Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “July 17 – 23, 2016.”
ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PDT, it is 8 pm in England – and 4 am the next day in China.) The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)
START NOTHING: 0:06 am to 5:33 am Sun., 11:18 pm Mon. to 8:37 am Tues., 8:13 am to 11:17 am Thurs., and 4:46 am to 2:09 pm Sat.
Until July 27, and again August 30 to September 20, many of us can start a project or make an investment, or perform a turn in our direction, which can lead to wealth. (Note that Mercury is retrograde during the entire second – Aug.-Sept. – period. This hints that during this period we’ll succeed most if we return to the interests, events or projects of the first period, which occurred/is occurring from July 4 to 27.) None of this will not be overnight stuff, or glamourous or a big gamble. It will be slow, sober, yet will quietly grow and keep rewarding for a long time. For ARIES, this lies in legal, travel, learning and media areas. For TAURUS, investment. For GEMINI, a sexy or financial partnering. For SCORPIO and SAGITTARIUS, from earnings, buying/selling, etc. For CAPRICORN, a government or “restrictive” area. For AQUARIUS, through friends or social contacts (or fame). For PISCES, in career. LIBRA, from everyday things, mail, communications, siblings – and in domestic, real estate zones. For VIRGO, from home and real estate, food and shelter areas – and more, much more so, if love is part of it all. For Leo, romance, creativity, a “sensible gamble.” For CANCER, from work and partnership. LEO, from creativity, gambling, sports/games-related, media/art, beauty and romance, especially if these relate to work.
I think Trump could make his polls soar if he went into Black ‘hoods, the worst ones, Baltimore, L.A., Chicago, etc. – with only about 5 staff and a couple of S.S. guards – no big black limousines, no cop escorts with twirling lights. It has to be on foot, a sort of stroll to meet the people, ask them, listen to them, etc. Just like candidates do in other areas. It would take courage.
The contest between Scorpio Hillary and Gemini Donald can be seen as a sun-sign difference. Like most Geminis, Donald relies on charisma, quick-thinking, and surface impressions to succeed: he’s scattered and lacks a political structure with its thousands of workers. Hill is a Scorpio, and has been in trouble because of it: secrecy, refusing to acknowledge the truth even when it’s obvious, behind-scenes manipulation – but also like many Scorpios, she’s well-organized and has built up decades of loyalties in the party machinery; she has great stamina and determination. If it were merely Scorpio versus Gemini, Donald would win. (Scorpios are tremendously loyal. If a Scorpio woman found her husband in bed with another woman, she’d shoot the woman, not her husband. To a Scorpio, there’s always something to be salvaged – or more correctly, there’s a compulsion to investigate, to stir through the entrails of any failure.)
The weeks ahead offer romance, creative surges and speculative, risk-taking urges. (Most of these will reward you, as your “gambling luck” is high.) You’ll tend to win in sports, games and romantic competition. This week, affectionate or flirty communications, emails, glances, winks tend to fill the air. You can have intriguing conversations with Gemini and Libra. Some unattached Aries will even meet a life-mate now. But put all this in perspective: you’re in a lucky work year, and your major love year won’t start until September. So enjoy, but realize this might not be “the ultimate.” Your energy and charisma, effectiveness and clout soar Sunday through Tues. dawn (PDT). Express yourself, start significant projects, contacts. You’re on a winning streak! Chase money Tues. to Thurs. morning. Buy/sell, seek new clients, etc. Good chance for a pay raise Wed. eve. Errands, trips, calls, paperwork and casual acquaintances fill Thurs. pm to Sat. afternoon. This short interval is not so easy – those at home won’t co-operate, confusion enters, etc. Best time for action: Thurs. pm.
