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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: Before 0:15 am Sun., 11:55 pm Mon. to 7:15 am Tues., and 2:57 pm to 4:23 pm Thurs.




ALL SIGNS: Continue to avoid starting any brand new projects, relationships, or major purchases before January 2, 2024. If you feel restless or blocked by this advice, look in your past and pick up something to do or someone to re-bond with.

All of us should be wary of deception this week (esp. Thursday) as Mars (impulse, aggression, violence, fire and gas-powered engines) squares or “fights” Neptune (dreams, fantasy, spirituality, movies, oil/gas, water). 






aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You are being observed and evaluated, Aries (and will be, into late January). This week, those doing so can’t make up their minds — but the results should eventually be good and might, in mid-late January, help you to obtain a pay raise. Work hard, but don’t start any projects before Jan. 2. You have just begun a month of prestige relations, ambition and worldly status. This area has been large and determinative for you since 2008, almost as if destiny was afoot. But late January will end this “super focus” on your standing and career, and bring a 20-year phase in which your friendships and social life will become a powerful and significant force in your life. Your relationships will change your life in deep ways, and could open doors to treasures (e.g., financial opportunities). This week, memories and discussions start regarding profound ideas or media or far travel. As noted before: stay out of lawsuits. (But those you are in, if you are, begin to become more fortunate through January.)


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Your intellectual side emerges now through late January, Taurus. Travel, international affairs, legalities, cultural venues, philosophy, gentle love and social rituals (e.g., weddings, bat mitzvahs) will occupy your thoughts and  actions. You are in a lucky, adventuresome and freeing phase. It started last May, but has been tied up in delays since early September. This Saturday, December 30, those delays end and you can throw off the chains of indecision and charge toward your future — until late May, you’ll be the luckiest member of the zodiac, esp. in finances, sex, lifestyle changes, and medical areas. it’s as if you can spread your wings and the breeze will lift you. (The year following, June/24 to June/25, will be very fortunate money-wise.) However, wait until next week (Jan. 2) onward to start anything in ALL these great things. A former intimate partner might return, or a new “partner” might suffer a bit of “lover’s impotence.”


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

A streak of relationships peters out now, Gemini, as you enter a month of secrets and research, financial action and medical or lifestyle decisions. You might “drill deeper” with someone you met or gave promises to over the last month. However, DO NOT start any new relationships, projects nor big purchases (nor investments) before January 2. Your “background” dealings with the gov’t, or management or large corporations have been fortunate but delayed, maybe confused, since September. Friday, ends this — now to late May, you can march forward to completion or benefit regarding these large corps or gov’t. E.g., a gov’t grant might finally come through, or you’ll be admitted to another nation. This week, an old flame or “ex” might re-appear. Not much time for this, tho. A Taurus captures your hopes. Co-workers remain pleasant, affectionate.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

A month of drudgery just ended, Cancer. The weeks ahead bring opportunities, new relationships, dealings with the public and relocation themes. But don’t accept nor chase these (or anything) before Jan. 2 (Tuesday next week). Your social life and cherished wishes have been “put on hold” since early September, but are about to burst into forward motion and “dreams come true” zones next week into late May. You might be invited to join a new social circle before mid-2024, or you might seek one out. Either way, the result will be good fortune. For 15 years, relationships might have been hard to maintain, but late January changes all that — for the long-term future, your relationships should improve, be less “changeable.” For 20 years, your romantic and creative relations will become very intimate. Sex will be one of your dominant drivers. For 2 years ahead, avoid lawsuits.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Ah, well, all good things must retreat for awhile, Leo. In your case, that means romance and creativity fade a bit now. You have just entered a month of work, repairs, care of dependents, using/dealing with tools/machines, and minor health issues. However, an old flame might return now, and Friday starts four weeks of a romantic streak that is gentle and sweet. (An affair might begin with a co-worker: it’s purely sexual, not romantic, and it will develop slowly — if at all.) There will also be lots of talk about love and/or relationship until mid-January. Still, don’t forget that work. Your career and status, your ambitions in general, get a lucky boost next week through late May, perhaps the best boost in 12 years. 


