ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS AUGUST 8 - 14, 2010 All times/dates are PDT. Look at the huge “Start Nothing” periods this week – things are slowing down. Mercury retro starts August 20, so complete rather than start projects. It’s time to write the Uranus-in-Aries forecasts. (Uranus entered Aries in May 2010, drops back to Pisces this August, then re-enters Aries March 2011, to stay almost 8 years, to March 2019.) You can review the past 7 years by reading your now fading 2003-2010 Uranus-in-Pisces message in the Platforms section. Uranus signals unpredictable, sudden occurrences, such as May’s “flash crash,” when the Dow dropped 1,000 points in 5 minutes, wiping out many small investors. I used Uranus to predict the Challenger shuttle crash. This planet rules electricity, shock, the nervous system (sometimes heart attacks) computers, inventiveness, social activism, revolt, friendship, humanitarian motives, and eccentric behaviour. The last time Uranus entered Aries was 1928. Then, as now, it contacted Pluto, the planet of deep change... Things today are, as my high school friend used to say, the same but different. From 2011 to 2019, each of us will experience Uranus’ surge of freshness, freedom and unpredictability in some area of our lives. For ARIES, Uranus brings 8 years of total newness – new friends, new social circle, new goals and wishes, new optimism, new forms of “fun” and entertainment, new fame for artists and writers, new horizons – newness in general! If you grow a bit more nervous and tense than usual, it means Uranus is chaffing at the bit, means you are not changing fast enough. Exploration, action, enthusiasm, gardening or any outdoor activity will reduce this stress. (Outdoor work is more effective than outdoor sports.) Television, alcohol, marijuana and many forms of meditation, though initially relaxing, bring a long-term increase in tension. If you’re overweight, have your heart checked. During these eight years, your interest in “truth,” politics, humanitarian causes and far-out subjects will grow. You could suddenly join a missionary troupe, or a band of G-20 protesters. You’ll become more stubborn, yet happier. Life will not be boring! Expect a bigger, brighter social life. Join new clubs/organizations in any area. This highly socialized time, paradoxically, pours most of its good luck into the private side of your life. Socializing will benefit your soul, your close family, kids, romantic prospects, creative output, your work and health. The first stage (a touch this summer, then fully January-June 2011) will bring an exhilarating sense of freedom, luck and goodwill. The second stage, June 2011-June 2012, will increase your earnings luck. Start Nothing: Before 4:23 p.m. Sun., 12:10 p.m. to 4:01 p.m. Tues., 5:04 p.m. Wed. to 3:42 p.m. Thurs., and 1:06 p.m. to 5:26 p.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 The main accent falls on romance, creative urges, speculative risks, charming children, beauty and pleasure. You’re on a winning streak, especially Sunday night to Tuesday, so enjoy, take advantage! Chase money, earnings, new clients, and shopping bargains Tuesday eve, Wednesday. (But take care Thursday: don’t buy technology.) Relationships face some upheaval, disagreement Monday (when a deep rift is possible) and Thursday, but exciting agreement, attraction Friday/Saturday. You still face a “long climb” in partnerships, opportunities, relocation, but a potentially successful one! Taurus April 20-May 20 Seek quiet, rest, cool shade. Your home, family, roots, security, nutrition, gardening, property, soul – these offer good luck all week, especially Sunday eve to Tuesday. However, these three days might also bring a split between you and another – unspoken, perhaps, but sensed. This probably involves work, employment, and a legal, ethical or travel situation. (A wee echo of this Thursday, also.) Your creative, romantic side surfaces mid-week – all’s fine here, though you might experience little more than a “sweet notion.” Tackle chores – safely Thursday, wholeheartedly Friday/Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 Read, write, travel, call, connect with siblings – luck here Sunday/Monday! The last two weeks brought some confrontations, splits, or problems – or simply a definite change in direction. That’s largely over, but a subtle alienation from a loved one (or in a new romance) could occur early this week – and a not-so subtle rift Thursday. Best idea: if you want to chase romance, wait until at least Thursday 9 p.m. (PDT) onward. The entire two years ahead demand slowness, steadiness and loyalty from you, if you wish to succeed in love. A big age difference is possible. Rest, mid-week. Cancer June 21-July 22 Chase money, especially Sunday eve to Tuesday. You can meet great luck, opportunity, these few days, and a problem. The predicament concerns your home and relationships; don’t let it go underground. (It might resurface Thursday.) The rest of this week is smooth, easy, a respite from problems. Your home atmosphere is sweet and sour – temper and affection mingle. This might occur because you feel secure, yet your ambitions seem thwarted. To succeed, be ambitious about security, real estate, food, cafes or similar arenas. (However, stop short of starting any brand new projects.) Leo July 23-Aug. 22 The problems of the last two weeks ebb now. However, two remain: the lesser involves communications/travel and health/work (mostly Monday). E.g., your car breaks down so you miss work. The larger dilemma (all week) also involves communication/travel, but “pulls in” legal, educational, publishing or international factors. You’ll have to decide between facts and ideas, casual communications or profound issues, near/small or far/large. For instance, do you make a verbal agreement or sign a contract? Love or acquaintanceship? You shine Sunday night to Tuesday! Chase money mid-week. