ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS FEBRUARY 17 - 23, 2008 All times/dates are PST (except where indicated) I no sooner predicted (in the Year Ahead forecast) that beaurocracies would control medical and high tech research, than a professor from Cambridge launched a lecture tour to decry the practice of "managerialism" wherein professional managers and MBA types were being put in charge of scientific projects, thus replacing the centuries-old practice of having scientists administer scientists. (I'm not saying he knew of or followed my forecast - which turned out to be, I suppose, a "current cast.") Last week, I looked at the Pluto-in-Capricorn influence (2008-2024 AD) on various nations (and the apparent boost it should give to real estate during these years in the corridor from 65 to 95 degrees west longitude [being strongest at 65, weakest at 90-95].) Before you rush out and buy land, realize this - and the national forecasts of last week - were based on Pluto entering Capricorn at 2:38 am GMT. That in turn is based on NASA's jet propulsion laboratory calculations of planet positions. However, Pluto's so far away, that some astrologers argue the actual "entry" should be timed for the moment Pluto enters Capricorn, others that it should be timed for the minute Pluto's light reaches earth - when we "see" it enter Capricorn. (Jim Maynard's "Celestial Influences" for instance, times this entry at 3:44 a.m. GMT - over an hour later! This would move the prosperous real estate line to Detroit - about 82 to 112 degrees west longitude, strongest at 82 degrees.) This is a point only God can argue. But another aspectarian agrees with the 2:38 time. There's more, though: despite the beginning of the sign Capricorn being an exact mathematical and spatial point, the influence of Capricorn might begin earlier than this mathematical point. With that in mind, let's speculate about an even bigger trend, the influence of the entire 1983-2232 Pluto era. It began November 5, 1983 when Pluto entered Scorpio. I once wrote half a book about this, but never finished it. Pluto's "return" to Scorpio gives insights into 250-year chunks of history. This bigger era (1083-2232) indicates prosperity in real estate (over the 250 years) in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, etc. - in a corridor from 68 east longitude to 38 east, stretching from Karachi/Kabul to Moscow. Land values in these regions have probably already risen since 1983, and have huge leaps to go (and 200 years to go in!). The era chart also shows Uranus and Mars lines in the same zone, so upheaval and war are also predominant. But if I were investing for my great-grandkids, and I could protect my/their ownership, this would be the place! Next week, I'll look at the eras ahead for specific nations. I think. Start Nothing: 1:13 p.m. Sun. to 10:51 a.m. Mon., 9:53 a.m. to 4:06 p.m. Wed., and 6:15 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Lie low for four weeks. Your career is very favored. You might be shunted into more administrative or management duties. The delays and indecisiveness of the last three weeks evaporates - you're ready to go! Except in the energy department. You're a little tired, dreamy and contemplative. So retreat a bit, rest and plan. Let others beat the bushes and froth up the crowds. Save your energy for your career. Sunday's beautifully restful. Romantic, creative and pleasure notions fill Monday to Wednesday, but actual results are quiet. Tackle tasks Thursday/Friday. Taurus April 20-May 20 Your popularity and optimism receive a big boost over the next four weeks! These happy times coincide with a major yearlong rise in love, far travel, and educational, intellectual, and legal success (or wisdom from trials!). (And this yearlong boost launches 17 years of the same!) You gain new insight and "outsight" - you're going to be wiser within, more compassionate, and your view will broaden to cover the world, you'll understand how society operates, and why. Within this awakening, love will evolve. Romance, luck surge Wednesday eve to Friday! Gemini May 21-June 20 Delays end in travel, legal, educational, publishing, intellectual and similar zones. The weeks ahead emphasize your public reputation, career and general ambitions, and relations with higher-ups and parents. No longer do you have to balance relationships with your ambitions. No longer can others hold you back. You're through with selfish, domineering people. (Well, you're not entirely through, as this 12-year "opposition" returns briefly June to November, before leaving forever.) February/March, invest in your career/business. All year, concentrate on healthy life changes, new investments, sexual gratification, and research. Life's changing! Cancer June 21-July 22 Delays dissolve, especially in sexual, intimate, financial, investment, health/surgery, and lifestyle zones. You're going to hear (or see) the truth about something hidden. A sweet luck will imbue these zones over the weeks ahead. (E.g., intimacy will be affectionate, investments lucky.) You remain terrifically lucky in relationships, though you might not see this immediately. But sometime this year, Cancers who value others will meet a great, lucky event! (Marriage, a contract, relocation, fame, are some possibilities.) The weeks ahead bring wisdom, love, intellectual and legal success, possibly far travel. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Delays end in relationships, public dealings, social matters, contract negotiations, relocation projects and litigation. Finally, you can accept and make promises without doubts of their being fulfilled. The weeks ahead emphasize depths, commitments, intimate bonding, large finances and investments, secrets, research, lifestyle changes, deep health matters, dreams, unconscious urges, the death of some projects/notions and the birth of others. This combines with an honest attraction between you and others - take advantage, display affection, sales skills! You shine Monday to Wednesday - get out, impress people, ask favors, start major projects! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 The delays and mistakes that have plagued health, dependents' issues, employment, machinery and service matters are over. Push forward in these zones now - luck accompanies your efforts through March 11. Give 30 per cent of your time to this - and 60 per cent to relationships. (10 for love, God and beauty - always!) Though you're lucky in work, relationships are more important - you can't advance without agreement this decade. (March 12/13 will show you this.) Sunday's happy, social. Rest Monday-Wednesday. This eve or Thursday, start something significant! Chase money Saturday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Mistakes and delays end in romantic, love, creative, speculative and pleasure projects. Pursue these in the weeks ahead, as luck, affection and an "intuitive rightness" walk with you. Lawsuit possible. If an old flame has been around, you should decide before March 2 where this goes. It might go to marriage! If so, an eventful domestic life will fill the decades ahead - for good if you're wise, for ill if you're "emotionally wasteful" (i.e., foolish). If someone pursues you relentlessly sexually, be cautious. Wishes come true Monday-Wednesday. Act Saturday! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Romance, creative surges, pleasure, speculation and the thrill of taking a risk - these fill your days for the month ahead. You're on a winning streak! Delays end, especially in real estate, home, family, security, retirement, agriculture and similar areas. Pursue ventures and projects in these zones, as they proceed luckily for the few weeks ahead. (You might also use this time to separate from a disappointing person.) Financial, investment, sexual and detective urges remain strong - act decisively! Wisdom fills Sunday; career, ambitions Monday to Wednesday; and hopes, happiness Wednesday-Friday. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Delays end in all areas, especially communications, travel and paperwork. These concerns meet affection and luck going forward, so take them up now (to early-mid March). You'll be ready, soon, to make an ultimate decision about a relationship - maybe about a few relationships! The weeks ahead emphasize home, property, security, agriculture, retirement and resting in the bosom of Mother Nature. Contemplate your life: decide who and what will grow with you in the future, who/what should be left behind. Chase productive career situations Monday to Wednesday. Happiness visits Saturday! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Delays end in money, earnings, possessions and "lower education" (e.g., primary, night school, etc.) Luck blesses these areas for the next 4 weeks. These weeks also emphasize short trips, paperwork, communications, casual friends. Seems unimportant, but curiosity is essential. You're entering a whole new world, filled with new social contacts, goals and horizons. What you learn, places you visit will provide inspiration for this new world. Sunday broadens your horizons -welcome an exciting contact! Monday to Tuesday bring change, mystery. A bigger, wiser worldview arrives Wednesday eve to Friday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Indecision and delays end in love, romance, sex, commitment, finances and major life changes. An inheritance or a valuable cache (or pipeline) of information might finally come through. Charisma and grace accompany you for a few weeks. Try being a little forward toward a romantic object, especially this week. No guarantees, but you might be surprised at the welcoming response. (Except Sunday - this day's for good work.) Chase money for four weeks. Exciting meetings, opportunities arise Monday to Wednesday. Mysteries, sexual and financial urges are lucky Wednesday eve, Thursday! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Be gentle, understanding on domestic fronts (kids, spouse, service personnel around the house, etc.). You remain short-tempered until March 3. But various anxieties dissipate now - you can find a sweet, peaceful hideaway to contemplate and gather your mellow side. This comes a little late, as Monday night launches you into a month of high energy, clout, effectiveness and charisma! Charge forth, seek favors, collect markers, start important projects -- diplomatically! Sunday's creative, romantic. Tackle chores Monday-Wednesday. Wednesday eve and Thursday bring exciting meetings, opportunities. Saturday, seriously discuss the future. Email: a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/