The four weeks ahead draw you toward home, family, security. You might visit your family, if you live far away. Get plenty of rest, take “power naps” – especially this Sun./Mon., when your weariness accumulates (but luck is strong, so do contact head office or the government for favours, permissions). A good month ahead to prepare for retirement, start renovations or landscaping, etc. Start these this week for best results, but leave decoration projects (painting, etc.) until July 31 onward. This is also a month of decision: decide what/who belongs in your life, and what/who is stale or unethical and should be pruned from your garden. Your energy and pizzazz rise nicely Tues. to late Thurs. morning (PDT). You’ll slide into a great way to combine career and home (Tues.) love and ambition (Wed.). Chase money Thurs. noon to Sat. afternoon – but cautiously. Obstacles and “passive deception” by others can heat you to the temper point. By Sat., all’s well.
Now to late August, Gemini, you’ll be in your element: trips, conversations, communications, paperwork, media, learning and telling others what you’ve seen. Siblings and/or casual acquaintances will play important roles. Keep things short: good comics leave the stage before the last joke. Sunday/Mon. bring hope, optimism, social delights, popularity, wishful thinking (and a wish or two coming true) entertainment and possible friendly romance. Accept invitations. But retreat, lie low, rest and contemplate Tues. to late Thurs. morning. Be charitable, spiritual. Plan projects. Deal with civil servants. Wed. best – you could stumble on a fortunate real estate listing. But don’t contact, Wed., the person who so attracted you Monday morning. Your energy and charisma surge upward Thurs. noon to Sat. afternoon. This is not an easy interval, so use you energy to overcome problems rather than start new ventures. Best day for accomplishment: Thurs. pm.
The month ahead involves money. In general, your mood or “isness” will slant toward possession: of money, house, car, of facts and figures (that you memorize) and of the opposite sex. (Applies to gays, too.) You want to possess someone, so casual sex draws you, also. It’s a fairly stable, slow month in which you and a partner can make moola, or you can grab opportunities that might involve another person, or relocation. Sun./Mon. are ambitious and splendidly fortunate – ask for a pay raise, show your career skills, strike up a business venture, or apply to a prestigious club/society. Happiness arrives Tues. to Thurs. morning. Get out, issue invitations, mingle, flirt, laugh – your popularity is high, and your horizons look bright. Good news might arrive from the career front. You could fall in love (so-so likelihood) or you might watch two friends cooing (higher odds). Retreat, pull away from the frenetic crowd Thurs. pm to Sat. afternoon. Avoid competitive situations – you’d lose. Instead, rest and contemplate, examine how you got here, and where you can reasonably go. Be charitable, spiritual. Saturday eve, night, your energy and charisma surge. If single, hit the dating trail.
Your month of solitude and recuperation is over. Now to late August, energy fills you and others are drawn to you. You can lead now, especially if new projects or your own ventures are involved. Resolve to do something significant in the month ahead. There is no particular area of life that is lucky now: all your luck is personal, will flow into anything you do. You’ll attract others, and could start a rather important love affair: but you might sense that it’s a little “unfair” as he/she is so “easy” – this hints that the future could turn this attraction into a burden. Go slow; know your own mind before acting. Love, affection are much healthier than “mere sex.” Your understanding widens, world-wide, Sun./Mon. Far travel, higher learning, Intellectual pursuits, meaning, legal affairs, cultural involvements, social rituals – and love (of the right kind) – bless you. Be ambitious Tues. morn to Thurs. noon. All goes well Tues. and Wed. – ask for a pay raise or a bit of creative freedom. Happiness, popularity and optimism lift you on their wings Thurs. noon to Sat. afternoon – your mood will be good, but events and circumstances aren’t, so do what you can and let the rest go. Having a bit of fun is more important than “succeeding” these several days.
Be restful during the weeks ahead, Virgo. Lie low, seek sweet solitude, contemplate and plan. You’ll interface with civil servants, institutional workers, and “head office.” Here’s a little clue: if you flatter these types, you’ll get much more from them. (Think of something meaningful to them: e.g., a compliment on how he/she deals with people, how patient he/she is, whatever. Essential: start with a sunny attitude, not with scepticism, frowns.) Sun./Mon. are potentially life-changing. Dive into investments, financial manoeuvres, research, medical questions, lifestyle changes, sex and intimacy. (Your luck’s high in these.) Avoid crossing ethical, moral boundaries. Gentle love, wisdom, compassion for humanity, far travel, international affairs, higher learning and intellectual pursuits call you Tues. to midday Thurs. You could experience a valuable revelation. Wednesday’s best for action. Thursday noon to Sat. afternoon nudge you to be ambitious, career-oriented. But proceed cautiously, as many obstacles and irksome hindrances exist. (If you find yourself arguing or driving angrily Fri. afternoon, you’ll know you’ve lost it.) Best time for action: Thurs. eve, night. Hope, eagerness Saturday night!
