ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MARCH 25 - 31, 2007 All times are PDT. This March and April the Moon's north lunar node joins the planet Uranus, meaning we can make some of the wisest decisions in decades about high tech, electronics, freedom, friendships, social loyalties, politics, government links, institutions, health and hospitals, and, ultimately, about whether to buck the system or not. This contrasts with last October (06) when we were tempted to make one of the worst decisions in a decade, especially in business and practical affairs. (For some, this included romance, speculation and creative projects.) The temptation to make bad decisions will reappear in October 2007, so be prepared, that month, to reject practical decisions, to defer making business commitments, and to avoid acting like a stuffed-shirt or a "sober parent." The present (March and April) holds more significance: First, Pluto turns retrograde March 31 through August, which will slow, even prevent progress in crime, medical research and high financials, accounting, and similar areas. This is most important for GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS and PISCES, whose huge 2007 strides into life changes could be put on hold temporarily. (Changes in relationship for Gemini, career for Pisces, home/land for Virgo, and self-development for Sage.) These delays are doubled up as Jupiter turns retro April 5 to August 6. Jupiter brings good luck and largesse, providence and beneficence. During the retro, for all signs, our luck will tend to curl around projects already begun, people already met. It might even bring a huge stroke of luck from the past. (To see where your luck lies in 2007, click "Luck" on the website.) But brand new projects - those that depend on cheerful confidence, on broad-based expansion, on law or education, on far travel or international communications - will not proceed easily_. I hate to say it, because it goes against everything I feel and expect, but the aspects for the opening day of Conrad Black's trial (the media tycoon presently in Chicago's criminal court for fraud, racketeering, etc.) are anti-prosecution. OR they show crime committed by the prosecution. This hints that the forces arrayed against Black could hit some major barrier, even one big enough to throw the prosecution's case off the rails. (UNLESS Mr. Black is a Pisces rising. - that data's unavailable to me.) The Moon on the trial's first day (March 19) does show a change in lifestyle, residence, and fortunes for Conrad. And the actual courtroom number adds to an 8, showing many who enter that room are convicted. Start Nothing: 0:57 a.m. to 2:49 a.m. Sun., 7:36 a.m. Mon. to 10:04 a.m. Tues., and 6:23 p.m. to 8:27 p.m. Thurs. Aries March 21-April 19 Your energy, charisma, timing and effectiveness surge! Charge forward, seek favors, start significant projects. It's never your last chance, but what's started this week has a better likelihood of succeeding than anything first started April 5 through July. Don't hesitate! Your popularity remains strong - even grows. Money's good. Secret information, rumors are true. Sunday might bring anxieties about your popularity, and finally you see real love's at home. Plunge into home, family and property fronts. Romance soars Tuesday, grows realistic Wednesday - have faith! Be cautious with work, tools Friday/Saturday. Taurus April 20-May 20 Lie low, rest, recuperate and contemplate. Your popularity has reached a temporary low (until early April) so use this time to plan, fulfill old obligations, and clear your decks for later action. Sleep as much as you can, eat sensibly, pamper your health. You could sense something worrisome about your position at work or your dealings with parent-types Sunday - but later, you receive encouraging messages or data. Dive into domestic, property and security interests Tuesday and late Wednesday. Be skeptical of romantic, creative and speculative urges that arrive Friday/Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 All 2007, you can reach some of the wisest decisions/actions of this decade, in parenting, career, social status, prestige and "renown" areas. In March/April, if these combine with far travel, publishing, writing, education, law, rituals, religion and compassion (e.g., parenting and wedding, or attending school for your career) you'll grasp the ultimate benefit of this influence. This week and next are your last chance for a while (until August) to form a brand new relationship, relocate to a new place, or make a "clean break." Chase money Sunday night. Cancer June 21-July 22 The emphasis lies on your career, ambitious pressures, reputation, parenting and community status. Despite Sunday's worries, these areas are favored by many factors, especially a growing work scene. Your energy and charisma surge Sunday/Monday - try to accomplish things before dawn Monday. Excellent money luck faces you Tuesday, and late Wednesday to midnight. Resist the temptation to dash off an email, or hop a train (etc.) Friday/Saturday - look twice, thrice, before acting. March/April enhance your wisdom, especially where legalities, education, culture or far travel are connected to finances or intimacy. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday/Monday. You could be flaring up with giddy fascination over an unrealistic situation because you're skeptical about more suitable lovers/prospects. When we're afraid to commit to a realistic love, sometimes we plunge into a false, flaky, intense, absolutely unreliable attraction. Seeing clearly is a step toward feeling sensibly, and that leads to real love, opportunity and life. March/April bring wisdom about lust, marriage. Your charisma and energy soar Tuesday to Thursday - you'll win, especially Tuesday and late, late Wednesday! Money needs caution Friday/Saturday. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You face a month of deep changes, of commitments and new intimacies, of lust, sex, mysteries, secrets, research, health considerations, investments and financial consequences. Generally, all is well here - especially if your changes combine with a change of home, or soul, or of family "understandings." It's an excellent month (and year) for therapy and healing - and for pregnancies! But as always under Pluto's influence (1995-2008, for you) if you fight change, the results can be painful. March/April offer wisdom and good choices/actions in relocation and relationships - make a decision! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Relationships, opportunities, negotiations, contracts, litigation, relocation, opposition and co-operation - these are important themes now through late April. You can solve almost any problem with talk, or with a short trip, email, or other communication. But realize others hold the aces, the essential power now. Be diplomatic, agreeable, eager to be part of a team. Read Leo message about unrealistic love - applies for the days centering on Sunday. Your career, reputation face benevolent aid Sunday, early Monday. Happiness comes Tuesday to Thursday! Retreat, lie low Friday/Saturday - make NO secret agreements. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 The weeks ahead emphasize work, health, and service to others. Be humorous, willing and upbeat - your work this year almost MUST lead to a better income. March/April offers you one of the wisest actions/decisions in decades, in the areas of romance, creativity or speculative ventures, or in dealing with children. Where these combine with home or security (e.g., raising kids at home, speculating in real estate, creating in your garage) you almost can't make a mistake! A career door opens Tuesday to early Thursday: see it, knock, and enter! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Romance, creativity, speculation, pleasure, vacations, charming children - these face you during the weeks ahead. You're on a winning streak, and the more your enthusiastic, bubbling side emerges, the luckier you'll be. Don't dream of a trip far away (or a school program) Sunday - hopefully, you'll grab a better, more realistic one later. Mystery, lust, and good investments loom Sunday p.m., pre-dawn Monday. Accept or seek love Tuesday to Thursday. DON'T do things for prestige or career ambitions this year (applies Friday/Saturday). Instead, focus on family, real estate, where wisdom resides. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Consider who/what still belongs in your life, is vibrant, growing, good - and who/what has grown stale, atrophied. Cut out the deadwood. Prune and shape your goals and projects, through the next few weeks. Money continues to rush your way (and possibly away, also) - but this will end in about ten days, so take advantage now. You might be a) worried about money/income, or b) overexcited about a money/income scheme Sunday. Be calm - focus on relationship luck instead. Larger finances, investments and significant personal, intimate situations arise luckily Tuesday to Thursday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 The weeks ahead are more busy than important - you'll be emailing, conversing, traveling, writing and dealing with siblings and many casual contacts. Your home and family will bring affection and comfort until mid-April. You're already discussing and/or thinking through income and spending projects - this will intensify from April 5 to mid-May, when money will swiftly flow your way. Expand your earnings plans, NOT spending plans, for you'll be tempted to spend unconsciously, heedlessly. Work succeeds Sunday. Relationships excite and bless you Tuesday to Thursday! Make no commitments, investments, Friday/Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Chase money, seek a pay raise, and buy/sell during the weeks ahead. You can make wise decisions about your life in general, now and in April. Think "me," not him, her or them. Elements of spirituality, personality factors, relations with government, and obligations - all play a role, and all are blessing you at present. You might worry about these very things - and about debts - Sunday. But you'd be smarter to chase romance. Plunge into work and health affairs Tuesday to Thursday. DON'T promise, commit nor sign anything Friday/Saturday. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/