Note: this is next weeks forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “Dec. 25 – 31, 2016.”
Please note: I am no longer using the email address Please use my new email: (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).
All times/dates are PST – Pacific STANDARD Time zone. PST is eight hours before Greenwich England. For example when it is noon PST it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”
If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app.
START NOTHING: 11:59 pm Sun. to 1:57 am Mon., 8:14 to 8:20 am Wed., 10:41 am to 12:18 pm Fri., and after 6:23 pm Sat.
The ‘YEAR AHEAD” forecast for every sign will be here January 9. (I have to wait until a newspaper, which has purchased first rights, prints it. I’ll just give you one hint: Virgo’s love luck improves.)
Notice how little time the “Start Nothing” periods soak up this week. Usually that indicates a very busy and significant week. Because this comprises the last seven days of the mercury retrograde, I suspect we will all be busy correcting what we did in the prior two or three weeks – or will somewhat eagerly begin new projects (a mistake!).
Here’s a quote from the Dec. 25 column (posted Dec. 19):
“Any cabinet or similar appointments Trump makes Monday (Dec. 19) through Jan. 7 will later be replaced, or in some way not please Trump.”
Jason Miller, appointed as Trump’s White House Communications Director Dec. 22, resigned (or, perhaps, declined the appointment) Dec. 24 for “family reasons.” (Thanks to J. D. Klein for the heads-up.)
World leaders and countries whose names begin with “P” or “L” should have a good, expansive year. Those beginning with “T” or “Z” will struggle until May, then right their ships. (Stocks beginning with T or Z might be a good buy in late May, June.) After May, leaders and nations beginning with V or D are in for difficult luck and inexplicable headwinds, May 2017 to November 2018. (Donald, are you listening?) People, nations and leaders whose names begin with F or W should do well, stride along an easy path, May/17 to November/18.
(Yes, Martha, there is an AFTERAMBLE.)
ARIES: March 21-April 19
Remember, Aries, don’t start any new projects nor relationships before next Sunday (Jan. 8). You might have to deal with government agencies this month. Be honest, but self protective. You might be offered a management position soon. Be ambitious and dutiful all week. Your popularity remains high Sunday — you might meet true love. Even a minor flirtation holds significance. But if this is a new person in your life, should you be forming a relationship? If a relationship does develop and last, Thursday might show a small but crucial problem, perhaps in your career, perhaps in his/her home. Retreat Monday through dawn Wednesday — relax, contemplate, deal with government agencies, charities and large corporations. Something that has bound you, restricted you, falls away – but another restriction might replace it. Your energy and charisma come bounding back Wednesday morning to Friday noon – don’t start anything, but do make a connection with the past (past boss? past job?) Thursday PM or Friday morning. Chase money Friday afternoon through Saturday – luck rides with you, and you could collect a bucket full!
TAURUS: April 20 – May 20
Don’t start any new projects nor relationships before January 8, Taurus. An old flame — even two! — might appear. Your mental side flows beautifully now. Intellectual pursuits, international travel, religion, culture and philosophy – and love – are all favoured for the three weeks ahead. Two types of romantic prospects face single Taureans: one is gently affectionate and reminds you in small ways of yourself; the other is assertive, bold, and offers more excitement and mystery. Stick with the first. The bold one could severely restrict you in future. You get a glimpse of your own reputation Sunday – lo and behold, it’s good and shining! Wish fulfillment, popularity, optimism, good luck, social joys and intriguing flirtations arrive Monday to Wednesday dawn. All is good until Tuesday afternoon: act before this, not after. Retreat from the crowd Wednesday morning to Friday noon – rest, contemplate, snuggle up with your loved ones. Fulfill neglected duties. Your energy and charisma surge Friday noon through Saturday. Luck accompanies you these two days, so go after what you want. For example, if that old flame has attracted you, contact him/her and reveal your feelings — you’ll fare well.
