ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS OCTOBER 9 – 15, 2011 All times/dates are PDT. Scientists in Europe’s CERN facility claim they have propelled a neutrino about 60 nanoseconds faster than light – over a distance of 700 km. Other scientists are sceptical. But if it proves true, it means the physical “laws” that prevented time travel are no longer valid. In our present view of physics (more correctly, in my amateurish, space channel view) if something travels faster than the speed of light, then it will arrive before it left – ergo, time travel. That’s the fun part, but the larger part is this: remember when I wrote here that a “grand cross” of aspects in July and August 2010 was signalling a massive change in life, humanity, geopolitics, natural phenomena, etc? It was the biggest grand cross in perhaps 10,000 to 20,000 years, so the change should be equivalent to mankind emerging from the last ice age. In that period mankind began to produce art (cave paintings) and practice agriculture. The first stone structures were erected. Mankind for the first time began to organize and manipulate nature. In 2010 I found it difficult to determine what massive change this new major “collection” of aspects pointed to, but finally came to the conclusion that they would occur over time rather than immediately. Three things supported this: First, there was no immediate large-scale catastrophe (it would have to be a huge one, like Noah’s flood, or an asteroid impact). Secondly, the mood around the world contained very little fear, anticipation or disquiet, which hinted that the changes were either deep or non-existent. (This “calm” was itself strange, considering we had just been devastated by the credit freeze.) Thirdly, many of the aspects involved slowly-orbiting planets. Jupiter would stay in this “square aspect” for months; another planet, Saturn, until late 2012; another, Uranus, until 2019; and lastly, Pluto would remain in this area of change until 2023. All but one of these “long term” aspects still exists – so the changes are not yet finished. Perhaps the ultimate transformations lay in what I had already written two decades before, when discussing the new Pluto era – the end of writing and literate thinking, of religion as we know it, and the evolvement of mankind into a psychic being. But this is abstract, centuries off, and very wide-angle. Other changes are more immediate and concrete: the Arab Spring, the credit crisis, the tilting of the earth to slide the West into financial dysfunction while raising the east into supremacy (perhaps for centuries). These are a “result” of that huge 2010 multi-aspect, but they must only be small parts of it, simply because they’re not on the same magnitude as the discovery of agriculture. The CERN evidence, however, is of that magnitude. If it proves true, it will change our entire understanding of physics and the basis of existence. This should lead to advances equal to the discovery of art, agriculture, and artificial shelter. Start Nothing: Before 5:57 a.m. Mon., 5:08 p.m. to 6:35 p.m. Wed. and 3:52 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 The accent continues on relationships. Your romantic sense/urge is strong. Be diplomatic, co-operative, and eager to merge – with a person, a group or a corporation. A small new note introduces a song of sex, financial manoeuvres, secrets or behind-scenes actions. Still, most events – and interactions – remain aboveboard. Lie low, rest and plan Sunday. Be spiritual. Your energy and charisma rise Monday to Wednesday, but expect some opposition if you insist on your way. Your money luck’s high Thursday/Friday, but deep down this might fight your real needs. Talk, travel Saturday. Taurus April 20-May 20 Much work still faces you, for two more weeks. Don’t let work pressures make you temperamental on the home front. (If you succumb to the temptation to be grouchy, a real fight might ensue late this month and November.) Social delights, popularity and optimism buoy your spirits Sunday. But retreat, rest, contemplate and plan your future Monday to Wednesday: don’t compete. Your energy and charisma rise Wednesday night to Friday: tackle intimidating tasks, get big things done. Saturday’s great for shopping, earning. Remember, you’re in a grand, lucky, significant turn-around year. Gemini May 21-June 20 Romantic vibes continue. Your big love affair year is still 9 months away, so don’t try to climb too high, too fast, in love zones – be happy, pleased! You’ll be gratified, alive, perceive unusual beauty – let your creative juices flow, let life’s beauty soothe you. Express yourself, gamble, step into a new world. Give authorities their due Sunday. Your wishes, popularity and joy grow Monday to Wednesday (but avoid work-related showdowns Monday). Retreat, rest, plan, be spiritual and deal with governments Thursday/Friday. (All these are 2011’s main luck zones.) Saturday, you succeed! Cancer June 21-July 22 Your domestic scene remains prominent. From 2010 to 2012 this area might seem a bit more burdensome or restrictive than usual. In reaction, you might either: 1) deepen and re-establish your marriage (or seek to “domesticate” someone, if you’re single) or 2) let domestic matters drive a wedge between you and your spouse. (The latter is not necessarily bad. Choose in your heart what is good or bad.) Sunday’s wise, loving. Be ambitious Monday to Wednesday. Hopes rise, happiness reigns, Thursday/Friday! Retreat Saturday. Money flows swiftly to mid-November: bank it, or lose it. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Communicate, write, call, travel, complete paperwork and applications. Handle all the “busy stuff” now, as late October will bring a rest and relax period. Meet friends, read the paper – stay informed. Your sexual magnetism sizzles, so one of those friends (if you’re single) might flirt – and mean it. You’ll be handling the paperwork stage of a legal, far-travel, educational, publishing, cultural or similar project (especially Monday to Wednesday). Sunday’s for mystery, finances, intimacy. Be ambitious Thursday/Friday – luck awaits you! Saturday’s for wish fulfillment, friends, joy! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Chase money, enjoy sensual moments. Sunday’s for relationships. Large finances, investments, debts, lifestyle changes, health concerns, intimacy and sexual urges, research, mysteries – these fill the Monday to Wednesday interval (and to some degree, they fill your private thoughts all month). Both obstacles and “lucky doorways” exist in these zones. The happier you are, the more accurately you’ll see your options. A gentle, wise, loving mood enters Wednesday eve through Friday. These days favour a legal, real estate, international or intellectual matter. Be ambitious Saturday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Your energy, charisma, luck and effectiveness remain high, Libra, so start important projects, approach others, ask favours – demand growth in your life! Your popularity is high, your financial/investment luck remains strong, and your intimate urges can be fulfilled. A Gemini or Virgo might be involved. Realize it’s better, before June 2012, to be satisfied with sex, than to seek life-mate type marriage. Wishes about relocation, litigation and general opportunities will come true. Monday-Wednesday accents relationships. Depths, finances, sex Thursday/Friday. Love, wisdom Saturday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan. A sweet mood imbues you now to month’s end. By late October opportunities will return. Expend effort in one sphere, though: career and employment. Here, bosses, parents and VIPs can be critical until early November – more so if you slack off. Sunday brings beauty, pleasure. Tackle chores Monday to Wednesday. Relationships – your lucky area June 2011 to June 2012 (despite your complaints!) – come to the fore Wednesday eve through Friday. There’s luck here Thursday a.m., restrictions Thursday p.m. Mysteries intrigue Saturday – investigate. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Popularity, social delights, entertainment, wish fulfillment and optimism fill this week and next. Avoid law suits. Do pursue travel, international concerns, publishing, education, religion and cultural venues – these might be more work than usual this year, but they’re succeeding, and you’re energized about them now. Take a deep, quiet rest Sunday. Your romantic, creative side bursts forth Monday-Wednesday – many serious subjects accompany passion this year, as Tuesday night shows. Tackle chores Thursday/Friday, especially in the areas listed in the second sentence. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 The focus lies strongly on career, ambitions, prestige relations, community status, reputation, and dealings with authorities. You could feel a tug-o-war between these and your security-home-family needs Monday-Wednesday. You’re very intuitive about career and money now, so choose your path with confidence: whatever you decide will tend to be the right way. Romance, beauty, pleasure and creative surges visit you Thursday/Friday – don’t ignore these, as they hold 2011’s “fortune.” Tackle chores Saturday. All month, to early-mid November, sexual/financial matters intensify. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 The general accent lies on understanding, compassion, culture, love, international affairs, far travel, higher education, publishing, statistics, science… Relationships remain intense until November 10. Simultaneously you’re lucky in, and drawn to, real estate, a domestic situation, and the ending of a project or relationship. That intensity could lead to a significant parting or a major bonding – to know which, look at your present situation. As a result, by November, you’ll start eleven months of deep change, “intense sex” and fast-paced financial events. Real romance? Mid-2012. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 The focus remains on hard work, health and finances. Your “value” is changing; so are your desires, lifestyle, and, perhaps, your investments. The structure of your life might change. Soon (November) a dramatic 11-month phase will occur in your most important relationships – it would be wise not to make an irrevocable commitment before you see how this phase affects you. Money, sensuality and possessions will be involved, and it’s intense! Your energy, charisma are high Sunday. Chase money Monday-Wednesday (last day best). Thursday/Friday are chatty, travel-prone. Home, Saturday.