ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PACIFIC DAYLIGHT (To convert to your own time zone, go to WorldTimeZone.com.) Hopefully, I’ll discover how to place a permanent link here to the time zones map. It’s great — it shows you the exact time in every country. For now, you can go to World Time Zones.
I’m not sure how to operate this blog yet, so please be patient. The following might not follow the usual format, but it’s “the real thing.”
I think the present U.S. economic upsurge will last to about late summer 2015 — two more years. This will also mark the end of China’s economic slow-down. Mercury turns direct this Saturday, July 20 in the birth degree of the U.S.A., which hints that the American recovery should race swiftly ahead. Yes, soon there will be inflation or unsettling deflation and strong interest rate changes — but these don’t become worrisome until 2015.
BTW, I don’t know how to answer your comments, but I enjoy reading them. Soon I’ll try to learn how to answer them. If you need to contact me directly, email me or call 604-886-4808.
That said, let’s get directly to the two last Luck Forecasts:
AQUARIUS, from June 25, 2013 to July 16, 2014 your biggest luck exists in the work sphere. This is an excellent time to buy machinery and tools, to seek employment, obtain new clients, to take on extra duties and accept more responsibility — but be careful that you don’t become overwhelmed, for more work might come than you expect. Your efforts will someday — probably next year (2014/15) or three years later (17/18) lead to opportunities and career boosts. Co-worker relations should be unusually buoyant, cheerful and frfiendly — but stay away from political or religious discussions in the work place.
Though this is a good period to buy new machines, avoid doing so in late October, early November of 2013, and February 2014 thru June. This is a great year to start a business or take on a big new project upon which your earniings or profits depend. “Business” in terms of the economy, should be good all year.
Jupiter — your luck planet — tends to expand whatever it touches. Since it is now touching your work and health sector, take care of any health problems before they become laerger. During these 12 plus months into July 2014, guard against an expanding waistline or thighs. Stay trim, especially if you’re single, as late summer 2014 into 2015 will bring exciting relationship opportunities.
PISCES, the 55 weeks from June 25 2013 to July 16 2014 channel your luck into what is usually the luckiest area of life (or, perhaps, the area where luck is most essential) — the zone of romance, pleasure, gambles and speculation, sports, art, beauty, creativity, self-expression, and raising children. You’re launched on a 12-month winning streak! This streak can also extend to your career and status in the world — you seem to find creative ways to climb the corporate ladder, or, alternatively, luck just seems to hand you the praise, kudos and attention of bosses.
This is no time for shyness or quibbling hesitation. Be impetuous, be self-indulgent, plunge into the pleasure of the moment, rather than pulling back, planning, or “joining the group” — these will be a form of self-protection/caution — and caution is the last thing you need now. In fact it can interfere with your success. So reacfh for life and love with both hands. If single, you could meet the (so far) biggest love of your life. If married with children, they will bring joy — and perhaps awards, ribbons and trophies — into your life. International travel, schools, legal affairs and religious observance can bring lovve into your life. You could find yourself romancing a foreign born person. A wedding will loom for some, though it comes slowly, steadily.
START NOTHING: Before 0:41 a.m. Sun., 8:18 p.m. Mon. to 7:24 a.m. Tues., 4:13 a.m. to 10:54 a.m. Thurs., and 8:00 a.m. to 11:39 a.m. Sat. (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC DAYLIGHT.)
ARIES March 21-April 19
Remember, start nothing new this week. Stick with ongoing projects (and protect them from delays, mistakes and misunderstood directions) or reprise past opportunities, especially in home, real estate, retirement, security, mining and similar “mother earth” zones. The week emphasizes these sectors (home, security, et al) and brings rest and peace. Like last week, this one is smooth and easy — except Sunday, which brings disruption to relationships. Be diplomatic — Mon. too! Large finances, sexual urges, intimacy, critical health disagnosis, secrets/research and lifestyle choices bring splendid luck Tues./Wed. (This can carry right into Sat.) Your philosophical, compassionate side rises Thurs./Fri. Ambition, dealings with authorities Sat.
TAURUS April 20-May 20
Anoither easy, smooth week, Taurus. The emphasis remains on communications, travel, paperwork, errands, and details. These grow more hectic and demanding now to late August. This week, watch for mistakes, delays and glitches in these — and DO NOT start anything new in any areas. You might write or call a former flame — there are few dangers here, and possible rewards. A marriage might result. Your home remains sweet, affectionate. Tackle chores Sun./Mon. — carefully, esp. Sun., when driving and other accidents are possible. Relationships, exciting meetings and possible opposition arise Tues./Wed. — this is a splendid time to join, merge, express love/attraction. Secrets, intimacy, larrge finances face uncertainty Thurs., success Fri. Dawning understanding, gentle love, Sat.
GEMINI May 21-June 20
Remember, start nothing important before July 20. This is a smooth, easy week, despite the occasional glitch, missing element, or mistake. Make a list before you shop or run errrands. Sun./Mon. belie the general “easy” theme — these two days accent romance, beauty, pleasure, games and good luck, but frustrating “stand-offs” or disruptive conditions assail your wooing — better to relax, sit back. Tackle chores Tues./Wed. — though you’re in a “confusing phase” (until July 20) these days offer splendid progress. A health concern might disappear. Relationships, exciting people and challenges arise Thurs. (deception, indecision) and Fri. (good results — even love?). All week, buy nothing big, major.