The weeks ahead bring an upbeat, optimistic, happy mood. If you’re single, a friendly romance could begin. Your future looks bright (and it is). Popularity and social delights will visit you. Enjoy yourself! (However, in all this, remember that present bonds, if made, might not be as compatible or fortunate as those you might make after late September [into autumn 2017].) There is no urgency, so value yourself fully. Sun./Mon. bring relationships generally – these two days are so smooth and fortunate that you can easily join a “winning team” (or partnership). Singles could meet a viable mate. Tues. to Thurs. noon steers you and others into deeper waters – emotional attractions could become sexually intimate, business opportunities/agreements veer into funding, deep commitment. A sexual bonding might convince you that you’re in love – and you might be! If you feel ill, get to a doctor. Yes, do invest. Thursday eve to Sat. afternoon brings a mellow mood, wisdom, gentle love – but is not a good time to undertake big projects. Best time: Thurs. eve/night.
Light your ambition’s fire, Scorpio, as the weeks ahead (especially before August 5) will reward your efforts, skills and perseverance. Until early August, bosses, parents, even VIPs and authorities such as judges in court, will favour you and your proposals. From August 2 onward (into late September) these higher-ups will appreciate your creativity (especially your financial creativity). They’ll say, “Let’s go, show us your stuff!” And they’ll be quite willing to compensate you with a bonus, pay raise, and/or higher duties. You’ll make a lot of money (and perhaps spend a lot) Aug. 2 to Sept. 26. But back to the present: be ambitious. Sunday/Monday bring chores, but you’ll handle them so well you could trigger more income or a promotion. (Or at least, a bit of praise.) Relationships fill Tues. Morn to Thurs. noon. Be diplomatic, eager to join. Eschew independence, as both Tues. and Wed. bring good results, happy associates. A great social night Wed. – get out, mingle. Midweek’s attractions/meetings, in business or emotions, veer into deeper waters Thurs. pm to Sat. afternoon. Usually this woukd be the right time to invest, commit your funds (or receive funds from another) start up your business, research, or nudge another into intimacy. However, obstacles and set-backs, present and future, advise caution. Go slow. Sat. night, wisdom.
A month of wisdom, mellowness, gentle love, far travel and intellectual expansion has just commenced. Everything you love (travel, learning, cultural adventures, law, etc.) is favoured for a few weeks – but with subtle differences. Now to July 30, co-operating allies aid in these pursuits. You might meet a viable life mate. You can use these “things” – travel, education, etc. – as stepping stones up ambition’s sometimes steep path. That’s to July 30. Now to Aug. 5, Libra and/or a Taurus might help you – and you might make affectionate contacts. From Aug. 2 to late September, your romantic fires will glow, your creative juices will flow. You’ll be determined, courageous in love, magnetic and sexy. That’s enough praise. Sunday/Monday are romantic – splendidly. Plunge into love, wooing, creativity, sports/games, risks, or pleasure pursuits. Tackle chores Tues. morning to noon Thurs. You’ll get a lot done, Tues./Wed., could even earn a star in your bosses’ secret employee book. Relationships enliven Thurs. pm to Sat. afternoon. Unfortunately, these relationships are sluggish, not easy, and without great reward. Best time: Thurs. Saturday night – sexy mystery.