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You have tended to your knitting for the last few weeks, Virgo. You’ve been dealing with the basics of life, family food, and nutrition, rest and security. This continues to a rather strong degree as 3 planets remain in this “basics” area, Mars till January 4, Mercury till January 13, and Venus to January 23. But the large general trend flows into romance, creative and speculative surges, sports/games, and charming children, until late January. Also, late this week (Dec. 30) until late May you will meet great good luck in international, far travel, legal, cultural, higher learning, scientific, export-import, and similar zones. Relationships, for the next two years, will be slow to develop but deeply romantic, and eventually deeply loyal and loving. (Of course you must be loyal too!) This week, confusion and good luck run a tight race. Don’t let confusion win (easiest way, do nothing important.)


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Ah, Libra, for 15 years your home, family, children and parents have been a “problem.” For singles seeking love and marriage, these 15 years have frustrated you with obstacles, esp. domestic ones. In late January, these things occur: Jan. 20, Sun enters Aquarius; Jan. 20, Pluto enters Aquarius. This Pluto will stay in Aquarius for 20 years. This is a huge romantic boost, but it might also create a change in who, how and what you love. Finally, you will earn decent $ for your talents. But back to the present week: Xmas Eve will be magical and poetic (Xmas Day in Europe, India, China). More importantly, Dec. 30 will end indecision about financial actions, intimate embraces and lifestyle changes — all of which will thrive until late May. Sex might be followed by a wedding. January 1 will end my warning against starting new projects or relationships.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Now to late January, Scorpio, you will be dealing more with messaging, paperwork and errands. Watch for deception this week, esp. involving romance or a gamble, and your money, work duties or possessiveness. (E.g., a co-worker could flirt just to “trick” you in some way.) Remember, don’t start anything new before January 2 – especially in money matters. Your income will continue to be important through much of January, and in a fortunate direction! Relationships and opportunities, and perhaps a yen to relocate have been put on hold for almost 4 months. But at the end of this week they start to charge forward until late May. This could contain a huge success for you. On the probable side you might discover or catch a great income or buying opportunity. Slightly less probable, but still very possible, you could meet a great friend or life-mate before late May. If you see and seize opportunity, whether in money or relationships, the mid-24 to mid-25 period will deepen and intensify everything here (and demand a commitment — give it!).


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Okay, you ruled the last 4 weeks, Sage, but now you switch gears (gearing down slightly) to focus on earnings, possessions, buying/selling, rote learning and casual intimacy/sex. Your personality will continue to be on fire to some degree, as Mars keeps bringing romantic openings until January 4, and mercury invites you to more than one relationship until January 13, and sweet Venus makes your charms glow until Jan. 23. Still, you’re indecisive right now, so wait until January 2 onward to make any commitments or decisions, or to start anything. Your work might have been frustrating over the last four months, but by the end of this week and lasting until late May, your work both expands and progresses more efficiently, and brings you luck, perhaps a small pay raise. You might feel that your present abode is restricting and even mildly depressing you. You will be able to escape or vastly improve your domicile after January 2026. Until then you might have to work harder on your home situation.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You have just entered one of the best months of your year, Cap. your energy and charisma will be high — and your effectiveness, after January 1. Before then, that is this week, abstain from starting new projects, purchases, or relationships. Until January 4, avoid dark places and belligerent people, but after January 4, you can deal quite well with a government agency, or the administration where you work — you’ll receive pleasant helpfulness. After January 4, and into mid February, you can become unusually aggressive… Try to turn this into assertiveness. You might also be determined to do something about your home or real estate. Romance might have blossomed since May 2023, but has stalled since early September. This week ends that delay, and you can shoot forward in romance this week to late May. Your chances of meeting someone exciting will be very high.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The last few weeks highlighted your wishes, and brought social fun. This will continue as a “secondary streak” right into Jan. 23, but the main emphasis now and for 4 weeks ahead, lies on retreat — rest, quiet, contemplation, pondering and planning, liaising with gov’t or management. However, don’t plan or contact gov’t, etc., before Jan. 2. (Things launched before then will split, crumble or go in circles.) Dec. 30 to late May brings great real estate and family luck — great time to sell/buy a home, or find a great rental, good also for purchasing furniture, renovations, etc. Great time to give birth. Money’s a bit tight, and will stay so for 2 years, so learn to save. A wish will come true, sometime between Dec. 29 and Jan. 23.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

