ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MARCH 4 – 10, 2012 All times/dates are PST. Last month, during a move caused by corporate changes, our server was damaged. We lost the entire membership program. So far, we have not been able to repair it, nor to extract the programs. We have had to cancel all memberships. I apologize for this. If you had a membership cut short in February but have not yet received a refund, please contact Chris ( on the astral site. Santorum’s luck turns neutral by mid-June, then turns bad September onward. (Romney’s luck also disappears by mid-June. In fact, the only candidate who IS lucky after June is Newt – if he holds on that long.) I was castigated by a reader for never mentioning Ron Paul. I don’t consider Paul a politician. He’s honest, he sticks to his principles, and he neither makes false accusations nor changes his story. So he’s a valuable foil to the den of liars he’s fallen into, but he’s not a politician. That doesn’t mean I undervalue politicians: they’re an organic part of our whole. They are us, with all our lies, mistakes, hopes and changes. Odd note: Santorum is a Taurus with an Aquarian Moon. Canada’s Harper is a Taurus with an Aquarian Moon. For a hint of what Santorum might do to America, look at what Harper has done to Canada. The affluent love him; the poor, the sick and seniors, artists and civil rights advocates hate him. Me, I’m no pundit. AQUARIUS, 2012 holds a joyful surprise in love. Until June, your main luck lies in home, property, security and family. This is a splendid time to rest and regenerate your batteries. Even during this time of healing and relative seclusion, a sweet feeling emerges toward someone between April and early August. It could be that you are contemplating a seductive person from afar, without revealing your hand, or it could be a local, full-blown affair. This attraction might meet a delay or indecision in May/June. That’s significant, because June introduces a year of gigantic love luck, one in which you are going to: a) expand this spring’s strong attraction into a full-blown escapade of love, fun, travel, and, perhaps eventually, marriage; or b) find a new love, one of the sweetest, strongest bonds of your life. Ultimately, the best love for you will appear after August, as any attraction that commences before September might have a subtle, almost indiscernible flaw. The main “signal” that this flaw exists comes from events: somehow, ultimate satisfaction, ultimate conquest, though it constantly calls you, seems elusive. The oddest, unexpected delays might occur – if so, turn quickly, away, and wait until September onward. Your best love this year (and next) will be met while you’re in a group – a party, a classroom, a tour group, etc. If you’re married, expect a splendid, joyful year, and if you’re a parent, double that. Start Nothing: 2:17 p.m. to 3:18 p.m. Sun., 5:27 p.m. to 7:27 p.m. Tues., 1:39 a.m. to 8:50 p.m. Thurs., and 7:09 p.m. to 9:24 p.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 Continue to rest, lie low. Contemplate: how have you come here, and where are you going? It’s a little too early to make plans, as many factors, and your own certainty, will “show up missing” over the next few weeks – significant revisions will arise in April. Complete projects and duties now, rather than starting anything new. What seems a dull Sunday might transform, this night o Tuesday, into romance or a pleasure foray. Your money luck improves over the next four weeks. Tackle growing chores midweek. Relationships have a strong message for you Thursday night onward. Taurus April 20-May 20 You’ve felt a bit put-upon, that luck wasn’t on your side, these last few weeks. That changes, Monday onward. Your gracefulness and subtle magnetism return; your popularity surges upward, puzzlement will dissolve. Still, don’t start new projects nor new romances before April. You often judge yourself by your possessions. That will cause you much wondering and bemusement in May/June – but these months of indecision will be only part of a longer phase of good money/possessions luck, from April to July, which in turn kicks off a hugely lucky year of money, lasting to mid-2013.) Gemini May 21-June 20 The accent continues on ambition, reputation, mingling with “big shots” – considering your poor luck of the last few years, take a defensive rather than daring stance here. Strictly avoid starting ambitious new projects before April 4. (A slowdown starts soon, technically March 12. This will bring back a former hope, or “light lover” – but that’s next week onward.) You’ve been more gregarious the last few weeks: now, through March, socializing mingles with “quiet joys.” BTW, those years of bad luck end in June; bad karma ends in late August. Then a year of splendid fortune begins. Cancer June 21-July 22 Your mellow, understanding mood continues. Relationships are changing (2008-2023). This month is an excellent time to figure out why – why they’ve changed, what you can do, the meaning of it all. Your vision and thoughts are broader and more acute than usual. You’ll be surprised/gratified by the nuggets of affection and optimism you uncover. (That’s partly because, now to April 3, your popularity rises.) Chase money – carefully – Sunday eve to Tuesday. Travel, talk, messages fill midweek: say heartfelt, loving things. Settle into home Friday/Saturday. Finish, don’t start, projects. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 The mysteries continue, Leo. But you’ll solve a lot of them Sunday eve to Tuesday, when your energy and alertness return. (Passivity promotes mystery; action solves it.) And Tuesday night to Thursday, when money luck (combined with action) can reveal the forces and currents underlying many aspects of your life, and reveal a profitable, satisfying road ahead. Take action! But stop Thursday; sit back, relax, have a coffee and communicate Friday/Saturday. All week, start nothing that will demand further (supportive) efforts after this week. E.g., buy stocks, don’t start a business. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Relationships dominate all month, but this week the aces fall in your lap. Take advantage of your position, luck and strength, especially Wednesday – but keep in mind the need to please another, to co-operate and work as a team. Strictly avoid starting any new projects before April 4; finish instead. (A period of slowdowns, mistakes and indecision technically begin March 12.) You’re hopeful Sunday morning, but to little avail. Retreat this p.m. through Tuesday eve: meditate, finish chores, rest. Your energy and charisma surge midweek. Examine money (buy nothing) Friday/Saturday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Tackle chores. Protect health; eat and dress sensibly. Though March is always a month of drudgery for you, it will be lightened this time by a relationship. A friend could be all talk, or physically intimate – the former is a lot safer. (You aren’t really in a good mating phase before June, not in an excellent one until September – before this, sex is great, but not a basis for life-mating.) Your popularity and optimism rise Sunday eve to Tuesday – be happy! But retreat to rest, contemplate and exercise charity midweek. Your energy and charisma rise Friday on. Start nothing new, big. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 You’re on a wee winning streak – take risks, be adventurous. But don’t start any large projects (ones that will demand your participation later in March). Sunday morning’s mellow but not successful – leave love for the moment. Be ambitious Sunday eve to Tuesday pre-dawn – the path is smooth. An ally will either fight you or promote you. Wishes come true Tuesday night to Thursday: optimism, social delights, and entertainment arrive. A love interest could climax, become an affair. But retreat, rest and contemplate Friday/Saturday. Plan nothing big, start nothing big this week. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 The accent lies on home, family, property, security, retirement, gardening, nutrition, stomach and soul. Diving into any of these will give you a feeling of satisfaction – but finish rather than begin projects, in these or any zones. A romantic glance, a friendly but rushed conversation, could spark an affectionate interlude, but any relationship begun now will inherit indecision. (And an old flame might return later in March, complicating everything.) These are just a “stirring” – soon, April onward (into 2013) a serious sweet bond will arise. Good career luck midweek. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Travel, communicate, perform errands, do paperwork – do these quickly, now, as a major slow-down hits this area next week, which will leave you “out of the loop,” planning-wise and data-wise, to April 4. (Speaking of planning, make none now; wait until April, after the situation has changed.) Life’s depths, sexual urges and financial actions fill Sunday eve to Tuesday. A mellow, wise mood flows Tuesday night to Thursday: dive into culture, international affairs, intellectual pursuits, and love. Luck accompanies you Sunday eve to Thursday, so act. A romantic mood creeps in. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Chase money, Aquarius – but don’t start any large projects (especially in monetary, friendship or communication zones) before April 4. Your home becomes a more affectionate place in March. You’ll be talking, mailing, travelling all month, too, but make your major contacts now, not later. Schedule meetings for April, not March. Relationships bless you Sunday eve to Tuesday: a property question might arise. Delve into intimacy, big finance, research or health problems Tuesday night to Thursday – you might make a major, lucky investment. Wisdom, but not much luck, Friday/Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Your energy, charisma and clout ride a peak wave, Pisces – but the results of your actions might not be what you want, if you begin projects now (or anytime before April 4). Finish things, instead. You might meet a splendid friend soon (around March 13, but it could occur anytime March 5 onward). Tackle chores, protect your health, Sunday eve to Tuesday. Tuesday night to Thursday brings great relationships, exciting meetings and new opportunities (but remember my advice about new projects). (You’ll see these people again mid-next week.) Take care with money, intimacy Friday/Saturday. Email: /30/