WEEKLY FORECAST — JUNE 16 – 22, 2024


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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 11:05 pm to 11:38 pm Sun., 9:19 pm to 9:32 pm Wed., and 3:58 pm to 4:08 pm Fri.



(Oops, nothing! See AFTERAMBLE, after “Pisces.”)




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This is your last  few days of restlessness, short trips, communications, errands and paperwork, Aries. By Thursday you enter a month of domestic interests: home, family, real estate, gardening and food, mother, nature and security. your domestic situation situation will bring affection and plenty of conversation. make sure you get some moments of deep rest also. Those restless things (e.g., errands) will continue to be both fortunate and frequent until the middle of 2025, but not with the same thrust as during June. Money will flow quickly to you until July 20 — bank it, don’t spend it. Sunday features relationships and opportunities. These can be quite successful, but might be undercut by  fantasies, esp. of love. Life’s hidden currents flow to the surface Monday to just past breakfast time (PDT) Wednesday. Large finances, lust and desires, research and hidden factors (and privileged information) medical and lifestyle concerns — these confront you and luck becomes very mixed, so advance cautiously. (It ends well, Wed. morning.) Profound ideas, far travel, higher learning, law and social tolerance — and gentle love — fill you Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday. Wednesday is great, so charge ahead. But Thursday and Friday confront you with disapproval and unfair decisions by government or management or an institution: go slow. Friday Eve and saturday, reward your ambition — walk proud!


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

A good money month will end Thursday, Taurus, to welcome 30 days of short trips, errands, paperwork and communications. But don’t worry, your money luck will be terrific right into June 2025. Until July 20, you will be filled with courage, assertiveness and sexual magnetism. at the same time, you might have to hustle to complete neglected chores or to meet a government or management deadline. Those errands and communications will bless you with a kind of minor, affectionate and friendly pathway. Tackle chores Sunday and fix minor health problems. You will succeed with your work, but don’t daydream about an impossible love — especially if you’re handling machinery or sharp tools. Exciting relationships arise Monday to a little past breakfast Wednesday (PDT). This interval has eight bad aspects and for good aspects — so be nimble and cautious. Not all people you meet, nor opportunities you spy, will be around even a month from now. The sexy, Hidden, treasure-filled side of life emerges Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday. Again, however, your luck is very mixed, so proceed cautiously. Wishes will not come true. Friday night and Saturday bring wisdom, tolerance, and gentle love — a good time to think about profound ideas, such as religion or living a good moral life.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The great energy of the last few weeks declines softly from Thursday on, Gemini, as your focus changes from lucky personal prospects to a more narrow spotlight on earnings, possessions, casual sex, and rote learning. (These will be successful, touched by affectionate communications and gracious responses.) But that lucky, confident mood you entered a few weeks ago will continue — to mid 2025. This is going to be one of the best years of your life, Gemini! But now to July 20, stay away from belligerent people and dark places such as biker clubs. If you are a professional athlete, now to July 20 could bring superior performance. Sunday is for romance or creative projects, but don’t fall prey to unrealistic dreams (tho’ chasing an ambition would work!). Monday to just past breakfast Wednesday brings chores and minor health complaints. Proceed carefully, think things through before pressing the “On” switch. Tuesday morning/noon (PDT) is best. Impress higher-ups Wednesday morning. Exciting meetings occur Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday — but disagreements and flawed opportunities arise. Oddly enough, these few days are prime for ambition and impressing higher-ups. Friday night starts a weekend of temptation, lust, power plays, research, medical and lifestyle decisions and refreshing changes. Might be a treasure somewhere in all that!


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Your month of quietude, low energy, and contemplation will end Thursday pm, Cancer. That day you enter four weeks of high energy, effectiveness and clout, charisma, and generally good fortune. However, the benefits of the last month (fortunate contacts w/gov’t, institutions and management levels, karmic and emotional healing, spiritual growth) will be repeated all the way into mid ’25. You might socialize now to late July with coworkers and higher-ups, or simply with a man you find entertaining. Sunday is for home, children, nature, rest and security. Not a good day for “secret flirting.” (Long range consequences not good.) Monday to post-breakfast Wednesday (PDT) brings, romance, creative, searches, and the pursuit of risk, beauty and pleasure. Monday also starts a few weeks of good hair days and personal beauty as well as the ability to express yourself fluently. But these few days are not the easiest, as difficult aspects are as numerous as good ones. Overall, Tuesday is the best. Tackle chores Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday. But obstacles are as numerous as pebbles thrown on the road, so proceed carefully. Friday evening through the weekend brings exciting meetings, opportunities, public appearances, and/or relocation themes. Love could win!


