ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS SEPTEMBER 6 – 12, 2009-08-21 All times/dates are PDT. Mercury retrogrades Sunday night through dawn September 29. This presents a puzzle for many students, who begin their school year in September. If you’ve already registered and chosen your courses, you should be fine – but if you can, avoid writing those first essays or lab reports, etc., until September 29 onward. Until then, the retrograde is excellent for research. More students than usual will change a course or two by October. That’s a quite normal retrograde correction.... Obama’s health program will meet delays through September.... We all have a Sun sign, a Moon sign, and a rising sign. Generally, your Sun sign shows your drives, your assertive side. Your Moon rules your deep emotions, hunches, impressions, habits and need for security. Your rising sign (roughly where the horizon was at the time of day you were born) contributes a lot to your physical appearance, and tends to govern the circumstances you meet in this lifetime. People born with two (or all three) of these signs “in trine” to each other tend to profit from investments in real estate and food/shelter areas. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are “in trine” to each other. So are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Ditto Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The last group of “in trine” signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. You only need to have two of these trines – e.g., An Aries Sun and a Sagittarian Moon, or a Leo Sun and Aries rising, or a Cancer rising and Scorpio Moon (etc.). In fact, two is probably better than three, as having all three (Sun, Moon and rising sign) in trine tends to nudge a person over to intellectual, creative and similar life modes, rather than toward a property and food/shelter/family focus. Each of these sign combinations (e.g., Aries-Leo, Capricorn-Virgo, etc.) point, in traditional astrology, to someone who was born for love It’s not surprising, perhaps, that Nature seems to support “natural” lovers, seems to bless them with success in establishing a secure “home” (real estate, food/shelter) because they are fulfilling Nature’s project: fall in love, establish a secure place, and have babies.... Of course, the “natural parent” is Cancer. Cancers will often pick someone to nurture – even if single, they’ll mentor someone at work or have a friend they “protect.” The other parenting sign is Capricorn. Cancer tends to give unconditional love (accompanied, often, by sarcasm or little jibes!) while Capricorn gives conditional love: “if you do as I say and follow the rules, I will approve and love you.” Cancers always return home. A Cancer man will drive across town to mow his mother’s lawn every week, even when he’s sixty and she’s eighty. Start Nothing: 5:13 p.m. Mon. to 3:18 a.m. Tues., 0:17 a.m. to 9:17 a.m. Thurs., and 4:30 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 Start nothing significant before September 29. Work, health, machinery will benefit from a back-up plan. Don’t assume everything will work, especially if you leave it alone (e.g., leaving the dishwasher on and going out). Buy nothing important. An ex-partner or associate might appear this week or next – but your present family or security needs/demands are likely to give a “No” to resuming this relationship. Your energy and pizzazz rise nicely Sunday/Monday! Chase or collect money Tuesday/Wednesday. An interesting “talker” befriends you Thursday/Friday – travel’s good, also. Taurus April 20-May 20 Start nothing important and buy nothing significant before September 29, especially, this week and next, in machinery, work, health and practical areas. (Machines you buy might not run properly for long, or could meet an accident, or simply not be needed long-term.) An opportunity might return in these zones –for instance, a former employer might offer you a job, or that excavator you always coveted finally comes up for sale – don’t bite. This is a romantic, creative, lucky month, and an old flame might hover on the horizon. If so, he/she will “show” after mid-month. You succeed Tuesday to Friday! Gemini May 21-June 20 This is usually your month of rest and recuperation – and that’s good, for almost everything else is subject to error and second thoughts now. (Well, that’s putting it a little strongly.) Strictly avoid buying anything significant or starting any major projects before September 29. An old flame might rekindle this week or next, but money, sensual, or domestic factors hint that this way lies friction, perhaps money loss. Be gently dis-involved. Your hopes, happiness and social interests rise sweetly Sunday/Monday. Retreat for a deep rest Tuesday/Wednesday. Your energy and charisma rise late week. Cancer June 21-July 22 Start nothing important, buy nothing “non-routine” before September 29. Especially DON’T buy furniture, back-yard decks, domestic appliances, etc., nor start property projects. An “opportunity” from the past might appear in these areas, but only proceed if your main motive is ambition – if the motive is security (or benefiting family) be careful –friction lurks. Your ambition and determination are high, but step cautiously. (Do step, Sunday/Monday.) Your money picture looks fine. An absent child/parent might return. Happiness and social joys visit you mid-week! Retreat, rest Thursday/Friday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 It’s a nice, sweet time for you (since late August). You might receive gifts, or affection – or simply more friendly “hellos” than usual. Your mind’s on money, earnings and possessions -- that’s fine, accept what comes, but DON’T buy anything important before September 29 (especially avoid purchases September 17-28) nor start important projects. A former friend or sibling might return, or you might receive/send some overdue paperwork – treat this respectfully but lightly; realize that frictions and possible frustrations/traps lie here for you if you plunge in. Wisdom Sunday, happiness Thursday/Friday! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Start nothing significant, buy nothing important before September 29. Neither make nor accept promises. You might fixate on a purchase to mid-month, then fall into doubt: what will that purchase make you become? Avoid doubt: just focus on the job at hand, the routine task. Avoid anything which has to be “ramped up.” Mysteries, health diagnoses, sexual desires, big finances and “what others own” are important Sunday/Monday. Gentle wisdom, compassion, love (and intellectual pursuits) bless Tuesday/Wednesday. Your reputation, career and prestige relationships are lucky late week. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Start no new projects, buy nothing important before September 29. This is your month of rest and retreat. Contemplate but don’t make plans. Nostalgia or contacts from the past are featured – old photos, cards, letters. Your social life, though quiet, is sweet. You’re filled with a calm, steady optimism. Handle old obligations, overdue government paperwork, charitable donations, etc. This week is easy and smooth. Relationships offer rewards, and demand attention and diplomacy Sunday/Monday. Mysteries, sexual urges, financial exigencies dominate mid-week. Love, attractions Thursday/Friday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov.21 Make no new beginnings in relationships or projects before September 29. Buy nothing significant. You want to make plans now, you want to see the broad outlines of your future – dream but don’t plan. The second half of the month would throw all your schemes into doubt. Meanwhile, bosses and parents favour you. All month, avoid legal hassles. Your job might send you travelling or to school or professional conferences. That’s fine. (In sales situations, don’t believe half the promises you garner.) Work succeeds Sunday/Monday. Exciting meetings Tuesday/Wednesday! Enjoy the mystery late week. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Start nothing new, buy nothing new and important before September 29. (If you’re a student, research until then.) The weeks ahead accent your ambitions, reputation/status, and relations with bosses and parents. If your boss says to start a project, try to delay it until month’s end. Former job roles or ambitions might return. If unemployed, contact former bosses, job sites. You meet luck and affection in intellectual, educational, travel, legal and cultural involvements this week and next. A former friend might return for some “light romance.” Tackle chores Tuesday/Wednesday. Lucky meetings Thursday/Friday! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Don’t begin any new projects, nor buy anything significant, before September 29. An affectionate, mellow, philosophical mood will flow over you most days. Love, cultural involvements, foreign travel, international affairs and education are favoured, but continue with ongoing projects, or reprise former projects and contacts in these areas. Legal and intellectual matters need “double checking” for errors. A former career role (or boss) might return briefly. Intimate, sexual, financial, health and research matters are blessed with luck and affection. Romance, Tuesday/Wednesday! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Start nothing, buy nothing important before September 29. An old flame (a sexual or intimate one) a former investment opportunity or unpaid bill, a lifestyle option from the past, a semi-forgotten health concern, any of these could return in the weeks ahead. I don’t know if these are good or bad, but they do seem to have a ring of friction surrounding them. Despite this, relationships go well, others treat you with affection and grace. You could even feel a little “in love,” especially Thursday/Friday. But this is NOT a good time to begin a brand new relationship. Practice safety Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Start nothing important before September 29 – buy nothing significant, either. Relationships take center stage. Be diplomatic, willing to listen, to accent another’s needs/desires. But don’t let them talk you into a big commitment, project or purchase! And don’t start a new relationship. You’ll be dealing with intimate matters, secrets, finances, investments, debts and power plays attached to relationships. The 18 months ahead favour socializing over romance. Collect and pay bills Sunday/Monday. Talk, travel and paperwork fill mid-week. Settle into home, rest Thursday/Friday. All’s well! Email: /30/