ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JANUARY 9 – 15, 2011 All times/dates are PST. CAPRICORN, from January 22 to June 4, your major luck will be tied to real estate, home, children and parents, security, business foundations, plumbing, basements, nutrition, gardening and agriculture, nature, mining, and the basics of life. This is an excellent time to seek therapy, heal family problems, etc. It’s a great period in which to establish a family, seek pregnancy or give birth. For older people, it’s a lucky retirement period, ensuring a cheerful, often prosperous situation in ensuing years. These few months are one of the best times in a 25-year cycle to buy a home, change homes, build a house, or otherwise expand your property. If you only have a bit of money, buy a rural bit of land for vacation camping or a future retirement cottage. If you’re a renter, changing abodes can also benefit you – if you look, you’ll find a better deal than you now have; but you might also be tempted to spend a much larger monthly sum. In business, now’s the time to expand your market territory, or to purchase your warehouse, sign an office lease, etc. Whatever you do, be quick, even impulsive, for this luck period is swift; it favours the brave and the quick. These four months also bring beneficial endings and new beginnings, so use this time to quit stale or restrictive situations, projects and relationships, and to start anew. Get plenty of rest. The security and peace you establish this year will give you a platform of strength to meet 2011’s exciting adventures – creative, romantic, and, perhaps, child-related. AQUARIUS, late January to early June will not seem like a time of huge life steps, but it can be an important preparatory phase, in which doing what fascinates you also steers you toward future success. Travel, casual friendships and communications soar during this short period. You might, while travelling, stumble upon the place where you’ll “take root” within the following year (June 2011 to June 2012) – a place where you’ll feel cheerful and prosperous. Or you might make a casual friend who can become a powerful love a year or two later. You won’t necessarily know which place that is, or who among the contacts you make will become a deeper friend. (Some of the many new contacts can also later prove to be valuable business/work allies.) So be curious, explore many new places – just get in your car and go! Chase variety, for many choices means more chances. A former friend might return in April. Paperwork, communications, mail and messages swell January to June. You’ll experience a hectic pace without pressure – an odd but pleasant combination. Your siblings or a casual acquaintance could be a source of luck, So could telephone calls, newspapers, magazines, the internet – anything that brings you information. At work, though, beware of being buried under an avalanche of details, data and time-wasting chores. Start Nothing: 3:12 a.m. to 7:24 a.m. Mon., 6:47 p.m. to 7:37 p.m. Wed., and 4:47 a.m. to 5:23 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 Remain ambitious. You see things wisely, your “executive decisions” are good. The barrier that appeared last week (refusal/competition from another?) is not gone, but you’re moving beyond it. Retreat, rest and plan future actions Sunday. Your energy surges Monday to Wednesday – you’ll need it to run the gauntlet of barriers and problems that face you – give it a heroic try! It ends with a comforting message or thought. Chase money (or buy important items) Thursday/Friday – smooth luck accompanies you. Saturday brings talks, trips, casual friends – and starts six weeks of social joy! Taurus April 20-May 20 You’re making some of the most important contacts of this decade, over the last year and this month. Be sociable, say hello, join new groups and clubs. Strictly avoid legal hassles this week. Take care with “big money” Sunday to Wednesday – unrealistic hopes could lead you astray. Your energy, charisma and effectiveness soar Wednesday night through pre-dawn Saturday – a good time to socialize, join that new group, or whisper words of love to someone! Chase money, shop, sell items Saturday. Friday starts six weeks of possible friction with bosses, parents – be humble, not sassy! Gemini May 21-June 20 Life’s depths, mysteries still confront you. Sexual urges, subconscious promptings, intuition guide you. You might alter your direction, solve a health riddle, or change your lifestyle. It’s almost too late, but it won’t hurt to make one additional ambitious move this week and next – might involve publishing, travel, education or a legal matter. However, Sunday to Wednesday, don’t expect co-operation: act alone. Your hopes and enjoyment of people rise Monday-Wednesday. Retreat, lie low Thursday/Friday: relations with head office, government yield nice results. You shine, Saturday! Cancer June 21-July 22 The accent lies on relationships: partnerships, marriage, exciting prospects if single – and on opportunities, opposition, litigation, negotiation, relocation. Be patient if a legal matter gets in the way of a work project before Thursday: this barrier should fade by late month or March. Recent relationship intensity will lighten Saturday onward. This day starts a six-week period of investment in