GEMINI: May 21 – June 20
Remember, Gemini: don’t start any new ventures or relationships before next Sunday (Jan. 8). A former flame, a sexy one, might have recently reentered your life, or could enter this week. This person might have his/her eye on an enduring relationship rather then a sexy escapade, and after you think about it, you might agree. Your best times for love are all day Sunday and mid-afternoon Thursday to mid-morning Friday (PST). Besides love, Sunday is great for any intellectual, travel, or cultural activity. All month, higher-ups, parents and authorities display a combination of approval and disapproval, favour and anger; and that is certainly true Monday to Wed. dawn. (Be cautious Tuesday PM) Maintain your balance and your sense of humour. A female higher-up might favour you more than a male. A wish could come true Wednesday morning to Friday noon – expect a little boost in popularity, a lot of optimism, social delights, entertainment and flirtations. One of those flirtations could turn quite serious, but if it occurs before 3 PM Thursday (PST) it has a problem-studded future. Retreat Friday noon through Saturday – you know the routine, rest, contemplate, fulfill neglected duties – the charitable and spiritual. Have a good week my friend.
CANCER: June 21 – July 22
Wait until next week onward to start any new projects or relationships, Cancer. Sunday drips with good luck, especially in financial and sexual spheres. All week, a former spouse or business partner might return — if so, be wary — unless he/she appears after noon (PST) Friday or anytime Saturday. Your social life is very active Monday to Wednesday dawn, and will stay so for several weeks. A romantic possibility might keep you returning to the same group of friends again and again. Be careful Tuesday noon onward as your ethics might be challenged or a “good deal” might have a hidden flaw. Be ambitious Wednesday morning to Friday noon. Display talents, schmooze with the boss, but stop short of proposing or beginning any new venture. Problems face you before Thursday afternoon; solutions after. Your hopes and social life soar Friday noon through Saturday. Get out, mix and mingle. You’ll be happy, and that person you’re with might be a keeper.
LEO: July 23 – August 22
Start nothing new before January 8. You might, this week only, meet a former love. If this occurs Sunday, and you’re single, jump in – you won’t regret it. On this day, You harmonize with everyone, and if a passed opportunity returns, it’s a good one. Another kind of attraction occurs this month, a powerful physical lust. This might combine with true, Innocent love. But if lust is your prime motive, eventual loss and disappointment are certain. Monday to dawn Wednesday highlights this sexual urge, but might also bring you investment and financial temptations. My advice: touch none of them. A broader vision, understanding, intellectual pursuits, travel and international affairs, legal matters and cultural venues fill Wednesday morning to Friday noon. Be cautious and noncommittal before late afternoon Thursday; be optimistic and active after that point. Friday noon through Saturday highlights your worldly standing, career, and prestige relations — go ahead, figuratively knock on a VIP’s door. Your luck and potential are superb.
VIRGO: August 23 – September 22
Remember, Virgo, especially in love, creative projects and speculative ventures, start nothing new before January 8. Everything is easy on this lucky Sunday, so use it to tackle chores – you will get a huge amount done, and if you’re married, a late-night kiss will be your reward. All month, you will feel a strong romantic/sexual tug when you face someone (or two someones). This occurs again Monday to dawn Wednesday. Two things: 1) such an attraction is actually a warning until mid-May; 2) this person could be your destined mate, but this is only a 1-in-10 possibility. (How to tell? If you keep wanting something from the bond, but it somehow keeps sliding away, you’re in the other 9-of-10.) You might feel it in your gut Monday — some deep change is occurring in your over-all relationship needs and approaches. Act before Tuesday noon, not after. Wednesday morning to Friday noon Increases your intuition, heightens your sexual desires, lures you toward investments and financial actions, and tempts you to make lifestyle changes. There is little room for success before 3 PM (PST) Thursday, but lots of scope for success then through Friday morning. You will have more success with money and possessions then with physical desire. Surgery might be scheduled. Friday PM through Saturday opens your mind to new philosophical, religious, or foreign horizons, and could bring legal, media or intellectual success — and love. Don’t be shy – everything is lucky!
LIBRA: September 23 – October 22
Libra, start nothing new before January 8. You might hear news about someone you wish were home again. The next three weeks emphasize home, children, security and other basic practical interests. These weeks are not really romantic, but Sunday sure is; this day could end with deep satisfaction. Until mid May, but much more intensely this January, you might over-focus on work and health concerns, especially this Monday through dawn Wednesday. (This might manifest as a romantic involvement with a coworker — be careful, it’s not recommended.) Do what you have to in work, but don’t overwork. Actions succeed before noon Tuesday, meet frustration after this. Relationships, cooperation, challenges and enmities confront you Wednesday morning to Friday noon. Don’t even try for cooperation before 3 PM Thursday; after this, harmony prevails. If single, you are NOT encountering life-mate material. Friday noon through Saturday emphasizes sexual yearnings and financial urges, medical exigencies and lifestyle changes, investigation and heightened intuition. Jump into one or more of these (preferably from the past, but not necessarily so) – your luck is high and sweet.
SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21
Remember, Scorpio, start nothing new before January 8. A former money (or buying) opportunity might return briefly, but there hardly seems enough of it to grab and it may just flicker by you. Don’t fret over it. All month, especially this Monday to Wednesday dawn, you can be powerfully drawn by someone’s beauty and magnetism; even you old Scorpios might work up a romantic lather in your heart. But I am here, like Ishmael, to tell you not to go there – this area will disappoint you until mid-May. (After which, romance will NOT disappoint you for another 17 years.) Earlier, Sunday, your domestic concerns, security and family will embrace you with good Luck. Tackle chores and minor health concerns Wednesday morning to Friday noon. The first portion, before 3 pm (PST) Thursday, contains a gauntlet of problems. But from then on, everything works. Still, read directions carefully; confusing wisps of misunderstanding float around you. Relationships fill Friday noon through Saturday. An exciting meeting could start your heart pounding – at the very least, cooperation, opportunities, partnerships and fresh horizons -and love– bring a kind of quiet, happy success.
SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21
Ah, sweet Sage, start nothing new before January 8 – but if an employment opportunity arises Friday noon through Saturday, grab it! You are not meant to focus deeply on your domestic situation before mid-May, as this can cause wasted time, dead ends and traps. This warning goes double for January, as a romantic or other attraction is somehow embedded in your domestic sphere, but chasing it will run you in circles —or worse. This same theme fills Monday through Wednesday dawn: be cautious. For home repairs, get several quotes, and begin next week, if possible. Earlier, Sunday brings errands, short trips, and casual contacts — your luck is great; call one or two good friends. This week, your recent indecision about money and possessions briefly deepens to become indecision about yourself. You might also be tapped on the shoulder by a Gemini or Leo who “wants the next dance.” Speaking of romance, Wednesday dawn to Friday noon brings all sorts of amorous notions (along with creative, adventurous, and gambling urges). Two things: 1) if you latch onto someone newly met, it will not work; 2) almost nothing works before 3 PM (PST) Thursday; but most things do work after that. Tackle chores Friday noon through Saturday – everything flows smoothly, even luckily, so open that job jar confidently.
CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19
Remember, Cap, start nothing new before January 8. Something you forgot to do or tried to hide returns this week – but it’s hardly more than a whisper, so you might not do anything about it. Your energy and charisma remain high, but use this to solve problems and protect ongoing projects rather than launching anything. Chase money or make purchases Sunday (but only purchase routine items or those with a link to the past). An item you have a long coveted might become available. A former sensual lover might also return – but if he/she bored you then it won’t be long before he/she does again. All January, but especially this Monday through Wednesday dawn, a romantic situation seems to exist on a web of emails, telephones, notes and short trips — if you recognize this, avoid it, for it will likely bring you more grief than joy. Your home and family become important Wednesday dawn to Friday noon — this period is unlucky before 3 PM (PST) Thursday, and lucky after. Romance is in the air Friday noon through Saturday – so are creative urges, gambling temptations, beauty, art and pleasure. This short interval Is superb, lucky — you’ll win! Although I advised you not to start anything before January 8, if you meet someone new this Friday night or Saturday daytime, ignore my advice — this could be a keeper.
AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18
Everything’s going backwards, Aquarius, so don’t start anything new before January 8. Your energy and charisma get a nice upward boost Sunday. Do anything you want; every aspect favours you. A fine day to hook up with someone special. This entire month — especially Monday to dawn Wednesday — tempts you with sensual allures – a new lover, fine wine, or a luxury purchase. But all of these would end in disappointment, and the love in boredom. This advice holds good until mid-May. Routine purchases go well before Tuesday noon, and poorly after. Errands, short trips, mail and paperwork, communications and casual friends fill Wednesday dawn to Friday noon. Barriers exist here Wednesday to 3 PM Thursday; and success greets you after this. Head for home Friday noon through Saturday – this warm, affectionate, lucky interval is excellent for enhancing your security, hugging your loved ones, repairs and anything else around the home. (Yes, start repairs despite the Mercury retrograde, which ends this weekend.) Briefly this week and a little next, a minor wish might come true regarding a Gemini (love, romance) or a Virgo (sex, lust). It might almost pass so quickly that taking advantage of it might be a little like trying to grab a curtain in the wind. Get your rest and protect your health all week.
