ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS FEBRUARY 15 - 21, 2009 All times/dates are PST. Jupiter, the planet of great good fortune, also has a little-noted additional effect - it "expands" the things ruled by the sign it's in, thereby causing a glut and a subsequent fall in price. For example, Jupiter in VIRGO often makes grain products cheaper. In 2009, Jupiter in AQUARIUS should make electronics and computer products cheaper. But I think it will have another effect. Aquarius is often divergent, hates to follow the beaten path. Aquarians sometimes face poverty (quite cheerfully!) because they're fascinated with other things - including freedom from "wage slavery." These are the inventors, radicals, politically oriented writers, zealots and eccentrics, geniuses, etc. Aquarians have a deep-seated need for freedom of action. It's quite possible that Jupiter now in Aquarius will expand this need for "freedom from work" - hence, an expansion in the unemployment rate. I think the present expansion will last until next January. LEO rules gold. Right now, with the lunar south node in this sign, gold is probably in a bubble - one that will either burst near the end of this influence (August, 2009) or might sustain for 18 months longer, to March 2011. Not a very helpful prediction, I'm afraid. But I'd keep my eye on it, be willing to ride it up, sell on peaks (if you can find them!). But I wouldn't just buy gold and put it away for future decades. There's a very courageous thing Barack Obama could do: outlaw tobacco cultivation, possession and trafficking. Give, say, three to six months for everyone to "shut down." Use his TARP funds to help tobacco farmers change crops. Sure, there'd be protests, but in 4 years, when everyone would be "unaddicted" (and grateful!) he'd probably be a shoe-in for another term. He could mandate free therapy and drug aids, etc. for people suffering withdrawal. Think of the benefits: 250 billion dollars a year (half Bush's deficit, one-quarter Barack's 2009 deficit) saved in health costs. The benefits for future generations: immeasurable. Would it create a marijuana-style black market? Maybe, but by the time the crooks responded most smokers would be free of the habit - or free enough to balk at, say, $ 5 a cigarette and a possible jail sentence. It might start a legislative wave that would travel through Canada, the UK, and Europe_ Obama's wage restriction of $ 500,000 a year on bailed-out CEO's is another step toward the dismantling of democracy I've been writing about since the 1980's_I know it's illegal, but wouldn't it be nice if he demanded the bonuses back from those bailed-out execs at AIG, Merrill, BofA, etc. - and charged them 24 per cent interest on those bonuses until they're paid back - the rate they've charged credit card holders for years. Start Nothing: 1:37 p.m. to 4:53 p.m. Mon., 5:37 p.m. Wed. to 5:25 a.m. Thurs., and 1:01 a.m. to 6:06 p.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 Your upbeat social life, raised horizons and optimism continue, though you might sense a slight change in the wind from Wednesday onward. That's because the events still occur (on at least four fronts!) but your energy and immediate, spontaneous interest declines mildly. That's okay - just means you'll be in a more contemplative, restful mode until late March. Don't be "thrown" if this switch comes via a disappointment in love, travel, or an academic, work, publishing or legal matter (but enter none of these Wednesday). Thursday/Friday, ambition offers success and change. Taurus April 20-May 20 Your major ambitious push might ebb Wednesday onward, but many events - mostly lucky - will occur in this zone over the weeks and months ahead. Hopefully, you've made your initial start. Sunday's great for friendships and new relationships, ones you'll learn from, have adventures with, but won't keep forever. New investments, researches or sexual forays receive initial luck Tuesday, but will disappoint in the long-term. Careful Wednesday. Legal, academic, media, travel, love and cultural involvements are blessed Thursday/Friday - though they require a different approach or integral change. Happiness is coming! Gemini May 21-June 20 Wednesday begins a month of ambition, prestigious relationships and parenting concerns. Still, all those intellectual interests continue, and to a large degree your mental workings are more and more what you're being paid for and known for. You could have as many as four intellectual projects going in the weeks ahead, then they will narrow down to only two. Intellectual = far travel, law, advertising, media, publishing, higher education, culture and social rituals such as weddings. Relationships please Tuesday, disappoint Wednesday. Investments, intimacy and lifestyle changes are favored Thursday/Friday. Cancer June 21-July 22 You move from a month of darkness to a month of light, from mystery to understanding, from lust to love, power plays to ethical actions. Mid-week brings this turn. But the many behind-scenes, financial and sexual, health and lifestyle situations you're involved in continue strongly for the weeks ahead - even the year ahead - and so they should, for they'll have a lucky result sooner or later. It's just that you're probably not starting any big new things here. Turn your mind toward intellectual, legal, love, travel and cultural interests. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Life veers from openness into mystery. Your 2009 is filled with lucky meetings, agreements, opportunities, relocation themes, marital and business partnership openings. These continue, but your main thrust turns deeper mid-week (to late March). Where there was attraction, you want intimacy; where a business agreement or opportunity arose, you now want commitment, funding. There's also a possibility of a great fight in 2009, especially February through mid-March - a fight you might lose. If argument or disappointment comes Wednesday, look to the time, place. You're lucky in love, games Tuesday! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Breathe a sigh of relief - work burdens lift mid-week, as a month of fresh air, relationships, exciting meetings, new opportunities and far horizons begins! Now for the "bad" news - many of those opportunities will involve work (e.g., for a new, better job). During this major work year, though the burden is lightened in the weeks, even months ahead, you'll have more than usual to keep you busy. "Little jobs" involving finances and health will occupy you to mid-March. Your investment, sexual, and research urges yield gratifying results until June! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 A month of work and health concerns begins Wednesday - perhaps just as a journey or affectionate yet casual acquaintanceship ends, both on a disappointing note. Ah, well, neither was important. The romantic, creative, speculative or risky adventure that began to emerge these last few weeks will continue. Love and beauty endure! The first thing you should tackle in this work month is your home, real estate, kids or security/retirement issues. You can make good progress in these, especially in gathering needed information. But realize a great change has begun. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Your energy sails nice and high Sunday/Monday - use it to wrap up some security, property, family or retirement involvement. This is only "Step One" - may more expansive, hopeful, successful steps lie ahead! (Avoid domestic friction to mid-March.) Chase money Tuesday, but not Wednesday. This day begins a month of romantic, playful, risky and creative urges. You might or might not succeed in love, but you'll have fun trying! (You'll tend to win at your friendly poker table.) Contact people Thursday/Friday - short trips, sibling relationships, errands and reports go well. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Someone you don't always understand (a Gemini?) will give you a call this week or the next few. The discussion might be about money or sensuality or possessions. It will work out fine! Rest, lie low and contemplate Sunday to Monday eve. Your energy and charisma soar this night into Wednesday - get things done, and speak of love late Monday, all Tuesday - not Wednesday. That day begins a month of home, family, property, security and retirement concerns. Slow down, take naps. Your communication, writing and travel abilities continue strong. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 The focus shifts slightly over the month ahead (starting Wednesday) from possessions and earnings, to travel, writing, communications, paperwork and details. It's a busy but essentially easy time. Your money projects will continue - in fact, a new one probably starts next Sunday/Monday (February 22/23). Charge ahead with all money earning projects, for they're very lucky this year. (But not investments nor money partnerships - they're jinxed.) Use the weeks ahead to gather information, ask questions, call clients, fill forms, etc. Happiness visits Sunday/Monday. Lie low Wednesday. Energy, charisma arrive Thursday/Friday! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb.18 A subtle shift takes place. You change, midweek onward, from promoting your favorite projects, to actively pursuing money (perhaps to help those projects). You'll continue to grow more determined, optimistic, effective and attractive to the opposite sex (same sex for gays). The only things you should avoid, through August, are contracts, partnerships, marrying, and initiating divorce or litigation. Otherwise, the world's yours! Investments and sex will go slowly, but no doors are closed here, unless you close them. (You might want to, Wednesday.) Rest, lie low, contemplate and plan Thursday/Friday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Rest and plan until late Wednesday - this day starts a month of increased vigor, effectiveness and charisma! By Thursday into Saturday you'll be spying optimistic new skies, filled with dreams, hopes and new plans! (Reject the plans that come to you Saturday.) You might realize, also, that your social circle is changing, deeply and irrevocably. That's okay; in fact it's very beneficial, for it sets you up for big, bountiful things (associations, mostly) in the future - the 15-year future! Think about all this Sunday/Monday, when your wisdom flows easily. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/