CANCER June 21-July 22
Remember, start nothing major before July 20. Your energy, charisma and clout remain at a yearly high — so accomplish things, tackle hard-to-budge situations and tasks, impress people, ask favours — get your way! (But do all this without starting anything new.) A new note of determination, will power and sexual magnetism enters your personality now through late August. This can spur you to chase a new career or ambitoious goal (next week onward, not yet!). Home, security and family are emphasized Sun./Mon. — tread carefully, outbursts, tantrums, and, worse, secret resentment are likely. Romance or beauty fill your heart during a superb Tues.//Wed. (and its affectionate effects last through the rest of the week). Tackle chores Thurs./Fri. Relationships, perhaps marriage possibilities, Sat.
LEO July 23-Aug. 22
This is your last week of weariness and relative solitude, Leo. On the plus side, it’s an easy, smooth week — except Sun., when disruption could hit relationships, communications or travel. Drive carefully, be safe with tools, and watch what you say. Monday’s the same, but better. Be home or attend to family, security, property concerns Tues./Wed. — splendid luck accompanies you. Romance, beauty, pleasure and a risk-taking “joy” attract you Thurs./Fri. To work, and watch health regimens, Sat. — eat, dress sensibly. All week, avoid starting any major project or relationship — profit lies in the past, or in contemplation. Attend to neglected govt-related paperwork.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Remember, start nothing before noon July 20. Protect your money Sun./Mon. (especially Sun.) — don’t buy anything major, a suit or car, phone or furniture. It will likely disappoint you later. Do not invest, either. Conditions are volatile and slanted toward failure. Your mood stays high, happy, hopeful and social during this entire easy, smooth (except Sunday) week. That becomes very evident during a superbly friendly Tues./Wed. — communicate, travvel, visit, call. You might read or hear something that solves an old mystery. Be with friends, siblings. Thursday/Fri. bring a down-home, relaxed vibe. Attend to your family. If single, you might conntemplate a dawning romance or bond, and uncertainty, doubt, incline you toward rejecting it. Be patient, wait. Romance, kids, creativity, pleasure Sat.
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
This week is almost as smooth and easy as the last one. The exception is Sun./Mon. (and perhaps Sat. night) when conditions in domestic, home, real estate, retirement, security and similar zones are disrupted and might cause arguments. On Sun./Mon., your energy and charisma soar, so use this wisely to solve problems rather than simply engage in a fight. Your money picture looks like a masterpiece Tues./Wed., two superb days for earning, selling, adjusting, paying or collecting outstanding debts. There is a lucky, growth-oriented career/status link here. Casual friends, talks, visits, emails, etc. fill Thurs./Fri. (If your job duties interfere, side with the duties.) Home, Sat. Remember, start nothing new all week.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
A gentle love for the world continues during another easy, smooth week. Far travel, international connections, higher education, religion and cultural rituals, publishing and legal affairs are favoured. The only disruptive days are Sun./Mon., when your work scene, machinery, dealings with management or the government, all meet barriers and difficulties. It’s better to retreat and rest than seek a victory. Your energy and charisma soar Tues./Wed. — you’ll get your way, you’ll impress others, you’ll win favour in love and money. But remember, DON’T start new projects nor relationships until late Saturday onward. You could be falling in love this month, perhaps with a former flame. Chase money and pay debts Thurs./Fri. Errands, friends Sat,
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Another smooth week, Sage — except Sun./Mon., when a upbeat mood and friendly gatherings might hide some problems in financial and/or sensual areas. (Drive carefully Sun. eve/night.) Overall, this week continues the theme of secrets, investments, debt, sexual urges, detective work, and health concerns. Rest deeply Tues./Wed., but also use the great luck of these two days, to connect with gov’t or head office, to discover a good retreat/spa, or to connect to those secrets, finances and health concerns. (But remember, start nothing new all week.) Your energy and charisma leap upward Thurs./Fri. Be wary of deception (or self-deception) Thurs. Romance could please! Handle money, bills, Sat.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Remember, Cap, start nothing new before Saturday p.m. This might be difficult, as this week offers some seemingly splendid opportunities, especially Tues./Wed. But all you have to do is search for opportunities that arose in the past, or have a strong connection to a past relationship or situation — these are “good to grab.” Sun./Mon. accent dealings with bosses, parents and other authorities — behave, be ambitious, take no large risks, especially physical ones. Your popularity soars Tues./Wed. — social joys, flirtation, optimism and happiness visit you! This whole month shows the possibility of love and mating with a former flame. If this is your goal, use Tues./Wed. to make your move. Retreat, rest Thurs. to noon Sat. After this, your charisma, energy soar!
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Start nothing before Saturday noon (PDT). Instead, reprise the past and protect the ongoing, especially in work-related areas. DON’T buy any machinery or tools, and don’t start a new job or project. That said, this is generally an easy week of chores and health matters — except Sun./Mon., when legal, travel, educational, religious/philosophical, and love matters arise — and immediately run into opposition, barriers, even disruption, perhaps arguments. Be patient: realize there are real problems here that (from your perspective) involve secrets, privacy, health matters or gov’t strictures. (From a loved one’s perspective, it is probably seen as a domestic and/or romantic problem.) Your general theme of work “pays off” during a splendid Tues./Wed. — be ambitious! Wishes, joys Thurs./Fri. Retreat, rest, Sat. noon onward.
PISCES Feb. 19-March 20
Ah, sweet romance! (Or successful creativity, speculation, or pleasure pursuits, all week.) You could experience the height of delicious attraction Tues./Wed….this might also precede nuptials. Means midweek is a good time, if you’re seriously involved, to discuss your mutual future. (This does not violate the “start nothing before July 20” advice I keep giving you.) Earlier, Sun./Mon., take a cautious stance, especially toward sex, intimacy, investments, debt, or lifestyle changes — disruptions, unexpected barriers are very possible. Don’t endanger your health, and don’t handle dangerous tools. Be ambitious Thurs. to Sat. morning. Though you shouldn’t start anything, these days could bring a boost, praise from the boss, etc.