ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS NOVEMBER 28 - DECEMBER 4, 2010 All times/dates are PST. A square consists of four straight lines of equal length joined by four right angles. When a square collapses, it still conforms to this definition, except that it has become a cross or "plus sign." (I wrote about this some years ago.) Mathematically, the lines of the cross are theoretically infinite, or have no end. As a square bounds a finite area, and represents a knowable environment, so the collapsed or inverse square divides or "sorts" all two-dimensional area to infinity equally. Therefore, it is the representative of unending reality or boundless environment, both of which are intangible and unknowable. So what happens when a cube collapses, or a sphere? When three dimensions collapse, by the same reasoning, they must project into spatial infinity. In other words, the reverse state of a sphere or cube is infinity in three dimensions. But the reverse of an equal-sided cube is limited in "coverage" - its straight lines infinitely project in three dimensions, but it only has 12 lines before collapse (24 after, in some imaginings!) and so only divides three dimensional space to infinity, just as the two-dimensional reversed square only divides "flat" space. When a sphere reverses, a totally new phenomena occurs - the collapsed sphere does not divide space, but travels/projects through ALL three-dimensional space. The sphere has no finite lines, yet when it collapses must radiate outward as the lines of the square and cube do. But because the uncollapsed sphere has no distinguishable lines, perhaps there cannot be inter-spaces or "gaps" between the outward-projecting radians of the reverse sphere. Therefore, the collapsed sphere's projection must entirely fill the universe/infinity. It cannot divide infinity, because the numbers of its "lines" is itself infinite; an infinite number of lines cannot divide an area/space; it can only cover/fill it. (Infinity cannot divide itself.) So the collapsed radiation of a sphere cannot divide or catalogue. But other possibilities occur: 1) as a collapsed square becomes only lines, without area, so a collapsed sphere might become only area, without a third dimension; 2) the reverse sphere might have no reality - this is unlikely, as the collapsed square and cube do exist, and can be drawn; 3) it might have no projection, and once reversed becomes an infinite collapse or self-consumer, e.g., a black hole; 4) the reversed sphere, if possessing infinite projection in every direction, must fill the universe; i.e., becomes infinite being; therefore, as many spheres exist, there must be multiple infinities; or 5) if the collapsed sphere infinitely divides all being, it might become the opposite of being: not nothing, but reverse being (anti-matter). What is a collapsed sphere of light? Of gravity? Start Nothing: 0:30 a.m. to 1:34 a.m. Sun., 3:17 a.m. to 4:15 a.m. Tues., 0:08 a.m. to 6:43 a.m. Thurs., and 4:13 a.m. to 9:59 a.m. Aries March 21-April 19 Intellectual pursuits have top priority. That includes cultural, far travel, educational, publishing, advertising, religious, philosophical and legal affairs. These might run into a couple of unexpected glitches or shocks early and deep into this week, so time your actions for December 4 onward. Government agencies, or your own "background" might be involved. Dive into chores Sunday/Monday, so you'll have more time when opportunities and exciting emotional prospects appear (Tuesday/Wednesday). Depths, mysteries, sex, other people's money Friday/Saturday: you might hit a mother lode! Taurus April 20-May 20 Life's mysteries, research, depth psychology, subconscious desires, lust, finances tied to other people (e.g., stocks, marriage finances, inheritances) rise in importance. These might be imperilled this week, especially if you began a related venture in November. You might need to take quick, "crisis action" Thursday/Friday. Or, you could be free of any problems - if so, wait until Saturday onward to plunge into these areas, and/or to make a commitment, change your lifestyle, or invest. Work succeeds midweek. Friendships, loves (and everything listed above) are lucky Friday p.m.! Gemini May 21-June 20 Excitement! You could take major steps in a romance or more mature relationship now, or might face and seize a huge opportunity such as relocation, a public appearance, a business negotiation/contract. But be aware: you might succeed, and the payment is stress. Or it all might blow up (Sunday-Tuesday a.m. or Thursday/Saturday) especially if this situation began in November. But if it blows up: so what? It clears away six years of tension, liberates you - laugh at life! Midweek's romantic. Saturday begins, small but growing, the workable opportunities, attractions. Optimism arrives! Cancer June 21-July 22 Emotionally, a rest period is over. Now you begin two months of intensified, active, communicating, sweet (and sometimes angry, or more likely, competitive) attraction. But don't lose sight of your main necessity for the next three weeks: work and health. These two - and your dependents, and machinery - face one or two crises or dilemmas this week (Sunday-Tuesday and Thursday/Friday). Be very careful with electricity, computers, driving, tools, especially late week. A project might demand precise, tense attention to complete: give this, and succeed. Romance whispers Thursday/Friday! Leo July 23-Aug. 22 What seemed so romantically alluring in November might meet unexpected events or sexual reactions. Or, speculation and investment quality conflict; or creative urges, projects might trip over the realities that research discovers. Whatever went so brilliantly in November meets the unexpected by Thursday. Leo, whatever happens: 1) be ethical, honest; 2) be alert, realistic. These should show you the right way. Money needs care Sunday/Monday. Communications, travel, life's easy Tuesday/Wednesday. Home, safety, take no chances Thursday! Friday heals. Saturday, love, success begin. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 I warned you some weeks ago that domestic, property, security and family projects (especially those initiated in November) might hit a shock or snag by this week. It could be a crisis, or simply a snag that needs ironing out. Be patient, diplomatic. Sunday/Monday your energy is high, but everyone seems independent, ready for an argument. Thursday/Friday communications, errands flow swiftly, but an unexpected event could capsize the apple cart. Drive carefully Friday dawn, avoid unsafe tools, avoid computers. Friday p.m., love/friendship luck! After a hectic week, relax at home Saturday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 The main emphasis lies on communications, paperwork, errands, travel, siblings and casual friends. These areas face one or two challenges this week, especially Sunday/Monday (philosophical or legal differences?) and Thursday/Friday (romantic, creative conflicts?). In everything (communication, travel, etc.) your intention is all tied up with a partnership urge - but it is this urge that is really causing unexpected events or disagreements. Somehow, it (the urge to join or merge) is fighting the work you need to get done. By Friday p.m., the conflict's over, and money luck flows! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Unexpected events could throw a monkey wrench into your money projects, particularly any projects you began in November, especially Sunday/Monday and Thursday/Friday. Do NOT purchase machinery or high tech items before Friday noon. The problem comes from your desire, hidden or not, to seek pleasure, romance, adventure or to take a gamble. You might face a choice: chase romance, or guard your money, gamble or keep your bank account, etc. Despite events, you'll be optimistic, happy Sunday/Monday! Rest, contemplate mid-week. Your energy, charisma soar Thursday/Friday - this eve's lucky! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Watch your temper - you're riding a wave of energy, charisma, hope, loving emotions and creative, gambling pizzazz - but this could make you impatient, too, especially with parents/kids, domestic situations, real estate, security provisions. These have caused you stress and tension for 7 years, and you're at the fed-up stage! So there might be one last explosion, especially Sunday/Monday or Thursday/Friday. Listen: be safe, but don't repress your temper. Have a tantrum, then look for common ground. You'll find it Friday eve, successfully start to implement it Saturday onward. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Messages, information (or distribution realities) might interfere with a plan that involved government, an institution, or a "retreat." Protect yourself from gossip. Take care in writing, speech, driving and with electrical tools. The most "accident prone days are Sunday, Monday and Friday (morning). This is a time of rest, solitude, peace and contemplation - seek an environment that promotes these. That said, your social popularity begins to revive, and you grow more talkative, more interested in wisdom and learning. Complete obligations. Happiness, optimism visit Friday! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 A conflict between your hopes and your "available cash" might reach a climax this week, especially Sunday/Monday and Thursday/Friday. Well, reality is reality, you gotta work with what you have. Once you accept this, you can start achieving, and your hopes will rise. In general, your popularity is rising, light romance visits, and your money picture does keep getting better! Bosses, VIPs and parents favour you again, into January - take advantage (especially Friday!). Tackle government-related chores now, as a slow-down will commence here soon. Love, Tuesday/Wednesday, Saturday! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Relationships need patience, gentleness early week. A temperamental boss, parent or VIP could act now, especially Sunday to Tuesday (argument) and Thursday/Friday (sudden action). Be alert, good-natured, diplomatic - deflect attacks. (A VIP's motive? Perhaps a suspicion that you are money-hungry. Deeper, it's a power struggle.) Wisdom, gentle love, and a travel, legal or educational project return, lasting to early January. These are lucky Friday p.m. Friends begin to appear. Still, your main December goal is career, ambition. Secrets, revelations, "major money" Tuesday/Wednesday. Email: For a reading: 416-686-5014. /30/