ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS FEBRUARY 28 – MARCH 6, 2010 All times/dates are PST. Lawyers lie with impunity. The attorney general uses legal trickery to deny compensation to an elderly man wrongly imprisoned for twenty years. Statistics show judges display a 98 % anti-male bias in family court. The researcher who uncovers this bias is thrown in jail, his ribs broken. Money from victim’s funds is siphoned off by police. Banks sell worthless bonds to thousands of individuals and corporations. When the credit crisis exposes their fraud, politicians make it illegal to sue them, forcing the victims to swallow billions in loses. A third world backwater? No, Ontario, Canada. Eventually Canada’s rot will result in demoralization and a declining economy, unless... Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024) will eventually trigger a classic battle between reform and entrenched power in Canada. That’s Pluto’s shtick. All Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn nations face years of Plutonic transformation. For Canada (Cancer) this is a moral social-fabric challenge. For the United States (Cancer) Pluto has brought a financial and infrastructure challenge. For Capricorn Haiti, Pluto worked through nature (earthquake). Worldwide, government and power structures will transform. Expect a “danger point” in all these about August 1 this year. Protect your finances. Now, at last, let’s look at the love landscape in 2010 for every sign. Since PISCEANS are so lucky this year, let’s start with them. This is almost the wrong subject, Pisces. You’re so ambitious this year that at times you won’t even give a thought to love – particularly not to unrealistic romance or false fluff. If love is to grab you this year, it has to be strong, no-nonsense, even practical. Your passion is more likely to be ignited by someone higher up the social or economic scale, someone you admire for their conservative and/or ambitious nature, than by dreamers, pretty faces, or those with less money or social standing than you. In fact, ambition, prestige, conservatism, even an age difference can unexpectedly stoke your lust, especially in April, June/July, and September/October. A long discussion about love could occur from October right into January 2011; it could lead to a wedding. Attraction is very potent in July – watch out for the angry side of such intensity. Old flames or “ex’s” hover around you this year, especially in late April/early May, late August/early September, and October through December. If someone wants to resume a broken tie, and has genuinely changed, give it a try. But realize you’re on the doorstep of a huge new world in love and marriage; that necessitates new attitudes and “personalities” in those who would love you, or you them. Start Nothing: 9:36 a.m. to 4:31p.m. Mon., 12:44 p.m. to 6:11 p.m. Wed., and 8:31 p.m. to 11:36p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Sunday/Monday bring a climax in work or health. The good thing about climaxes is that everything subsides from that point on. Relationships either intrigue/please or irk you Monday night through Wednesday: the difference hinges on whether you have a power agenda or not. Your finances, investments, sexual interests, health, lifestyle and researches strike gold Thursday/Friday, but don’t dive into these Wednesday eve. Hassles mix with affection (or at least mellowness) Saturday. All week, be charitable, spiritual, and fulfill obligations. Deal with government agencies. Confess. Taurus April 20-May 20 Wishes can come true, especially Sunday (romance, gambles) and Thursday/Friday (even late Wednesday) when you could be elated about a relationship, or grab an opportunity in business, travel, education, finance – public recognition comes to artists, creators. Rich or poor, you’ll be happy this week. Friends gather round, new ones are waiting for your approach. Joining a new group in 2010 will bring you benefits for a decade, especially in research, sex, finances and lifestyle. Think about, enact, a major life change this year. Avoid serious commitments Wednesday afternoon and Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 Your worldly standing, prestige, reputation, ambitions, are all highlighted. You might have to justify your actions/position or promote yourself. Do so, but be humble, not arrogant – pride goeth before a fall, but righteous wrath conquers. Which is it? Property, home, security, child-related affairs reach a climax Sunday/Monday – it should be a lucky climax! Tuesday/Wednesday accent romance, creativity, games and a winning streak. Nothing major, though. Sidestep friction Wednesday p.m. Work, health go well Thursday/Friday – you could land a better job, or find luck with a co-worker! Cancer June 21-July 22 Not sure when you’ll get it, but somebody just sent you a good message. March emphasizes higher learning, international travel and contacts, religion, law and love. Sunday/Monday bring travel, errands – many details keep you busy. Choose: do you steer a relationship toward casual lightness, or try to lift it to profound levels? The profound is luckier, more deeply satisfying. Rest, focus on security and home Monday eve to Wednesday. Your best “route” in relationships lies through the home, now to 2012. Romance, creativity surge luckily Thursday/Friday – you’re a winner! Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Money might gush forth like an artesian well Sunday/Monday – but is it flowing to you or from you? Be cautious, not impulsive nor emotional. Talk, write, travel Monday eve to Wednesday – don’t say the wrong thing Wednesday p.m. You’ll be glad to sink into home, family, mother nature and restful moments Wednesday night to Friday night. You start angrily Wednesday eve – perhaps you feel not enough has been accomplished – but new insights and good family, property, even financial luck visit you Thursday. You can solve a major home/family situation. Romance, lust “collide” Saturday. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 A relationship reaches a climax Sunday/Monday. This is both an important and a lucky relationship. So be flexible, eager, and brush off any snubs (if they occur) with good humour. However, if it is a question of leaving one relationship for another, then do so – the time’s ripe. Remember, 2010’s major luck comes through relationships, and the present month is one of 2010’s most important, beneficial periods in this regard. Seek, find, and jump on opportunities of every kind! Chase money, but cautiously, Monday eve-Wednesday. Travel, siblings, communications are lucky Thursday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Work, health, machinery and other drudgeries still face you, Libra. Ah, well, march in and get it all done. You might have romantic notions about a co-worker or someone whose practical interests are similar to yours. Give this (and any romantic notions) a light touch, even a pass, this week. March 10 (onward) will bring more definite answers, and a purer streak of affection. (Maybe with the same person, maybe not.) Plan ahead for major work during 2010: why not tackle a favourite project you’ve forever put off? Your money luck soars Thursday/Friday -- chase some! Scorpio Oct.23-Nov.21 A romantic, creative, risk-taking, speculative, inventive, beauty-oriented, pleasure-seeking current continues. Take advantage, respond to impulses. The last 15 years, and to some degree your entire life thus far, has counselled caution in romantic zones. So every encouragement I gave carried a rider, a qualification. Those qualifications are over. Your era of true love begins this year and next. Caution has no more value. Sunday/Monday bring a seemingly minor climax, and a choice: light romance or heavy? (“Seemingly” because this climax has big future results.) Thursday’s your big day! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 The entire week is quiet, restful. Sunday/Monday (and even the Saturday just past) you’re confronted with a choice: to pursue your ambitions, career, or to seek security, home life. Perhaps you’ll just make the choice, naturally. (Home wins over career, in terms of luck.) In any case, this situation is beneficial. Your hopes and friendliness rise Tuesday/Wednesday – take a breather from cares, seek entertainment. But retreat from the bustling crowd Wednesday eve (temper!) through Friday. Your luck soars in real estate, government liaisoning, health and spiritual matters Thursday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 If you have to choose in relationships or travel or “information” Sunday/Monday, choose the small, daily, short, inconsequential over the big, long, meaningful. E.g., short trip rather than long, newspaper over book, casual relationship over a profound one. A wee climax can take place here that affects your direction for a year or so. Be ambitious Monday eve to Wednesday; realize your life, therefore ambitions, are transforming slowly this decade. Hopes, wishes, optimism, flirtations – happiness touches you Wednesday night to Friday! Make friends. Retreat, rest Saturday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Chase money – and keep chasing it, all month and all year. A climax can occur in finances, possessions (even the “sensual possession” of another) Sunday/Monday. It looks beneficial. You might face a choice between earnings, buying/selling, “short-term” money versus investments, net worth, long-term and mutually-held money. For the best luck, go with the first list, the “earnings,” etc. Choose the status quo over big changes, and casual involvements over deep lust. Tuesday/Wednesday are thoughtful. Be ambitious Thursday (especially) and Friday, when luck accompanies you! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 A relationship flowers Sunday/Monday – you and another might be going places, figuratively and literally! Realize another is more emotionally affected than you are. Life’s depths, mysteries “open up” to admit you Monday night to Wednesday. Lust, large finances, power plays, lifestyle changes and crucial health diagnosis are in play. Your intellect opens wide Wednesday night to Friday – understanding comes, love, law, learning, far travel, culture, religion and international affairs represent huge luck for you, especially Thursday – buy your ticket, seek admission, propose marriage, etc! Email: For a reading: 416-686-5014. /30/