on 2024 as the last year of a sluggish, weakly sophisticated stage of development.

How driven humans are! How complex and capable!


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