PrFont34Bin0BinSub0Frac0Def1Margin0Margin0Jc1Indent1440Lim0Lim1ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MAY 2 - 8, 2010 All times/dates are PDT. The volcanic ash that collapsed air travel over Europe, Asia and parts of Canada last month was an early manifestation of the planetary "T-square" I've been talking about. This event displayed one of the key characteristics of this impending planetary pile-up: it affected many (mostly small) nations at once. Although the full T-square doesn't fully occur until late July/early August, two of the five planets (Saturn and Pluto) have already been "in place" for a year. They signalled the Haitian and Chinese earthquakes, and Iceland's volcano. In July/August, three more planets join in: Uranus (sudden change, revolt, genius) Jupiter (expansion, optimism) and Mars (violence). The Moon also links in July 31 - signalling secrecy. But any "careful announcements" by countries will presage the events/trends of 2010-to-2024. The good news: the early events of this rare stress aspect (Haiti, Iceland, etc.) while terrible for those affected, have been mild in their world-wide effect. Also a plus: nature seems predominant - and natural disasters are usually "smaller" than war. I don't feel any human mistakes (war, nukes) are imminent. Nature's power can be overwhelming. When Krakatoa erupted in 1883, worldwide temperatures dropped, and the sky was darker for 5 years. Interestingly, the planetary aspects signalling Krakatoa were astrologically "benevolent." This might indicate that if "good" aspects can cause disaster, then "bad" aspects (August 2010) might accompany beneficial occurrences. Still, this planetary mash-up is so significant, it cannot fail to indicate world-changing events. Some of these might take as long as two years to be apparent, and as long as 15 years to "work through." The results will be new land ownership trends/laws, markedly new government structures, and an economic crunch. Problems with inflation/deflation about 2015 (maybe a market panic). More police action - by Russia? Problems with Portugal, Libya, Poland. Nuclear war seems to be muffled, rather than "let loose." A near-term stock market decline is certainly possible. I would guess (without conviction at this point) a one-to-two-year decline, starting about June/July, or with a sudden drop November/December. I could be wrong, but it would be prudent to protect yourself. Perhaps another drop in real estate before April 2011. If I lived in Mexico, I would have a solid chunk of money in another country, an up-to-date passport, and a plan. As mentioned, we might only face a series of little events, e.g., Poland's government crashing in an airplane. Much depends on the individual country's birth chart, even though we're all in this together. Start Nothing: 1:08a.m. to 3:00 a.m. Sun., 1:51p.m. Tues., and 11:37p.m. Thurs. to 2:34 a.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Chase money, especially money owed to you, or pursue past dollar sources such as a former job/employer. Pay old bills. Life is easy, mild. But don't start any new projects before May 11. You might discover, early week, that there is a flaw or major hindrance in something you thought was "in the bag," especially in romantic, creative or speculation zones. Work with a Gemini, Taurus or Capricorn to overcome that flaw. (Or just accept it.) Communications are affectionate, especially with someone who means a lot to you (enemies can mean a lot, too!). Happiness, Wednesday/Thursday! Taurus April 20-May 20 Your energy and charisma soar, you love life and it loves you! But once every four years your April/May high-energy period will occur while it is unwise to begin new projects - as now. These 1-in-4 year phases must be meant to nudge you into cleaning up your past, or seizing it so you don't lose something --- or someone - valuable. That might be why old flames, nostalgia, old contacts, and past "ungrabbed" opportunities return, as they are doing now. So use your high energy and magnetism this week, but use it to reprise (or clean up) the past. Joy, Friday/Saturday! Gemini May 21-June 20 Lie low, rest, make no demands. Clean up, handle old obligations, government-related tasks, administrative duties - and be nice. (Bureaucrats do engage in revenge sometimes.) Your speech and writing is a bit aggressive, male, volatile - and unusually friendly - last October to this coming June. Neglected chores will return. So might an old flame, but a quiet or restrictive or burdensome one, perhaps someone you want to protect. (Remember, this is your year for career success, not for shenanigans.) Big money, mysteries and sex favour you Sunday to Tuesday. Mid-week's mellow. Cancer June 21-July 22 A former friend, school-mate, could pop by, phone. If this occurs Sunday to Tuesday noon, or Friday/Saturday, it could have bigger implications - opportunity, love, travel, etc. Be engaging, welcoming. Your domestic scene has "lightened up" lately, and will stay light until late July. (This also takes the pressure off marriage and other partnerships.) Use this interval to prepare for the resumption of "serious matters" in this arena late July through 2012. Get contracts signed, disagreements settled, etc. Someone out there wants to "rescue" you. If the knight's white, say yes. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Start nothing new before May 11. Reprise the past in career, prestige areas - and protect these from mistakes, supply shortages, missed meetings, etc. A former career role might return. You're still assertive/aggressive, your face is redder than usual, you want quick results, and you might push people too hard - this from last October to early June 2010 (and Monday/Tuesday!). On the good side, higher learning, foreign countries and lawyers benefit you. Your social life has picked up! Work hard Sunday to Tuesday noon. Be flexible, welcoming mid-week. Mysteries, intimacy late week. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Start nothing new before May 11. An assortment of old friends, former lovers, teachers, schoolmates, even bosses might have started flowing in - most of these won't last, so be non-committal until you see who "sticks." A Taurus, Gemini and/or another Virgo figure prominently. Romance, creative or speculative urges, love for happy children - these bless you Sunday to noon Tuesday. The "person" side of this shines bright; the sex/intimate side meets problems, perhaps due to security factors. Relationships intrigue you Friday/Saturday. For 15 years, marriage/love will fascinate you. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Mysteries, intimate bonding, sex, pregnancy, lifestyle change, commitments and consequences, crime, research, dreams, investments, finances, inheritances and other people's money - these continue to occupy you, and continue to be subject to delays, mistakes and misunderstandings. Be patient. Reprise the past - e.g., grab a former lover, chase former financial situations, revisit former mysteries. You might be contemplating marriage, or another cultural passage. Wait: January to June 2011 will bring your answer, ring your bell. Security, home Sunday-Tuesday. Romance mid-week. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Relationships remain your prime focus. Don't start new ones. Protect ongoing contacts from (your?) neglect. You could deal with a former spouse, business partner or contact, or a former opportunity might return (especially one involving the public, relocation, sex, finances, and/or a social group). You could grow increasingly intimate with a friend or affectionate bond. That's good. If you learn a secret Sunday/Monday, it's true. Take care if a relationship conflicts with your career or community status. Slow down, attend to home, family mid-week. Romance, creativity visit Friday/Saturday! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 The accent remains on work-you have a lot to do, including chores you neglected weeks or months ago. Tackle these. If unemployed, contact former employers, or return to a former field. But DON'T start any brand new work projects, nor buy machinery. All this to May 11. If a co-worker's driving you crazy, just take a deep breath. Your spouse is affectionate. If you're unattached, others respond sweetly (but don't seek anyone brand new before May 11). Money has "significance" or involves important news Sunday-Tuesday. Be domestic, or in nature, Friday/Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Romance is deep, meaningful, might be of marriage quality. This applies especially if an old flame has wandered back. Take a chance on this. But don't start a brand new relationship now - it would forever remain an "unfinished symphony." Same advice applies to creative, speculative, sports and pleasure projects. Work is pleasant, co-workers affectionate. Your energy and charisma soar Sunday to noon Tuesday - much succeeds, but don't push love toward intimacy too soon, and beware mixing gambling with investments. Money's important mid-week - be nimble! Aquarius Jan.20-Feb. 18 Rest, lie low and contemplate people, things, your life Sunday to noon Tuesday. There is much to think over, and a series of valuable insights, especially in the areas of home, security, spirit, government, sex and intimacy, romance, and large finances. Your relations with others (or one other) are at a low, and critical point. Don't expect agreement, but do realize you are probably in the "power seat" of this relationship now. (As opposed to last October/November, when roles were switched.) A "d‚j…-vu" situation might exist. Your energy and charisma return mid-week. Money, Friday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 You're busy, but not pressured (much) - enjoy the respite. Your popularity rises Sunday to noon Tuesday - seek friends, be happy, flirt with a casual acquaintance you haven't seen in awhile, have fun! (That casual friend might be the key to a significant social, even partnership event.) But realize restlessness can interfere with job success. Settle into rest, contemplation and mild withdrawal Tuesday noon through Thursday. True insight, inspiration arrives Thursday. Your energy and charisma surge Friday/Saturday! Attract and do. But don't start anything new before May 11. Email: For a reading: 416-686-5014. /30/