A wise, mellow mood steals over you for the next four weeks, Pisces. It can bring international travel, legal affairs, higher learning, philosophy, cultural venues, even (for some) fame — and gentle love. The last four weeks have been strongly focussed on your ambitions, worldly status, and career. This trend survives now as a secondary — and rewarding — thread, until January 23. Bosses will cease being “mean” by Jan. 5. Many messages, much paperwork, have been “held back” (or caused you more work by being confusing) since early September. Now, late week and into late May, the logjam breaks, and a wave of trips, contacts, paperwork and messaging floods into your days. But — don’t seek this, nor start anything important, before Jan. 2. 




OK, this really bugs me. Way back when that Malaysian flight (MH 370) disappeared in 2014, no one could determine where it crashed, tho’ they were pretty certain it disappeared over the Indian Ocean. So they began a years’ long search of the Indian Ocean, the African and Indian coasts — maybe Indonesia?

At the time, I think it was March or April 2014, I wrote in this column that the crash remains would be found in Australia. (I thought on land.)  The searchers, who searched everywhere else, did not even look at Australia… But of course, no one listens to me.

Now, just last week, an Australian fisherman revealed to the press that he found a massive airliner wing off the coast of Australia that in size matched the aircraft that went missing. Although he had a big fishing boat, pulling the wing out of the water almost sank his ship.  He reported his find at the time, while the search was still ongoing, but the authorities dismissed him.  Now, almost a decade later, his story is being told. And now, almost 10 years later, my prediction — actually, locationing — has born out. But no one notices.

You can’t imagine how fed up and disgusted I get — not particularly when my predictions are ignored, but that when they come true the fact that I predicted them, is ignored. Perhaps God hates me or at least hates what I do. Even though predicting was God’s choice for me (I think) even tho’ God conferred this predictiveness on me, God refuses me any credit; God lets all my predictions, true as they might be, be ignored, and when they prove true, God makes sure I don’t get any credit. I feel like my words are dust in my mouth. I think I’ll quit. I feel like Timon of Athens. Fuck everyone, fuck all those without sight who jeer at and dismiss those who have it. The people who get ahead in this world are huge self promoters, with egos the size of the moon. A friend told me this once, many decades ago, and urged me to promote myself. But I’m just not that kind of person. I can be aggressive, but that’s for fighting.  Usually I’m shy, lazy and passive. Any psychic who promotes his or her self loses the psychic ability. The ego is the enemy of clairvoyance.

I long ago accepted  that crooks and liars such as Joe Biden get ahead in life, and destroy other people in the process (“Pedo Joe” has destroyed his daughter and son, not to mention the imprisonment of thousands of innocents with his January 6 clap trap (*) and his attempts to destroy some parents and disenfranchise others and pervert children and surgically mangle their young sex organs.) Because that’s the way our world works, though it still bugs the hell out of me. I hate injustice.  But it also bugs me when 85-95 % of everything I see comes true and yet everyone still ignores all my predictions and their outcomes.. Oh well, fuck it. I’ve only got a few years left to live anyway, then I can leave this world. So let everybody accept the FBI and its corrupt, vicious bullying of American families. I warned you about the FBI years ago, yet no one has done anything about this slimy, self-serving corporation. Let Trump be felled by the corrupt Biden administration and their illegal law-fare. Let Biden break the law and run his own private police force (the FBI and DOJ) to crush his enemies (everyone who’s not a Democrat and not perverted) Let Merrick Garland lie to Congress and not be charged. Ditto Mayorkas.  