The weeks ahead emphasize mystery, research or detective work, lifestyle changes, mutual finances (e.g., with your spouse or business partners) investing, debt reduction, medical actions, sexual desire and bonding, commitment and consequence. (Mostly good consequence.) The “starting spark” of many projects or courses of action in these zones has already been lit since mid-July, or will spark now to Aug. 5. So if you can, begin soon, don’t procrastinate. Home, family, security, retirement, nutrition, Mom Nature, fill Sun./Mon. It’s a splendid time to begin landscaping, plan your children’s future, rent a new premises, start a retirement savings plan, etc. You’ll end up spending on your home/kids (Mon.) but that’s fine. Romance, creative and speculative urges, beauty and pleasure arrive Tues. morn to Thurs. noon. This is a bit dicey, as the larger trend offers sex, not romance; investments, not gambles. So don’t go too far out on a limb. Still, your luck remains admirably high – you could win a court case, or buy far-travel tix, or paint a masterpiece. Tackle chores Thurs. pm to Sat. afternoon. Eat and dress sensibly – small ills, this month ahead, could turn larger if neglected. Sat. night, exciting meetings.
You’ll meet your opposite but equal this month ahead, Aquarius. You’ll also meet good people, compatibles, opportunities, relocation themes, and public interactions. Every day, practise diplomacy and flexibility. Let others run the agenda. Since last August (15) and continuing to early September (16) your greatest luck lies in finances, shared funds, sexual bonding, research and discovery. The few weeks ahead show that these things come from relating, forming bonds with others. Errands, communications, visits and paperwork fill Sun./Mon. Good luck accompanies you (except in dealing with civil servants and administrative types) so make contacts, make friends, be your charming self. Home, family call Tues. morn to Thurs. noon – relax, hug the kids and your mate, landscape, garden, paint, get out to neighbourhood events, visit Home Depot or IKEA, etc. Your luck remains good Tues./Wed. Wednesday eve might tempt you financially or sexually, and if you fall to temptation, you’ll open your future. Take care Thurs. noon to Sat. afternoon – your mood is romantic, adventurous, creative, but events and results won’t favour you. Act Thurs. pm, when your chances are highest.
You’ve had your romantic adventure, Pisces. Now the weeks ahead are filled with work, health themes, and your duties toward dependents. (BTW, if you’ve separated in the last 11 months, legal divorce is likely. If you’re single and met/wooed someone in the last eleven months, marriage is likely – but don’t push anyone toward it before May 10, 2017.) Sunday/Monday bring money, good money, perhaps from work, garage sale, etc. This period is so fortunate, you should spend every moment buttering up clients, starting new income projects, working overtime, etc. What’s begun now could have a rewarding future. If unemployed, seek, these two days. Errands, paperwork, details, visits, messaging and casual acquaintances fill Tues. morn to Thurs. noon. Again, the cosmos favours your path – it’s a great time to make new contacts, travel, to “recognize” someone’s value, in love or practical zones (this last is especially fortunate Wed. night). Home, family call you Thurs. noon to Sat. afternoon. Now luck is sparse or elusive, so proceed slowly, measure twice before you cut that stair stringer or repair board. Handle tools safely. Not a good interval to start big home-related (or any) projects. Best time: Thurs. pm. Saturday night – romance sings a song that somehow has a “self-identification” theme.
The End
Of course, the whole “Black problem” would drift a huge way toward solution if the police and Blacks got together and became friends. (I.e., showed each other respect, etc.) Then the two could reach a workable and benevolent way of dealing with each other. This will probably not occur, because the racial bias of both groups is too ingrained, and trust is absent. I also wonder if the elite would support such a Pax Americana.
A reader wrote to say, regarding Blacks in America, that they should take the Ghandi approach of passive resistance. Two things: One, Black poverty is a kind of passive resistance, which has not worked. Two, this is not India. Ghandi, in urging passive resistance (“everybody sit down and do nothing until the foreign/British oppressors leave”) had 99 % of the population on his side, while the oppressors numbered probably less than 1% of the pop. Ghandi simply pulled the plug, so the oppressors were left with a machine (the Indian population) that just wouldn’t work. There was nothing else for the British oppressors to do but go home. But in America, the Whites are already home.