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Finish, advance ongoing projects. Refrain from starting anything new. A slow-down starts next week, lasting to September 12. Sunday/Monday could solidify a source of income, and/or bring a durable set of ideas, a practical “life philosophy” that helps you go forward steadily. Instability also lurks, if you allow pleasure or romantic notions to steer you away from duties or practical goals. Contemplate the different paths of earnings versus investments. You might make a choice between these now to mid-2011. Rest, contemplate to Tuesday. Money’s good Friday/Saturday. A good week! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Wishes can come true! Popularity, optimism, social delights, flirtations visit you! (They did the last two weeks, too, but might have been obscured by other problems.) Your sexual and romantic magnetism rise another notch. This mingles with a curious prudence on your part. Net result: you might have to decide whether to continue charming someone or to subtly retreat, around Monday. Similarly, you might, over the nine days ahead, face the difference between someone else’s friendliness and your own caution. There’s no harm (and much luck) in joining, bonding. Rest mid-week. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Be ambitious, especially Sunday to Tuesday – but start no new projects. Work to complete, to give ongoing projects a new heave, to mend “prestige fences” with valuable people. Be light, humorous – the problems of the past few weeks are fading. But don’t expect co-operation: others wish you well, especially mid-week, but they won’t further your cause. Avoid gossip (and being its victim) Monday. Think about a long-term trend (now to mid-2011): your hands-on work is expanding, but your management duties are growing heavier. Which to favour? The hands-on. Rest, Friday. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Your natural August mood – mellow, broad-minded, yearning for travel or culture – returns nicely, especially Sunday eve to Tuesday. An opportunity could arise to travel afar, attend a college (etc.) or disseminate your ideas – seize it! But be aware of one problem (now tomid-2011): it involves a choice between (or inability to merge) your future goals, your cherished wishes, your social life on the one hand, and your creative, speculative, pleasure, or romantic urges on the other. E.g., should you choose friends or romance? Save for your future, or just have fun? You’ll be happy Friday/Saturday! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan.19 Mysteries abound, especially Sunday to Tuesday – find out why recent career and domestic events or pressures occurred. The answer could be lucrative! Taking a forward stance, step, could give your ambitions a boost, Tuesday or Thursday eve to Saturday. A congenial, powerful female might play a favourable role. (There is also a temperamental, probably male, higher-up, who still needs a diplomatic approach.) Caution was a good idea the last two weeks, but too much now can impede you. Mid-week’s mellow, loving. All week, examine “big finances” – but complete, don’t start. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Relationships assume prime importance, especially Sunday eve to Tuesday (when a new link might form). You can fight or co-operate; realize that the other person/side holds the aces, the power. In legal, intellectual, international, far travel, educational and cultural zones, your secrets (or some other thing which you’d rather remain hidden: desires, fears, etc.) can be your weak spot, particularly Tuesday and Thursday. The cure for this (and many things!) is honesty. You will face the need soon to choose between a profound and a more casual relationship. The casual’s luckier. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Much work awaits – plunge in and get it done, especially Sunday eve to Tuesday. You might be very hopeful about an investment or monetary action, but study underlying trends and forces before you leap – for instance, does the economic climate of your nation or locale flow in the same direction as your idea? Maybe. In the semi-big picture (now to mid-2011) chasing earnings is luckier than relying on investments or other people’s money. Anyway, serious decisions called for. Relationships lure you mid-week. Mysteries, secrets, sexual desires make Friday/Saturday interesting! Email: For a reading: 416-686-5014. /30/