I guess what really bugs me is that the people who matter, the decision-makers, never read or listen, or follow my advice, ever. When I predicted the Challenger shuttle would explode and fall into the ocean, NASA did nothing; they just let those astronauts die. When I suggested that if the Republicans and Trump really wanted to make a statement and effect a change in the immigration situation, they should send all the immigrants to blue, sanctuary cities. Trump ignored my advice and lost his election. Just two years ago or approximately four years after I wrote this, Greg Abbott, the Texas governor, began sending immigrants to blue cities in buses. I outlined here a method for Trump to collapse Jack Smith’s case against him, and to send corrupt judge Chutkan into fits of frustration. Similarly, I outlined how they could defeat fat little Fani Willis in the Georgia case. But I doubt they even know of these ideas. I put them out there because I hope someone somewhere will read it and communicate it to someone who could communicate it to Trump or his liars. (I said lawyers, and Apples’ AI changed it to liars.) Maybe the answer is that God simply does not want Trump to be elected. If so, that’s karma operating and I can’t really complain about that!

But overall, I’m angry and disgusted. Well, forget it.

(*) I include Biden with Nancy Pelosi, as they are born of the same snake. 


Remember how I said, first in 1984 and multiple times afterward, that universities would be places of bad ideas and evil intent.? Now Harvard Has been crowned the plagiarism capital of the world. Its president, Claudine Gay, has been shown to have plagiarized authors, other scholars, over 40 times and she refuses to protect Jews from roving bands of Palestine supporters, saying she has to study the “context” first. Harvard, the epitome of Ivy League scholarship, is a Jew-hating cesspool of plagiarists —  who protect each other, as evidenced by the Harvard profs who dismissed the plagiarism charges as mere, excusable “mistakes.”

The university board has declared that Claudine Gay’s rampant plagiarism was merely a mistake in forgetting to attribute the paragraphs and pages she stole from their proper authors. What a bunch of bullshit. What a piece of shit this university is. (Sorry for swearing, but I think “shit” is the right word for this kind of corruption… It’s the kind of foulness you don’t even want to step in.) Meanwhile Penn State, another Ivy League school (one of whose alumni is one of the “Colorado Four” who decided to rip away Trump’s election rights) has cooperated in giving the Chinese communist party access to over 5,900 classified documents which Biden stole and hid in an office in this university — for the Chinese. He gave China keys to the office where the documents were stored.  (Yet it is Trump who is on trial for having about 30 declassified documents at Mar-a-Lago, and Biden has not even been given a slap on the wrist for his massive theft of classified docs. For his treason.) 

Corruption courses through America (and Canada) like a slow, massive tidal flood, rising  a degree every year. Think of it this way: when the universities and the elementary, middle and high schools, when the lawyers and judges and the national police forces and the justice department, and the President and Prime Minister are corrupt, as they absolutely are (*) what is going to happen to society? Who is going to be so naïve as to retain faith in this society, or in justice, or in treating others in respectful and caring ways?

(*) Actually, I’m not certain Justin Trudeau is corrupt; I think he’s just a bit cowardly and mean-spirited and a bit of a duffus.


Those two black women who were awarded $148 million in damages against Rudy Giuliani because he hurt their feelings with his accusations and tirades — it turns out Giuliani only has $1 million, so has filed for bankruptcy. So once again the deep state has managed to destroy its critics.

It now appears the two black women will get maybe $ 500,000 each minus lawyers’ fees, which probably leaves them with $ 10 each. What else do such whiners and crocodile-teared victims deserve? Well, maybe that’s too harsh, but these victims don’t deserve anywhere near 148 million… That figure was probably reached by a democratic judge, another denizen of the deep state determined to destroy even a hero like Rudy.

Slightly off-topic: both these victims were black. Blacks are racist, far more racist than modern whites. (Though of course they have lots of reason to be so.) 

I think that anyone who supported or praised the Black Lives Matter riots should be charged with insurrection, just like they’re trying to charge Trump with the same. (This idea isn’t mine. I heard its on Fox News, I think from Jason Chaffetz.) In fact, these crooked judges, such as the Colorado four who came from Jew-hating Harvard and other top-notch ivy league campuses and their snake-nests of plagiarists, have not, to date, proved that Trump did engage in the insurrection. Instead, their OPINION is that he did so, without proof, without evidence, without a jury. These are the kind of slime I warned you against from the late 1980s onward. When judges are corrupt, what chance do you have to live an honest and productive life? In essence, these judges and these universities are wrecking America. They are sucking the life out of the will of the people, like the Soviet Union did to its population, who are now mostly vodka alcoholics. Injustice is a deep cancer in American society.