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

A month of optimism, popularity and social delights ends Thursday, Leo. this day begins four weeks of quietude, rest, contemplation, planning and dealings with government or head office. but that streak of optimism and social joys does not simply disappear — you will ride a streak of good fortune in this area for 12 more months. bosses and VIPs will be impatient and pushy until July 20 — be diplomatic and keep your sense of humour. If you work in an intellectual field, now till July 20, could give your career a good boost. Sunday’s for errands, and paperwork — all succeed well, with one exception: don’t try to communicate your desires about an intimate relationship or possibility. Be home Monday to just after breakfast Wednesday (PDT). Calmly and deliberately solve problems. Romance beckons Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday — again, obstacles, so stick with the faithful one. Tackle chores Friday eve through the weekend — here at last is a successful interval! Get things done, eat, and dress sensibly, and if you need to, this is a pretty good time to buy tools or machines, especially Saturday morning and Sunday into noon.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Strictly avoid lawsuits until after July 20, Virgo. A life-changing amount might be at stake. By Thursday, you will exit a month of beneficial career and status efforts/developments, and begin four weeks of celebration, optimism, social joys, flirting, friendly romance, and entertainment. But that beneficial career luck continues for the next 12 months. Keep in the back of your mind that you might well be promoted during this year ahead. Sunday, spend or collect money, learn something or hug someone you would never marry. Dreams float everywhere. Errands, short trips, communications, and paperwork fill Monday to just past Wednesday. Be nimble, and watch what you say/write, esp. Monday. Head for home, family, nature, garden, repairs/renos, rest and contemplation Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday. Most things go well, except cooperation of a partner or spouse. Friday eve through the weekend brings romance, creative and speculative urges, beauty and pleasure — you will be happy!


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

A month of profound ideas, gentle love, Learning and wisdom ends Thursday, Libra, to be replaced by four weeks of hard work, ambition, prestige relations, and worldly standing. That zone of profound ideas and gentle love however, does not just disappear — it will benefit you for another 12 months. This year ahead will be excellent for international travel, higher learning, legal affairs, publishing… and love. State what you want and what you think and how you feel — these communications will bring lucky responses. Until July 20, you can feel strongly sexual, and/or powerfully attracted to investing, spying/researching, or be fired up about a lifestyle change. These are good in their way, but act after thinking, not with wild impulse. Your energy and charisma are high Sunday: success is on your plate. Don’t be confused about ethics and work. Chase money Monday to just after breakfast Wednesday (PDT) — buy/sell, embrace casual intimacy, memorize something. But don’t get ahead of your skis, especially Monday: slow wins. Communications, paperwork, and short trips fill Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday. Obstacles outnumber lucky moments, so proceed carefully — work and health are likely to be involved. Friday eve through the weekend nudges you to be at home or in nature, with family, and to rest and contemplate.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

A month of mystery, major financial developments, medical and lifestyle decisions, and deep desires (for sex or power) ends Thursday, Scorpio. This day, starts four weeks of wisdom, profound ideas, mellow, gentle love, international concerns, legal, learning or philosophical pursuits. (But those medical, financial, lifestyle, and sexual involvements will remain beneficial — perhaps even hugely fortunate — for 12 more months. Some Scorpios will grow rich.) Lie low and rest Sunday — all’s well, except in romantic and creative zones, where fantasy can lead you astray. Your energy, charisma, and effectiveness soar upward Monday to just past breakfast Wednesday (PDT). Use your energy to solve problems rather than launch new things. Chase money Wednesday morning too late Friday afternoon. Buy/sell, embrace someone attractive, but not “the one,” and/or study something. Avoid chasing romance. Friday night into the weekend brings errands, short trips, casual friends, add communications — you’ll be busy but successfully so!

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

A month of exciting meetings, relationship possibilities and general opportunities ends Thursday, Sage. That day starts a month of secrecy and research, medical and lifestyle decisions, and a deeper commitment to whatever or whomever excited you in the last four weeks. Sexual temptations will be prominent. Realize you do not have to tie yourself or your future to anyone, because the recent influence of opportunities and exciting relationship prospects will last until next June, and is sure to bring you a happy and lucky hook up. (In business or practical areas if you are already love-attached.) You face five more weeks of intense work, until July 20 — protect your health, especially from rashes are overheating, and machinery dangers. Sunday finds you happy, perhaps even in love (more so if you are not near home). Monday to about 9 AM Wednesday (PDT) pulls you into retreat, rest, contemplation, and spiritual regeneration. If you want to liaise with government or head office, do so Tuesday — morning best. Your energy and charisma rise strongly, Wednesday to late afternoon Friday. Use this time to solve problems (esp. domestic ones) rather than launch new projects. Chase money Friday eve through the weekend: buy/sell, embrace a casual attraction, and/or learn something by rote. All’s good!


