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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: 1:27 am to 4:25 am Sun., 7:39 pm Mon. to 4:23 am Tues., 3:04 am to 5:59 am Thurs., and 7:46 am to 10:45 am Sat.



ALL SIGNS:  Remember, don’t start anything new before April 25. That includes major purchases, new relationships, new projects, and new opportunities. These are likely to fail sooner or later from delays, mistakes, indecision and false starts. Instead, for the weeks ahead, protect ongoing situations, bonds and projects from these same delays, missed appointments, second thoughts, etc. OR — pick up something from the past and run with it (e.g., a former job, or an exciting old flame, even a purchase you couldn’t make before, but now have a second chance to grab).




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Read “ALL SIGNS” above, Aries. Your energy, charisma and clout are super high now, but throw it all into ongoing or past opportunities. You have two more months of great money luck on the income or selling side. you are very attractive to others now and through April, so accept love, but don’t chase it in any brand new form. Despite all your energy and charm, you can also feel moments of weakness or exhaustion all month — take some naps and make sure you’re eating sensibly. You might be dealing with important matters involving head office, an institution, or gov’t. Your energy literally explodes Sunday/Monday — two excellent days to join things together, to cement a relationship, or to make a big advance in a reprized (i.e., “old”) project. It’s like “a new beginning into the past” (probably your past). Chase dollars Tuesday/Wednesday. Again, your luck is high, and again, strangely, you might be “creating a new beginning with past situations” or bonds/projects. Careful early Tuesday morning (PDT). Errands, communications, travel and paperwork Thurs./Fri. Thursday’s fine, but be cautious Friday morning — early Saturday morning. The rest of Saturday is for domestic chores and naps on the front porch.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Continue to stay out of the fray and get plenty of rest, Taurus. Your energy and charisma are at a yearly low for a couple more weeks. Deal with head office, an institution or the gov’t. Meditate, contemplate your past — but don’t make future plans now; you’ll abandon (or regret) them soon. Despite this lack of energy, etc., you face affectionate responses and gracious health workers, civil servants, etc., all April. Males are your best friendship prospects all month, whereas females are supportive and “advice-givers.” An Aries tells you the truth; a Libra not so much. Everything written here so far, applies especially to Sunday/Monday. The good thing is, both days are mild and benevolent for you. Your energy and charm nicely, but not hugely Tuesday/Wednesday. Again, both days are quite lucky for you — but avoid any kind of relationship showdown early Tuesday morning (PDT). Chase money, buy/sell, embrace a casual, intimate, interlude, and or learn something Thursday/Friday. Thursday is good. Friday has some early difficulties. Midmorning Saturday starts a weekend of errands and swift chores – write a friend an encouraging message.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You remain in a nice, optimistic mood, your popularity is buoyant, and groups offer support as well as flirtation opportunities — for two more weeks. However, don’t let that optimism lead you to form new relationships, chase new opportunities, launch significant projects, nor make big purchases, before April 25. Instead, protect ongoing situations from delays, mistakes and supply shortages, or resurrect things/people from the past. A former light love or “happy teaser” might reappear. Your connections with gov’t and most institutions go well until late May — take advantage. This could spell tax relief, or  gov’t aid with a project, etc. These hopes and social joys are highlighted Sun./Mon. (Both good days.) But retreat, lie low, rest and deal with management, health or spiritual concerns Tues./Wed. (Tuesday might start with difficulty — to 8 am PDT — but all’s good from that time on, to pre-dawn Thurs.) Your energy, charisma and popularity soar Thursday to Saturday morning. Friday morning holds some obstacles, even hot tempers, but the rest of this interval glides smoothly. Saturday’s for shopping — cautiously. A good week!