All this AI (artificial intelligence) hoopla reminds me of Y2K. Remember that? Our computers were supposed to crash on January 1, 2000. No one promoted this “sky is falling!” scenario more than Microsoft and the other computer people. It turned out to be absolutely nothing. Now I see commercials for washers and driers — with, they claim, artificial intelligence! Maybe we should throw out the “intelligence” part and just keep the “artificial.”

Despite the recent touting by every media jockey, especially financial pundits, that AI is like a huge new wave about to tsunami our whole society into some kind of chaos or new world – or profit – AI has actually been around for decades.


Remember in this column in 2016, I wrote that the Democrats would scapegoat Trump, because they believed that in order to preserve democracy, they had to destroy Donald J Trump. He was just too popular, and that can’t be allowed in a democracy. So in essence, they said we must preserve democracy by killing it. 


Colorado judges: “We have to save Democracy by not letting people vote.” (I.e., letting them only vote for one party — our party, our Pravda.) (In Russia, Pravda means “truth.”)


Isn’t it funny that the two courts which have ruled against Trump — the Engoron judge who has decided Trump should be fined $ 250,000,000 (1/4 billion) and lose all his New York businesses, and the Colorado “trial” that has ruled Trump cannot run for President in Colorado — both were conducted WITHOUT A JURY. both were brought by Democratic prosecutors and judged by Democratic judges, and occurred in deep Democratic, Trump-hating states. Both were conducted by extremely partisan liberal judges who had contributed money to the Democrat party. These hack judges ran roughshod over the law and are immune from consequences, because the Democrats are patting them on the back for every anti-Trump action they take, illegal or not. For example, in the Colorado case, the judges ruled that IF Trump had committed an insurrection, he was disqualified from running for president according to the 14th amendment. OK that’s well and good, but these judges didn’t decide whether he had engaged in insurrection or not: they simply accepted the OPINION that he did, and therefore ruled he must be excluded from running. Nowhere did this court prove or even attempt to prove that Trump engaged in insurrection. (A lower court ruled Trump did “engage in insurrection,” but also without proof.) So the Colorado Supreme Court, without proof and without a jury, pronounced that Trump committed an insurrection, and based their entire decision on that supposed “fact.” There’s your clue. If you want to destroy a political opponent in a banana republic, you simply banish juries, and have your justices/judges pronounce your opponent guilty of anything you want. You know, kind of like the USSR. This has Biden’s slimy fingers all over it.


You know how I am always going on about the new religion. I call it the spherical religion. Because in a sense, it includes everything and everyone, every consciousness and every emotion, every goal, every ambition and desire, and to one immersed in this religion, a true believer, it also includes every action, so that the true believer will not act outside the bounds of the sphere. The paradox here is that there can easily be more than one sphere. But if a sphere is all inclusive, how can there be more than one? (The prototypical, naive utterances, the dim beginning of this spherical consciousness, has already begun, with the “Inclusion” doctrines.)

Here’s another seeming paradox (or simply my own befuddlement): the symbol (says I, so discount as you wish) of this new religion will be a plus sign. What it will be called, I don’t know. (The name/sight “fr” seems to be in there. Firenze, fi-renge. Open range of grass. Yellow grass.) But if you think about it, a plus sign goes in 4 directions, to infinity. If that sign spins on its horizontal axis, it “creates” an infinite number of projections into infinities. Ditto if it spins on its vertical axis. And if this spinning causes it to “tilt” more and more, it creates another infinity of infinities of projected lines. Now, should the plus sign rotate in every direction (so to speak) at once, what will it create? We can see this by putting a boundary on the projecting “plus sign” — say, we “declare” that every line must be lit to one mile, and dark after that, what will we see? A shining sphere. So light comes from limitation, in one sense. But more importantly, the plus sign is the core, essential “ingredient” of the sphere. In practice, there might be 100 + spherical religious “groupings” in, say, Canada. If they get along, eventually the tendency will be to merge, and spheres will grow larger and less. Ultimately, one single sphere should emerge. At least theoretically.

