ASTRAL REFLECTIIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JANUARY 24 – 30, 2010 All times/dates are PST. LEO, 2010, especially mid-January through June 5, and again September 9 to January 21, 2011, will bring you luck and expansion in jointly-held funds or resources, in investments, finances, lifestyle changes, occultism, research, health, sex, intimacy, and commitment. DO invest – you could change your life to “wealthy!” In health, the accent is on “good,” but a condition can also expand swiftly, especially if it involves your hips, thighs, pelvis, feet or sexual/reproductive organs. If a problem arises in these areas, get to a doctor. You could gain weight this year, and/or become too attached to drugs. Although finances are lucky now, don’t optimistically increase your debt beyond reasonable limits. Rein yourself in! 2010 is a great year for pregnancy, therapy, depth psychology and understanding former emotional mysteries. Your lifestyle could change markedly, freeing you, by 2011, to enter a fresh new world of romance, creativity, and joy with children. You could find a splendid new sexual partner. (If you were born July 23-25 you might experience an early, exhilarating flow into love and creativity this summer – and again in 2011.) .... Sometimes I think God has a mean streak. I’m living temporarily in Toronto, which usually has remarkably polite drivers. But January 11 and 12, I was almost run over three times by heedless drivers – twice in a parking lot. I thought, “that’s strange.” Then the news came that four pedestrians in Toronto had been run over and killed – including the mother of a10-week old infant – all in crosswalks by impatient drivers. In the same two-day span, the quake hit Haiti. When I predicted that 2010 would the year of compassion, I didn’t think it would come this way.... I received an angry/sad email from a Sagittarian about two weeks ago, saying I shouldn’t brag about my stock market predictions, since she lost profits by selling in September/09 (my advice). Here’s what happened: She didn’t sell her stocks in 2008, when I said to (so lost 50 %) and didn’t buy in March/09, when I said to (so lost a 50 % gain). But she did follow my advice to sell in September/09, and was angry because the market had gone higher since – by 3 %! (The S&P/TSX is 11,600 as I write this – 300 points, or 2.5 % above its September high.) Say she had $ 100,000 in 2008, and followed all my advice: She would have had $100 K in cash in March, bought stocks that grew to $ 150 K by September/09, and cashed out. By ignoring all my advice, her $ 100 fell to $ 50 K by March, grew to $ 75 K by September, then to $ 77 by today. That’s a lot less than $ 150,000! Sorry, but I think my advice won this race! Start Nothing: 7:03 p.m. Sun. to 3:11 a.m. Mon., 10:33 p.m. Tues. to 6:01 a.m. Wed., and 8:48 p.m. Thurs. to 6:10 a.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Wish fulfillment, popularity, flirtation and other social delights, entertainment, optimism and plans for the future – these fill your days now! Pick a star and wish upon it – as long as you’re reasonable, it should be granted! (Romance and warfare, though, and creative or child-related projects, might resist forward movement for another 46 days. All week, you grapple with these –i.e., pursue? Abandon?) Be cautious Sunday: money/spending subject to illusion’s theft. Communications, travel and casual friendships proceed splendidly Monday, iffy Tuesday. Be home Wednesday – or risk a relationship. Taurus April 20-May 20 Charge after your ambitions all week – seek out VIPs, bosses and parents, make proposals, show your talents, work hard, apply for a more elevated position, etc. Avoid withdrawal, passivity, overlong “rests,” security impulses, domesticity and real estate. Those last three are going nowhere until early-mid March, and are friction-prone all the way to June. DON’T buy property or “move in” before June 7! Your charisma and energy fly high Sunday, but don’t – through 2012 –make a friend a boss. Do make your boss a friend! Money’s great Monday. Friends, Thursday. Gemini May 21-June 20 Rest Sunday. Last week’s refreshing mental sweetness continues. Your energy, charisma and effectiveness surge Monday (lucky in love, art!) and Tuesday (disruption late night). You ride a winning streak in love, far travel, legal matters, higher education, cultural venues, publishing and broadcasting until mid-late February. Bosses, other authorities are beginning to notice and favour you – all 2010. But don’t test this Wednesday – act Thursday instead. (Especially where money’s involved.) Pursue the calmly profound, not the hasty/fractious immediate impulse, Friday/Saturday. Cancer June 21-July 22 Your subconscious floats to the surface, bringing unsuspected desires for the young, new revelations for oldsters. Be a detective on some level – financial, emotional, practical, medical, legal – whatever you’re involved in. This week (especially Friday, but right into late February) choose research, questions, enquiry, rather than accept surface appearances. The latter, appearances, promises to make you more acceptable to higher-ups, to serve your ambitions. Wrong, in the deepest way. Be careful with investments, ”family money.” Happiness Sunday. You attract good things, good people Thursday! Leo July 23-Aug. 22 It’s love or war, co-operation or competition, until late February – but especially this week, and especially this Friday/Saturday, when you’re feeling strong, maybe even warlike, and impatient with those of opposing views. Consider first, Leo – you’re in the midst of a time when others hold the aces and possess the power. Use your big heart and generous personality instead – embrace the world, rather than demand compensation for being slighted or ignored. Be ambitious Sunday: you can rise! Popularity, wish fulfillment and optimism visit you Monday/Tuesday! Lie low mid-week. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You face piles of work –might as well dive in. You’ll get satisfaction from this. But these weeks, with this Friday being the “epicentre,” you face a dilemma: do you pursue a duty, a large responsibility which the truthful side of you knows carried a tempting element, or do you simply tackle a bunch of tasks that need doing? The latter is wisest, for two reasons: temptation usually has a payment attached, and in assuming the mantle of that large “duty,” you might somehow set others against you. Be ambitious Monday – luck rewards! Happiness is short-circuited Wednesday, surrounds you Thursday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 You’re a winner in romance, art, creativity, speculation, pleasure, and dealing with children. You might face a choice, especially this week, particularly Friday/Saturday (though it exists right into late February) between deep romance, infatuation, and more social, light-hearted connections. A hint: the social connections will last longer, but the romantic is stronger, more rewarding and more “meant to be” right now. Those social connections aren’t going anywhere, anyway. Don’t invest Sunday. Success blesses love, travel, intellectual and legal matters Monday. Careful Wednesday afternoon. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 The accent lies on home and hearth, family matters, the land, gardening, soul, stomach, nutrition and nurturing others. Rest, nap often. Resist the whip of ambition (probably wielded by impatient bosses, authorities or demanding clients). This push to work hard will be most intense late this week. Suit yourself, but realize that one, you need your rest for more important efforts to arise later; and two, your ambitious or career efforts will run in circles, gaining little traction before March 10. A great investment or sexy interlude Monday. Careful Tuesday. Sweet wisdom, Thursday! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Relatives, casual friends, short trips, communications, details, and hustle-bustle envelope you until late February. Be curious, ask questions, read and write. You’ll learn something! If a choice faces you, especially late week, whether to go long and profound, or to stick with the short, daily and casual, choose the latter. (E.g., choose a car trip over a long foreign voyage, or, write an article, not a book.) The profound is going to go in circles for another six weeks anyway. A very interesting meeting might occur Monday! Avoid depths, intimacy, financial commitments all week. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 This month (to late February) revolves around serious themes: sensuality, money, possessions, and trust – and their deeper side: sex, intimate commitment, large finances/investment, shared possessions and detective work. For now, stick with the first list (e.g., sensuality or casual sex rather than deep intimate commitment, earning money rather than investments) – the second list will only go in unprofitable circles for the next six weeks. Sunday’s romantic. You succeed with work, co-workers show affection, Monday. Practice safety Tuesday. Relationships challenge Wednesday, please Thursday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Your energy, charisma and effectiveness are at a peak. Don’t waste this time – start important projects, seek favours, show up in person, impress others, ask for someone’s hand. (Hint: this year, you’ll be luckiest in money, earnings and possessions.) You’re in an unusual eight months, last October to this coming June: either you’re talking a mile a minute, making contacts and friends, among them perhaps a partner; or you’re opposed by a determined, angry individual. In this latter case, ignore him/her until March10 – he/she’s struck by a frustrating impotence. Romance, love possible Monday! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 2010 is your lucky, break-out year, Pisces. You’ll attract everyone’s attention and admiration. But this month (to February 17) is the lowest point of the whole year. Be patient. Rest, meditate, contemplate your life, how you reached this place, and where you should go from here – plan, dream. Dip into a spiritual pool for a refreshing soul bath. Be charitable, loyal, understanding, sympathetic. Go to Haiti, or find a retreat. You need to do two things now: rest and build your karmic bank account. By March, you’ll be charging ahead! DON’T volunteer for that job Friday: rest, rest. Email: For a reading: 416-686-5014. /30/