ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JANUARY 25 - 31, 2009 All times/dates are PST. In astrology, the planet Neptune rules psychics, vision and dreams, states of consciousness, salvation, priests and nuns, film and the subconscious, illusion, perception and disillusionment, and has a shepherding tendency. Most markedly, Neptune rules spiritual pursuits, sexual aberration, and pornography. (Not natural, pregnancy-inducing sex - this is ruled by Pluto.) Evidence of an erotic-spiritual linkage is everywhere in history: think Jim Bakker, and the Catholic priests. We tut-tut when such counselors of society fall victim to the sirens of illicit, pornographic or immoral sex. But we wouldn't be if we saw these people as Neptune-ruled, and therefore consumed by the twin poles of sexual and spiritual pursuits. In fact, since they seem so coincident in so many cases, we might conclude that they are not opposite poles in practice, but intimately and broadly joined. (If they were poles apart, it should be easy for a spiritual shepherd to avoid the temptation-pole.) But are sex and spirit linked like the trunks of two maples that are one tree at the base? Do they share one root? If so, what is that root? Is it based in good, or bad? Or is it a field or method for presenting all consciousness with a choice - in the present example, between sex and spirituality, between sinning and saintliness? Are they two misty co-existing aspects of one consciousness or are sex and spirit two beings/consciousnesses who cannot bear to be apart? This would hint that sex cannot remain vibrant without spirituality. And vice-versa. Whatever the origins of the erotic-spiritual duality, we associate one with secretive and ultimately "bad" circumstances/motives, and the other with the divine, with ultimate good. Because we view them as polar opposites (good and bad) we're amazed when the most elevated spiritualists fall prey to an obsession with back alleys. But if in reality the two are inseparable, then it is very likely that spiritualists walk an erotic path. It is logical to assume that as many sex addicts/workers convert to a spiritual outlook, as priests fall to sexual sin. Yet we hear much more of the latter, perhaps due to the media's bias, or perhaps because more saints fall then sinners rise - which neatly supports the Judeo-Christian myth of the fall from Eden, the "original sin." This mildly sadistic/masochistic myth instructs us to believe that humankind's first act on this earth was to sin and wrong God. Thus, we are all "bad," as we come from bad origins. Today we believe that when a parent calls a child bad, the child will tend to act badly; when the parent describes the child as good, the behavior will be good_it's called "suggestion." Start Nothing: 1:08 a.m. to 10:56 a.m. Sun.,9:13 a.m. to 10:12 p.m. Tues., and 1:24 a.m. to 7:25 a.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Social activities are uppermost. When you're boarding a plane, or ordering a meal, others talk to you more readily, laugh more easily. A wish you wished long ago might come true, especially Sunday-Tuesday. This could mark the beginning of a happy new association - though one filled more by travel and wit than romance. (Don't actually launch new projects or relationships before February 1 - but accept what the cosmos dumps in your lap.) Retreat, contemplate your future mid-week - visit advisors, or those needing charity. Your energy and charisma soar Friday/Saturday. Taurus April 20-May 20 Be ambitious without chasing or launching new projects. Display talents, meet with VIPs, work on or complete ongoing tasks, etc. If you are dissatisfied with your present position, it wouldn't hurt to contact a former employer, just to chat. These job-related initiatives are splendidly favored Sunday to Tuesday morning. Next week will begin a phase of pressure (yet approval) from higher-ups, and a management or behind-scenes role - if you know of it, begin "studying" for a February meeting. Friends, entertainment and fun arrive Wednesday/Thursday! Retreat, rest and contemplate Friday/Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 Mercury retrograde says start nothing, yet the planets, Sunday to Tuesday, seem determined to start big things! Well, the cosmos knows best. Flow with new circumstances, accidental meetings, news received, documents, etc., that might arrive during these three days. The "area of newness" is likely to involve love (old flame?) far travel, university/college learning, publishing, religion, law, or similar concerns - and, less so, investments, finances, research, health and sex. I'm not advising starting anything yourself - instead, welcome what life starts - you're riding a train of luck! Contact VIPs mid-week. Cancer June 21-July 22 Peer into life's depths: you could see your future fortune (or the path to it) especially Sunday to Tuesday. Research, visit a psychic, financial advisor, psychologist, etc. The weeks ahead emphasize commitment and consequence, investment, debt servicing, sexual intimacy, lifestyle changes and secrets. You're going to be very lucky in one or more of these spheres during the year ahead. Remember to not start anything consequential before February 1. If life offers opportunities (especially Sunday-Tuesday) note them, but wait to February before grasping. A relationship needs a second examination. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Relationships dominate your life for the three weeks ahead (and, in lucky ways, for the whole year ahead). Though I've advised you not to start anything before February, including relationships, this Sunday to Tuesday bring a) new relationships, b) new developments in ongoing associations, or c) new opportunities in any sphere. I'd let the universe rule here - let it start things, and go along for the ride, because it's essentially lucky. (If nothing appears, it only means that your relationship luck starts later. It WILL start sometime in 2009!) Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 A new work project might arrive Sunday through Tuesday. If it's connected to past efforts or was originally launched before January, then plunge in. If it's the boss's brand new project, try to talk about it until February, then start. In any case, it should turn out luckily for you; but if it's a brand new project, and you plunge in now, it will still be marked by confusion, indecision and some degree of false starts or delays. Others treat you graciously and affectionately. Romance lives in lust's disguise. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 An old flame might appear Sunday-Tuesday. If so, this could be the small start of something major. Alternatively, a new romance (or creative, speculative, vacation or child-raising project) might start - this one will contain some indecision, and might never reach marital commitment. But it might - your luck is so high in this arena in 2009, that anything's possible! But separate fate from wishful thinking; make no promises to another - instead, make a date for February, and see what happens then. Either way, this dance can change your domestic set-up. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 The weeks ahead emphasize home, family, property, security, retirement, closing down some relationships or projects and starting others. On Sunday-Tuesday, life might nudge you into starting new projects in these zones. However, it would be better if you can wait until February to start. Take this week's impulses as hints, and be prepared to rework your plans next week. That said, luck is everywhere in home, food and shelter zones. If you get a "second chance" to grab an opportunity that slipped away before, do so! Romance sweetens mid-week. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Casual friends, siblings, short trips, paperwork, details, messages and communications, errands and curiosity fill the few weeks ahead. (Don't launch any major projects here before February.) Let your curiosity have full rein Sunday to Tuesday - you could find answers that grow more and more meaningful as the months pass. Take a deep rest Wednesday/Thursday. Contemplate, contact government agencies, gather tax documents, be charitable, meditate or seek spiritual grounding. (None of this Thursday afternoon, though, or you might be disappointed by someone's response.) Romance rides a semi-interesting, semi-rough road Friday/Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 A lucky money opportunity might pop up Sunday to Tuesday. Mercury retrograde says start nothing before February, but life, at this juncture, might throw something into your lap - if so, accept and run with it. But if you could grab the same opportunity after this week, do wait. (This "plum" might also be a gift from the past - or, you might simply get a chance to purchase something grand. If the latter, think twice!) Your sexual magnetism remains high, but is flirting wise? You'll know by the consequences, Friday/Saturday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Your vitality, charisma, and readiness to act are tops! Unfortunately, Mercury remains retrograde before February, so hold off on all new starts if you can. Despite this advice, you'll feel the stirrings of a new dawn, a big new start, Sunday to Tuesday. Patience - unless an old flame or former friend shows up (but let nothing else stir you to a precipitous start). Chase money Wednesday/Thursday - a mild sensual interlude might occur. Friday/Saturday emphasize communications and travel, but don't say anything you'll have to take back later. Soon, elation! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 If you begin a spiritual exercise, start a meditation or yoga course, etc., Sunday to Tuesday, it will prove very rewarding over the months to come. However, it won't go anywhere in an "ambitious" sense - any hopes for recognition, for ascending to new planes, etc., will likely be frustrated. So if you desire a more accomplishment-oriented psychic or spiritual path, wait until February to begin. (Both are favored this year, as are charitable acts, government or institutional contacts, management, therapy, and dealings with warehouses or assembly lines - February onward!) Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/