Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD):  2:19 am to 7:33 pm Mon., 7:29 pm to 10:44 pm Wed., and 11:52 pm Fri. to 3:04 am Sat.



ALL SIGNS: On Tuesday morning the planet Jupiter turns direct in motion. So a lucky project or two that has been held up for a few months is now ready to rocket ahead. You have until mid-June to give this lucky project wings.

Very roughly, here is where your lucky project might exist:

ARIES — travel, paperwork, communications opening doors to bigger things.

TAURUS — money, income, casual sex, rote learning opening doors to sexual and financial “sharing.”

GEMINI — self, personality, ebullient mood opening doors to relationships, opportunities and relocation.

CANCER — management, gov’t, institutions and advice opening doors to work success.

LEO — hopes, wishes, social joys, light romance opening doors to deep romance, creativity.

VIRGO — career, prestige relations, worldly standing opening doors to home ownership, security, children.

LIBRA — higher mind, profound thoughts, far travel, law, love opening doors to frank discussions and “local luck.” (Weddings favoured.)

SCORPIO — secret knowledge, intuition, high finance, lust opening doors to better income, more possessions, “casual sex.”

SAGITTARIUS — relationships, relocation, renown, opportunities opening doors to your own success. (You must “join.”)

CAPRICORN — chores, employment, nutrition, health opening door to success in management, gov’t.

AQUARIUS — romance, creativity, risk-taking, pleasure and beauty  opening doors to wishes coming true. (Two major ones.)

PISCES — home, real estate, kids and security opening doors to enhanced prestige and affluence. (E.g., buy a home in an affluent neighbourhood.)


On Feb. 13, Thursday at 7:30 pm, I’ll give another “talk” for the Fraser Valley Astrology Guild, by Zoom. It costs $ 15 if you aren’t a member. For more information, please check the Guild’s website:, or email Rebecca Garcia, at

What I’ll be talking about:

Many major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) will change signs this year. Pluto finally entered Aquarius for a 2-decade residence two months ago (Nov. 24) although it first “approached” this sign in March/23. These changes place these planets in new signs with new meanings, where they will stay from 1 to 20 years. For example, Uranus will be in Gemini for the next 7 years. This will delight Aquarians romantically and Librans mentally and in love, but can make Gemini more nervous, and renders Scorpio’s finances unpredictable. It nudges Taureans to go high tech if they want to improve their incomes. So I’ll talk about all this stuff, looking at the effects of each planet on each of the 12 signs. So this is not your year ahead — if anything, it’s your decade ahead.

IF there’s enough time, I’ll also read some personal charts — if you want to do this, please contact Rebecca at





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

“Life is a bowl of cherries” — this still applies, Aries. Expect a rising popularity, social joys, optimism and flirting this week and next. Tuesday begins over four months of good luck for you. Read the first item in the PREAMBLE for clues. Your good looks will be enhanced, will shine, now to late March. This will lead to romantic success in February, but indecision in March. In May, you will find your romantic or creative feet again, and could nab a huge love prize, esp. in late May, early June. Continue to downplay friction at home. A construction or demolition project might run into delays. Lots of talk with happy friends! Your energy and charisma are high Sunday/Monday. Go after what you want — a wish could come true. Collect money, buy/sell, learn from a book, and/or hug a sexy friend Monday night (PST) through Wednesday. Difficulties from Monday night to Tuesday midnight, then smooth success Wednesday. Tackle paperwork, errands and communications Thursday/Friday — successful generally, but don’t be too cavalier Friday, when you might be deceived about something. Saturday is for home and family.


taurus icon  TAURUS: April 20-May 20

The accent remains on ambition, career, prestige relations and worldly status, Taurus. (Status also includes married/single, etc.) A lucky project or trend that has been “slowed” for 4 months, now rockets ahead full speed to mid-June. Read the first item in the PREAMBLE for clues. All Feb., avoid word spats and erratic driving. A friend might have performance issues until late February. Lots of talk on the career/ambition side. Head office and the government, and institutions, favour you now through March — but March will delay, hinder this favour, so act before March — well before. Your wishes are sober but solid, so don’t give up on them. Rest, contemplate and plan Sunday/Monday — talk to someone about a pay raise: no immediate results, but this sets you up in their mind for possible advancement. Your energy and charisma climb nicely Monday eve (7:30 pm PST) to the same time Wed. Avoid Tuesday disputes, so that they don’t interfere with Wednesday’s success. Collect money, buy/sell, hug a sexy friend or study something Thursday through Friday night. Thursday is good, expansive, but Friday is a little mixed, especially if you yield to self deception. Saturday is for short trips, friends, communications (one about your career could be significantly well-starred).