Devotees will recognize a connection between Jesus’ crucifix and the plus sign, and this will hint to all that the entry to the other (or next) world, is centred on the crux of the cross, where all 4 lines meet; therein lies the secret side of the new religion. Most of us will only glimpse the light at that centre as we flow or speed by in the ship of our soul. Those who face that light straight on, and swim directly toward it, will be buffeted by the winds of ecstasy, an ecstasy, perhaps, too intense for many of us to bear. The “brave ones” are heading directly to the centre of spiritual energy, perhaps of energy in general, physical and otherwise. My fear is that circuits can get overloaded, but that may be purely an earthly, corporal fear that doesn’t apply on the other side.

Someone reading this might say, why do you need a plus sign? A single line could spin as well as a a plus sign of four lines, and create the same sphere. To large degree that’s true; however, 1) the + has other meanings, which I might look at later, and 2) the plus sign would spin more easily and less erratically than a simple straight line. If it were a straight line, where would you place the center? It could be anywhere between now and infinity. With a plus sign you gain a centre. A really important centre.


Who can divest evil of its arrogance? Dante depicts Satan as a being  in the middle of a frozen lake, essentially pouting. The ice of the lake indicates that there is no growth in evil; it’s the winter of the soul but deeper, almost the death of the soul, though the soul cannot die. The Frozen lake indicates pride. The reason Satan cannot move from his prison is his arrogance. In essence he is self-imprisoned. His prison is built of his own pride. If he lost his arrogance, and saw his flaws and his mistake, he would also lose all other negatives, pride and envy and murder and pain, etc. It might not be quick, but a crack in Satan‘s arrogance would be the beginning of his return to the Godhead. This return must be much easier if God is not pictured as a being of semi corporeal existence… For instance humans have presented God as a man’s shape and face, which begs for offspring rebellion, just as humans experience the need to defy the parent in order to find themselves. It’s a bit unfair for God to say, “Be good,” then make it part of our nature to fight against our parents.…or rather, perhaps it’s unfair for humans to envision God as another (albeit omniscient) human.

But who can divest evil of its arrogance? Especially as arrogance is at the very root of evil, and may even be its cause. Once arrogance “sees the light,” the conversion can be long and slow if it is human, or almost instantaneous if it is only a non-corporeal being. In a simple view Satan could convert overnight in our concept of time, even in an instant. But two things argue against this. One is the simple fact that if there were no more evil on earth or in the universe, perhaps there would be no creation because there would be no contrast and no struggles between different forces — the things that make up our universe and propel it to evolve. The other argument is that yes Satan could in an instant say I am so ashamed, I’ve been bad, I have been arrogant, let me see the light etc., which might be easy and instantaneous for Satan (I am being a bit facetious) but what of all the accumulated evil, the injuries and pain, the resentments and traumas, that have entered virtually every human’s life to some degree or other, what of all the temptations and cruelty Satan (or God, for Satan must be a part of God) has inculcated in people? Or do these just disappear instantaneously also, the moment Satan decides to be good? If so it would seem that human’s physical bodies must also disappear instantly. I’m not so sure of that. And who’s going to tell the social and herd animals (e.g., baboons) not to fight for dominance, something that is engrained in their DNA? 

In the long run humanity is improving, growing more sympathetic, merciful, empathic, and tolerant every decade. This in itself is lowering the quantity of evil, partly because it lowers the quantity of violence. Anyone looking at history would conclude that mankind is becoming much more accepting of individuals, and of the concept of mankind itself, which in turn, I think within the century ahead (the process is very slow and ubiquitous and covers past, present and future) will naturally lead us to an increased gentleness between humans as they recognize that they’re all bound to the same destiny.


Those who believe Joe Biden will willingly drop from the Presidential election are not taking into account his Scorpio Sun and Taurus Moon. These, along with Aquarius and Leo, are the most stubborn signs in the zodiac. Scorpio doesn’t quit until it is defeated. He might drop out, but it won’t be easy or soon.