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

The emphasis remains on ambition, worldly status, career and prestige relations for two more weeks, Cancer. But read ALL SIGNS in the PREAMBLE above: don’t start anything brand new; continue cautiously with ongoing situations, or reprise a relationship, opportunity, recommendation or ambition from your past. A talkative, restless person might aid you in these areas (maybe a Gemini, Virgo or Aries). In any case, despite delays and mix-ups, you are riding high and well in the eyes of higher-ups. DON’T push for a raise or promotion now — wait until after April 25. Strictly avoid lawsuits or intellectual “arguments” all April. (Lots of $ earned if you’re a lawyer.) Simultaneously, your career path or job might necessitate travel to other countries. If so, double-check tix, res, luggage and meeting schedules. Your future looks bright! Sunday/Monday emphasize the ambition and status theme — fortunately. Hopes, friends, flirts and happiness bless you briefly Tues./Wed. Wednesday, esp., is filled with good fortune (into pre-dawn Thurs., PDT). But retreat, find quietude, Thursday morning to Saturday mid-morning. Careful Fri. morning with arguments, rejections, and Sat. morn with possible illusion/deception. Otherwise, a good end to an easy week!


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

Love is gentle and profound, Leo. An old flame might arrive. You might even agree to wed. Remember, nothing brand new, no new relationships, projects nor big purchases before April 25. Instead, stick with and protect ongoing projects and situations, or grab something/someone from the past (such as that old flame). (Read the PREAMBLE above for more on this.) You are more than ready for intimacy, might even let lust lead you, all April — think before acting in financial, investment, debt, medical and life change zones. Remember, your career luck has seldom been higher (to late May). Gentle love, profound ideas, far travel, legal, intellectual involvements are highlighted Sun./Mon., in fortunate ways. Your career and worldly status arise Tuesday to pre-dawn Thurs. (PDT) — again, fortunately! (Careful Tues. morning.) Hopes, wishes, popularity, entertainment, flirting — these lift your heart Thursday to mid-morning Sat. All’s great here, too, except Friday morn, which might hold disputes, and Saturday early morning, when indecision or the wrong idea might bother you.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Two more weeks of mystery and deeply important action or commitment, Virgo. (These themes are highlighted Sun./Mon., with good luck.) But simultaneously (all the way to April 25) you are cautioned against brand new starts, projects, relationships or major purchases. (For more on this, read ALL SIGNS in the PREAMBLE above.) April can be very rewarding if you are digging up old documents or files, researching or doing an investigation. However, April can hurt if you invest, chase lust, sign commitments or contracts, or start medical or life changing projects. These are probably ok if you are dealing with a former commitment, investment, ongoing medical problem, etc. (In fact, a “sweet solution” could come to situations in these zones, secrecy, lust, etc.) Be diplomatic; others are “fiery” all April, quick to respond in hostile ways. You are still blessed in intellectual, travel and legal areas, until late May — this trend is emphasized Tuesday to pre-dawn Thurs. (PDT) in a productive, fortunate way. Be ambitious Thursday morning to mid morning Saturday. Bosses are watching your performance and are very likely to give it a good grade, except perhaps Friday morning, when ”polite caution” is best.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The accent remains on relationships, opportunities, relocation and public appearances, Libra. But read “ALL SIGNS” above — don’t start anything brand new before April 25. A former mate or lover might reappear in April. Think of why it split, and that can help you judge whether to rejoin this person. (It might be perfectly good, but might also be purely sexual, and/or be intertwined with a work situation.) Be diplomatic with co-workers all month, as they are “touchy.” If you’re single, someone will respond to you very affectionately; if you’re married, your spouse pleases with renewed affection. Sunday/Monday highlight the entire relationship scene — in fortunate ways. Your sexual ties (and power urges and financial lures and medical exigencies) are emphasized Tuesday morning to dawn Thursday — again, quite fortunately! (Only one glitch, around dawn Tues., PDT.) Profound ideas combine with gentle, loving tolerance Thursday morning to mid-morn Saturday. Careful Friday morning, when disputes are possible. Later Saturday into the weekend, be ambitious.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The drudgery continues, Scorpio — two more weeks of work and minor health concerns. you might be tempted to, but DO NOT buy or lease any machinery. Stick to old goals and ongoing projects — protect these from indecision, delays, and missed supplies or deadlines. All is not drudgery though: for example, you can be hot on the trail of romance, or be falling for the charms of a co-worker anytime this month. Additionally, you are blessed with good luck in relationships (to late May). Some single Scorpios will meet their true love (or future mate, if only one applies) in late April or May. He/she is expansive, generous, but has a temper. Sunday/Monday emphasizes your work, and gives you the very good luck to accomplish tasks. (Remember, start no brand new chores before April 25.) Tuesday pre-dawn to Thursday dawn bring relationships and opportunities, again with great good luck — but remember only ongoing or former bonds and opportunities will give good results. Undercurrents, secrets, lust and hunger for power, investments, and investigations arise Thursday morning to midmorning  Saturday. These are “dangerous” (or irksome) Friday morning, and romance is a “no go” Saturday morning. Otherwise, these days are smooth and easy — as is this entire week.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Read “ALL SIGNS” above, Sage. Don’t start anything brand new before April 25.  Your work goes well this month and next, although you might feel like there’s a little too much of it. Computers, internet help you but also increase your workload. Your domestic situation might be bothering you, as friction enters all month, and a sort of sluggishness prevails (until early 2026). Romance might occur right on your doorstep, esp. when it is highlighted Sunday/Monday. An old flame might light a fire or two. (This person has elements of a viable marriage/mate.) Romance, creativity, sports and children bring pleasure now to April’s end. Tackle chores and protect your health Tuesday pre-dawn to dawn Thursday. Only Tuesday morning, early (PDT) might try to bend your planes, but the rest of this interval brings good progress, good luck. Relationships, opportunities and public appearances come Thursday to mid-morn Saturday. Take care Friday morning, when obstacles or friction say “no” to romance, “no” to co-operation. Otherwise, charge ahead — don’t involve the family in your adventures Sat. An easy, good week!


