ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS DECEMBER 31, 2006 - JANUARY 6, 2007 All times/dates are PST. I talked about the Moon in certain birth charts last week. In many women's charts, especially women who are living a "traditional" lifestyle, the Moon is often more dominant than the Sun. For example, a Capricorn is a serious, ambitious sign. But a Cap woman with a Gemini Moon will be a lively talker, full of giggles and social talents, while a Cap woman with a Scorpio Moon will be secretive, passionate and intense. A Taurus woman with a Scorpio Moon is more likely to marry a Taurus man (Scorpio's marriage sign) than a Scorpio (Taurus' marriage sign). Okay, that was confusing. The Moon tells us many things. Some old astrological systems are based on the Moon rather than the Sun. Almost all astrologers hold that if you were born near the full Moon, you peak early in life, and should be careful to conserve the rewards of early success. If you were born during a New Moon, success comes late in life. According to Shil-Ponde (an Indian, Joytisha practitioner) every day elapsing after a New or Full Moon gives a different character. For example, if you were born in the two days preceding a New Moon, you have psychic abilities, but often feel too shy to promote yourself. If you were born on the fifth day after a New or Full Moon, you are religious and philosophical, nervous and active. If on the fourteenth day from a New or Full Moon, you're hot-tempered and passionate and benefit from associations with wealthy people. Ninth day, popular but often unmarried. Eighth day, passionate, fond of sex.. Second day, active, wealthy, fond of animals. You can even divide the days into sections. For example, if you were born from 10 a.m. to2 p.m. on the fourteenth day from the New or Full Moon, your father probably disappeared when you were young_. If you look at a city from a great height (or a distance at sea) it is little different from a white, grey or light brown disease on the skin of the earth, a sort of psoriasis on Gaia. However, disease is merely a word for anything that grows on and transforms its host or environment. In this sense, fungus is a disease on trees, and trees themselves are a disease on the earth. One can't pick a disease and say it is morally, spiritually or in any absolute way any worse than the plant or critter it attacks. Seeing disease as bad is a uniquely human thing. Moss on a tree eventually kills the tree, but to Nature, a mossy tree is much more natural than a pristine tree. Only man tries to develop circumstances wherein trees, or any other plant, are separate from other organisms. Only man tries to simplify nature. (I.e., separate apple trees from their "pests" and "diseases.") In this, he's different than nature. But in being the disease called "Man," he's perfectly natural. Start Nothing: Before 3:16 a.m. Sun., 2:06 a.m. to 7:14 a.m. Tues., 5:57 a.m. Wed. to 1:14 p.m. Thurs., and 4:55 p.m. to 10:18 p.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 Be ambitious and reliable - important people are watching. You can get an idea of what's expected from you Sunday/Monday, when your communication skills are high. (But these are not days to take big risks, or push your agenda forcefully.) Take a restful approach Tuesday to Thursday noon - a climax might come in a domestic or career situation. Romance, creative urges, pleasure, arts and beauty enter Thursday afternoon to Saturday. Love, the real thing, might occur (best Thursday or Saturday, not Friday). Wednesday starts three weeks of expanding social affection. Taurus April 20-May 20 The accent remains on learning, travel, legal matters - and on research, finding your own answers. But Wednesday begins three weeks of career luck, favour from higher-ups, enhanced community status, and affection in business - things begun, r discussed now, will segue into a strong "accomplishment phase" late January into February. Get your projects started - and hopefully finished - before mid-February's slow-down. All practical projects, especially investments, are super-favored the entire eight months ahead. Exercise money caution Sunday/Monday. Friends, trips, communications reach a climax of busyness Tuesday/Wednesday. Rest, recuperate Thursday onward. Gemini May 21-June 20 Life, through August, offers you luck in relationships, relocation, negotiations, opportunities, and dealings with the public. These opportunities/attraction will take place on an open, honest, fresh atmosphere. But the few weeks ahead accent the private, secret side of life - hidden desires, investments, subconscious urges, lust, lifestyle changes, deep research or investigation. These could arise from December's new links, projects. Something you started then could grow deeper; bring profit, funding, or intimacy now or soon! Wednesday begins three weeks of loving affection, and luck in learning, travel. Collect money Tuesday/Wednesday! Cancer June 21-July 22 The accent remains on relationships, exciting meetings and new opportunities. You'll face some opposition - don't fight. Co-operate, negotiate, be diplomatic. Others hold the power now. Wednesday starts three weeks of affection and mild luck in intimate, sexual, financial and "power play" situations. You could be admitted into someone's confidence, shown his/her secrets. Handle this with discretion and respect. It's a fine cycle (to January 27) to invest. This is just the first phase - late January and February draw you in "more deeply." That's okay - stay honest, and rewards loom! Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Tackle your chores; get as much done as humanly possible during the three weeks ahead. This will free you for the romance, pleasures, creative urges, risks with huge reward potential, child-related joys and over-all super luck of 2007! Wednesday begins six weeks of affectionate meetings, exciting relationships and fresh opportunities. The last four weeks will also include some challenges or opposition, so be eager and diplomatic. And get those chores out of the way! You're happy, social Sunday/Monday. Lie low, rest Tuesday/Wednesday. Your energy and charisma surge Thursday noon onward! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 The accent remains on romance, pleasure, risks, charming children, beauty and creative urges. Have fun, but realize 2008 brings the biggest loves of all! Wednesday onward, affection and mild luck visit your workplace. You'll hear about new chores by mid-January. Be cautious with career and bosses Sunday/Monday. Happiness and promise visit you mid-week! Retreat, lie low Thursday to Saturday. 2007's biggest rewards and steps forward will occur in property, family, security, domestic, healing and "mother earth" zones - you can further any of these areas Thursday eve (especially!) to Saturday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Pay attention to home, family, real estate, security, retirement, agriculture and similar areas. Although 2007 is a great year to travel, to follow every lead your curiosity uncovers, you still need a base. Ensure and secure that base now - it's hard to travel, love, talk, etc. while your basement's flooded. Wednesday starts a mild romantic trend, one that will grow stronger by mid-January, and even stronger in February. Don't sign anything Sunday/Monday. Be ambitious Tuesday/Wednesday - sudden success possible! Happiness, social joys arrive Thursday eve to Saturday - the future's bright! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 It's a busy but not important time, Scorpio. Don't invest. Tackle paperwork, details, return messages, communicate, distribute, update office systems, data flows and telephony. (These could facilitate increased "traffic" or efficiency later, thereby boosting your earnings.) Your home and family (and neighbors) grow more affectionate, mildly lucky from Wednesday on - ultimately, to late February. (Because February begins to steer these zones into delays and confusion, get as much established as early as possible. Paint, repair, build, garden, ensure kids' educational future now, not in February.) Someone's attracted mid-week! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Chase money until January 19. Pay bills, protect possessions, and find storage facilities. Romance, creativity are still an important strand in your life, but even more important will be (now, or soon) travel, learning, and breaking free from old limitations. You'll need money for these, so earn it now. Wednesday begins a few weeks of affectionate friendship and luck from travel. This travel/friendship theme will grow over January and February. Avoid an argument Sunday/Monday - drive carefully. Someone's nervous. Profitable mysteries, investments, intimate surrenders possible Tuesday/Wednesday. Wisdom, travel, love late week! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Your magnetism, energy and effectiveness continue high, Cap. Start important projects; seek favors. Use your energy to contact government agencies, to make an impression in administrative and committee meetings, to slice through red tape. Next year, 2008, will be a major break-through time for you, so spend 2007 "getting ready." Establish your allies, your support systems, and your foundations now through August, but especially this January. Wednesday begins a six week period that will bring you luck in money, purchases and earnings (and sensual gratification). A relationship climaxes Tuesday/Wednesday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Rest, lie low, plan, contemplate the future, deal with red tape, government, head office, charities, institutions and hospitals. Connect with spiritual people, and/or your own soul. Your future looks bright, even brilliant, but you need a rest before you launch into a big push. You feel romantic, creative Sunday/Monday, but some hindrances arise. Tackle chores Tuesday/Wednesday. Others either attract or oppose you Thursday eve into Saturday. Be diplomatic, eager to join - an alluring person could loom. Despite your weariness, your attractiveness to others begins to subtly increase Wednesday onward! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Combine January's friendliness and social joys with your ambitions, Pisces. The results could exceed your expectations! You're on the way up in 2007 - now is the best time to make the contacts, to create the goodwill, that can later give you a boost or open a powerful door. Ambitious or not, you're due for a wave of happiness, popularity, social joys, flirtations and optimism about the future! Passions flow mid-week! Tackle chores Thursday, Saturday. Wednesday begins a three-week phase of sweet inner spiritual peace. Be social outwardly, contented inwardly. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/