In America, the dissenting or oppressed group, the Blacks, number only one-quarter (some say 16 %) of the population, so Ghandi’s passive resistance won’t work. If every Black sat down and did nothing, refused to work, the Hierarchy might be shocked into concessions, but they will not give up power to any degree. And after the concessions and “forced” co-operation, the nation will simply return to form, to its ingrained racism. Or, the Whites will say, “so the Blacks won’t co-operate? Then we’ll just run our country without them, or we’ll import millions of Hispanics…or, now that we have a blond-haired President from Germany who likes sweeping solutions, let’s round them all up and put them in camps, since they’re being passive anyway. But if you don’t work you don’t eat, so we won’t give them any food in those camps…” I know this is fantasy ad absurdum, but you get my drift…
American Blacks are the pre-WWII Jews of Europe. Read Issac Bashevis Singer’s novel, “The Family Moskat,” about the Jewish community in Poland before WW II – if the names and religious practices were different, you could mistake the Warsaw Jews for Blacks. (Both used their religion as a buffer or soother of the pain they lived in, both found solace in chanting and singing.) The Jews in Poland practised passive resistance – or, more correctly, passive procrastination – it was just their natural response to their situation. And we know where that got them: mass death. An out-numbered oppressed group cannot gain from passive resistance unless the oppressor group has a high conscience, which is antithetical to being an oppressor.
Would Hitler have lowered his guns and turned off his gas chambers if all the Jews had sat down and said, “Nope, we’re not moving until you free us”? That would make Hitler’s job easier – no hunting, no fuss, just pluck ‘em up like chickens in their pens.
And the North American Indians, mood-wise and traumatized. Could Ghandi have saved them? No, Ghandi chose the right method to accomplish his goals in his situation. That doesn’t mean his methods work everywhere.
One fellow on the blog commented that he thought I was a lover, but now I’m talking about killing. Well, if you don’t hold that against Christ, don’t hold it against me, for I’m far, far less of a man. Jesus said (Matthew 10:34) “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law – a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” (Does that sound like Nazi Germany, where children were encouraged to turn in their Jewish or Roman parents? Does it sound like Black America, where fathers disdain their wives and abandon their children before they’re even born?) Seen another way, if America is one big family, then the Police are one member, and the Blacks another. (Remember, Jesus, a Jew, was a member of an oppressed minority, controlled by the Roman elite. The Indians and the French in Canada, the Blacks in America, the Jews 2,000 years ago, differ only in the degree of their oppression.)
Another comment opined that I was stoned on pain meds and added that it was never justified to kill “indiscriminately.” When the Allies fought WW II, they killed millions upon millions of Axis civilians indiscriminately. This commentator probably benefitted from the Allies’ victory, as we all did; why then doesn’t she disavow all the benefits of life in the West, in a democracy, in a free country – she should disavow these, because they were given to her by the violent, indiscriminately murderous Allied armies. Should these armies instead have said, “We can’t in good conscience kill people indiscriminately, yet our physical/weapons limitations will not let us target precisely, or kill discriminately. So let’s quit. Let’s just let Hitler win, and we’ll protect ourselves and our families with prayers and platitudes. We’ll meditate Hitler out of existence.” Instead, they bombed entire cities, killing millions of civilians. Were they wrong?
As for the police, I was stopped by them several times when I was a boy (a white trash boy) and a young man. I will never forgive them for the insulting way they treated me. Never. (Maybe that’s because I didn’t have a father, and resented these overwhelmingly-weaponed father figures ordering me about. But that is also true of many Blacks – they don’t have a father, never did except in the fucking bed.) How then can you ask a Black man, who’s probably faced ten times the frequency and depth of insults as I did, to co-operate with police? The sad thing is, some good-hearted Blacks keep trying to co-operate, and the police keep pulling the rug out from under them, like Lucy does to Charlie Brown. “Oh yes, we want community co-operation too, just like you do. Let’s meet and talk – oops, just got to plug this Black rascal in the back with a few bullets, he’s jaywalking, the bastard – it’s okay, it’s okay, settle your feathers, the justice system will back us up (or they’ll cry crocodile tears, then let us go free in the courts – you know, like in Baltimore). Now – you wanted to talk about something?”
It’s easy to forget, in all this noise, that in a few hundred millennia we will be like angels.