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Don’t start any brand new projects, major purchases nor relationships before April 25, Cap. The general emphasis this week and next remains on home, children, security, food, stomach, soul, and mother nature. It’s a time of recuperation, of sending down roots, making your life more secure and solid. Family members are affectionate and supportive. April is a splendid time to garden. You might get a bit restless about this, perhaps cruising the ‘hood to see what homes are for sale/rent, or who’s garden is most handsome, or just to go shopping. you might visit a former neighbourhood, which gives you a great view of where you were and where you are now and what that means. Errands, short trips, paperwork and communicating rush at you at various points (all April). The home/domestic influence is highlighted Sunday/Monday in fortunate ways. Romance calls Tuesday/Wednesday — your creative, speculative and athletic abilities rise up. again, all is very fortunate except for early Tuesday morning (PDT). Tackle chores and protect your health with sensible eating and dressing Thursday midmorning Saturday. Your luck is getting a little thinner now, but still holds strong Thursday as well as Friday p.m. DON’T buy or lease machinery. The remainder of Saturday brings relationships, hope.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan 21-Feb. 18

It’s a busy but not necessarily important time, Aquarius. Calls, texts, meeting friends, short trips, paperwork, reports, gov’t applications — these use a lot of time this week and next. Venus helps you “frame” these activities in gracious, affectionate terms, and the answers you get will be the same —  esp. Sunday/Monday, when these matters are benevolently highlighted. Your home, family and property are showered with luck until late May — a luck you can’t see until it rises up and benefits you. If you have already sold and/or bought a residence in the past 10 months, then April and May hold little remaining luck for you, although it’s still a good time to buy furniture, decorate, etc. If you have not yet taken advantage of this domestic luck, look for an opportunity from the past now to April 25, or a new opportunity, April 25 to May 25. Tuesday/Wednesday highlight this lucky domestic trend. You make sign a purchase contract. However, remember start nothing new before April 25, so that contract, if it occurs, will fare a lot better if it wraps up a past drive or desire or goal. Romantic notions can actually lead to real romance Thursday to Saturday morning (esp. Thursday). Be cautious Friday morning when tempers can trigger disputes. Zip your lip! Tackle chores Saturday into the weekend. A satisfying week!


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-April 20

The general accent lies on earnings, possessions, rote learning, and casual sex, Pisces. Your luck improves very nicely in these areas now to the end of April. Also to the end of April, you will be unusually assertive, impulsive, sexually magnetic, and perhaps a little too quick to express anger. Point all this assertiveness toward making money (or sex if you’re rich). A type of warning bell will stop you from driving over any cliffs, tho, as a base of sober realism and practicality supports you (and so do some serious, good friends). This assertiveness is highlighted in a very beneficial Way, Sunday/Monday. Remember, start nothing brand new before April 25 — so your assertiveness should be focused on old or ongoing situations. Tuesday/Wednesday brings errands, paperwork, communications — again, fortunately, except for pre-Dawn Tuesday. Steer toward home, family, Thursday to Saturday morning. Be careful Friday morning, when disputes or accidents can occur (watch sharp tools). But otherwise, this is, again, a fortunate interval. Saturday starts a romantic, creative weekend — a fitting end to an easy week!




