ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JULY 1 – 7, 2012 All times/dates are PDT. The planet Saturn, which has spent the last 32 months in LIBRA, will leave this sign and enter SCORPIO on October 5. That might be 3 months in the future, but it’s worth considering now, if you’re doing any long-range planning. Saturn rules restrictions, authority, structure (e.g., the rebar in concrete) and many practical matters, such as national governments, wheat cycles and commercial real estate. It’s no coincidence that Saturn in Libra, in bad aspect to its home sign, CAPRICORN, has coincided with the problems in Europe. (Which begin approaching a solution October onward – a “kill or cure” one, with many things “dying.”) Here is the part of your life that has been restricted since late 2009, but won’t be after October 5. (In fact, these same areas can prove unusually fruitful from October onward.) These were romance for GEMINI, work for TAURUS, relationships for ARIES, sex, finances and research for PISCES, law, travel and intellect for AQUARIUS, career/ambition for Capricorn, socializing and hopes for SAGITTARIUS, administrative contacts, sleep and recuperation for SCORPIO, selfhood for Libra, income for VIRGO, communications and travel for LEO, and home life for CANCER – all have been restricted, curtailed, or the source of restrictions generally. For instance, Gemini might have felt romance was slow and hard work, or Gemini might have fallen in love and found the rest of his/her life was restricted, bounded, by it. From October 2012 into September 2015, the species of restriction changes for each of us. Generally, it is better to avoid this new restricted zone rather than operate within it, as Saturn tends to dampen luck, profits and fulsome results. Saturn doesn’t “cheat” you – if you work an hour, it gives you an hour’s wage – but not a penny more. Sometimes Saturn “pays off” later – up to 29 years later. Jupiter rules luck, Venus the sweet fruitful warmth of May; Saturn rules winter, when plants bare their limbs in frozen dance, twisting toward the brooding sky. ARIES, Saturn has restricted your relationships since October 2009 – marriage, relocation, fame, dealing with the public, negotiation, litigation – these were slow, frustrating things without much reward. At last, starting in October, you will be free to flirt, chase someone, find a response to your overtures, even marry or form a partnership. But from October 2012 to September 2015, Saturn’s restrictions slide into an arena closely linked to relationships: your sexual and intimate link(s), large financial concerns (investments, mortgages, business financing) lifestyle choices, commitments, research, and deep health zones. Try to plan future projects that don’t take you into these areas, or at least don’t depend on them for success. On the other hand, as Saturn is your career ruler, this can signal that for the next three years your source of career advancement (or of career change) is in these areas: finance, research, etc. Start Nothing: 3:21 p.m. to 3:51 pm Mon., 5:25 a.m. to 5:26 p.m. Wed., and 8:48 a.m. to 9:29 pm Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 The main accent lies on home, children, security, nutrition, garden and retirement. You might receive a “love call” – perhaps from someone who lives at a distance. Get out your charm and woo someone, or let it go until October brings new prospects. Sunday/Monday are mellow, wise, loving – though Monday afternoon could bring a bit of temper or a work-related difficulty: go slow. Tuesday/Wednesday ask: are you ambitious enough? Answer no Tuesday, yes Wednesday. This night, and Thursday/Friday, bring success, friends and wish fulfillment. Retreat, rest Saturday: don’t push anyone. Taurus April 20-May 20 The focus is on communications, travel, siblings and casual friends, details, errands and paperwork. In practical areas this is not an important time, but it holds some moral and human themes, as your ideas, life philosophy and relationships can be affected by what you say and write. (You don’t have to worry immediately about the practical, as earnings and possessions face growing luck here to mid-2013.) Changes – and perhaps sorrow or anger about a recent change – arrive Sunday/Monday. Monday eve brings a mellow, loving mood, to Wednesday. This night to Friday rewards ambition. Gemini May 21-June 20 You face increasing personal luck over the next year. Since much of this luck depends on opportunities, go forth – explore a different nation, advertise, seek agreement, try to get others to join your project, meet new people, etc. Your cheerfulness is growing, and so is your appeal to others. Sunday/Monday bring exciting meetings, but also contain the seeds of friction. That “friction planet,” Mars, ends an 8-month pillaging of your home (and realty) scene Tuesday – from this day to late August, it heats up your romantic side. True love – or blowing hot and cold about it – looms. Cancer June 21-July 22 Your energy, charisma and clout are at a yearly high, Cancer. Start important projects, ask favours, see and be seen – your skills will impress others. (You’d be wise to wait until September onward to start any administrative, policy, management or government-related project, or anything touching on therapy or a “retreat.”) Tackle chores Sunday/Monday (even bbq’ing is a chore). Relationships, opportunities and exciting meetings arise midweek. Grab ‘em Tuesday before noon, or wisely let them go. Sex, finances, health and lifestyle are splendidly lucky Wednesday night onward. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Lie low, retreat, contemplate and plan (for late July onward). Romantic, creative and gambling notions arise Sunday/Monday, but you’d be smart to save your energy. Monday night to Wednesday eve bring chores and health concerns (light ones) – it would be a great interval for success at work and in practical matters, but those who commit big, lose. Stick to routine chores – get them cleaned up, it will be easy. Wednesday night to Friday eve brings exciting meetings, and good people – don’t fight them! Argument closes doors; diplomacy opens them. Saturday’s mysterious. Protect funds. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Wishes come true, Virgo. Maybe not big ones – that waits until mid-2013 to mid-2014. (But you’re closer every week.) Popularity, social delights, flirtations, fun and entertainment come. Monday eve to Wednesday, you might have to choose between a bevy of friends and one special love. If you can’t choose Monday eve before 8:45 p.m., don’t choose, leave it awhile. These days bring a surprise, but also beauty and deep “soul pleasure.” (Earlier, Sunday to Monday eve, be restful, attend to garden, kids.) Chores confront you Wednesday night to Friday: you’ll succeed: do big things. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Ambition is the order of the day, Libra – meet VIPs, parents and bosses. Show them what you can do, be eager for more responsibility. This decade, if you give superhuman effort to your ambitions, you will likely gain super rewards. But if you just chug along as usual, you can confront many career disruptions. This isn’t necessarily bad, as those “disruptions” could be love, children, a new home. Still, you have to make a choice. Sunday/Monday are friendly. Sink into home, kids, nature and rest Tuesday/Wednesday. Romance, winning luck, beauty Thursday/Friday. Chores, Saturday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 A sweet, mellow mood fills this week. Your investment and sexual luck keeps rising – still, remain cautious before September. This Sunday/Monday features income, money and spending. Be conservative, avoid work-related, machinery and similar purchases. Monday eve to Wednesday suppertime, communications, short trips, paperwork, details, co-worker relations, casual acquaintances, all flow well. Head for home or hotel Wednesday eve, and stick with property, security, kids, gardening this eve through Friday – luck rides with you, despite a lack of results. Romance is palpable Saturday. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 For eight lovely weeks ahead, you will grow hopeful about romance, relationships, creative projects and children, Sage. You are being released from a recent mood or thread of negativity. A sort of quiet bad luck detaches and floats downstream, leaving a future filled with possibilities, especially in relationships, relocation, fame and business/life opportunities. That said, July nudges you to dive into the depths of life, finances, intimacy and your psyche. Inheritance, strong investments, debt reduction are possible. You shine Sunday. Midweek’s lucky. Home, Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You might learn a secret this week that will, by mid-month, cause you to delay a project or plan, to not start again until early-mid-August. Or you might just experience delays or indecision mid-July to early August, and wonder why. Either way, delays arrive soon, so use this week and next to complete rather than begin. Bosses and authorities will display impatience for the next seven weeks: be diplomatic. You might end one career/job role, begin another. Though your work load expands hugely now to mid-2013, now this expansion’s “bad side” ebbs by half. Soon, money/work luck! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Work, all week. You’re wishful, optimistic Sunday/Monday. But retreat Monday eve to Wednesday – meditate, plan. Don’t push government agencies or head office: bide your time. Eight months of heightened sexual urges end now – on the good side, this makes you more receptive to real love – which is on its way, if you’re single, during the months ahead. The seven weeks ahead feature travel, learning, and possibly ethical or legal conflicts. (Avoid these conflicts; they contain possible loss, no reward.) Your energy, charm – and luck! – return mid-late week. Money caution Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 A romantic, creative, lucky, speculative trend continues. You see and feel beauty. You could fall in love (though prospects are better a year from now). For 8 months, relationships have flamed with intensity, good or bad; a monetary or sexual union might have developed, but (if so) it’s been a fiery one. Now this intensity shifts to your deeper, more private side for 7 weeks. During this time, investments, funding, and the actual “production” of a partnership occurs. (Sexual production = pregnancy.) Take care (Mitt Romney, you too) that secret relationships don’t violate ethics. Email: For a reading: 604-727-3673. /30/