PrFont34Bin0BinSub0Frac0Def1Margin0Margin0Jc1Indent1440Lim0Lim1ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MAY 9 - 15, 2010 All times/dates are PDT. Months ago I suggested using the card game Solitaire as a divining tool. Here are some new wrinkles: (I know, it says a lot about my love life!) I'll assume you're familiar with the standard, simple form of Solitaire. Ask your question, then shuffle. As you "free" each card (starting with the Ace) place it above the game, in its suit. Place the first Ace on the left, so the next Ace is on the right, and so on. If you end the game with an even number of stacked or "freed" cards, your answer is Yes; an odd number indicates No. The exact total of cards gives a more specific answer: ending with only 1card (which would always be the Ace of some suit) does mean "No" (because 1 is odd) but it also means self-conception, self-image, the desire to be something. (Don't confuse this with the simple desire to romance someone [5 cards] or to be with someone [7 cards] or sexual desire [8 cards]). Two cards means income or possessions, and/or a mild, polite, possibly sensual relationship; 3 means communications, travel, friendliness; 4, home, kids, security; 5, romance, creativity, a winning gamble. Six means health, work. 7 = marriage, partners or enemies; 8 = investments, large finances, inheritance, secrets, power plays, and intimacy/sex. 9 = far travel, legal or educational affairs, and cultural events such as weddings; 10 is career, prestige, ambition, responsibilities; 11 indicates social circle, wish fulfillment and happiness; 12 means restriction, institution (jail, hospital, etc.) spirituality, healing and burdens. 13 = rising above yourself, to make a new beginning. If you free 14 cards, recycle the 13 by subtracting it, but note that you're now on a higher (or inner) plane - for example, 14 (minus 13) is really a 1, self-image, but concerns a deeper, inner self or a higher self-conception. 15 is really a 2, 16 a 3, etc. When you reach 27, begin subtracting 26 (13 X 2) - so 27 is also a "1" - self - but in one of three ways: either "wise self" or "self-attaching sensually-to-another" or "self sharing." 28 (minus 26) is a 2, so it means possessions, income and sensual contacts, but a way that creates a new situation - e.g., that sensual contact could bring pregnancy. When you get to 40, subtract 39 (3-13's), and so on. The 40-52 "run" deals with the 1-through-13 meanings, but now they have an "ending" flavour (which hints that a new situation will replace what you're asking about. All 52 cards up = the end! Special numbers: 11, more hope than result. 16: you might face some destruction if you engage in the activity you asked about. 22: a life-changing action is involved. 33 means words or travel that might lead to a loving home. 44 means change is needed. Start Nothing: 1:12 p.m. to 2:29 p.m. Sun., 9:12 p.m. to 11:48 p.m. Tues., and 5:28 a.m. to 6:18 a.m. Aries March 21-April 19 Continue to chase money. You can start new projects late Tuesday onward, especially in earnings, possessions, rote learning and sensual gratification. You're raring to go Sunday eve into Tuesday - your energy and charisma will surge upward. But this might be slightly too soon, unless you're charging in to fix a past matter. (Still, take care Sunday - Monday's far better. A hint: the matter you fix or correct involves your own past actions and/or a romance or creative project.) Communications or short trips succeed very nicely Friday/Saturday! A big chore will complete by late July. Taurus April 20-May 20 Your energy and magnetism remain high, and now, at last, you can apply them to forward-going projects. Rest and think Sunday eve through Tuesday. Think especially about property, family and security matters - you might gain an insight Monday (or as you wake Tuesday morn) into solving a problem or friction in these zones. (Solutions will "take effect" in 4 weeks.) Wednesday onward, contemplate no longer - act! Love, partners, co-operators respond well Wednesday morning. Use the p.m. to prune or "edit" extraneous material. Chase money Friday/Saturday - keep it short term. Gemini May 21-June 20 You can see how the future intertwines with your past, Sunday to Tuesday. Many Geminis are virtual hermits now, after a decade plus of relationship struggles. You might as well remain one, for 2010 favours career and business advancement, and your best relationships will be with bosses, VIPs, kids and parents. You'll get a wee shot of flirty happiness June to September, then the oyster of love clams up on you again. In 2011, January to June, your popularity and optimism will soar, and light romance will please! For now, remain hopeful yet sceptical. You'll succeed late week! Cancer June 21-July 22 Someone who cares about you will "come through" now (or did last week). Recent delays end Tuesday. Career or business ideas/urges that come to you early week will help solve an ongoing problem, but new ideas might fail - wait for June's inspiration. Your hopes and popularity soar Wednesday/Thursday - happiness blesses you! A new friendship or love might begin, but if it starts Wednesday, it has money and status difficulties. Retreat, rest and contemplate Friday/Saturday. This summer will bring huge new career/status and domestic events: reading, talking now will "prepare" you. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Recent delays end in career and business areas, although they remain in legal, international and intellectual zones. (Sunday-Tuesday shows this.) The courage, the impulsiveness, and the anger - and the sensual magnetism - you've possessed since last autumn will dissipate soon (early June) so if you're going to make war or love, better hurry! By June, you'll morph into a mere reasonable, money-hungry mortal. Be ambitious Wednesday/Thursday - in an odd way, ambition is your salvation now. Happiness comes Friday/Saturday - flirtations, friends arrive. Hopes are prescient. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Delays end Tuesday, especially in intellectual, educational, publishing, legal, cultural, travel and love zones. A sexual attraction (which might arise early week) is a thing of your past, not your future. The same might be said of an investment or large financial action. Either act decisively Monday, or let it go. Those intellectual, educational (et al) things arise very successfully Wednesday/Thursday, as long as you aren't sporting an Achilles heel - e.g., have something to hide, or are carrying around a crime like a leather bag of rocks. Be ambitious Friday/Saturday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Partnership urges find fertile ground Sunday to Tuesday - but it's uncertain whether a relationship formed would last, or fall prey to future indecision. If you take a consequential step Wednesday or before mid-morning Thursday, it could prevent partnership, marriage, or a contractual agreement. After this, all's good. Recent delays end Tuesday, especially in legal, valuation, investment, sexual, commitment, health and lifestyle areas. You might make a decision you've been mulling over for a long time. Foreign travel, law, education, publishing, culture arise late week - love, too! Scorpio Oct.23-Nov. 21 Tackle old chores Sunday eve to Tuesday. This is your opportunity to really clean up an ongoing mess in your life, especially Monday. Relationships remain your primary concern all week - delays and indecision end here now. However, if you charge into a new bond (or sign a contract, etc.) before Thursday noon, it could interfere with your work or health. Act after this. Mysteries, secrets, research, the occult, deep attractions, intimacy, heavy finances, debts and investments arise Friday/Saturday. All's smooth here, but the long-range future could hold a disappointment: be slow to commit! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Romantic, speculative (gambling) and creative urges arrive Sunday eve through Tuesday - enjoy the beauty, and Monday's sweet success! Tackle chores all week, especially Wednesday/Thursday. Soon (late next week) you'll enter an opportunity-laden time - you'll need to be "light" then, not weighed down by unfinished business, tasks, etc. Relationships flow smoothly enough Friday/Saturday, but it's not a good time (actually, not good right to late July) to commit to a long-term bond, marry, form a partnership, etc. It's a fine time to make a work-money agreement, though. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Romance, creativity, a general "lucky touch" - these continue all week - and even better, the delays and indecision that have marked this area end now (technically, Tuesday afternoon). A new romance (creative project, etc.) might begin now, perhaps mid-week - one that starts after Thursday morning is better than one that begins earlier. Sunday morning's happy, but use this eve through Tuesday to rest, gather your energies - and to work on security or domestic problems - Monday might bring a big solution here! Intimacy, commitment, an investment might lure you Friday/Saturday: careful! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Early this week, a talk or email can solve a long-standing "war" with another - Monday especially, all day! If there is no enemy, or no competitive struggle, then there might be a long-standing attraction. Again, Monday's communication benefits this! Recent delays end Tuesday, especially in home, security, realty and similar zones. (But be patient: act after Thursday morning, not before.) Rest, recuperate, Wednesday/Thursday. Your mood lifts mildly Friday/Saturday as you begin to notice beauty, begin to sense romance. But be a bit sceptical of romance, until late July. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 You can take a bold, successful money-work step - or solve an important money-work problem - early week (especially Monday). It somehow involves the last six or seven months. Delays and indecision end in communications and travel matters mid-week. A new travel, paperwork, mail or email project could begin now - Thursday's best (after 9 a.m. PDT, after noon EDT). Settle into home, family, a restful stance Friday/Saturday - all's fine, it's a good time for gardening, etc. But don't take on or start big things (renovations, buying a home, etc.) before late July - disappointment lurks in these. Email: For a reading: 416-686-5014. /30/