When America fought the war of independence in 1776, Pluto was in a certain degree of Capricorn. Upon the winning of that war, Pluto moved into Aquarius, and the most idealistic, social/friendly, kind, stubborn, and extremely politically and technologically aware nation, was born. Pluto transforms, and Aquarius is very involved with politics and technology, so the new nation became a transformer of politics around the world, and the earth’s technological leader.

A couple of years ago Pluto returned to the very same degree and minute in Capricorn that it occupied when the war of independence began. That war created the nation. Now the question is: as the USA is being born again, what will the second USA look like? To get a peek, we could look at a chart for the moment the War of Independence began.

Here we have our first puzzle: did the war begin with the first shot between armies? And can we find that moment and the historical record? Probably, at least the day of.

Or should we count the Boston tea party as the beginning of hostilities? Or any other perhaps less known beginning? Even if we use one of these events as the beginning of independence of the states from Britain, it only represents the physical action, and therefore perhaps the physical world for the USA. But there is another kind of event that, at least astrologically, is well respected as the beginning of any project: that is, the ideation that proceeds the physical action. The trouble is, that the spark of ideation, the beginning, is very rarely noted by the thinker or the audience. And even more rarely written down. It can take place in the mind or the heart or both. It is the learning about independence in old Greek writings, it is the feeling that one is oppressed and wants to do something about it, it is the conception of an idea, such as  John Jacques Rousseau’s General Will.

Although charts of conception are extremely elusive, they describe the non-physical world of the entity, in this case the US. So literature and the other arts, the philosophy, the societal mores and new laws, the intellectual zone in general, and love and spirit,  would be revealed by this chart, could we ever find it.

* – I don’t have time right now to try to find those physical dates (start of war, and Boston tea party) and erect charts for them. Hopefully I’ll get this done by next column and say what I see about the new USA that will exist for the next 240 something years.


This is what Trump’s lawyers should say to Juan Merchan, the judge presiding over the so-called hush money case: judge, we ask you to recuse yourself. We have witnessed you commit three crimes:

One, you obstructed justice by attempting to restrict defendant’s access to all evidence held by the prosecution. You have used the weapon of time to deny the defendant due process: you gave the defence 187,000 brand new pieces of evidence, then gave them only 15 business days to process them – an impossible task, as you must know. (See my other item on this court case if you want a mathematical breakdown of how impossible it would be to handle that many documents in 15 days.)  This action is highly prejudicial against the defence.

Two, you conspired with the prosecution to perform the above crime.

Three, you have maliciously and determinatively denied the defence access to evidence that the prosecutor holds. You agreed with the corrupt DA Alvin Bragg that the defence only needed  300 pieces of evidence out of the 187,000 pieces the prosecutors were in possession of. And that the prosecution could decide which pieces of evidence the defence would see. You deemed — illegally — that 300 of these documents – or one in 620 – were all that the defence needed to see.

All these actions were an unlawful obstruction of justice.

If you don’t recuse yourself, we will lay three criminal charges against you tomorrow morning.

(I’d like to see what might follow.)


Joe Biden’s dems latest trick: they are using the courts and a bevy of lawyers to try to keep RFK Junior off the ballot in as many states as they can.

Here’s what Trump should do: give/lend RFK the $ and the lawyers to fight Biden’s dirty tricks. (Is Biden any different from the  corrupt Colorado cabal of judges who tried to keep Trump off the ballot — a stupidity that was quickly overthrown by the Supreme Court?)

By supporting RFK (and making a big public splash about it) Trump gains in two ways: 1) he shows himself to be a supporter of democracy and free voting by ensuring a competitor can campaign without the criminal suffocation practised by Biden and his thugs, and 2) he increases the probability that RFK will siphon far more votes from the demon party than from him, Trump.

