ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS OCTOBER 12 - 18, 2008 All dates/times are PDT. Mercury turns direct this Wednesday, but you can start ancillary projects Monday/Tuesday. (Tuesday's better.) For example, if you've been waiting to launch into a pitch for additional responsibilities (as many CAPRICORNS have) - then you could use Monday/Tuesday to go over your proposal, to run errands relating to it, to clear your desk of old obligations, re-check your facts - even to schedule a later presentation. Mercury's return to direct motion might bring temporary relief (or simply carve a deeper rut) to the decline that's infected stock markets worldwide. I bragged a while ago about predicting the present economic mess back in 2006. (You can read the prediction in the "2006 Year Ahead" article in the archive: "_longer range, from September 2007 to November 2008_" etc.) But this seemingly contradicts my last "Year Ahead," where I wrote that 2008 would be a great time to start a business. (Notice I also wrote: "many businesses will be for sale - cheap." Wow, are they ever. Many solid mining companies are one-quarter their top price. General Electric is half its recent high price. That said, I haven't bought a thing.) I still think it's a great time to start a business. I could be wrong. But think of it this way: is it better to start a business when you're building on the froth of market tops and unjustified economic optimism, or on the solid ground that's been cleared for you by market crashes, economic fold-downs and price pessimism? For one thing, you won't be filled with over-confidence. And if you need tools, materials, a car or truck to run your business, what better time to buy them? (Ford's sales dropped 35 per cent last month - pick-up trucks dropped even more. Do you sense a price reduction coming?) Despite CNN's wails, credit is not hard to get - unreasonable, frothy, undeserved credit is hard to get. (Oh, quit complaining!) There's one worry: the prospect of deflation. I'd keep this in mind. The best insurance against deflation is a cash cow business. Forget "growing the net worth" of the business (and other "expansion on credit" euphemisms) - just make money. And keep in mind that a brand new economic landscape is coming, by December into 2024. See it; study it. I've given a few clues in this column - even back in the 1980's, when I kept writing that we were going to see a new political system, neither communist nor capitalist. That system has already started to develop in China, Russia, et al. The credit crunch and Wall Street's bankruptcy smells like the forced steering of capitalism toward this new system. Have fun, and good luck. Start Nothing: 10:02 p.m. Sun. to 0:07 a.m. Mon., 0:36 a.m. to 2:31 a.m. Wed., and 0:33 a.m. to 3:25 a.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 By Wednesday, begin charging ahead with various projects - the best would involve relationships and opportunities, especially in money, investment, debt clearance, research, power-broking, love and sex, lifestyle change, commitment and health diagnosis. You could make a valuable discovery! Rest Sunday. Your energy rises Monday/Tuesday - so does your intuition. You could contact or join a special group, or make a friend in government. Chase money Wednesday/Thursday. Talks, travel and the news will yield good things Friday/Saturday. Saturday begins a streak of affection, lucky travel, learning, publishing, legal and cultural involvements. Taurus April 20-May 20 You'll feel hopeful Sunday, but tired and quiet Monday/Tuesday - rest and reflect. Contemplate your career or status - your intuition about this will be accurate, even inspired. The delays and mistakes of past weeks end Wednesday, which coincides nicely with a surge of energy - jump up and start something, or finish something! Focus on work, chores, machinery, dependents' needs, and service people. Get the necessities done. Money's lucky Friday/Saturday, but not Saturday morning. This noon starts a weeks-long streak of mild luck in sex, finances, investments, research and "mysterious areas." Gemini May 21-June 20 Your intuition's superb about law, travel, love, publishing and higher education Monday/Tuesday. Delays and mistakes end Wednesday, but it would be better to contemplate and get your bearings this day and Thursday, rather than charge too quickly out the gate. Your energy and charisma will soar Friday/Saturday, helping you to pursue your goals, especially in creative, romantic, speculative, beautifying and child-oriented areas, and to launch or make sense of a legal, educational or travel project. (However, don't launch anything Saturday morning.) Saturday begins a month-long streak of affectionate responses! Cancer June 21-July 22 Sunday's mellow. Your ambitions awaken Monday/Tuesday - proceeding shouldn't be a mistake, even though the "start nothing" Mercury retro period doesn't technically end until Wednesday. Your hunches about money, investments and net worth, intimacy and sexual desires, and about hidden things, are accurate and strong early week. Wednesday ends all delays, mistakes and miscalculations. Your social sensors eagerly jump to attention this day and Thursday. Retreat, rest and contemplate Friday/Saturday - both days favor contacting government agencies, institutions and charities. Better relations with co-workers - perhaps a co-worker romance - lie ahead. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Some mysteries are solved Sunday; some remain unsolvable. But an influx of mellow wisdom makes everything understandable in another way Monday/Tuesday. Your intuition about relationships, morals, travel, law and love (and sex, and investments) soars these two days - if you act, you won't be too early. Wednesday ends three weeks of delays, mistakes and miscommunications. Charge forth in career and business, especially Wednesday evening. Dreams come true, and happiness pays a visit, Friday/Saturday! (But not Saturday morning.) Saturday also starts a few weeks of mild romantic, creative and speculative luck. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Relationships are sweet Sunday morning, but subtly, deeply uncooperative this night. Your intuition about money, work, earnings, machinery, health and other practical matters is top-notch Sunday-Tuesday. If you want to take a chance on an investment (or approach someone with intimate affection) Tuesday, go ahead. The delays, mistakes and misunderstandings of recent weeks dissolve now (technically, mid-day Wednesday). Legal, intellectual, travel, cultural success and gentle understanding come Wednesday/Thursday. Career, business and prestige concerns advance well Friday, and Saturday p.m. Saturday begins a weeks-long streak of affection on the home front. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Your energy and charisma continue high - start important projects, see and be seen, woo people (Monday/Tuesday best) and tackle chores that once daunted you. The delays, indecision and mistakes of recent weeks end Wednesday. Your money flow continues strong into mid-November - but bend all your efforts into earning, gathering, NOT spending. You can find a money partner - but before you spend someone else's money, make sure they agree. The entire week could bring love. (Sexy stuff Wednesday/Thursday.) Saturday starts a few weeks of pleasant travel, communications and friendships. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Finally (now and for a few weeks) answers arrive from government agencies, organizations and institutions (and your own head office). Paperwork could soon fly! Catch up on any outstanding issues, tax deadlines, and obligations. Your determination's strong, but your energy continues to hit low levels, so don't attempt super-arduous projects, or anything needing a sparkling personal presence. Rest instead; protect your health; eat sensibly. Dream romantically Sunday. Tackle chores Monday/Tuesday. Relationships excite, puzzle Wednesday/Thursday. Secrets surround you Friday/Saturday - invest Saturday p.m., when a few weeks of money luck begin! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 A cherished wish might come true in the ten days ahead! Even if it doesn't, happiness, optimism, friends and social life, bright horizons and fresh air hint that a decade of "dim lighting" in your emotional zone is about to end. (It won't be immediate - but after November life looks up, and keeps looking up through the year 2043.) Rest near home Sunday. Romance, speculation and pleasure fill Monday/Tuesday. Tackle chores Wednesday/Thursday. (Wednesday ends weeks of indecision and delay.) Exciting meetings and new opportunities arrive Friday/Saturday! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 By Wednesday, you can charge forward with new ambitions, career initiatives, and prestige contacts or status projects. Delays end. Use Sunday to gather information (or leisurely read - valuable data comes many ways). Rest, contemplate, and firm up your foundations Monday/Tuesday (e.g., repair home, reestablish old contacts, eat well, study your "territory"). A romantic, creative streak boosts your all-round luck Wednesday/Thursday. If you want to chase money or more responsibility, do so Wednesday night. Tackle chores and employment matters Friday, and Saturday p.m. Saturday begins a month of money luck. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb 18 Delays end Wednesday in legal, far travel, cultural, learning, intellectual, publishing, advertising and similar zones. You can safely proceed earlier, Tuesday, to make related calls, investigate/prepare a new project, etc. Catch your breath Wednesday/Thursday - embrace family, home and security concerns. Study your foundations - soon, you'll be marching forth in ambitious ways, so a solid base will be essential. VIPs, parents and higher ups have grown temperamental lately, and remain so to mid-November - maintain your humor. Your social life will grow soon! Romance, creativity and a gambling urge fill Friday/Saturday. Pisces February 19-March 20 Recent delays and misunderstandings end Wednesday. If you've been itching to make an investment, you could do so Tuesday, or, more favorably, Saturday (after 11:30 a.m. PDT). Monday/Tuesday present an opportunity to earn more, or to make a splendid purchase. If the latter, don't bite immediately - sew it up with a small deposit if you like, then study all angles (including your own impulsiveness) until Wednesday eve/night, or Saturday afternoon. Saturday begins a few weeks of good luck on your career fronts, and with parents, bosses or other higher-ups. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/