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Four weeks of chores,  minor health ailments and dependent’s (and/or pet’s) needs ends Thursday, Cap, when a new month begins — a month of exciting meetings, partnership prospects, opportunities, public appearances and relocation themes. But generally elevated levels of work demands will persist until June 2025. These demands seem burdensome, but they have a reward attached, which could sail into your life anytime — tomorrow, or next April or June. Romance might grow hot — or end — until July 20. Be ambitious Sunday, even if that means merely holding your head high on the street. Hopes and wishes buoy your heart Monday to about 9 AM Wednesday, PDT. Social joys, popularity, optimism, and friendly flirting arise — some obstacles, so proceed cautiously. Tuesday daytime and Wednesday morning best. Retreat, lie low, rest and contemplate Wednesday to late afternoon Friday. Liaise with gov’t, head office, institutions. Plan, meditate. Friday eve starts a weekend during which you will be the star of the show, with high energy, bubbling, charisma, and effective actions. For the first time this week, you face good luck without irksome obstacles.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

A creative, romantic, pleasurable and adventurous four weeks ends Thursday, Aquarius. That day starts a month of hard work, needs of dependents, tools and machinery, and minor health concerns (all off which will be blessed by affection and happy co-workers). But those creative and Romantic vibes don’t end — they continue with major good luck until June 2025. What happens in the next 12 months can bring the fulfilment of a major wish — and you can help that by wishing and optimism — and by joining one or two new groups, whether in society, art/drama, politics, at work, in religion, whatever. Be cautious and tolerant on the home front now to July 20. Sunday brings wisdom, profound ideas and gentle love. A good day to launch an international or educational or publishing project. Be ambitious Monday to about 9 AM Wednesday (PDT) — obstacles are plenty, but they might actually boost you. Tuesday is best for working with management. Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday brings popularity, social delights, optimism, entertainment, and friendly flirting. Your mood is high and happy, but avoid starting or committing to any domestic project (e.g., building a garage or swimming pool). Retreat to find a quiet place where you can rest, contemplate, and plan Friday eve through the weekend. This will be a satisfying rest and rejuvenation.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Your domestic situation has been top of your mind for the last few weeks, Pisces. (You’ve also thought of security, and of ending a situation.) This area will prove very fortunate for you over the 12 months ahead. A good portion of Pisceans will “move up” to a better or more prestigious neighbourhood. But Thursday starts a month of pleasure and beauty, creative urges, risk taking, speculation and romance — these will be accompanied by affection and a lot of talk. Your communications urge will strongly increase in the weeks ahead. Sunday is for mysteries and lifestyle choices — you might feel good about an investment, and you’re pleased with your home, children. Monday to about 9 am Wednesday (PDT) brings wisdom and a tolerant outlook, far travel, international affairs, legal, higher learning and media developments. Go slow here, as frustrating, obstacles exist, especially Monday. Tuesday is pretty good, and Wednesday morning brings the satisfaction of knowing you did the right thing. Be ambitious Wednesday morning to late afternoon Friday. Your skills might be tested while the boss watches. Again, obstacles arise — but you can turn these into success, into a step up the ladder, with an opportunistic and hard-working attitude. Friday night through the weekend brings friendly flirtations, popularity and social delights, optimism, entertainment, and a celebratory atmosphere — all’s good, so jump in!




Remember last week or the week before I listed the corrupt Scorpios who have pursued the incarceration of Donald Trump? There was Hillary, Biden, a suspected Juan Merchan (who hides his birthdate, a typically Scorpio move) and Fani Willis. Let me add one more: softly sleazy, corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland. Isn’t it odd how Biden, a Scorpio, has surrounded himself with other Scorpios, and commanded (*) them to attack Gemini Trump? (Trump is Leo rising, so these Scorpios see him as a dominating threat.) A gang of corruption. Or no, a pit of vipers. Or, a scrabble of scorpions?

(*) “Commanded” — by reports, sometimes by shouting expletives.


“Innocent people were killed” during Israel’s raid that freed three Hamas hostages, said a spokesman for the White House.