your career (via money, time, commitment, any of these). But avoid “pure investments” these six weeks – they might “burn cash.” Thursday/Friday bring social delights! Retreat, rest, plan Saturday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Another 11 days of work and health drudgery, Leo. But this trend is relieved by a nice, buoyant romantic breeze. After Saturday, too, life becomes so exciting you’ll forget that work surrounds you! However, you probably have lots of unfinished chores “hanging fire” after a few weeks of neglect or mis-directed efforts. Focus on those now, briskly clear away as much as you can. Don’t mix sex and romance before Thursday, nor creativity and “building,” nor investment and a gambling urge. Be ambitious, seek out higher-ups Thursday/Friday – luck accompanies you. Saturday brings social joys! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 The emphasis lies on romance, creative urges, speculation and a love of “risk,” children’s affairs, pleasure and beauty. You’re riding a winning streak! But don’t expect a lot of co-operation from spouse, others, regarding any property, security or family notion you have. They’ll only join in if there is an ambitious angle for them. Don’t try to seal any deals before Thursday. Though two weeks remain in this romantic phase, you’ll need to make your bid for intimacy now, as Saturday ends a long “sexual magnetism” streak. (Another, life-changing one comes November/11 to July 2012.) Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 The main accent lies on family, home, security, real estate, gardening, nutrition, mother nature. This area faces significant (world-changing) transformations now to 2024. This week (and the past five) domestic conditions fight your partnership yearnings. E.g., you live in different cities, or your place is such a mess you fear to invite anyone home, or “Mommy” lives on the couch. However, Saturday eases this: you start six weeks of heightened romantic prospects and intensity. This leads to a February-June blooming of splendid relationship luck, and in turn to eight years of love excitement. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Paperwork, details, communications, errands – you have a lot of small chores to perform. You’ll do them easily. Your money luck improves. Buy a gift for a loved one. Sunday’s romantic. Tackle chores Monday to Wednesday – but avoid money topics, or chasing money. Relationships inspire, attract, open doors to success Wednesday night to Saturday pre-dawn. Be outgoing, eager, diplomatic – love could shine! Saturday brings mysteries, financial and sexual opportunities. This day begins six weeks of possible domestic friction – channel this energy into repairs or build a new job “base.” Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Continue to chase money, Sage. You might have to make some decisions or pronouncements about home, family, real estate – you’re still ultra-lucky here to January 21. Buying a new home is favoured January 9, 10 (before 2 p.m. PST) 13,14, 15, 19 (to 1:30 p.m.) 20 and 21. Money continues to flow beside you – bringing more, but prompting you to spend more. Sunday’s for home, family. Romance, creative projects, speculation call you Monday dawn to Wednesday eve. Tackle chores and health issues Thursday/Friday: you’ll succeed easily! Exciting meetings, opportunities Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Your energy, charisma, pizzazz and effectiveness ride high, Cap! Make contacts and satisfy your curiosity, especially Sunday. Get out all week, chase, begin important projects. Demand an end to unfair or stale situations Monday to Wednesday. Romance, creative surges, speculative urges and pleasure visit you Wednesday night to Saturday pre-dawn. Tackle chores Saturday. This day, a long period of determination and sexual magnetism ends; this was a complex “gift”, for it also nudged you toward the end of many things. Most things existing before 2008 are ripe for ending. Soon – the new! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Continue to rest. Lie low, contemplate people and situations, and make plans. Be charitable. Deal with government agencies, institutions, corporate head offices. This week and next are your last “opening” for a while to make a major purchase or launch a lucky earnings vehicle. Sunday is particularly good for this. (But DON’T buy high-tech, electronics, etc. before Thursday.) Talks, trips and casual friends fill Monday-Wednesday. Deal with family, real estate Thursday/Friday – luck accompanies you. Starting Saturday, you’ll be active, magnetic, and determined, for six weeks! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Bosses, parents and higher-ups treat you with new approval or affection for the rest of January. Take advantage – socialize, schmooze. Money often flows along “networks.” Your energy remains high Sunday. Be ambitious Monday to Wednesday, especially in the pursuit of money. (These are not really good purchasing days, though, nor for gaining the co-operation of your equals/peers.) Casual friends, siblings, communications and travel fill Thursday/Friday – all is smooth, easy! Settle into a “down home” weekend Saturday. This day starts six weeks of secret money plans or “charity money.” Email: For a reading: 416-686-5014. /30/