An intriguing option: RFK as Trump’s VP pick. (Think of the complexities.) He might not only siphon off Biden-leaning voters, he’d be giving therm to Trump. (I don’t think his leftist views would make Trumpers abandon ship — where else can they go, except to Biden?) It’s a move bold enough to disorient everyone — including dems — for at least a few weeks, time for RFK to dig in and shift/swell his own base.


When American presidents leave office, they always write a book and publishers bid for it because it will sell. (Well, ghost writers write it.) But Simon and Schuster, the publisher that had contracted to publish Joe Biden’s post-Prez book,  has pulled out of the arrangement because they fear the book won’t sell enough copies.


Now that Pluto has left Capricorn and stopped squaring Libra (which it has since 2008) the notion of defunding the police is disappearing. Police will gain power for the next 20 years. (This also is a little dangerous, threatening a dictatorship in the Iran style.) In the last decade especially, judges have been the enemies of the police. With thousands of repetitions they have allowed career criminals to flood the streets by letting crimes purposely go unpunished. These judges will still be corrupt, but for some reason it will not be the police they constantly undermine, but something else — unfortunately, it might be the law that they try to pervert. (Judges will be corrupt until 2229 AD)



: The Fatty Willis Georgia, case, in which Trump and his cohorts are accused of co-operating with each other. In trying to get Willis booted off the case, Trump’s lawyers’ whole argument is that everything Trump said was protected by the first amendment (free speech) — a very weak protest because free speech is not protected when it is uttered to instigate or further a crime. This is the very accusation levelled against Trump and his team: that they conspired to commit an election crime. Are these lawyers merely running up the bill, as most lawyers do?

Why do they not mention Willis’ perjury to the court? That should disqualify her not only from this case, but from practising law in general. Obviously, she blatantly lied on the witness stand. This judge said it offended his nose, but evidently not his legal sense. So, I like judge McAfee, and I’m really sad to discover that he also is corrupt and biased against the defendants. His bias? Three very credible witnesses have testified that Fani and Nate were doing the two backed in bed long before 2022, which both Fani and Nate have denied on the witness stand. Not only is their perjury exposed by these three witnesses, two of whom the judge refused to hear (for no reason except to obstruct justice — wow, a judge obstructing justice — No. 3, after Engoron and Merchan — Chutkan isn’t obstructing justice, she’s just denying it). But this truth — spoken by three very credible witnesses whom the judge refused to hear — is also backed up by a ton of circumstantial evidence, such as Nathan visiting Willis for eight hours overnight. So a criminal, Fani Willis (perjury is a felony, punishable by years in jail) gets to charge 19 innocents with phoney Biden corruption indictments. To me, this means the entire state of Georgia is corrupt. (Which it is — just remember that obese female election denier, and the lying preacher- slumlord who was elected to the U.S. Senate.)

Secondly, why have Trump’s lawyers not brought up Fani Willis’ and her lover Nathan Wade’s communications with Joe Biden’s White House during this prosecution/persecution? These collusions are provable, so why haven’t his lawyers subpoenaed Willis, Wade, and the Biden folks they talked to (for 16 hours over two separate days, by reports)? If the truth is revealed, that Biden’s administration set up, directed and encouraged this attack on Trump, it goes to bolster Trump’s claims that this — and the other trials — are politically motivated election interference.

Why then do Trump lawyers spend their time on a rather silly and much too subtle/indefinite free speech argument and completely ignore two very winnable arguments, each of which would disqualify Willis? Are Trump’s lawyers secretly working for Biden also? Or are they running up the bill? Or are they just stupid?

If the White House persecution connection is exposed, it might also lead to revealing the democratic partisanship of all the other court proceedings against Trump.

I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again: in my heart, I am actually a liberal Democrat. (Although I think there are good ideas and policies on both sides, and true success would come if they cooperated.) But I cannot stomach the vile and immoral, sociopathic methods of the Democrats. I believe morals are higher on the scale than politics.


Spring catches you by surprise. You’re just getting comfortable with your winter huddle, when green shoots one day surround you. Life, emotions can be like that too. Hope is the greatest thing, second only to the thousand faces of love.