OK, let’s see: Hamas kidnapped, tortured, raped and killed thousands of Israelites and kidnapped hundreds of hostages during a horrific first-strike attack. Now they hide these hostages and their own selves in schools and hospitals filled with Palestinian civilians. In some cases, supposed Palestinian civilians guard (and torture?) these hostages, as was the case with the three recently rescued Israelis. U.N. agencies and journalists participate in these crimes.

So when the IDF goes in to rescue these hostages, the civilians surrounding them are killed. But these are not innocent people. These are “civilians” who support, hide and embrace the murderers and rapists among them. There is not a Hamas and a separate civilian population. Every Palestinian IS Hamas. Every Palestinian hates the Jews and would like to see every Jew dead. Every Palestinian is complicit in hiding Hamas. And every Hamas Member or soldier is guilty of the murder-by-neglect of their own citizens. They created this war with Israel, and they put their own civilians in front of them to receive IDF fire. They are violent cowards.


In astrology, signs that are 120° apart (in the circle of 360 degrees) experience harmony and affection with each other. The air signs Gemini, Aquarius and Libra are one of these “triplicities.” The others are: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the fire signs; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the earth signs; and Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the water signs. Air and fire get along with each other quite well, as do the Earth and water signs. But neither air nor fire signs deal very harmoniously with the earth and water signs.

Chinese premier Xi Jin Ping is a Gemini. Vladimir Putin is a Libra. They have recently become very buddy buddy and formed an alliance against Joe Biden. Biden is a Scorpio, a sign that does not get along with Libra or Gemini. He has had trouble with both these national leaders. (He’s presently at war with Russia, via Ukraine, and is having trouble with China, despite the fact that China paid him to be betray his own country, which he has done for several years, though now he seems to be pivoting against his Oriental master.)

Donald Trump is a Gemini, which harmonizes with Gemini Xi Jin Ping (who has a Leo Moon) and Libra Putin (who also has a Gemini Moon). Trump has a Sagittarius Moon, so these three harmonize in both Sun (action) and Moon (emotions). During Trump’s presidency, Russia and China were not against the US and not forming an alliance between themselves. Simple eh?


The small state of Vermont, USA, has sued to make all the oil companies that operate in the state pay for the damages of climate change. This is a rather ridiculous legal attack. For one thing, who is the person, the wise person next to God, who can determine what the damages are from climate change, and after this what portion of these damages is attributable to the oil companies? If the suit wins, then under the doctrine of equal justice for all, every single gas station operator should be sued for the dastardly deed of distributing gasoline. Every seller of propane, and every single store that sells goods —including food —packaged in plastic, or even constructed of plastic (e.g., hand-wipes) — because plastic comes from oil. And where will the food itself come from when farmers cannot drive their tractors nor fertilize fields? (Some fertilizers — e.g., sulphur —come from oil, though much nitrogen comes from natural gas, another oil company product.)

Additionally, every single citizen of that state needs to be served as a knowing accomplice to the Oil companies because they have for decades bought and used anything from a water bottle to a toothbrush to furniture to the wiring in their house… All of which contain plastics and oil derived products. Every hospital, every operating room, every dental clinic, relies on plastics every day. Every automobile, gas or EV, is filled with plastic. If you eradicated all the plastics in cars and replaced them with metal, cars might be 500 pounds heavier, thereby gobbling more energy to run, and requiring sturdier roads due to denigration by the heavier weights. Roads? Many are paved with asphalt, a petroleum product. Perhaps we could, over time, replace all plastics with wood or metal, which would really help us slide back into the 1800’s and 1900’s.

But there’s a simple solution for the Oil companies: simply shut down every gas station, propane supplier etc. in the state of Vermont. Basically, this would grind the entire state and its citizens to a halt — perhaps a very dangerous and deadly halt, as ambulances could not get to the hospital, absolutely no one could get to work unless they walked, food could not be delivered to stores and many people would starve. The national government would have to call in the army to save these people from their own legislated self-destruction. Even if and after they were saved, a terrible poverty would grab almost everyone in its clutches, simply because no one could work, the factories would not operate, food and water would be handed out at distribution points, and people would spend hours per day just lining up for it, just like the refugees in Gaza.

What would Vermont do then? Sue the oil companies for cutting off the very product they are being sued for supplying? These DEI, woke, leftist, environmentalist dunderheads do not think anything through. They just want to attack someone, anyone. They are angry, and their anger makes them stupid. In reality, every citizen of Vermont is guilty of the very thing they’re accusing the oil companies of: destroying the environment. So if every citizen is guilty, every citizen should pay for the damage, I suppose through taxes.