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Hey, Gemini. You’re in a lovely, tolerant, profound, intelligent and travel-and-love prone month. A lucky project or trend that has been “slowed” for 4 months, now rockets ahead full speed to mid-June. Read the first item in the PREAMBLE for clues. In your case, an unusually fortunate project in publishing, teaching/learning, international, legal, social ritual or love zones has lagged, been “on hold” for 4 months is now ready to race to the finish line by June. If in a love or income/buying zone, wait until March to push it. Love might blossom anyway. You social life perks up, might bring an attraction for singles all month. This trend is highlighted Sunday/Monday — Sunday better. Retreat Monday night to Wednesday night — find a quiet place to rest, meditate, plan, and liaise with bureaucrats or head office. Tuesday’s not so hot, but Wednesday run smoothly. Your energy and pizzazz soar to the roof thursday/Friday — Thursday’s better. Get things done, approach others, and sing a song of togetherness to someone attractive. Saturday is for shopping and collecting dollars.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Life’s deepest secrets hover around you in February, Cancer. You have a good, solid base for your ideas and opinions (last year and the next five months) — they’re grounded in reality and tend to concur with important people in your life. Starting Tuesday, you will be favoured by higher-ups. take advantage, for instance ask for a promotion, but realize that what is promised in February might be quietly delayed in March, forgotten about in April, but revived very nicely in May, which might bring career wishes true. Also tuesday, a project that’s been delayed but is very lucky can resume forward motion, into June. Read the first item in the PREAMBLE above for clues. You remain sexually magnetic, determined and assertive, but the response might be “limp” this month (then powerful March/April). Sunday/Monday emphasize your career and related ambitions. Act Sunday, as Monday might offer empty results. You might have a genius idea about investing; government might be involved. Wishes come true Monday night to Wednesday night. Happiness, optimism, popularity and social delights also arrive. But minor difficulties can hamper your joy before Tuesday midnight, and everything helps after that. Retreat, avoid competitive situations, seek advice, rest, contemplate and plan Thursday/Friday. This interval flows smoothly Thursday, and surfs both good and bad waves Fri. Your energy and charisma surge saturday, for a good, “get it done” weekend.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The emphasis lies on relationships and opportunities for the next two weeks, Leo. Contracts, agreements, love and marriage, public appearances and relocation themes will fill these days. Be diplomatic, avoid opposition, argument and temper. (Also avoid sketchy places and belligerent people until late April.) As last year, continue to be very conservative in your investments before June. Tuesday starts a long period of favour from lawyers, judges and the law. (Long period: forward thru Feb., back thru March, and alive with sweet luck in May.) this influence can also bring a wedding, an international trip, and success with publishing and the media – and higher learning. (Sunday/Monday highlight this trend — luckily Sun., “iffy Mon.) Also Tuesday, a very lucky project or trend designed to fulfill a major romantic, creative, inventive or child-oriented wish, goes forward after a four month delay. So you have from Tuesday to June 9 to make a dream come true — and you likely will! Be ambitious Monday eve to Wed. eve — tough Tuesday, but fortunate Wed. Thurs./Fri. bring those wishes mentioned above, and social delights, popularity, friendly romance — great Thurs., a bit mixed Fri. Saturday starts a weekend of rest, contemplation — a good one.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The accent lies on work, chores, daily health, nutrition, tools and machinery for two more weeks, Virgo. For most people, this is a time of drudgery, but not you – you like work and tools and all that. Lots of communication about work. You’ve been dreaming/wishing big about sexual intimacy, or the stock market or other investments — to some degree since last September. February will bring good luck and favour to your finances (and promote sexual temptations). But proceed carefully; you might make impulsive decisions that you later regret. Your career and other ambitions have been super-favoured last June (2024) to last september. From October to now this luck has not gone away, but in a sense has lain dormant. Now, starting Tuesday, lasting to June 9, this career luck returns with lots of forward motion. However, to sustain it (and for instance grab a big promotion) you will have to deal with one or more significant relationships. find out whether they support you or oppose you before you take a big action. Sunday/Monday highlight sexual temptations and financial commitments, research and possible medical decisions. Sunday’s good, Monday not so much. Monday night (7:30 pm PST) to the same time Wednesday eve brings contemplation, wisdom, legal or educational or philosophical leanings, and perhaps far travel. a gentle, easy feeling – with love also. Tuesday is difficult, Wednesday is lovely. Thursday/Friday focus on that great career or ambition luck that you possess now to early June. Thursday is great, Friday is mixed, especially if you fall for illusion or deception in relationships.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The main emphasis remains on romance, creativity, pleasure and beauty, risk and reward, Libra — communication bolsters your odds. You’ll be lucky, happy. Even better, Venus enters your partnership and opportunity sign Tuesday, for two months — though the best “offerings” will occur in February. (In love, March will be for “other, old ones.” — But May will bring even better prospects!) Tuesday also starts 4 months of huge, once-in-a-decade luck in far travel, international affairs (import/export) higher learning, law, philosophy, and love. More than the usual number of Liberians will wed now to June 9. (And after, too, until mid-2026.) Thursday/Friday highlight this trend — luckily thursday, but a bit mixed Friday. Bosses remain temperamental (to late April) so be diligent, on time, and wear a smile. Sunday/Monday highlight relationships and opportunities. Sunday’s better. Monday eve (just passed suppertime PST) to the same time Wednesday brings secrets, medical decisions, major financial actions, lust, pregnancy, revelations and maybe lifestyle decisions. These are rife with difficulties to Tuesday midnight, then successful Wednesday. Saturday starts a weekend of shopping and earning or collecting money — all’s well.