ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MAY 27 - JUNE 2, 2007 All times/dates are Pacific Daylight Time. My son is marrying his sweetheart this weekend. Congratulations, Chris and Stephanie! May your bond be gentle, happy and strong. Last week I talked about Pluto's effect on CAPRICORN from 2008 to 2024. Capricorn is also the sign of government, especially of government structures. So we can expect governments and their operations to change deeply and significantly over these 17 years. Let's back up for some perspective: In November 1983 we entered a new 250-year Pluto era. The key note of this era was struck in the 1984-1995 period: puzzling diseases such as AIDS, super-fertilization (e.g., in-vitreous quintuplets), massive death (Rwanda, Chernobyl) the homogenization of sex (women assuming male roles and vice versa) the growth of military policing actions and the establishment of "mono-power" (e.g., America as world leader). These trends should last and form the personality of the 250 years ahead. We can expect all Scorpio things to be at the fountainhead of this era, because the Sun, Moon and Pluto were in this sign the day the era started. So death and rebirth, transformation, the occult, research, investigation, policing, mystery and secrecy, draconian politics (secret services, police states, inner chambers, etc.) high-tech, high finance, sex and sexual power patterns, nuclear power ascending as the main source, all things nuclear, rigidity in social structures, physical stamina in athletes, widespread obesity in middle age, drug and alcohol problems, and a culture built around power bases should characterize this era. The era chart is a peaceful one, unlike the super-dynamic 1730-1983 chart. We won't see world wars (though explosions around the mid-2020's are possible) or massive re-drawings of national boundaries, as happened in the last century. Tropical diseases and tropical pharmacology - the tropics in general - will grab everyone's attention. Medical research will reach vast new horizons. Children born from November 1983 through 1995 are the bellwether of this dawning era. This new era can be subdivided into 12 sections: the 1983-95 section was much as I've described the whole era. 1996-2007 was the "manifesto" period - changes and revolutions in religion, publishing, universities, and concepts of law and politics. The 2008-2024 section of this new 250-year era will bring change to political structures, governments and corporate hierarchies - change to all hierarchical structures. The first year of this change - 08 - will feature expansion by governments. Budgets swell. Start Nothing: 9:17 a.m. to 10:11 a.m. Mon., 10:11 a.m. to 10:07 p.m. Wed., and 4:29 a.m. to 8:09 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 The accent remains on travel (short trips) communications, errands, details, paperwork and curiosity - seek, ask, go where your nose leads. Home remains sweet, affectionate, and you remain magnetic to the opposite sex. You might experience a refusal in communications Sunday, or see another get "shut down." Take it in stride. By evening, you get a good, benevolent feel for friendship. Sex, finances and health concerns encounter success and barriers - then ultimate success - Monday to Wednesday. Don't invest before Wednesday morning. Wisdom, love, travel, learning reach a lucky peak Thursday/Friday! Taurus April 20-May 20 Continue to chase money, make valuable purchases, seek more lucrative clients, pay bills, etc. This is a pretty easy, mellow week. Be aware, Sunday a.m., that a compromise might have to be made in finances or intimate matters. Relationships excite, draw, and challenge you Monday to Wednesday. All goes well Monday/Tuesday in the short term, but don't make long-term commitments or promises - practicality and perception are confused. Deep rewards, a climax in sexual, financial, lifestyle, health matters occurs Thursday/Friday. Saturday starts a weekend of legal, cultural, and travel interests. Gemini May 21-June 20 This is your time, Gemini. Your energy, charisma and effectiveness soar this week and the next two. Start significant projects, venture forth, ask favors, see and be seen. You can sense your future clearly - chase it without delay! (There's an extra reason not to delay - June 15 will bring a Mercury-retrograde, slow-down, mistake-prone period. The delays might begin as early as June 8 or 9 - so start now.) Romance calls Sunday. Tackle chores Monday/Tuesday - you'll succeed! Relationships and opportunities (and opposition, if you're feisty) rise to a climax Thursday/Friday. Cancer June 21-July 22 Rest, recuperate; stay in the background - watch rather than propose. Deal with old obligations, government requirements and administrative chores. Seek the spiritual, contemplate, meditate, be charitable. Monday/Tuesday - and June 5 - are excellent days to visit a psychic, astrologer, financial counselor, therapist, etc. Monday/Tuesday bring romantic and creative notions - but don't overextend your welcome with a lover. Tackle chores and duties Thursday/Friday, especially those involving mechanics (Thursday) and repairs or old items (Friday). Quietly plan for "big action" in July. (Mark July 12/13 on your calendar for a big start.) Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Popularity, optimism, socializing, entertainment, flirtation - even major love - visit you now! Make plans, wish, visualize the future. Life's fresh and you're happy! A small contemplative thread also winds its way through this week, especially Monday/Tuesday. All late May and June, a significant legal, travel, cultural, ritual, love, publishing, learning or similar theme calls you. Respond, act on these areas before June 4, as luck accompanies venturesome deeds! Your strength is stamina; your weakness is "getting stuck." Get unstuck now, while doors to the future lie open. Romance, pleasure arrive Thursday/Friday! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Your career, ambitions, dealings with VIPs, parents and bosses, community status, reputation - all are highlighted through late June. Start significant projects now, as early-mid June will begin slowing results. Your sexual, financial and investigative antennae are on "high alert" - pursue what calls you, listen to your hunches, but reject impulsive "panic action." You could be engineering a major, beneficial life change! Chase money Sunday. Communicate, travel, get paperwork in order and handle errands Monday/Tuesday. Property, family, retirement, all basics are accented Thursday to Saturday dawn - make big, lucky changes! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 This is not a major love decade, Libra. That starts in 2010/11. But it would be hard to find a nicer few weeks for love than now. Your marriage planet is in your marriage sign until late June, and the general atmosphere promotes gentle and ethical love. If you're marrying now, the future looks good! For others, opportunities arise in far travel, higher learning, legal, cultural, intellectual and media zones. Your career looks good. Your energy and allure shine Sunday. Money luck accompanies you Monday/Tuesday - avoid long-term financial commitments. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Secrets, research, investigation, financial and intimate commitments (and consequences) lifestyle changes and, perhaps, serious health issues - these are highlighted through June. Simultaneously, hard work faces you - perhaps in these zones. Earnings look good. Combine all these for ultimate success! Next week, bosses and higher-ups will start noticing you favorably, which can lead, by August, to a pay raise or promotion. Start digging in that direction now. (And soon, because mid-June into early July delays and waylays the best plans.) Rest Sunday. Your energy succeeds big-time Monday/Tuesday! Chase money Thursday/Friday. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Relationships loom large. Be diplomatic, co-operative - others hold the aces briefly (to late June). By joining, you increase your share - of life, of luck, love, even money. Romance or creativity, impulsive pleasure, living in the moment - these come too. You might fall in love! Contracts, negotiations, relocation and public dealings are favored. Begin your projects or relationships soon, as mid-June will bring delays and false starts. Sunday's happy, social. Rest, recuperate, research and plan Monday to Wednesday. Your energy and charisma return Thursday to Saturday - go forth, join, attract! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Tackle work all week and the next few - get an early start on a big task, as mid-June will bring delays and indecision. At home, be constructive (garden, repair, etc.) rather than let tension rule. Others continue to treat you affectionately - this week. Chase ambitions, career, community status, make "prestige contacts" Sunday. Happiness rules, no matter what events occur, Monday to Wednesday morning - flirt a tiny bit with someone! (Events, BTW, will be fine - just don't invest nor borrow/lend.) Retreat, contemplate, plan, be spiritual Thursday/Friday. An easy, smooth week! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Expect romance, love, self-expression, creativity, joys from children (you bask in their success) pleasure and success in games. This easy, hopeful week buoys your spirits. Start all creative or speculative ventures now or soon, as June 15 brings delays and "second guessing". There remains one little task to complete - and another arises. Handle them adroitly. Romance is possible with a co-worker. After a questionable morning idea, Sunday grows mellow, wise, loving. Be ambitious Monday to Wednesday morning. Happiness, optimism and flirtation, even love, flow into you Thursday/Friday! Retreat Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Tackle domestic issues during this easy, smooth week. Children and their future, real estate, gardening, home repairs/renovations, security, foundations, retirement plans, etc. The "big action" takes place in your career and ambition zones this year, but home, where you draw your nourishment is important, too. Sleep often; don't be afraid to vegetate awhile. Sunday's mysterious; a dilemma or choice between home and the outside world might tug at you. Wisdom, gentle love, cultural events arise Monday/Tuesday. Chase ambitions Thursday/Friday. Your present money luck reaches one of its peaks Thursday. For a reading: 604-261-1337. Email: /30/