ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MAY 13 – 19, 2012 All times/dates are PDT. AQUARIUS, the planet Neptune will be in your money sector from 2011 to 2026. This heralds a new trend in your earnings, but the most important part of this phenomenon is what it leaves behind. You are now free of the indecisiveness of the 1998 to 2011 period. No longer will you feel stuck between various options, especially in monetary actions. Even more important, no longer will you give others false impressions, or, more correctly, let them project their fantasies onto you. (This always leads to their disillusion in the end, especially in love relationships.) No longer will you be a reservoir of various – and mostly nameless – anxieties and worries. Your confidence will return, your decisiveness too, and with them your ability to form (whether instantly or gradually) solid relationships that have no “shifting shadows” around them. Your intuition regarding money, possessions and sensual (not love) relationships will steadily rise for the whole 15 years of this trend. You could find new sources of income in oceans, cruise lines, sailboats, marine life, marine food, film, video, lingerie, alcohol or drugs, nursing, optics of any kind, sympathy trades (e.g., social work) plumbing, basement restoration/drying, well-digging, natural gas and oil pipelines, and generally anything to do with liquids, gas or “luxuriant perception.” If you don’t work in these fields, you might invest in them (but if so, favour dividend-producers.) Generally, Aquarius, 2012 onward should bring a huge sigh of relief. PISCES, Neptune is your ruling planet. For the first time in 164 years, Neptune will travel through your own sign (2011 to 2026) bringing a new sense of self – especially, a new self-worth, as your natural talents – intuition, psychic awareness, “flowability” and flexibility – are enhanced and strengthened. Generally, frustration will ebb, as restrictions and “fate” fade to let you be captain of your own destiny. (Since destiny is a thing held in our unconscious, perhaps this means you will delve deeper, naturally and easily, into your own hidden layers, to discover more and more about who you are, and why past behavior patterns have occurred.) You thinking will become more fluid and accurate. You know how sometimes you think of the perfect “come back” an hour after you’ve left the person who teased you? Well, in these 15 years, you’ll “have” the right response immediately: even if that response is only a lifted eyebrow. I will promise you more power, influence and “presence” in the world; but I can’t promise you more money. You might face a mild dilemma at some point (perhaps 2016): do you go for a bigger paycheque, or for a more spiritual or “happily humble” life? If you are a practising diviner, psychic, Tarot reader, psychological or physical therapist, or counsellor in any field, even financial ones, you will find yourself in much demand. But the most beautiful aspect of this Neptune change is the beauty and pure magic of life, as it grows anew in your heart. Start Nothing: Before 4:42 a.m. Sun., 4:59 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Tues., and 2:44 p.m. Thurs. to 3:03 a.m. Fri. Aries March 20-April 19 Continue to chase money, Aries – this entire week might build to a financial climax (Friday/Saturday) that favours you – there might even be a pay raise or you might sell a big item (or buy one). All’s good, so proceed. This is a smooth, easy week. Retreat, rest and contemplate Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Your energy and charisma return this evening through Thursday – start important projects, follow through with earlier plans, seek favours, call people. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you and a VIP, boss of parent might soon shake hands over something. Continue the hard work. Taurus April 20-May 20 Your energy and clout are at a yearly high, Taurus. Life is expanding, but also changing. Some of you are being or have been “set free” – from a job, a duty, a marriage – in order to find new settings and new adventures. This freedom might be painful, but it is very likely fortunate for you in the long run. You might not believe me in late 2012 through 2013, as another factor indicates you will be living through the consequences of all your not-so-good actions of the last 18 years. But that’s then – for now, celebrate, as luck and ease fill this week. Wish fulfillment Sunday/Monday! Gemini May 21-June 20 This is your last week of rest and low energy, Gemini. By May 20, you’ll be starting a high-energy month, which introduces an entire year of better luck, travel, marriage prospects, lucrative partnerships, even potential fame. Before then, you have to make it through the present interval of low energy – which should be a snap, as this is an easy, smooth week. Be ambitious Sunday/Monday: you could land an assignment. Midweek brings friends, a rising heart. Chase governments, institutions, charity, spirituality, therapy and research Friday/Saturday – a civil servant likes you. Cancer June 21-July 22 This fine, easy week starts with a beautiful, mellow and wise mood, Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Your relationship with a Virgo or Gemini – or with a partner – flows successfully. Communication helps. Midweek brings ambition (or pressure from the boss). Again, a partner might help. Thursday eve through Saturday intensifies this week’s main note: social delights, entertainment, wish fulfillment, popularity and group affairs. All week, two broad areas seem favoured: relationships (opportunities, negotiations, love, relocation) and career (prestige, worldly standing). Go ahead! Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Chase your ambitions during this smooth, productive week (especially Friday/Saturday, when a new project might begin). (Bosses approve of your wide viewpoint and your legal, financial and security insights these same two days.) Friends accumulate – and old friends from the past will begin appearing soon. Life’s depths, financial opportunities, sexual urges, health diagnoses, research and lifestyle changes face you Sunday to afternoon Tuesday – charge after what you want. Midweek’s mellow, wise, gently loving – however, your ideas or generosity might meet reluctance by another. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You can simply enjoy this mellow, smooth week and float along, or you can use the calm waters to sail ahead on your favorite projects. It’s a superb time to expend effort – you’ll be pleased, and your life strengthened, by the results. Relationships are prime Sunday to afternoon Tuesday. Exciting meetings, opportunities, relocation themes, even love, enter the picture in lucky ways. Midweek is for mysteries, depths, investments, debt-reduction, and sexual urges. Be conservative. Far travel, cultural, intellectual, legal and international affairs succeed splendidly Friday/Saturday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 This is your last week of secrecy, sexual temptations, research, large financial actions and possible health concerns. These areas appear headed for success, easy progress – at the very least, healing. You might have made a substantial commitment or investment recently, or might this week. Go ahead – this is where your good fortune lies. Sunday to afternoon Tuesday brings chores, mild health concerns. Midweek’s for exciting meetings, new horizons, new opportunities – and negotiations. Friday/Saturday bring the last four weeks to a climax: embrace everything in the first sentence! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Relationships open doors to new vistas and opportunities this week, especially Friday/Saturday. (Late May to mid-2013 will feature financial, intimate and lifestyle “opportunities to commit” based on who/what you meet/agree upon, this week [and the last 50].) In other words, the meeting, the open doors appear now (and have, recently) but the commitment, the funding, will come late May onward. (Be cautious with commitment through August.) Romance, creative surges, even true love can arise Sunday to Tuesday. Tackle chores midweek. Friday/Saturday – the world! Be diplomatic, eager. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 This is your last week of chores, and an easy week it is. (However, the last year has brought an increase in work duties; and this Friday/Saturday might start a new job/project that will last to mid-June.) Be home, or attend to children, family, gardening, security, retirement, nurturing and similar themes, Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Romance calls midweek – so do pleasure, creativity, and a speculative risk. Go slow. Late week, as mentioned, brings new chores. All week – and all the 13 months ahead – bring affection, generosity from others. Don’t “join” before September. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Romance, love, charming kids, beauty, pleasure, creative surges and speculative joys last one more week before a large work load arrives. So enjoy yourself during this easy, happy week. Short trips, errands, casual friends, communications and paperwork fill Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Midweek’s for rest, home, family, real estate, security, retirement, gardening and similar interests. Go slow, realize someone’s ultimately, isn’t on board. (And that someone might be you.) Friday/Saturday intensify everything listed in the first sentence of this message – in a lucky way! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Chase money (or spend) Sunday/Monday – luck is with you. (But don’t “push” an investment Sunday – if you can’t meet on a price/value, just leave it.) All this week you’re concerned with home values, real estate, family, security and retirement – Sunday/Monday and Friday Saturday are great times to buy or sell a home. Friday/Saturday are perfect for finding the home you want – or for ending a futile relationship or a wasteful project. Midweek (Tuesday eve through Thursday) brings travel, errands, paperwork and casual friends. An old flame or former love prospect will soon appear. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 This is your last week of errands, communications, short travel, paperwork and daily details. These come in a whirlwind Friday/Saturday. It’s an easy week. Your energy and charisma score high Sunday to afternoon Tuesday – start something important (except in home, real estate) or impress someone. Chase money midweek, but go slowly with purchases. (Best time, especially for technical or health products: 9:15 a.m. PDT onward, Wednesday.)Your home and family are sweet: luck either comes swiftly here, or eludes you. If the latter, walk away: better stuff awaits September onward. Email: For a reading:604-727-3673. /30/