ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JULY 8 – 14, 2012 All times/dates are PDT. Let’s continue Saturn’s effect for all signs, October 2012 to September 2016: TAURUS, October 2012 will end 3 years of hard work that might have garnered only slim rewards (laziness was totally unrewarded). From October onward, for approximately 3 years, restrictions will characterize your relationships. Others will be slow to accept your propositions in personal and business terms: you will have to prove yourself, your product, and your loyalty. You might be slow and cautious about relocating, marrying, dealing with the public, negotiation and litigation. Though you’ll find relations with your own peers slow, links will blossom with people much older or younger – even from another generation. This might lead to marriage, life in a foreign country, and/or a long-term legal contract. If you love others, love will be returned. This will NOT be a good time to start a lawsuit. It WILL be a good time to relocate to a foreign country, or to seek opportunities in intellectual, insurance, publishing, cultural and similar fields. GEMINI, October 2012 ends 3 years of intriguing – but slow – romance. (The upside was, that romance had a strong sexual spur for you – though that itself might have made some prospects leery of leaping into intimacy with you.) This slowness also affected creativity, pleasure, beauty, dealings with or teaching of children, speculation and risk – in these, you haven’t been as perky and assured as usual. Starting in October, this cloud lifts from your romantic (creative, etc.) zone, and transfers to your work and health areas. Protect your health from the kinds of complaints you usually have, but in particular keep an eye on sexual diseases, bones, knees, “hardening” (e.g., gall stones, constipation) and skin and gums. Work can be long and hard – don’t let it be the centre of your life. E.g.: should I do my job, or move to Europe? Stay at work, or ask Thingamajig to marry me? Move, marry, make friends! CANCER, since 2009, your home life and home duties have been heavy. Children demanded more attention, time and money than usual. Home demands might even have interfered with your marriage or a career partnership. If you’re single, new, viable emotional relationships have been difficult to start and continue: they kept displaying a tendency to end. You might have felt trapped or weighed down by your home, a mortgage, aging parents, etc. In October 2012 that cloud lifts; for the 3 following years restrictions, prudence and slowness will affect your romantic, creative and speculative interests – even in sports and pleasure, you’ll choose a quieter, more sober role. This has a great upside, though: if you’re single, you could meet someone during this period (2012-2015) who has all the makings of a great life mate. If you’re married, your home and love settle into a more harmonious, smooth and gentle rhythm – mutual respect grows. Start Nothing: 4:00 a.m. Sun. to 5:14 a.m. Mon., 2:23 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wed. and 12:46 p.m. Fri. to 5:26 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 The accent remains on home, kids, real estate, security, nutrition, nature, retirement and recuperation. This area isn’t easy this decade but this summer’s crises are past, so you can relax. Rest, lie low and plan Sunday. Your energy and charisma get a boost Monday to Wednesday – be proactive, control events, tackle problems. Chase money, buy/sell, Wednesday night to Friday. Saturday is for travel, errands, details and paperwork – the day is enjoyable, even romantic – but a deeper, quieter influence warns against taking risks, especially with home, kids, real estate, etc. Taurus April 20-May 20 Though no significant event occurs Sunday, you’ll be happy, social and upbeat. Give the day to pleasure and friends. Lie low, rest and make plans, Monday to Wednesday. You might have to address a problem involving an unhappy spouse, manager, agent or civil servant and an ethical/moral or legal matter Monday night, but otherwise this is a smooth, restful time. Seek “sweet solitude.” Your energy and pizzazz shoot upward Wednesday eve to Friday. Start short-term projects, but otherwise complete things, as Saturday brings a slow-down. All week, avoid work place gambles. Don’t gossip! Gemini May 21-June 20 Chase money all week. This might interfere with romance, a creative urge or your kid’s interests, but you can safely let these go for awhile. July 14 begins a period of delays, indecision, and false starts, but this whole week dives toward that slough, so start nothing new now to August 7. Instead, finish up old tasks, or reprise past opportunities and ventures. A former friend or lover is “returning.” Popularity, happiness and wish fulfillment visit you Monday to Wednesday – but don’t seek sex, nor invest, Monday. Retreat, rest Wednesday eve to Friday. You impress, Saturday. Cancer June 21-July 22 Your energy, charisma and clout reach a yearly high, Cancer. You’re impressing people; you’re in demand! But July 14 begins three weeks of delays, mistakes and indecision (for the whole world). For now, concentrate on finishing rather than beginning projects. By next week (onward) you will be able to rejuvenate an old money project, job or venture, or purchase an item you have long wanted (but perhaps gave up on). Now to August 23, avoid temper on the home front, and DO NOT change homes. August 8-22 can be good for buying/leasing business premises. Happiness, Wednesday to Friday! Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Finishing tasks and projects rather than start anything new, Leo. A slow-down looms, late this week to August 7. Your energy is low, so rest, avoid competitive situations. Your popularity and optimism remain nicely buoyant. Use the weeks ahead, not to begin things, but to re-examine your overall direction in life. By late August, September, it might be time for some new goals and dreams: the future is much brighter than you thought, even a few months ago. Sunday’s sexy, but unproductive. A mellow, understanding mood comes Monday-Wednesday. Avoid governments, head office, all week. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Your career remains lucky and buoyant, Virgo; higher-ups are pleased with you, have been since April. It’s very likely you’ll be promoted in the eleven months ahead – push for this September onward, not now. A slow-down begins now, lasting to August 7 – so start nothing new through that date. Instead, complete projects, tie up loose ends, so you’ll be free to charge into late-summer’s ambitious opportunities. Changes, research, secrets and secret desires come Monday to Wednesday. Mellow love, learning and travel, Thursday/Friday. Your ambitions awaken Saturday. DON’T invest now. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 You feel newly assertive, but avoid pushing others too far, or acting abruptly, now to late August. An eight-month pall that settled over your relationships and frustrated you if you tried to form a significant new one, has ended. You’re free now to mate – and to pick and choose with whom. You’ll be free to wed September onward – and I don’t mention this casually. (If unhappily married, you’ll be free to divorce.) Don’t start new projects in any area before August 8. Instead, work to complete, or to protect ongoing ventures from delays, shortages. A former “flirt” returns soon! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Your gentle, wise, mellow mood continues. The main accent lies on far travel, intellect, higher learning, import-export, culture, law – and love. Complete projects this week, and start nothing new July 14 to August 7. In weeks ahead, you might be recalled to a former career role or duty. Good, embrace it. Protect ongoing career, business and authority-related ventures from unexpected supply shortages, delays, and mistakes – double check plans, lists. Sunday’s romantic; beauty flows. Tackle chores Monday-Wednesday. Thursday/Friday bring exciting meetings. Promise nothing Saturday. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Complete ongoing tasks or ventures. The weeks ahead bring slow-downs, indecision and mistakes in all areas, especially in legal, learning, publishing, cultural, international, and travel zones. Start nothing before August 8. Your hopes about love will soar now to late August – and for good reason. But don’t form a new relationship before August 8. Before that, an old flame might return. This could be good, as long as the problem that split you doesn’t still exist. Romance “speaks” Monday-Wednesday. Tackle chores Thursday/Friday. Links excite, but subtly restrict, Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 The main accent lies on relationships, opportunities, challenges and competition. Diplomacy will be your ally (especially as the present interval promotes dissension or power struggles). Use this week to complete chores and tie up loose ends. Start nothing significant before August 8, as delays, mistakes and indecision dog new and ongoing projects. Have a “Plan B” ready when shortages or missed appointments occur. Home, kids, security and “nap time” come Monday to Wednesday. Cupid’s arrow could hit you Wednesday night to Friday (but start no new relationships). Work, Saturday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Tackle chores all week, Aquarius. Catch up on neglected health concerns, make the appointment. Finish rather than begin – new projects and relationships started before August 8 will likely falter under a load of delays, indecision and mistakes. Despite this you’ll be rather happy, as a romantic, creative, beauty-filled mood continues all month. A former spouse, business partner or lover might return soon. Now to late August, avoid legal hassles. Buy nothing big Sunday. Travel, talk, run errands and do paperwork early week. Seek home, rest, Thursday/Friday. Saturday’s sweet. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Start nothing new before August 8, Pisces, especially in health, work, relationship and contract areas. DON’T buy machinery before that date. Use the present week to tie up loose ends. You’re in a nice romantic period (July) but guard against sexual impulsiveness through late August. Be careful about investing during this same period – rash action can lead to loss. Your energy and charisma are nicely high Sunday. Chase money Monday to Wednesday; don’t commit to any long-term payments. Errands, casual friends and interesting tid-bits fill Thursday/Friday. Step back Saturday. Email: For a reading: 604-560-1269. /30/