ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JUNE 21 – 27, 2009 All times/dates are PDT. TAURUS, the period from August 22, 2009 to March 3, 2011 will change the way you deal with the world. During the past 18 months, you have found smooth progress where you’ve chased career, ambitions, status and prestige – but you’ve been tempted to stay home, withdraw, hibernate and chase domestic bliss/security. If you yielded to that temptation, your life has not really progressed – if fact, you might have slowly created a problem or two. Now, in the 18 months that start late August/09, you should encounter a smooth, fruitful and subtly gratifying path if you lean toward profound ideas and relationships, higher learning, law, far travel, international affairs, religion and/or philosophy, love, cultural rituals (e.g., weddings, confirmations, mitzvahs) publishing, advertising – and generally, if you try to see the sense in life and society, if you seek wisdom, intellectual growth, and love. Contrarily, you might find yourself on a road of delays or obstacles (though they won’t seem daunting or large at first – in fact, you might almost laugh at them) if you accent the short and casual side of these same sectors – choosing, instead of profundity, to stick with a “just friends” stance with everyone, to waste time in a plethora of details, short trips, errands and emails, conversations and gab-fests. In this arena – communications and travel, ideas and knowledge – you will face decisions which determine your success. GEMINI, your karmic axis, from late August 2009 to March 3, 2011, lies in sexual, financial, and “revelation” areas. By revelation, I mean the difference between accepting surface appearances and delving deeper to discover hidden meanings, motives, forces and structures. For success during these 18 months, dive deep – research, investigate, deal with your deepest urges and needs, plumb your subconscious if need be, with a psychologist, or reputable, honest “reader” (tarot, astrology, psychic, etc.) or delve into the occult arts yourself. This is a time of commitment and consequence, of deep changes, health issues and lifestyle choices. As you choose, so you will reap. Don’t be afraid, Gemini – in fact, brave choices are called for! Be brave enough to alter a relationship, to invest in your future, to commit to an intimate relationship. Financially, you’ll fare better if you choose the “long road” – invest, accept equity in lieu of a pay raise, etc. You might create problems for yourself if you opt for earnings and keeping your money “alone,” whereas good results can come from shared money. In sex, this also applies: a deep, committed relationship is better than casual or “no strings” sensual interludes. Ultimately, however, in all these areas, making an honest, loving choice is best. Start Nothing: 5:20 to 10:12 a.m. Mon., 4:24 to 9:50 a.m. Wed., and 5:28 to 10:47 a.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 The weeks ahead bring you down to earth. Your nesting instinct will be strong; this is a splendid time to find a home, refurbish, renovate, paint, etc. – and to re-establish emotional bonds with kids, parents and long-lost relatives. Therapy, healing, nutrition, gardening, mother nature, soul, meditation, all are blessed now. You will be ending some situations and relationships, precedent to starting others. Get serious rest, yield to a temporary hibernation urge. These start strongly Monday-Wednesday. Romance calls but frustrates Wednesday/Thursday. To work, Friday. Taurus April 20-May 20 The month ahead heightens communications, brings errands, short trips, details and paperwork, casual friendships and a refreshing variety. Sunday/Monday accent purchases, money and travel, but also demand (subtly) a revision in communications, ideas, ethics, or education. Be a little careful, Sunday to Thursday, about what you say to a romantic object or a child, especially about money. Promises might meet disappointment. This is a very jumbled week, with both difficult love prospects, and very good, deep “communion” of spirit and emotion. Best stance: patience with the bad, eagerness with the good! Gemini May 21-June 20 The month ahead accents money, buying/selling, earnings, possessions, rote learning, and sensual affairs. You can make money with property or domestic situations/items June 21 and 27. This Sunday to Tuesday, your monetary affairs need revision. (Actually, they undergo adjustments 2008 through 2024, but this will be highlighted several times a year, as it is this early week,) A clue: work is connected to (growth in) net worth; spending and “daily income” is connected, through February, 2011, with difficulties or loss. The long-range view wins! Cancer June 21-July 22 Your energy, charisma, effectiveness and luck rise handsomely now to late August! You shine and impress – so get out, meet others, ask favours, demand your way, start significant projects – conquer the world! But do these AFTER 1 a.m. Tuesday, for prior to this you could meet a person or situation who/that becomes either too much for you to handle, or a very significant partner/lover – and both cases could apply. Either way, you won’t get your way, but you might be tremendously glad to go their way! Money and spending go well Wednesday, not Thursday. Friendly romance Saturday? Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Retreat – the fun is over for awhile. The weeks ahead bring sweet solitude, contemplation, spiritual, emotional and physical regeneration. Rest often, eat and dress sensibly, and handle all your obligations – but don’t volunteer for more, especially this Sunday to Tuesday! (Your work methods, health, duties re dependents, perhaps your employment itself, undergoes change early week – though it could be subtle and muted, like trumpets on the far horizon.) Deal with civil servants, institutions, head office, and charities to late August, but especially this Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 21 Optimism, popularity, fun, entertainment, flirtations and social delights visit now to late August! Look to your future, plan it and wish – these, rather than struggle, are the steps to fulfillment this month ahead. However, especially before Wednesday, be alert to a “cosmic message” signalling that in the long run (2009 to 2024) deep pleasure, deep romance and creative surges will “outweigh” socializing and fun. Rest, lie low Wednesday/Thursday. Your energy and magnetism soar Friday noon to Saturday. A legal, educational or travel action could change your life in a major, beneficial way! Libra Sept. 22-Oct. 22 The emphasis lies on ambition, career, community standing, reputation, relations with higher-ups and parents, and your own parenting role. Expend energy, make the effort to succeed! However, realize a “power play” is going on, from 2009 to 2024, between your ambitions and your domestic, security sphere. This struggle, though it might be subtle, is evident Sunday to Tuesday. Realize security, family, domesticity, “retirement,” and property will dominate ambitious goals. To succeed for now, chase your ambitions AFTER Tuesday dawn. Avoid investments, sexual intimacy Thursday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 A sweet, gentle, mellow month begins now. Love, profound thoughts or relationships, cultural involvements, legal, educational, publishing, international, far travel and religious or philosophical interests draw you, and meet beneficial conditions. However, these will work best Tuesday after dawn, as the days prior highlight an ongoing (2009-24) trend that favours the “short side” of all these – e.g., short trips, casual friendships, newspapers rather than books, etc. The combination (e.g., writing profound short stories) is your true path to success. Happiness visits, Friday/Saturday! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 The weeks ahead bring your subconscious urges and desires (and perhaps, fears) to the surface. You’ll delve deep, you’ll be involved in health issues, lifestyle changes, research or detective work, financial and sexual decisions (mainly, whether to deepen or lighten your involvement). Sunday to Tuesday might present you with a subtle dilemma: whether to invest or spend, whether to tie your money to someone else’s, or go it alone; perhaps, whether to commit in a sexual situation, or merely enjoy. Eventually, “merely enjoy,” and going it alone financially, will win. Be ambitious, Friday/Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Relationships fill the weeks ahead. This includes marriage, business associations, love attractions, enemies, negotiations, contracts, dealings with the public, client relationships – even fame, even relocation. This is the time to “go over,” to join, co-operate and find common ground. However, something in you might feel differently, for now through 2024, your inclination will be – not to go it alone (though that’s possible) but to dominate. You want to call the shots. That might or might not work, especially this week. Someone might be deeply attracted to you. Wisdom, Friday/Saturday! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 A month of work faces you. Might as well dive in and get it done! (Rather than create a future circle of regret.) You might face a need to revise or adjust your duties – probably due to the demands of government, institutions, head office, etc. In the years ahead, delegating, management will be demanded of you – being “hands on” will restrict your career. (If this calls for a change of direction, do it now or late August – or in 2010.) Romance, pleasure, sports and art call Sunday. Work, Monday/Tuesday. Relationships Wednesday onward: depths, sex, investments win, romance doesn’t. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 The weeks ahead accent romance, art, beauty, creativity, risk and speculation. Luck will accompany you! Indulge your impulses, rather than practice self-denial. For the past year, you’ve felt a duteous urge toward a mate – mainly because you have faith in your mutual future. Now determine whether you have fire and spark, also. Communications go a long way to resolving any differences between you and someone important – a peer, not a boss or child – Sunday and early Monday. Romance and your social circle might occupy opposing camps Monday/Tuesday. Email: Readings: 604-261-1337. /30/