ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS SEPTEMBER 9 - 8, 2007 All times/dates are PDT. Rather than wind farms, why not build smaller windmills on the tops of tall buildings, where the energy will be used? As Pluto enters Capricorn (2008-2024) architecture will change to "centralize" energy systems. Perhaps, for example, we'll invent a fabric that absorbs the energy of wind, shifting air pressures or sunlight, then weave it into the "skin" of a building, to direct nature's energies into the interior as useable power. Architecture will also be used to govern, a form of "crowd control"_. We intuitively know that moving a long distance can give us a different life. We talk of a "fresh start." When we move east or west (and to a small but usually insignificant degree north or south) we actually change our birth chart. The Sun, Moon and planets stay where they were at birth, but the rising sign and all the twelve "houses" change also. Since the rising sign and houses determine the circumstances you face in life, traveling or relocating can change your circumstances. Because your Sun, Moon and planets determine the deepest tones of your personality, these will not change by moving a great distance. But moving can change your character in two milder ways: 1) through changing the "stamp" of your rising sign and degree - e.g., moving from Virgo rising and being very shy, to Sagittarius rising and becoming quite open and friendly; and 2) by changing your circumstances. This latter is easy to see, if you imagine one and the same person, constantly faced for decades by, say, violent, argumentative, power-hungry people; and that same person if for decades life brought them only friendly, affectionate people. Or if of two twins one was sexually abused, and one not. In the deepest way, though, relocating will change neither your personality's "elements," nor your karma. If you have your exact birth time, or something near it, any professional astrologer can draw a map of the world for you, showing the locations which are good for various arenas of life (such as property ownership, fame, personality projection, career, relationships) and which are bad for various endeavors - or bad, period! In a very crude way, you can do this yourself. Say you are constantly apologizing yet being attacked by others - if you move approximately 180 degrees (i.e., to the opposite point on the earth's surface) you'll likely be so fierce that no one will attack you! Or, if your home is constantly filled with shouts and quarrels, you can move about 30 degrees east, to replace domestic friction with impulsive romantic, creative urges. There are drawbacks to these methods, too - nothing's a total cure! Start Nothing: 11:07 a.m. to 6:10 p.m. Sun., 9:13 p.m. Tues. to 4:31 a.m. Wed., and 9:10 a.m. to 4:37 p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Tackle chores. Be there for kids; supervise employees or service people - surprises lurk! Apply for employment if you need the income (but be ready, in 2008, to leave any job gained now). August brought indecision to partnerships, co-operators and spouse; now this dissolves, opening the door to firmer plans and steadier relationships, particularly in love arenas (especially Thursday/Friday). If you're an artist, speculator, teacher or inventor, life runs more smoothly. You remain restless and curious, so explore - the physical world or intellectual ones. One job might leave, another arrive. Taurus April 20-May 20 Romance is highlighted, but love's road has a few potholes (Sunday to Tuesday). Even though it's a creative, romantic week/month, your best success comes Thursday/Friday, in work, health, and similar arenas. Saturday (September 15) offers a chance for "love as friendship" - or for a friendship that offers status or career opportunities. Your money flow remains strong all September, but do staunch the "outward flow" - spending, debts, etc. Investments were a good idea pre-September, so continue to value them, but don't make new ones. Your wisest move this month? Socialize! Gemini May 21-June 20 Be careful with home, property, family, kids, security, retirement issues or savings, Mother Nature, and similar things (all autumn, but especially this Sunday to Tuesday). Do what you must and don't neglect or abandon your kids, projects, etc. But DO NOT plunge into new real estate deals, start a landscape project, kick your spouse out, or anything "vital." Maintain the status-quo. A sweet love attraction might arrive Wednesday to Friday - or a creative notion, pleasurable music, beauty, etc. Tackle chores Saturday, especially electrical, internet or computer related ones. Cancer June 21-July 22 Be curious, but not prying - know where to stop. (Because you might find out something that steers you subtly down the wrong path, or opens a door to temptation, collusion in office politics, etc.) This applies all autumn, especially this Sunday to Tuesday. Careful driving Sunday-Tuesday. Work continues to expand, but a barrier is slowly rising to new work projects - proceed with both eyes (logical and intuitive) wide open. The summer's money delays end - soon you'll receive more. You might purchase a luxury item, perhaps Wednesday to Friday morning. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Collect and pay, but don't push money situations, and avoid large, non-routine purchases (all autumn, but especially this Sunday to Tuesday). You could be unexpectedly blessed in finances related to others, such as investments, stocks, family finances, inheritances, etc. But proceed with some caution, as a barrier to easy financial success is slowly rising. Travel, write, contact siblings or casual friends Wednesday to Friday - you'll learn something fascinating. Your social life continues strong - you're talking well with someone attractive, you're looking good, and a sudden love affair is possible! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Your energy, charisma and confidence are high, but don't be overconfident - Sunday to Tuesday shows that a lot of people feel competitive toward you. This "competition" will turn to co-operation if you do the wise thing: go over to their side, ask their advice or show your willing side. Grab the money (or make the purchase) Wednesday to Friday morning, when all financial matters flow smoothly. Saturday's friendly, active, filled with calls and short trips. All month, bosses and parents are short-tempered, so be diplomatic - their temper won't last! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Avoid legal hassles all September. Social and "light love" matters, delayed since July, begin to move forward; the mists of indecision waft away. You might be attracted to someone who could be a viable life-mate. But lucky and affectionate love themes mix, strangely, with a physical weariness - your body might be trying to tell you something (that you aren't as certain of this person/situation as you're trying to be?). Yet, ignoring your body's advice will lead to better results now, in areas of love, friendship, and overall fortune. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Expect social delights, invitations to join new groups, and optimistic new plans - but in these, more is promised than will evolve. So be friendly, without expecting a world of reward. (Your wise path would be toward more private romance or creativity - your libido and sexual magnetism are surging all September.) Bosses, authorities and parents have favored you since July - but now their indecision and hesitation disappears - ask for a promotion, or strut your stuff! Sunday to Monday is abrupt, happy, madcap; Wednesday-Friday bring weariness; Friday night, Saturday, you shine! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Since early August, life has presented a duality in relationships: either a stormy enmity or an intense attraction. This could be contained in one relationship - stormy and passionate, or in two: one fighting, one loving. It's kept you in a quandary, undecided - but now the subtle fog clears, and you can at last see who/what and howcum. Don't be ambitious now: rest, soul recuperation, security are more important, more beneficial for your future. (Sunday-Tuesday's disruptions carry this same message.) You can see your future Wednesday-Friday, and it's good, loving! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Work has been heavy and hectic for a month; this trend continues through September. Past confusion, delay or indecision about an investment, sexual attraction, health program, or lifestyle choice clears now - you can decide with the firmness of conviction. Continue to steer away from higher education, philosophizing, legal entanglements, international travel, abstracting or trying to deepen relationships - instead, stay light, casual, friendly. Increase your contacts rather than deepen them. Meaningful relationships start in 2008 - wait! Your career is benevolently productive Wednesday to Friday. Happiness and social delights come Saturday! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 You've been intensely bent toward romance, creativity, pleasure over the past month, but a lover's, partner's, or potential lover's reaction has been unclear, indecisive. (You've been indecisive since 1995, so you can hardly complain!) Now the mists part, so you can make a definite approach, ask for a clear answer, etc. One clue: if you ask for sex, pregnancy, an inheritance, a mutual investment (mortgage?) the final answer will be No. But if you seek only pleasure, dalliance, love, you'll find happiness! A Wednesday-Friday talk plays a significant role. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Friction and/or hectic action have filled your domestic scene since early August. This continues through September, and will return next January-February. Something's happening. Could be a move is imminent, or a family member is coming or leaving. It could simply be that you're landscaping or renovating - if so, continue with your "task" - your work goals, results grow clearer (and lucky!) over the weeks ahead. But don't start a brand new, major reno or similar project now through mid-February. Sexy mysteries, lucrative puzzles, call softly to you Wednesday to Friday. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337.