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The emphasis remains on your domestic environment, Scorpio. Home, kids and spouse, mother nature, security, a restful, peaceful attitude —  these mark the days ahead. Your rolling planet, Pluto, has moved into this area recently and will stay for just under two decades, hinting that your life will tend to revolve around wherever you set down roots. Now into April, strictly avoid lawsuits (and lawyers) or “rebelling against the machine.” workmates will be pleasant. lots of discussion about family matters. Tackle chores Sunday/Monday. Sunday’s better for accomplishment. Relationships, opportunities and relocation themes arrive about 7 PM (PST) Monday to the same time Wednesday. Everything’s a bit difficult before midnight Tuesday, then things go very well Wednesday. A major fortunate opportunity is coming in sexual, financial, research, medical and lifestyle areas now to June 9. These zones have been fortunate for you since last June, but were delayed or squelched for the past four months. now you can leap forward. This is the best year in a decade to make a good investment. February and late May/early June offer the best “instruments.” All this is highlighted Thurs. (luckily) and Fri. (Mixed). Saturday starts a mellow, thoughtful weekend.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You face two more weeks of errands, short trips, casual associations, communications and paperwork, Sage. These can be a doorway to partnership, public appearances, opportunities, perhaps relocation. You can be too impulsive or impatient in sexual and financial zones all the way into April — think twice before committing! Romance strikes a sweet note all February, but this attraction might stall in March. Your home continues to be a concern, especially financially. This burden or financial sluggishness will end in late May. A huge opportunity began last May, to reach agreement or contract, to relocate, to grab fame, or to find a life mate. This opportunity went soft, was delayed or disappeared the last four months. But this week to June 9 revives this line of opportunities, even more strongly. So set your sights, and get in the chase! — thursday/Friday will highlight this entire trend. Act on it if you want Thursday (lucky — although there’s no rush) and be nimble in the same areas during a mixed-luck Friday. Earlier, Sunday/Monday are romantic and creative. Sunday’s better. Tackle chores about 7 PM (PST) Monday to the same time Wednesday. Eat, dress sensibly. Saturday starts a sexy or monied weekend — dig deep for treasure.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The accent lies on money and possessions for two more weeks, Cap. Buy/sell, collect $, learn (also a possession) and/or share intimacy with a friend. (A Virgo stands out?) Relationships of all kinds remain volatile — hot anger, hot attraction — into April. Your home and family are sweet, affectionate all Feb. Your duties, and perhaps your machine ownership, have been lucky since last May, but this luck stalled for 4 months. Now to June 9, this good luck resumes — chase work, seek a pay raise, angle toward  promotion. (And keep your health up — this will be important.) Sunday/Monday are domestic, might trigger a better income. Late Monday (7:30 pm PST) to the same time Wednesday rings a romantic bell — with headwinds/obstacles up to midnight Tuesday, and success Wed. Tackle chores Thurs./Fri. The work and potential promotion I’ve discussed above, are highlighted — successfully Thurs., mixed Fri. Saturday starts a weekend of relationships, exciting meetings, fresh horizons — avoid angry people.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Two more weeks of high energy, high charisma and high effectiveness, Aquarius. Work is intense all month (to April)  — don’t overexert or overheat, and dress and eat sensibly. you can express yourself well now in any area, but you are specially good with words of love. The biggest, most fortunate opportunity, and probably also your biggest wish, are about to become reality, now through early June. What’s the wish? To find exciting love, or to create something very special, or to take a gamble that with luck will succeed — and good luck is exactly what you have here. Sunday/Monday brings errands, communications and paperwork. Sunday is better for results. A romantic meeting or clue hovers around you. Head for home, family, between 7 PM (PST) Monday and the same time Wednesday. be diplomatic and gentle before Tuesday midnight. Wednesday brings success. Thursday/Friday highlight doorways to romance, creativity or successful risk-taking. Thursday is great, Friday is mixed. Saturday starts a weekend of work and minor health procedures.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Hey, Pisces. The emphasis remains on quietude, rest, contemplation, planning, and management work (anything from sitting on committees to managing a workforce or working in an institution or as a civil servant). At the risk of repeating myself, this Tuesday/Wednesday to June 9 presents the luckiest opportunity in a decade for you to find, rent or buy property, especially a home. If you’re already are in a good home that you’re happy with, think about buying a vacation home, or about renovating or improving your own property, buying furniture, adding a child to the family, etc. You might be very fired up about romance, especially a sexy romance, but it seems to turn on itself or meet an obstacle in February — better results await in March and April. your money picture looks good for the next two months. Someone might tell you secrets or not usually accessed information. Say thank you! Collect money, buy/sell, and, if you like, yield to casual intimacy with someone Sunday/Monday. Sunday’s better for results. You might see or hear a real estate bargain. Monday night to Wednesday night nudges you to travel, communicate, do easy swift errands and paperwork. difficult before Tuesday midnight, then smooth all Wednesday. Home, kids, and everything I’ve talked about above regarding real estate — these are highlighted Thursday/Friday. Thursday is very lucky and expansive, and Friday is good too but a little mixed — beware deception. Saturday starts a weekend of pleasure, beauty, creativity, happy kids, and romance.