PISCES: February 19 – March 20
Don’t begin any new relationships or ventures before January 8, Pisces. You are tired Sunday. Your charisma is low but your luck is high — so a social or sexual interlude is quite possible. Meditation and spiritual advancement are favoured. Your energy, clout and charisma surge upward Monday to dawn Wednesday. Venus and Mars reside in your sign almost all month, so you will attract romantic attention – maybe very intense attention, Romeo and Juliet stuff. However, this might end tragically, especially for the other person. Still, that’s not your fault – the best thing you can do these three days (and really, into mid-May) is to seek others and cooperate rather than being independent. Tuesday suppertime shows you a barrier to your wishes – it probably comes from a parent or your career. Wednesday dawn to Friday noon nudges you to collect money and spend it. Everything before 3 PM Thursday is problematical; everything after tends to succeed. Act accordingly. Stick to routine purchases. Avoid the temptation to start a sensual relationship with someone you suspect would bore you later. Errands, calls and emails, friends, travel and paperwork fill Friday noon through Saturday. All flows with good luck and affection. Be curious – you could uncover one of the elements (there are two) that will make a dream come true.
Present day America is still divided, after a long Democratic (“inclusive”) reign. If we can learn one thing from this election, it is that whoever is in power, no matter their ideals, becomes stale, mildly uninterested, and ineffective near their two terms’ end. Perhaps this is why a change of party often occurs following a two-term president.
Longer-term trends occur also. An arc travels from Bill Clinton to Bush Junior to Obama. Each third of this arc possessed its own characteristic economic and social circumstances. For example, in Clinton’s days the stock market rose, Blacks were thrown in jail, and everyone’s retirement account swelled. Businesses, encouraged by Bill’s philandering and blithe attitude toward banks, began to see that dishonesty was the best way to make profits. So Enron and a hundred other corporate criminals began their greed campaigns. (This legacy lives with us today; it caused the huge collapse in 2000/01, and even the bank collapses and lending fee of 2008/09, though Bush was blamed for these. This, BTW, was the germinating point for the billionaire-vs-poor phenomena.)
In Bush’s time … I come up empty. What did he do, economically? Well, you prospered if you were already wealthy. He lowered taxes on the affluent, and spit on the poor of New Orleans. With him, America went to war. (I warned, the week he invaded Iraq, that he had entered a quagmire — and it still exists.)
In Obama’s reign, a brilliant but pacifist President slowly solved the recession and grew employment. Now, as his term ends, the U.S. stock markets are at record highs. (Though part of this phenomena must be credited to Trump.) Obama tried to benefit the poor, mostly through Obamacare. I’m not a news junkie, but I suspect he kept all the social safety nets.
But arcing over all three administrations is one, historic development: the disappearance of the middle class and the extreme enrichment of the wealthy. (Partly via the two mechanisms mentioned: the Clintonesque presidential “oaky-dokey” to corporate crime, and Bush’s tinkering of the tax code to let them keep the spoils. This acceptance of corporate crime is with us today — have you ever tried to call your telephone company, or tried to “unsubscribe” to some stupid internet firm? Did you know that the CD or DVD you just bought for $ 20 only cost 20 cents to produce? Thus, billionaires are made.)
We have ended up with stagnant or lower incomes, and ever-cheaper goods. These are joined at the hip: I suspect the latter has caused the former. This leaves us with a constantly growing lower class, a extremely small and powerful uber-wealthy class, and a small group of professionals, doctors, lawyers, popular and successful artists and intellectuals. Now, how many third-world spy or revolution stories have you read or screened, that started with exactly those circumstances?
But we can’t blame any president for this disappearance of the middle-class, because they all contributed. (Obama’s contribution was lassitude.) In some ways, this predicament was described in futuristic articles of the 1950’s in such magazines as Life, Time and Popular Mechanics. They foresaw the elimination or strong reduction of tasks, creating a leisure society. Everything looked rosy. And everyone believed it. They didn’t foresee that reduction of tasks was really the loss of jobs, and that leisure would be called unemployment.