Pisces who want to rise in life should try to live in affluent neighbourhoods, even if they have to rent a small basement suite. You Pisces people are so sensitive to outside influence, that if you live in a wealthy neighbourhood you will tend to soak up the attributes of wealth like a sponge soaks up water. (If you live in a poor ‘hood, you will learn to be poor.)


Trump had and has it wrong. Criminal immigrants should be deported — and if their home country won’t accept them, parachute them into the country’s capital.

But the rest, the other 90 + %, will add to the vitality of the US. For those worried about a dilution of Caucasians – At 10 million versus a 350 million pop, this huge wave of illegal immigrants only adds one person to a group of 35 — like spice sprinkled on the main dish. Immigrants add optimism, ambition, a work ethic, new patriotism, a bigger tax base, and genius. And one important ingredient: new DNA.

Without a reasonable immigration allowance, the US population would lean slowly and eventually toward stagnation.  At that point, the nation would be in danger. You see hints of this already, for instance in the US falling behind Russia and China in AI and hypersonic missiles. the US has always been a catch up nation, slow to respond but muscular in grabbing the prize at the finish line. For example World War II — the US was very late to enter, but then won the war. Elon Musk was right: America does need to bring in fresh engineering talent to its high tech sector by immigration. — here, again, is the dilemma: do you embrace immigration or stagnate?


This APPLE has a worm : as I dictate this column, apple’s Pages app misses: it starts sentences, and labels proper nouns (e.g., a person’s name) with lower case rather than a capital letter. I keep converting apple’s mistake, but I’m getting tired of it. so when you see uncapitalized names and sentences, it’s just that I’ve let them go because I’m not gonna bother spending my life correcting Apple’s failings. (E.g., like the prior sentence that starts with “so.”)


The Bible says, do not worship or adore the planets. I agree with that. I don’t see the planets as the cause of anything,. Rather, they are points on a map of the universe that exist in a pattern. Their value is, that this pattern, a relatively easy one to perceive by human beings, is in someway or another repeated throughout our solar system, if not our universe. In other words, if Mars and the Moon are in fighting mode (square by aspect) we should see a measurable rise in frustration, temper tantrums, friction, violence, etc.

However, our astrology is dependent on a specific point of view — I.e., from earth.  There are heliocentric astrologers, but as far as I know, no one has ever studied astrology from, say, Mars. Would the pattern be the same? No. Would the events be the same? Almost certainly not. Because our P.O.V. would be from Mars, not Earth.

But the planets are indicators, perhaps not (because we can’t ignore what we don’t know about magnetism, gravity, etc.) causative factors. We are only now starting to appreciate the powers of gravity.

Still, I think the patterns of nature, from the design of a tree leaf to the pattern of a galaxy, repeat the ’core message” not only through time but through/across vast canyons of space. We could say the planets have no power, but instead are like engineers at the head of the train, fiddling knobs and adjusting influences here and there as they speed toward everyone’s future.

It is not in God‘s best interest, nor in ours, to worship one of God‘s things rather than God itself. So, as the Bible admonishes: do not worship the planets. They are not God; they are one of God‘s creations. God is very elusive if you’re religious. But it’s really simple, I think: existence is the miracle, and the miracle is God. Karma is God, mother nature is God, and so are the planets, their cycles — and the bird in the sky and the ant on the ground. We are all part of a massive, flexible and benevolent web. The web is as wide as your consciousness allows it to be.


Joe Biden actually did everyone a favour by pardoning all the corrupt Democrats and his own family and a couple of Republicans who had turned on the Donald. On the negative side, Biden drove his two-tiered justice system to its spectacular end, setting free everyone who colluded with him in crime, including his entire mafia-type family. This might actually turn some of some of them from corruption.

The real benefit of what Biden did, is what he did: he stopped the Trump administration from pursuing justice and revenge in 100 cases. He did them a favour. He took investigating and pursuing and charging off the table. Now the Trump administration can focus on positive issues without the distraction and manpower drain required to chase Liz Cheney and all the criminals on the J6 committee. (In this case, the criminals were the judges prosecutors and senators; the innocents were the ones they threw in jail by handfuls.) Once again, Trump might’ve been prescient when he kept saying in his campaign, my revenge will be to succeed or something like that.


Houses have a personality. All buildings have a presence, especially skyscrapers that stand there with the vision and hands of 1000 men erecting something physically greater than any man. I think numerology can help us in ascertaining the basic personality of any building, or any address within it. But nothing… except maybe a laboured poetic description… can  describe the palpable “ radiance” that these huge man-made objects possess.


I think the Republicans will prevail in 2028, because the short four years  in front of us will likely reveal deeper and deeper levels of democratic rot. Much of this  corruption will be very hard to root out, whether by Republican or Democrat, because it has soaked into the minds and world views of a vibrant, younger portion of the left.

But I how perverse it has become!

The sheer boldness of their actions left democrats vulnerable to observation . They were too cocksure. They created a structure of corruption that could last years, even decades, if not opposed. But that is also the left’s weakness: structures that are so large and encompass so many “builders” (i.e., worms) are very hard to hide. So many years of hiding so many things has caused the deception (and the crooked ideology that must spring from it) to spread its tentacles into hundreds of thousands of minds, life styles and documents


I just discovered: two lights in a room is comfy, whereas only one creates feelings of loneliness or alienation.
